COOKSTOWN nous It DAUREEN ANDERSON Sympathy oi the community is extended to Tom Rieve in the death ol his lather Gilmore rum oi Churchill who died March Bobby Pring oi Kitchener spent recent wackend with his parents Mr and Mrs William Pring Mr and Mrs Keith Coustl and ons Micheal and Scott at Tor spcnt the wcckend With Mr and Mrs Art Kidd Mr and Mrs Waltcr Wright of Oak Ridges spent the week end with Mr and Mrs William Riley Congratulations to Mrs lsobel Rowes rink oi Jean Hughes Daureen Anderson and Muriel Carr on winning at the Ladies Open Bansplel at the Barrie Curling Club Wednesday DCW Thirtecs membcrs oi groups one and two at the United Church Women met at the home oi Mrs Leadley ior their monthly meeting Mrs Ley the new leader was in the chair During business it was reported that 311 has becn received by the treasurer ior vanishing teas Several quilt blocks were on display Ior Red Cross One quilt was made at the home oi Mrs Coopers Mrs Cooper Red Cms quilting on March at and Holstein association banquet were brought to the attention oi the ladies Miss irene McMaster has opened her home ior the March meeting The committee in diarge will be irene McMaster Mrs Ley Mrs Draper and Mrs Qulst Mrs Cooper conducted the worship period and gave paper all praying ior missions Mrs Murphy in troduced the new study book Asia Rim Mrs Faris gave talk on the Okinawa islands its people customs and their many hardships Mrs Farts re rted on tile annual Presbyterc at meeting held in Callingwood in February Feb at Groups Three and Four oi the UCW met at the home of Mrs French with 17 members present Mrs Rainey gave talk on Lent The meeting continued with prayer and hymn iallowed by scripture reading by Mrs Fiidey Mrs Lewis gave talk irom the Word and The Way assisted by Mrs Coutta Mrs Olive Broley introduced the new study book ior Missions on Asia Him This was followed by short business period All the ladies were asked to remember the Red Cross quilting at the ball on March ti James Cooper played pleas ing piano solo IIlAItCH MEETING The United church Women mct ior their general meeting in the church basement on liter with 25 members present Mrs Glass and Mrs Lewis tools pan in the worship period The meeting with hymn aviou Thy Dying Love with Mrs Clark singing the iirst two verses in Korean Mrs Davies read poem to memory oi the late Mrs olive hroley Mrs Lewis led In pray Ii Eighteen Explorer girls song two numbers under the direction oi Mrs Wanless Mrs Wanless displayed an ei ectric clock which is to be hung in the Sunday School room Mrs Glass told story on Easter Hope Mrs lrs Wilson vice presi dent took the chair tor the busi ness period it was decided to hold thaniwiicring meeting in April with guests irom neigh boring churches Mrs Pitcher speaker Mrs mlrrie and Mrs Hewson conducted missionary pro gram Mrs Hewson explained the customs and needs oi the people at Taiwan Island Tier TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE lrtlssDAY lunch is garish lllIl Mik Merck Amos Andy Noll Walther lports Walon Train car so Judy Garland Front Page cnsllrnn PreEeiectinn Program Lionat Open Line cac rv News Weather Sports Nawa starltham wznrizanalr lunch so looo Test Pamrn Good ilomlns Studio Part Nana Romper noom Popeyaa Party Noondly Report Movie Dllrk Bhoap oi Whitehall sins Itlrlg Around rriandly Giant IAntll Young Show Talia Thirty Yilnawlnn Frog an Dora hauls Dssxln Huckleberry ltound nlns Quit so Null Weather lparta The Illnlatonls 130 loo no on 1000 loan The story oi lily Time sons Parade Bea carry Pfelieetion Program Explorations line can TV Nawa lilo Welther Sports News It Warts or rllunsnlilr ilancll at land Test Pattern lole Good Morning lose Studio Pmy News Romper Room loPrrea IHU Noonaay moors ania Woman of The North Country National Schools Lo Ia IYnunl Show Highway Patrol News Weathar lperts Chey Dosummt rlaynatr The Uhloushlhill Cat TV Neva Weather MM rtl News Black Nmilllia CFTO CHANNEL JORONTO usoar mancli Il um an up New Ildaaway Kiddo Proteuola Iii ay The Lawman Nun wutar Iporta Riprasd Sunst aulp Rnula as rawnth lions crv am Main riml liarre Barton itsul wronsnar Mantis IW Kiddo and Domino mo human 338883888 3935 52 identiï¬es your WELCOME WAGON SPONSORS tinn oi pmtln In tta buainm and civic Ilia at your Mumunity Toe lniormatlon oaii PA 66301 WILCOMI WAGON tiooirru all nu ma Kiddo 100 DID People in ronmu Channvl Theatre Kin ileiora Dylngi um Ankh You Hill l1 in ca ma tomy PNllaaora it The Lawman hm use Nell rule 110 llltndycwullwsnll an no NHL Hockey Ill iii no laso CTW lots Mstra nnal lion Film narton our rlltlnsnav Man soo Kiddo s=s MIMI gram lnl mu thu liono People In Cnltllld ihannal Theatr rlmmnr mt AW at You Eranw llanauy ramm ltldetway Th Lawmall sports All WilliI our1 8338583833383 838 qq PRESS CONFIRM rumour DOUGLAS no CHANNEL I000 pm Will NIW ANADA mum hrticidithiiiln CARRIER MISS YOU it your carrier has MI arrived pirus obese PA 82433 And Con Will it Drllmrd To her Itorna THIN IS NO CHARGE FOR THII IIIVICI VALLEY TAXI DRIVlVOURIILF All AND TRUCKS oi Alliston will be the special wsa tape recording by Mrs Lewis Copeland telling at her experience on Taiwan BOWLING CLUE Team standing Strivers too like Witts on Cookies lid Pin Busters 7o Pin Pushers 73 Lamb Chops 72 High single tilat Ladies Betty Cohorn 159 men Mei Brayman 27a High triple Ital Ladies Lens Nicholson 550 men loe Duncan 555 High average ladies Lena Nicholson loo men Paul Mc Comb Team scores high single Fin Pushers 1209 High triple Pin Pushers silo ROSS GROUP Theltoss Social Group met at the home oi Mrs lrcna Gil roy March The meeting was opened by the president Mrs Elsie Wheeler nndthe roll call was answered by thirteenmam hers and two guests quilt was completed tor Mrs Bessie Lemmon and crib quilt for Mrs Gertrude Mlliigan Lunch and alternoon tea were served by the hostesses Mrs irene Gilroy and Mrs Edith Wright and committee oi Helen Little Gertrude Mlliigan and Betty Wares The next meeting will he held at the home oi Mrs ireneGllmy on March 21 As many ladies as possible at the Ross Social Group are asked to attend the aliday Red Cross quilting in the town hall March EUCHRE CLUB The Community Euchre Club met at the home oi Fred Apper ley March it with Your tables in play The high scorers were Mrs Terry and Godirey Sinde lar low scores Linda McFadden and Michael Prlng vote oi thanks was tendered to Mr Apperley OLIVE BROLEY Saturday momlng March Mrs Broiey died suddenly at Stevenson Memorial ilospital Aiiislon Mrs Broiey was born in Sutton Ontario July 26 lead daughter at the late William and Jens Madden she was married South dealer hath sides vulnerable norms aqua ass on as wear altos euros on 40 EAST on 91s oaqease 41M sousu east KQ OK IAKRBBR AIII hidfling south West North East Paaa 10 Pass INT opening leadten oi dla moods The most extraordinary team at lour match ever played in occurred in the semieiinal round at the Vanderbilt in i952 My team consisting oi Samuel Stoyman How rd Schcnken Jnhn Ii Crawiord Gcarga Rnpea and mysell held the world championship at the time and we were playing against iour guys nnmod Joe it was inboard match and at the hallway mark niter 1t boards we were 3770 points behind Our unknown puncnla had played perlect hri go and our team at the some time had played as though its collec tive iect were asleep llera la sample DI the kind oi bridge we ran into during hole It hoards was South in the ncmmpaning wound up in two notrump on the hliltiing shown ism unabla to explain DAILY CROSSWORD 1110 am rins II II www nntiytNob alihL pry grammar Ilysahade on nhindor dam mm heighten lose award In hmun tiriaeto out ltaeltlua the all It ill to Up to the dual Involvsdt IO limit DOWN First flight by main Am Mad tuner at tile as mm It oophla man in ll been rharaetu menus lel I1 opposill Dover big ll mltof roeahuah ll Omapiial I9 flmm the llliltod antiborsd MultIn dollars CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER to William JBroley in Cooks Iown in January 19M She was member ot the Cookstawn United Church and was active in various organizations oi tha church Mrs toy is survived by two sons orman oi Tor onto and Ralph at Ottawa and tour grandchildren Funeral sea vice was held from the Cooks town United Church on March with burial In Alliston Union Cemetery Pall were Doug Hopper Eldon Neilly in Wilson Arthur Glass Louis Monkmnn and Arthur Kidd OPEN BONSPIEL The Cookstown Curling Club held mens open bonspiel March with it rinks compat ing from Kitchener Barrie Dix ie Georgetown Creemore Shei burne Toronto Alliston Ind Cookstown Winners oi the am draw were iirst Gary Linda rink at Kitchener second Doug Browns rink ot Cookstown third Camerons rink oi Tor onto Winners oi the 11am draw were iirst Gary Linda rink at Tomato second Wally Smiths rink oi Cookstown thlrd Don Carters rink oi Cookstown IITOPIII By MRS ALLEN MILLER Mrs Arthur Dobson spent the weekend with Mrs Thompson New Lowell and attended the skating camivai in Collingwood Congratulations to the Vern Wetlands upon the birth ot daughter Shelly Anne at Royal Victoria Hospital March it Seventeen tables at cuchra were in play at special Pat ricks euehre contest Prise win ncrs were Mrs Betty Reid Mrs Dorothy Turner Mrs Ley Donnelly Russel Coulson Ray Shuttleworth Extra winners Mrs Yvonne Nickle Mrs Harvey Robinson George Spencer Gary lurnbuil Mr and Mrs Ellard Ellis Inckwood Sask spent day with Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis buiore leaving ior home Norths diamond response but it did not deter West irom lind lng the killing diamond lead plaied low irom dummy win ning with the king as East signaled with the six and played the Hi and another club West took the queen and continued with diamond East cashed live diamond tricks and then shiitcd to spade The outcome oi this remarkable line oi defense was that went down three300 points When my teammates played the hand they bid and made two diamonds with the East West cards torts score oi no points so while the swing against us was not enormous 21o pointsit was nevertheless symbolic of the type at thing that was happening to us Apparently the strain oi pro tccling their 3770polnt lead rovcd to be too much tor our nsplred opponents because in the second hall at the match they uttered complete re versal at term Where in the iirst hell they could do nothing wrong now in the second hail they could do nothing right Not only did our team win the match but we won it by 15m points We ghlned d330 points in the lust 2t boards Iumorrowl Guessing queen PAY UI DEMAND CAiiItCAS iii The Van czueian Chamber at Radio and Televisionincluding most ma radio and television stations Caracassays it will deny mention on the air to Vcn ezuclna six major political par ties untll they pay their adtar tialng dcbta at 3000 alloca UNI at um 11 is ifln ii chlltsh shims IlClt drsuara DONALD DUCK JULIET JONES BLONPIE HINNY It mummies eomourao ror WNIPIWIMK aaotnuls PHONE YINWk remnant animals JACKSON CAI WAN 501 GFND IN LIFT TELL HIM WENT TO THE NORTH POLE 1° SPEND MY LIFE AMONG THE ALWAVs FALLS ASLEED WATCHING TV MoMIPLEase ITS DADE WI CANT DO out HOMEWORK OK it WOIKYINW IVIRVNINU remW mm BLENDEJOOIN AND MAKE WHDWN NWICHIGI IT CANT II Wm MI liltid ltIIiIlW mmnmutolmn Lllilll If OWEU you eurwavmwwr it aaasutuutrur we SAID we BETTER GEION won 005 SLED Ann MUSH RIGHT OVERTO THE OFFICE WHAT DOIOU MEAN TURN THE SOUND THE BIT 15W Gil Wrflrmuï¬tg can InNiguaaaomlNdam WOW ma moron teams mourn ma Dalia IdA WIN MAVBE CAN TRY OUT MV NEW GAFIBAOlD POAL UNIY WHEN WIVRI ALL AWAY TDCAMP ii UMMER WIIRWI Willi WI WHITNEY ma mm acouroaltti WAD OWN WW eflil MW VIII LII MERva