Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1963, p. 13

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Everything illm Amn bumy mm gnlu Pub nun7w Rlvlon am um mllu Minn ml hunt hhnul Mk YYbUNasfirTImnms on MAIIJI AVE I350 Null In Woulnvlhl rum llvl hllvll flmldlnnm hm Cumm znfifi DAMECUE CHICKEN mn muI mm mum Wnr pump mm Innma ma mum KPZNV WINTER in Av Ill mama llvul mmmvmas Human In mm nunmu nu No gnuum mplu In num sou Nnrm nun mu pllm In oguwmmlt 54 mad umxomznv KEN WINTER lu lildvrd TTV RADIO mum BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS nanTa NollLIN UIIIOISTERY Am PA Mm elsamc TANKS mu Imbll mu of Gamma 34 mm maymna um uplnllnn Amman LUMBLR n51 Conflrucllglg hum our brulhu MM roml mum Mm I11 nLmMQUEEN SALES AND sanwca 61mm Chlln I1 mild Ind ChALr mm fins ARCHERS NURSING HOME in Burma 5L PA RESTAURANT Pouéxifi QunlltyflWorkmnnshlp may cut Illbl Io urcnu your In of con man Clll our NURSING HOME Copy or Want Ad 5mm Icmyml until pm My hm mlhllullun LEBOEUP JEWELLEBS In human 5L um Ill Dunlap PA 11 Blunt MoonPA 460 Wm filmPA lNll LEARN TO DRIVE and mam In llllndl lllw Vltflfll JEWELLER KOHL GRAYDON REAL ESTATE ll Collin Sl DYCKS FOOD MARKET IN Coll 5t PA H1 HOBBIES GARNEKE Th mn ml 01 Robbin IA uuy 5L PA um INSURANCE All kind mmltm 0100 Inc Ilovu Mlllnlon mikeJ him it Doulu 5L Ilnlulu Wlddhill Conunqu THE EMBASSY HALL 336 311k PA M961 mans USED Fuhmrunm GTGROCERIES MEATS Punctuation plnhd up and ddlv and cl mu MunI Whllli Phil Wm rm USDENS PHARMACY ENTERTAINMENT FURNITURE mrydn mm nu Muuae BEAUTY SALON gr um Au PA um COSMETICS SouWa hum In um unnnd BAY CITY MOTORS PA MN PA 365 BEAUTY SALON AUTOMOBILES gran quxm mm BENTLEY C0 Call JOHNS DRIVING SCHO0L mums 14hour wllch up an MORTGAGE MQRTGAGEleIIUNDING In moo Him But ammw Ron 5L pgmnsf rurv LAN IIIONI PA um All 115 lmnnu CbUbON PA mi imam These Firms LUNCH AT COLES VACUM AToZ Can Supply You Wllh PA PA cm PA 06 PA ll PA um PA um am mummy um II In mm 9mm um Mm Iwml va In It mm mn Amuan All lelflv IIIv mm mm cmmlulm in 4mm Irflmru AM mm honML Hun hnn In And In non In mm bunny mum mm In mu m4 hmm nauM and II In vmnlly Mlnulnl lemp Hm yqu loloymm MM in in uifim In mu my mm mm lamum um umuluwlrm numy lllhc inn 6411711me an mu lNchl TAX Mum anlud App ma Armunllnl Cum an mm mm or may or Inkvhnm yum lOST FOUND IO HELP WANTED HERE SMITH YOUR CON SERVATIVE ATE Would you llh meet hlm uk queulolu dIANu quu7 Cull PA H435 ur com In lo Corn mlllu loom Colller 5L BIMCOE NORTH IC PERSONXE nun In Mill MIL III llrflflod llmlnur II 79 honl If no In min nu 15 Bradford PA 86071 1959 VRENVAULT clcnn mun sedahxvuhsmm black InLdL Perfect Is wound ur 96 me pone AVla ncgmx 1955 PLYMOUTH You an count on this clr am you Mum youre wing $195 1935 DODGE Not the best on the lo mi mm at me We 195 1960 SIMCA sharp one owner car Ynu can look oxward In many mlle economical trlnspamtlon 1960 TAUNUS Conch with my Iml blue finish Get this H000 orlkhul mllu ms was crmvsum Coma with new Ilipenvera Ind sportlnl power during and power bnku door ledan $695 mo DODGE Powerful via Pioneer Equipped with nod ndlo 1m ANGle Rnomy Station Wagon with whim wall res mlmr Ind radlo elm automobile 1955 DODGE L1 Regent sedan with powerful v4 engine just rebuilt Test dflva hi on 1951 DODGE Regent sedul with Vl engine with zleam In refinished Red 1an Bella exterior 1m CHRYSLER Power packed door Suntan with touch power brakel amoorh power timing and convenient rum made transmission one owner beauty 1m DESUN dynamic door Sponsman um look like new Equipped with pow er sloorinz Power brakes and custom rndln his sparkling whth wall tire and was pri vntzly owned Sold And viced heroQnfly finu cur ldoxfl think there cm here that will diuppolm you in loolu condition or price Feel tee to aim hen Brio your medl Inic il you like we never Iry to hide onihinz No highpm lure selmnen no zimmiqka no price mlaienden Buy only it you like will you no end the price is Nimble Till Id mny not be tho blues bill It ll reliable 1959 PLYMOUTH Rel sham door deedere WM pawnml V4 mine And In mm transmission Look 1mm WI Just been nun lshed OOAZO Gm mmmm IZ mmom cmmo Op AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR EARs FoiSAL Iédnn with ihléfimlc runsA mission Good Importa tlan 3295 YOU GET GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE AT NO MONEY DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY FRENCH MOTORS NO PAYMENTS TILL MAY MALIHELii 11 Onlnrin Mnnlrlpnl card may npmow lln Inld uwr rile mHUIM In llw uln lm lmd My umrnve MM hath lml Man dam my mm llmcmd inn lnr Ik hmhu whm my ulgwflnm will he romldmd Imnan uuu Hy of mm MI Ill My nl Murh 1w ETIMUUIMN cm 11 Any nlnpnyrr may wllh In Immun day AIRr lha In IMICIUOII ol Ml nnlk prepnld ml lb CM Arm lhn lul drru hm below noun willnl Inlln hl ohkdlnn In Inrh approval or In ll Impell Unn In wtr rm 50 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads It Iru upon which mrh Inwcr me lo lavlrd ll lhu enllro Cky Harrie It In propale la le he wholl of lhe annual pnymcnu by lurchmo 1007 on lhc Mmomhly wnler blll Indul rlnl mm and mrdmrgo 1507 on tht bImmUIly wnlur bill at dammit Ind oommercll mm dlml Hum Ilmllnr Amount will bu ovltd unlmt II mm mlvm we dllrhnrgln Inln nullnry Icwm An nlIawnnto wlll be rlnlcd or my Inn at per mm unlng wnler lar rman Almlllr wrmm WhILh nol mqulml lo diam15rd lnlo lhn Innlllry IEWtlI The Councll he Carpor IUOII of the City 01 Barrie ln mm In apply to flu Ontario Munldpnl Band or Immvll of thc commdlon of In uten Ilon Ind muting rcvlalonl the existan Icwua rammcnl plan At an ullmnled cos mmooooo and inlmdl lo chime thawhola the cost the wark uwer mu upon OCNNMI of hulldingl lhul will dorm benem lhcro 1mm NOTICE OF APPUCATION BY CORPORATION OF C1TY0F BARRIE APPROVAL OF LAW IMPOSING SEWER RATE TAKE NOTICE THAT COMFan Blaine Id qulm vnxnl wmk hpfltencui In cuhlerlnl mmm wm run Own tampon1m wnn Bnl 91 mm Exmlmr ITIND BOOKKEBPIB Inn ei Mull unrlmre nhrenc and nlm dellnd TM ll umunl ponluon com worllnl Mndmom Ulull bench buk Ir quire cxpcrlulce Mnun WOMAN be tr Exwhmi nl Inod 1n Iuprrv Dry uplclly Knuwlldn cl Io mununl unnllll 511er com memunu with mun Ahlllly In We ll Hy mnfldmlhl erll anl Plrucullrl lo no mm Bummer EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN ur molhar Ind mud lo cal me home Mu moth mm In excmnn lar mom and holrd Plum ul PA 507 or PA Mm ll WOMAN lull with lullrll lounka on any week Apply Damn 51ml REGISTERED Labornory Technlclnn required or general hospital Falholnglsl and lull llma lechnlclnru on present stall Excellent worklnz nondi Uom with new equlpmenc now and complete new laboraiury MIL Salary mmrdlnu to ex perience and qunllllcallons Phane collect or apply to WALDEN Hospltal Ad mlnlslralor Dullcrln Area Hos pital Orrnuvllle Onurlo IARN III on Win dl Wm In 71 BInlI For nationally advertised Cur bonaled Bovmzo Comm Young manled mall with grade 10 nation or better Must be an experienced driver with 9mm by at least ID an Earning bated salmhcommlsuon and bonus lee all details In letlur In RICHARDSON P0 BOX 325 BARRIE ONT WANTED MI Id lulu or mlnd 0mm Mun hm Ilnlflmeo wllh dllr cowl Ind Arm rule lnuv haun Aw Dobno phom PA I1II no mo Ilmlm drunk 10 Hunwmrsn Write EXCHANGE HOURS FOR CASH OPPORTUNITY for women to make good money In buslnzu of their own Start earning at once re presenting AVON YOU DO DRIVERsALESMAfi LEGAL NOTICES ruonzm um AVON CALLING Mrs Walker 33 Thomson St Barrio or call PA 66551 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN FEMALE HELP MALE HELP 0331 THE FOR BY AUCTION SALE Monday Mmch 25 pm sharp Auctio Sale of arm stuck Imp menu Ind housdmld effect or JACOB MILLER East half lot 22 Concession Ora mile east And mlle south of lelon Tam cash No rcservo the arm is sold uns land CF £20000 360 000 masque to he built In his County Durham cky whlch has Muslem population 1000 The Emir Kuwait and Ill Sultan of Muscat comL buted townrd the cost ARCHITECT The Bell Tnlm phone Co of Canadn Ltd Lowest or my tmdar not nec essuflly accepted HillClllkFflndl le so Lorna SL Sudbum Onlmo 05 44291 TENDERS FOE SUB TRADES Tenders will be received by lb underlined on or beioru ynqyaspumgcn 20 ms mum mm or all nub trade price rtquired or the construction of Service Centre for the Bell Telephone Co Cunadl Md la AUCTION SALES l2 TENDERS CITY GETS MDSQUE SOUTH SHI Wu mm THOMPSON RALLY TONIGHT TUES MAR lauatv Noam COLLEGIATE8 pm 15 SPROULE Auclluneer Orflflu 0mm The Hm strike sparked the lrcasura hunger the 1905 mzh on of lhq greatest In his lcry Cobalt beam turmoil mm shacks mine and rack that by ms had pap ulnlinn 30000 1nd had gauged out 00000300 of silver Thu unyl brouth the pro vinclnl geolaml Dr Miller hlxh pin to tha mine which promptly nlmed Cabal became ha presence cobalt In the ore Pmm Mltnwn In the south came ha Timmla and Mc Manln brother and Dave Chunlap who paid know 330 000 or Ms clnlm They wen Io Emerge an the first 2m silver klnzl ul he north Fred Lanna was alccl drlvlnl bllclumuh nnd so Ihu atory sou when he saw um on eye 1111an hIm alunl MI hammer The nllnt WI pm of the worlds richest ilgcr vein In 1m Cobalt wu name Ien nllhud on the Ontario Nnflhlnnd Rnllwny 90 miles north North Bay COBALT Ont CF One Seplamher night In 190 Fm Luann nw pair 01 tax eye Ind Muted one of the most all fired gelflnhqulck stampede In binary Than the legend anyway Cynch my doubt it happened Ins lhnt way but the lawn n1 Cobalt here to pmva um whul followed ml the ml Ulla Town Of Cobalt Former Scene Wild Turbulent Gold Rush BOB THOMPSON Mmm Inngel mm NM IoeIII Here Is Your Chance To Meet CANADAS DEDICATED DYNAMIC STATESMAN This committee may also up ply or special commemora tivc postage stamp The medal will sell or $510 help ply or the celebratlnns They wlll de pict headlrame holslroam wk a1 and evemean mes an Fred Lanose and the ox arent forgotten That hammer hurllng man and bright eyed target meet once again on the medal Mayor Mnmla Cunningham and her InnIvrmry committee have nrdered In manng of 10000 commemorative medals tantalum ounces of Wipercent lilver mined and refined in he town fiatnu cobaltl uud In ce ramics In Ihe 19ml of cobalt oxide and many 01 Ihe high lemperalum alloy developed In recent years or lha 11mm lnggluy mnlglrl golggill The town calm now In 50 yuan old and the ham 50m 2070 personl It ede brnle the annlvlrsary Aug Only tha rlchen ores were crushed Valuable lalllnxa wera dumped Into Cabal Lake by the 50 mlnea When the lodu trailed 01 Cobalt hll depression times and In the years bflween ms and me no mine were worked Am 1950 um wnrld demand cabal Increased and our inex opened again to provide the steel my metal used mainly by the metallurulcal Ingmry socIAI CREDIT lEADER But he old Chellenham Is at mm deadand same of tha younger people are vocal lu crlllclxm Th lrudillnuaiisls are vastly proud the esllvnl Brlllsh coummporary music In tho summer and tho Kestlvnl ara oxicaily Chelienham enjoys advantage oi industrial growth over towns that have progressed in that direction or many years Large tracts oi at tractiva land are available for manuiaclnrinz sites com pared with congestion eisa where City Tries Shedding Crotchely Image Onrthé at hand Chellcm ham populnllnn 69000 was an excellent reglonal shopplng con tr ET seioirliry fidustrlas In Ernwn at sultahle distance from is named promenade and annulus THE BAHRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH BS Town Cerk Llllluwaod reminded general purposes cummltlea In memorandum there were no medical bath or treatment centres spa water being available only on ml service bull CHELTENHAM In CPLThis anclcnl city try lng gently but firmly to shed Its male as walerlnz spot or retired colonel and clvll nerv nntoa repulallon gained In the heyday nl qnlqnlallsm nnwn lhl Iusllest place In Gloucestershlm and no as spa where cmlchcly 01k coma lake the mlnanl waters and filers Iopol1day John Bull able at the One Indlaus Lac Soul who has mmlle lrapline In Ihe Sloux lmkou area wants to greater Interest in wIdcr type Aim Thu nx would be big help in the rapper There are plenty to be had Mast the Indlans showed lnlerest in tho nnw treatment of skin which made he coal lightweight and gave more scape lo the designer In cre allng new slylea They were guests of he 0n lurln Department Land and Forest and were watching the Iur catch on the shoulder of models in large department slum Mrs Thomas Nevch of Go Kama chic the Mnllagaml Reserve was all In favor ol the sleek mink sabla otter and beaver coals The Ilvfllhood ma Olib way tribe she represents do fend to great extend on the trade TORONTO CWA group Northern Ontario Indlan men and wumen fur rappers not load look at the results their labor Monday They fingered or example Manda mlnk 01 Worth $550 of mature in he allhu¢ apokesmnn for the younger lam mllan muttered all weve I0 and dancing at lhl Models Show Fur Garments

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