buy an Iwn hlvl mth um human um mu Mum lmInm up mm mm nu umqu an AI Innunm ml nun OI mun IMluulfll II cum III lot On on Alum AirMl mu mm lvm v4 luv nvl unu Arnvl or M1 mummy my Cum molle rum ma Ill Im thIn lllln In lvm Mn Km Am II um ml NH yIu nl nmmm nun mum Allomn llul Mumlnlum Derrick Manson Mr Poms campalin manager mid Mr Poguo hn Um rcquirrd 15 name and made I111 do mm with he rclumlnu omrcr Ed hm Ihll momlnu om dnl cloxlnx dale ll Mnrrh 25 Mr mld lhmnmcnmndl dam hurt mndu helr dopoalu hr Russell Fame Ncw Dumocu llc candldnla or Slmcoo North ofï¬cially cnndldnle In Um cuinlng chum No nlcr 43ch Ms hnvn vlsltcd he Nnxpllal Inr Slck Chlldrcn and Vnmznl College Hnspilal In Tm ranln on wukcndl undcr direc tion vi the zuldnnce department Principal Brydgu of Emir D1 xlrlcl Nnnh Collrglnle tcparled la the board meellnz lust nlght that Mn John Mor ll Accompanied Ive cnlor girls In vLsi me rudialoxy de partmcnl the Grill Hospital alter school 11 week Pur pun wu Io nhow sludcnls whnl ln lhl luiMng Pogue Makes His Deposit The mmmllm felt that as time sidewalk on the east tide of Davidson meet Ihll might be adequate and recom4 mended thnl the mnuer be held In ubcyulcl until after Iha Ipring thaw mm uvu ulvvr mum to the drkvcwny landing mm the collegiate of Davidson street distance about mended that sldcwaik be call aldercd an the west slda Dav idson shes mm 5mg north students Visit Ontario Hospital gating Installlng nldewalks an haidfls of Groye greet east The city had made study and the principal of the public kchool felt that my patrol Was not feasibly his Imt due to the lack of sidewalk in the Grove and Davidson street areas the report mud Jinwem the city contem Flaklnznlnstgllhug nldewalks an Alderman Charles Wilson slated that tbs meeting had been called for ï¬le purpose of eomIdeflnl Aaler of stud em In the Oaldey Pnrk North Collegian Area Ban1e District Cnllcglalo Board rcceWed remnlrom the propmy committal follow lng meding of the property 9M traffic common luv IMh llly mumInn mun III II at H0175 Prat luggalcd lhat Consider Safety Of School Youths Rabm Hauck general man ager nf Lulkln Rule Company 01 Candi Ltd Barrie ll mrlrd by TODAYS STOCK PRICES 5m mu In My Im Iii mm1 unmnm nm LIMMNP numu Ianlh mm Am Imam IMMn Mumm wmm II mum ha In Arnpl mm Nu lulu Mml lulu mum rm luh mu In Innm1 Mu rm Mmy my nn on rounm Dam mm mm hr at In mm hm um AlanIcy llnm on nun 1m Inn mus lNImnnlAL Dunlap PL Illnln IIINlNfl TAKING ITS MEASURE PuntII Tcmmrnlurel Low Tnnlxhl mg chnudny Author 35 Thoma 15 Inndun 32 15 Kllchencr 11 35 Wlnuhnm In Hnmlllnn 32 St Cnlhnrlnu 32 an Tamnlo Pclnlwmuuh 12 Trenton 32 Klllnlao 7R 31 admin 21 Norlh Ha 21 Sudbury 21 25 Laka Onlnr llnllhurton rczlona Snow and mum mln rhnnxlnz to min In soma mllunx lhI nflemoon Snnw lala lnnlght and early Vcdntsdny allowed hy zrndunl clmrlnz Wind nnrlhrnsl In 20 shllllnl northwest late 04 nlnhl Tomnln naln this afternoon endan lnle lhlx cvcninz 1min cooler wllh some new Isle lo nighl allowed by gradual clean Ing Wednesday Wlnds nonh east 15 lo 15 Ihlmnn In narlh west 15 In IuanhL London Humillnn Lake Erie Lake Huron Niagara rcgiuns Ruin Ind ing this aitcmoan ending inle Ihla evening nxm imz cooler with some mow iaio onlzhl lhcn clearing Wednes day Wind tan in 25 be comlnz northwest 15 lo 20 lo nighi Erin raglan Rain ending 1h avcnhnn al lowed by occasional mnw Hula conlcr Imuth Clearing Vcdncsday Winds east 15 to 15 becoming northwest 20 hi avgnlng Synonslx Snow freezing rain and raln are occurring to the west ha Great Lakes and ar peeled It magq eastward Ald Wilson felt that the city wu endeavorlnx to do my work on Bradhnd street as connect lng link and was presently ne xutlattnz will thu Department Highway in establish Brad ford street as connecting link when any work undertakm would he shared jointly with lhe cfly and tha department and he recommended that the Brad ford street sidewalk be lett In abeyance or the limo being concluded tha mport change are belug made In the mama to Centnl colla lale mm Bradford meet the city colulder owner recum mcndntlon the board This recommended that the ddewalk be relocated to provide or boulavard on landlord street betwoen the ddewalk and the mngay in no Ihown measurlnl kangamo during his trip to Australia Mr Hauck reported that every WEATHER Nu mm rmwum Ian Mn Allml an in Hm lrllui Ull Mum Willq lldn lmr rmne rd hm mm Nul on llny In IIIIIII 70ml fllmrm Tmllnm nm Tum ln Tuna MI nm In Vnuo mum uu 1m HAW uun lfl iii HI nu In mu Ill work In uprrsrnled In llw mllrcllnn Fan of Tunmlm MIM Sltrl Inrrllu Abbey nw Unllul Slnlu Con ul Vnnhlnulan Thu On um erlnnry Collar And Mr Hnmll Iludlcd lhn Onlnrln Cnllrua An and In London England Ha ha pnlnl rd exunnlvcly In Hmzlnnd Future Spain and Swimrlnml And lhmuxhoul Cnnldn And nu Now lrjnxlnnd llnltl Gnu speaker 11 flurrlc Arl Cluh marlan lhin evenan will be Hlllon Humll of Port Crrdil wrll known landscan Ind ponrnll pnlnlrr Art Club Speaker Is Hilton Hassell Art Harris local florist trim lama lelczrnml mn zrnlulnllnn an hll rcIccllon Willard Klnzle Social Crud candidate or Slmcoe North In nounced today lhal Soclal Credit cnmpalgn headquarters will open Wednesday ln Ihe lormcr DK Travel Ofï¬ce Building on Dun lug street east MrL Charles Agnew will be In charge at the ofï¬ce Irene Szyperskl was 51th out appmxlm iniha Oriliin District com litim Virginia Jones and 1am Km placed second lulu IL Orlando teacher Barrle Dlslrlcl Nnrlh Colle zlalu recently rook llrree of her senlor commercial class zlrls lo shorthand competition in Taroulp The last consisted live ml nulc of uninterrupted dichlion $80 wgrd pei mlnute Socréds Open Headquarters Girls Compete In Shorthand Mug going well with in business engagements Even the youna native appears cooperative ON AVRIL 8TH VOTE ylllhl my ï¬lm NM Innmlu munll Mudflu LARGESIZE CONGRATULATIONS an 113 dcmunslrnllon In alll HI ï¬ne loll hnd mm oneman ponmll dcmonslmllom will be them In Tornnln rccullrd by member This evening he wlll be nlvlnx llama An Club manyolhcrpr ll cplltjcllom In In vlwprtsldenl In United Florist of Cnnndn lhe ulh nnnull mnvcnllan In Toronto hzr awn llvrday Ilianoun radio program on CFRB Mu Kennedy laid It Invnlved good de work beyond the am ngpxp macaw Mrsi Kennedy described Gor don Sinciair as controversial oi course with its implications of like or dislike hy viewer or renderl but Gordon lion oi ihe bestread and cleveres men ever met Burton she did not know well personnliy but Iha admired his tremendous capac iiy ior work and his very great abliily writer and linen viewer Behind ihe scenes Pierre aciuaiiy is shy Ind un assuming BéttY Kenneciy Takes iKiwctnis Behind Scene She aald perhaps the funniest incident took place one week ago Tuesday March 12 on Front Page Chnllenze when the challenger waa the young Amer ican who posed resident of the Society For Cnthinz Ani mall Decently the ultra younl man who led the pickets few dnys earlier around the White llouse This man had Ihem all completely tooled even the em dite Pierre Eerton and Gordon Sinclair it turned out alter warda they learned that there was no auch actual anciety nor any fund to get daga and horse clothes lie waa real deadpani having himself lark with his gag which ia promotion or record Mrs Kennedy 11an hr aud ience scrip oi typewrit ten pater than unwed it away In hrieicuh You Ire all having Inch wonderful um hers tonight so have decided lo talk informlliy on some win my experience behind ihc scene in TV And radio wei goma all me questions you may ave Pygmy womanr So concluded Baily Kcnnedy in her In In night Bnnio Community House to member or the Kiwanis club and their indies Mrs Kennedy WI ln troduced by President ReviJuhn Riddei and thanked on hehall oi the gaiharing of no by KL wgnlanjhomgl Bohier My pmfesslonal career In fun to work ILI cant think of anything would rather do than my altemoon program on radio and my weekly lob as list on Front Page Chal REELECT THE MAN WITH THE PROVEN RECORD SMITH HEBER TAXES ARE LOWER IN CANADA In Week With Mr Harm In nob Marin and Ken Sklnntr Tritium came 1mm oven ILJII Belly Kennedy does more than 250 hourlong radio shows In yenr and llml lnvolves gelling al least lhal number of people lo Interviewl ll lakes lime lo call lhcrn mantle llIe lnlcr View rcsearcll lhe personality and he sublccll There ls xreal deal at correspondence la handle many phone call maka Nal all poop on the thaw are nolnhly lmporlanl so 131 as the general puhllc concerned but have lo Judge lhelr lmpacl on Hm audlcnce HARD TO TALK She xnld there are lame people whu came on Iha how huur on the alr Recenlly young girl asked her about gel ung 1qu radio She though It would he thrilling work and she had hull hour each day shg caulg glvq toil GUEST SPEAKER BETTY KENNEDY Spokesman inr he group Mrs Sinnicy Tnyior said Willrd Kimlc Social Credit illiph Sncigrnve Liberal Ind Tiusuil Pazuu New Democratic Perm hnvo indicnlcd they will Miami The Progressive Conservative Aasacinilon ha yet in name Ii rrpnmninllvo The maelan ll ldltdulcd l0 Ilm pm The Nuclcnr Sludy Group Barrie has lnvilui Simcoe Norh politlcnl candidates to speak at Fridays maelan in the Ll brary Hull The plan lo have tha gentlemen speak or 10 minutes on nuclear Issues spend lhrce mlnulcs crillchlng ench olhcrl address then form pine la Inxwer question from the nudicncc ï¬nd radio work great lun she sald In hlghly personal and even lhough we have nu live Iudlence we certainly hear mm peep either In apprecia tion or unmmpllmenlary Politic Is subject that ai wnys brings rcacilan no mailer how hard you try in remain neutral Mn Kennedy nsserled Th mosi innocent remark often bring call or ieiler accusing her being biased on way or the oiher Study Group Asks Politicians To Speak Out Mrs Kennedy plcked out Dan ny Kaye the late Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt and tha Inte Dr Tam Dooley as outstanding person age she had Interviewed Knyl Imuscd more excitement among studio personnel than anyone she could recall in tent year Dr Dooley was the must In menduusly dedicated man the had ever met and you cant get lhcm to talk no maucr how hard you try Quest hflng outlpplyn yu 6r no and when this hEppenls eAlnlervlawer really on tho ADORN HAIR SPRAY 701 aerosol bomb 167 ASPIRIN 1003 BRYLCREEM Hair Dressing large 70 ELECTRIC PAD Heaimaster reg 495 449 DA WAX PAPER for 55 lECTRIC SHAVE Williams 301 74 PHILLIPS Milk of Magnesia 1201 64 SILVIKRIN Shampoo 51oz 79 SUAVE Ladlos Liquid 40 93 TRlVISOL 50cc 339 Save Today at 11m Thou Prices Wadi in March 23 66 Dunlop mi 20 Punch ï¬rm lm Rand The people tor their part were walling length and expecting nld MruRi dei The Lord tune the greet worken My Fether worlcth hitherto end work he quoted The great tighter ageimt evil the treat healer the mat preacher the mat teacher but All this activ ity dld not Interfere wlth our Midl seeking quiet piece going upnrt into relitlry met that He might pruyt Our Loni lelt It necesnry lhet he heve quiet Perhaps he lived in busy household with ynung people with all kind 01 activity end he lclt he had to be away to com mune with God Perhaps that he talk that he came close in God in his write creetion and no He went epert Hi tenmil were baud on the Lordl going nplrt ha began iii ministry recorded in Sr Marks Gospel With Jew strokes ol the pen the writ er lets out our Blessed Illidl life Here one nee how He rul ed his lilo howl limlnld out Whit he would do MANY THINGS There are many things in Holy Scripture but the withdrawal eriods oi the lnrde minintry on rich signiï¬cance we too tnusr lollow the example our Lord and in the mominz ris ing up greet while More dly we musr so out Ind depart ler solitary place Ind there pray he laid When our lard did this there was no welfare ntnia providing lamily Illnwnnoo Inrl pensions PSI and hospital insur ance The country we occupied by larelm power fear we everywhere our Blessed Lord tune into this Illultlon knowinx the power In His own sell And in His ministry WANT ADS MOVE CABS Rnuils like hb make Examiner Wan Adl iho lasl emnomlcal my to transact personal business To place your ad Just phone Pn Hull and friendly Id taker wmnsslst you He sold the Ford but de cided keep the Studebak er himself Mr fly he could hnva laid bolh can mm the qgvcnisemenl Tlle Rev John Riddel wa the guest speaker on Friday II the weekly nlnily noon service dnr lnl Lent After an opening pray at and hymn and readlnu lrom Holy Scnlplure M1 Rid lrom Holy Sui lure Mn Rid gel Ella an ad on me Sol Flfleen call were receiv ed by Mia Barri mm hl Wlnt Ad In The Barrie Exnmlner for 1935 Studebaker um 155 Ford or sale HARM EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH Rev ohn made 15 Guest Speaker Rand PA Mm CALDWILL DRUGS LIMITED ALLANDALI DRUGS LIMITED No Admlnlen Churn Sllï¬r Collmlon HAmns PHARMACY I055 DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY MARCH 20m Covering ISLANDS OF THE WORLD TRINITY PARISH HALL Collier Street Program Shrll pan Sharp FILM TOUR Th next Lenten service will be on Friday at 1130 when Rev Peter Trunk Knduale Trln lly Callus nnd Rector II Parlsh lnnlsfll will he lhl guest ymcher In lhls Lentenllde let come apart to mmary plnc Io commune wiUI me Father concluded Mr Rlddel And what do we do In iltls aolltnry quietness ol preyerl First at all it helpful duran the day to write down petILIona they come to you on the spur ot the moment an that you can use them In your period quiet Secondly explore God Ila is so mat and we are tha ruturer on the Irlnze Both plan We have so much to inn Him Sometimes wa reduce our God to our own size no that He he comee scareer bigger than our Ielves The old Testament God L1 as big can be Ind we need to direaver some of we end wonder in Ilia presence An Jacob aald How awful this plus meaning how iull of awe it Win or again the hymn expresm it My God how In thou art Thirdly be quiet no that we may know The Pence that Passeth all Underatendinl the evening collect Ior pence expresses it Give unto Ihy aer vant that peace which the wurld cannot giver All at un need to come to Jesus to like his yoke upon us and to learn at Him Fourthly we need to put ourselves before our lioiy God to see our sin beiore His ainiessnesa to see our loveiem has More His love tu In our ignnnnce belore His divine wir dom Ibex1 can hm bl 01 free lee the morning Mother however may Ind this hard Whnl L1 she In do Perhaps In the mlddle ol the dly Ihere Ire aw mlnutea alter lunch or It the and alter the chlldren are In bod ThI necessary or mother lIle can be Iraycd In all the activity at looklnz alter Inmlly KEEP RECORD Those who ludcnl It 11001 or those who are work on can get up perhaps IIon Pltleafly on want they can 10 Eul PA M407 PA M901 959