Ti Kennedy Plans Program To Aid Costa Ricans Péarson BldstS Neutralist Line SAN JOSE AwPresident Kennedy set on today In Kram lam personal triumph in thin Costa Rican capital lntu mean ingiui policy guideline accept able to the United Stale and the lender ai lix Latin Amer ican nations Kennedy who received wildly enthusiastic alcom Monday irom nearly 200000 Cam Ricans scheduled morn ing and afternoon meeting with the pmldenu oi Panama and the iive Central American republics Theh alm was la dralt by nightfall declarnllou of San Jose which Kennedy aald he hoped would help Improve the lilo of our peoples and lil crease our capaclly lo prevenl the lnflllrnllon 01 Cuban agents mnney and propaganda Into Ihe natlon of lhe western hem spherel The US president laid his callengues Ihe opening con ference session Wa will build wall around Cubanot wall oi mortar or brick or barbed win but wall oi dedicated men determined to pmiecl their own frecde and sovereignty The Soviet news agency Tess commenting on these words mid they conceal desks to arm common 1mm of flu reactionary fame the state whlch are dependent on lhc Unncd stale or rash sure liqn agngnsl fluhu Kennedy charged that the Soviet Unlan through It Cuban puppet absorbed the Cuban on Into It domelllc emplre and It now seeks to extend in rule to the shore ut confluen nl America OraMullen American States nu mach In and wherever American gather to consult about the fut ure their continent we wfll cnnllnua Io slrengflxen the structure resistance In sub version ha declared 99 You No 66 MONTREAL CF lecrnl Leader Lester Pearson xnld Monday night there In no secu rity for Canada In million lmlnllun Ha nld any efforts Canada make or pence and world at curily must be mado mm slum pcslflon within lhe Went em nlllnnce Mr Manon made mm address to Llhtrnl puny nasa dnllcns even elhnlc zmup In Monucnl who tendered hlm spunlnnoaus reccpllon The Grnck Ukrnlnlnn German my mnnlnn Ilullan Pollsh and Hungarian cammunlllu were rcpmcnlcd Spcnklnz In Enullsh Mr Pcmon blnxlcd unuAmnrlcnn hm Ind condemnrd policlu Mulrnlllm We must Work or pence Ihrough lhu Unllcd Nation and mm poslllon Iccurny he laid We who helluva In rte dom mull be Ilmni In protect lrtldom dn not comldcr an tan lrlhulion lo pence any pulley MAM mm mm 70 II Men wllh Ma mm Mn plmdly arm 1er mmlm In Jun Illnlaler Juno lerleyflnlmlum otluu loduCP errpham Far Examiner Want Ad We phone PA 32414 Thu miephone number to call or the Busines or Ediloflal Dept 15 FA W7 Our Telephones DONALD FLEMING MARRIED TODAY The 118 president said in Koala oi the conference are Lho pmervntion of our imio pcndence the extension of free dom and the elevation in welinro nut citizens In ievd as high as we can attain Kennedy reminded the other president that almost $250000 000 had been committed under the Alliance for Progress to economic development oi their countries He pledged continued us old and said his govern ment also will work or agree ments to nubin lhe price the commodities that are the Latin American notions chie revenue producers We shall conllnua under ha alliance to bulld economlel mun balanced and less de yendenl on one of two export cammodllles Kennedy said To this end we must push Ian ward plan or lnduslrlnllzatlon greater crop diverslflcnflnn strong educallonnl lnclllllcs an halter ullllznflon cl resources One point ralsed by thm he seven presidents was nok llkely Incl expression at least ln any direct way In the caulerence declaration N0 REST ROOM FOR THE WICKED lhnl would remove Canada from the Weslem nlllnnce nor In it any contribution to peace or party to so dclcnce flour and than refuso In carry on Mr Pnnrwn HM Canndns alnndlnu 1n lhn wnrld II the low ul 11 ha ever been Cnnndna Inlmsls could be rccuntllnd wllh those of her nlllcs and Hal musk bn dune There no safely no secu rity here nolhlng lor Can ada In lsolnllnn Vo cannot go nnnby ourselvc TH cï¬unulr be dnnu by mining at our has lrlcmlx ha an my lake on In job of de fence MI do Let us not dccclvu lhc pcuplc 0m obliga llons lhnl we look on are no longer neccssary and um wo nm bring lorccd by Amer lcnn lolycup lhc He Inld mu Aprll dual clcruon the runs lmporlnnl Cnmuln hnl ever laced bccnuxc lhu uholn dlmtlon aur coun try wlll lake II In he dem mlncd The thieves Monday drill ed through the floor dental mechanics workshop above the bank and cllmbed down rope ladder mum Into the rest room Thieves broke Into cm lral Glasgow hunk and lound themselves locked In Iha womcul rut mm IL door was locked on the ouulde and tho thleves de 5mm empty handed the way they land entered Eh flarrie ExaminPr RENFREW Onti CP Prime Minister Dieieankcr maven imm one armrich area at Ontario to another today telling inrmefl his govern menla development program will impmv heir lot by reha bilitating depicted ilrm land In the tours of threclown nur ol the upper 0mm Valley Monday the Program Can servaun lender nlso rIdlculcd Liberal party election glmmlckn and snld Liberal Lender Fear Ion dcsnrled proper opposition responsibillllcs In the last Par linmunz elected with no party in full calmo Ins June Mr Dlefenbnkor speak today In Pttcrborouxh and Llndsny In ennmntml Onlnflo below lyan west to make hls In Invasion In Ihe April cnm nulgn Alberta and Drfllsh Columbia arena whlch hnvo So clnl Credit provincial govern menu In Pembroke and chlmw Monday Mr chlcnbaker ex pressed hlu cunlldence re ulccllon In lhcso words Three weeks ago before the campaign slumd they were counlinz ul JAKARTA Rculcn mm Balinese Islander have been klllcd by an cmpllnn Mount Agung The volcano sllll ls belching nut lava and uh ncordinx la traveller ranching thl lndoncslnn cnpllnl odny Windwr Donlh of he Nn llonnl Gcoumphlc Mugnzlnc who nnlvcd hm Monday nfler vlslt to null Inld vnltnnlc nah onequarter Inch lhlck blnn km tho Island mlnlnz rlco crops PRESIDENTS Kennedy and wave to crowd as they ride Costa Rica today In parade Francisco Orlkzh mama Rica through meat of San Jose following Kenn nnlvfl PM Promises Farmers Improvement Of Lands Volcano Kills 130 Islanders fut Now they are counting At Renlrew ha uald lhe Llh ml were treating Camidlan Valera Juvenile by Introduc lng truth squad calmhug banks and plgcnn as vale allrnclora The coloring book will become cnlleclora Ilcms alter the elccllon he flld and lhe lrulh squad has gone wllh lha plxeona whch were re ported lost on flight last week tngm 141qu in Mr Dlefenbaker said when Parliament met Ins Jan and ha government won you conï¬denudumu the ï¬hronu Ipecch debate ll expcclod tho uppellllnn to crllldza moasum all no to obstruct and dclny cm Mr Pomson deserted his responslblllllc exnmlulng government proposals nnd de nied the cppanunny to bring them In Mr chfcnbnker added in earlier Ipecches the Conscrvalivn lender quoied number oi buiemcnix by Mr Pcmun on nucicnr nrms dut ing had in 1960 and said in Liberal lender had nine dliicr eni poiicicl This latest ho aid was enunciated after Liberal dcicnco crilic Pnui iieiiyu candidate in Toronto Triniiy CreditrlArndcr noiin Thompsoli dcnlu that the Social Credit pnftyjl npllASqullq part nnlLStmfllc drcaslnz chm lo 1000 per smu In lhu Pembroke Annnrm Mru nwmpwn Inld Mondny nlxhl Mn party In bclnx lub chcd la anonymous pnblklly nzurdlng nnllScmlllnm wllhln in nub In under lhc Social Crcdll pnrty wlnh to Irrovw nhly Ilnla llml policlu Social Crcdll um dcdchcd lo lhn lulnxunrdlnu al Inndamcn lnl humnn mm And 11w damn ha Inld Mr ï¬mmnlon nld ha ha wrlllrn mm lo the Canmllnn Juwllh Gmxmn dllnz Social Crcdua conullqunnl ownMan lo Iny nllcmpt lo Iproml or lrrv plnm lhu null ol rnclnl dlurh mInnHon thm hnlml um um prejudch lunar um poole Cunndn Marla lnlnuvlm mhunlury Hullun rleal who luumlul an unlrr mm and named luln Illa lo hfllplnl nrplmnn wnl henlmrd Imlny In EL IMHI llmllu Thompson Says Pafly Is Not AntiSemitic Fnlhnr Fnlanolnl chm or lwulmcnllon wml llm mm nvrr wncrmxl low John mml hll mm In Iho an run Conmullnn nl HIIM In No nler IV luv dim Imu llw mul munlhm The bullllulltm Mll prupuunl cl mum mum on at In mlrnnlu nllrlhuled Io Mm III hll llll Ind vlr luu nwmul lb cnuno normally mm decade and mmdlmoq ronlurlu Italian Priest Beatiï¬od Today tileml Ellnbelh Mon ho Iltled Mudy um Md In Ilevuflon lolhll lu urll 1M0 BIrrlt Onlarlp CInIdI Tuuday March 19 1963 PERIPROKE CF Social AVAcm cm urn1m riding had talked to American CREME Ho challenged Mr Pearson to lay whether the uhernll would have Canadas dallnr returned to premlum over the us dallnr Devalnallon last year mean boos to the Cunadlan economy The leernll nld Cnnadaa oxclan trade has allpped but In Inc ha Lllpped up to the hlzhes levzl In our history Mn Dlmnbnker lluflod his truveb Monday by opening new ledernl guvemment bulld lng In Amprlar cullln Tory him ribbon and making mm manually nonpolitical much on the rout Item MIAMI AHCuban exila commando melled Russian military camp and Russian hip In hilandnm raid on northern Cuban port city nnll Callm group Same nuuinm ware kill they laid nqd lho rnldgn mam Havana rudlo reported Mon duy nlnhl that mmo wounded nusllnn Inllnu hid been taken la hoxpllnl but he broadcm dkL no 17191109 Inny uld The Ilnlu department Inld had no inlnrmnuan on tho ruld And it made no com mcnl HitRndBun Raid 0n Russians Reported By AntiCastro Groups ommcn or two Cuban ex xroupu Alpha 60 and lha Scmnd Nallanal mm El cambray Iald mcmhm at their nrxanlmlanl made the al lacka Sunday nlzhl Alpha and he Second Front Jolntd form lnal all and have car ried oul raid on Fubafl bglo Thu muck wni ducflbéd um wg Tho rnldm dlvldcd Inln lwn camp 1m omhoro ram Sngun In Grnndo In La Vlllu prov lnce One group went nhoro lo ma lawn cnllmi llnbcll In Snfun and Ihllled flm fluulnn m1 llnry camp The all and In the ban and lollcd 20an cnnnan Ihclll lnlo lhu III Ham Serum Rushed To 05 nmon up mum 9mm cam mm lm Ind cur lot Mum Mackw It um mva 12 um 13 mum mulem 0m he Irllllc Ihelll hll the luck urrylnl hnmmu nnrd lgklgjhg npogl rahi In Now York Anlonln Vcl mu hand ol Alphl said On KIHKLAND LAKE CW Elnhl dulldrm only lodny worn taken lo lmpllnl met lklnx nlllclcd In Mr uhool lmumln Ixy lummn Ihrphud do Turk TownM llca conulhlo mr Mnlr drum Du animal from mud him 1t do HALIFAX Cl nvm luewlnlu Ilaml nlppled Vida mum at tho Multlmu Mendy In knockout blot or mm mm UK In II lnchu mm whlwul Inlo mudclai xing mm lrylah ylpda ell In Print Edvard him And lmflhcm Nan Bmmlck Alumna MP hum ule In Ilomla MI In the 1mm Dem Manda 0w Alath unnamed minced hr d3 Al mdad madly Kin Imam of Morocco nm and In mun minlury to who Pith Marilimes Gets 16 Inches 01 Snow School Children Attacked By Dog Franco Explode Device In Sahara NEWS BRIEFS TORONTO CF Premier Hobart has promised churc byclnuxn check 01 the mal commlulon report on crime In Ontario and where action is negssary I¢wlll be taken The premier undo the com ment Monday night In answer to nanmen by Donald MncDonakL New Democratic Party leader that Mummy General FredaId Cass should aka prampt and vigorous llon on what Mr MacDonald Igld ng widgspgead evdenca ol puriï¬ed callniuwnyr balm the royal commissioner Mr Juxtgce mm Eqadn there an any charer to be laid they will he laid the premier promised He earlier assured the legislature that new legislallnn will flow mm the part and the House will be given an oppanunlly in de hale ting cqmmlgsionfl findings Mr Justice Roach reported that an alarming amount ni organized gambling had taken place in Ontario but and no evidence or other organized crime OFFICIAL RESIGN His llmiim brought the im mediate resignations oi June Bartlett deputy commissioner oi the Ontario Provincial Po llce and District Inspector Al in Stringer oi Peterborough or alleged nnocintinns with gnmbierr Both retire on lull pensions alter cam ol 36 and 31 mu respectively with pro vhlglal policy The reponidrew contrasting mctlon rum govemmenl and ogguslflgn Igpnkeimeq raiderl Already hava returned to mm base in the Carib bean No annual qu term VIA Ihart wave radlo lo Aphl In Mlaml Detail he Inld will ha re vealed press mumonce In nghlnjlp ho 1le Tho lnlual report the raid Aha Int In several month nrna in Mlnml radio broad crul by no Volca lha Poo plo Thll the Inmu Mum program that llnl rcportcdlha prescncl nl Russian lroopl la Cubl Prbmises Onslaught on Crime er of New Yorka eight clam ncwlpapcll mvn doclami they will not accept my change In pure pad proposed by Mayor 110an Wu Mr Shikan prlnlerl hnvo refeclrd lho Int laman Thu puhllnhm Mld Monday their decXIXon wnl llnnl and we no no remn or unhnr mccllnll In our polilian will not chnnxo annur lhnn III In Inw no an In continuance muon allonl and dlsmlucd bolh lldu TM Illlkv II In Ill 102ml day Wont Accept Pact Changes 13 Justice Roucï¬ absolved NEW YORK AWPublhhf tho attorneygeneral depart ment allegations of corrup tion which had arisen during his 66 days or public amlngs Premlu Rahalla luld gross cnnlmnce was dnlluhled to sea that up men about whom certain allegations were made were cleared He described the repan complete and thorough job TIMMINS CF The New Democrat Party mounted an earnest campalgn or lhe Frmcvannadlnn vota Monday night wllh ll Hm major bllln zual rally of Ibo currem lederal comm The NDP or the In Umu In the cnmpalgn Nullonnl Lender Doug and Que bec chlcflaln Gerard Plcnrd on tho lama pInUorm an eve nlng meeting in this goldAmln In centre 100 mlch mm lha quhegborrjcr Mr Ward upokn for 11 mln um In French and Mr Dnuxln ollnwed up wlth the mnln ndr drcss In Bullish They were backed by bllln gual may of district NDP lend nuMurdo Mnrtln lacking re election In llmmlns Amald Pctm cnmpnlxninl lo be lumcd In Timlsknmlng Ross Pullman mklnx clectlan In Cochrnne and Roger Bcdnm who thlhlg Social Crudlll Bilingual Rally Is Held NDP nodal Ml lander Mud Mom mu Ban Nam mum mm nammym ko hm mm In JUSTICE ROACII 391mm man 10mm No Mon Thankilir Copy14 Finn Snnw and tuning rain Clear lng Wednesday law tonlm 30 High tomorrow 341011 summary hum in mg two Local Weather Land Minister Keiso Rob em who had been attorney general from 1855 until ncab inet ihnkuup lust inil heaped praise nnMr Justice Randi and added Heal that the to port clearly vindicate the con rectnes oi the position took throughout my seven yran Niameygenera The report now glves in number Innocent people 11 from some 15 month Mn nnd lrlbulallon result of lndiscrlminate anesuunnl and rumors levellednt them almost entirely an the report Indium mm hearsay of thc 1105 lnsldlaua and lrlvnlau III ure Mr Rnherls had opposed an establishment ol the comrnlh slon by Premlar Roham whlch follnwed leglslahlrc speech In November 1931 by leersl leader John Wlnleh meyerand spnka frequently about star chamber meted lngs and the danger unsup parled evldence Ha sald Mom day the report releases hlm in express my views on number miners vihlch la dun course wll dos Opposition laden wen ieu enthusiastic nu Canueua In the Quabeo Mini Vflleneuvo Each cur diqnlo lpglgg pflefly the communlly hull hend Mr Douglas lifts the need or cconomlc plnnnlng with noell wellnru project an Important £999 PW craJvrd that overnawed from 400 phaln Into Inlanï¬lql molq lle raked the blues chm wllh hl lkalemenl um only uu NDP lupporl and will Implo thI nallnnnl medlan urn 1111 elecllan In cmslroadl In Canada as to whelhcr wu In gnlqg Plan gur econa IDIan éunndn cin regain ili emnomlcnnnd pollflcal Mr Plcnrd pmldenl of flu 2Wmumbcr Montreal coun cil In Conlcdcmtlon NI Ilnnnl Trnda Unlnn and un dldnlu in mutual Mercler Iald lho NDP ls gnlnlnz Ierloun Iupport In Quebcc Ilnf Mva In on polllul Radar nau Mir mum II Amharic nu mm WIII3W c5 NV