Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 5

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war rznn mumm PLYMOUTH Hnllnnd Inm ml mm whlrll could contain Hm Inlullnn lo Ilm pm 1cm the would undermth lulled mllllnm In In ovmwm hm can vmdurc 1000 lanl pmlrln yur hum nlmonl any film nl mhle mallpr II mnl nlmll l1 rnlll per mm urrk Almuly II II II In lam leeln mu MONTREAL CPD Quebec lecnngcrs especially the girls cant get enough Pierre La Innde nyrand radio and TV entertainer who hopes to be come another Gonlck or Sl Jami wulrigrlccnagcr myer lhm yeuulag alndwlltlnnwdhnv young peeps ee ey on go necessarily or what cheap and my They want to The young entertainer snyl ha run his show with lhn Idea lhnl clcnn whnlcsoma enter lnlnmcnl is Inn TEEN MIND has two shows Yuulh To day TV program and The Pierre Lnlando Show radlo program Both nature young performers Interviews and lcen age discussions with Pietro mm masm of cegrnonies And not long no he had In thunnu his telephone number bccnusc was gelling to flanyucalls couldnt eat or The handsome welldressed Ilngnrvnctomnnouncer says he xccelvcs least 00 an letters week mnslly mm glrls Isay they are In love wllll By REFORD MncDOUGALI An anonymous telephone call Saturday night slalan here was bomb on TCA Viscount aimMl damned or THE WORLD OF THE ARTS An French Singer Scores Hit PASSENGEBS SIT OUT BOMB SCAR Pianos career begun tho an of our when his father singer and radin simian owner put him on radio pmzmn kind of joke express hcmsclves whlch think they can do on my Ihowx WEDNESDAY Jackpot $270 IN ll NUMHEM ll REGULAR HOUNDI MIMI nu WEALTH DOOII mum 11 Jokaenfief quickly lEGlON HA C01 51 Windsor forced passellxcrs la wail or hour In the London OnL alrpon lobby as police combed lhrough the plane No bomb was found PIERRE LALONDE EVERY TUES TODAY and mNm hm roloclcd Com munln Wm 41 elccllan Inp pan In said In Commnnlll pnnyl nolo concern wllh the April ucnml ulccflnn ll Hm majority of member opposed to Cnnudnl ncqulmlon my clggr ll cloned Thu Comfiunllu would do averythlnu lo Ive 1h NDP th hnlnqc man laid Sundtx Mr Huck old Unllod hw hh Peopan Order Mulunl nun em Soclely lhnl some pcupla hlgh In no NDP an 11nd cam 011 dcsplle um r092 wnah In my that Communist luppon hnnnl Iha New Dcm4 ocrullc Parly nm Buck na tional Communln party chair mggl 55M Sunday Tim Buck Says NDP Welcomes Support 1011mm CmIts tyn wnah In my that Communist wont be ha kind mn who hum up by lood publiclly crumble bcIon UV Ill diam And 11 It to the lop will be the way Sinatra and Goulc did lbby knowlnl how to sin and net Hia first longptnylng record En DAuue Mots collection of love songs with string ac companiment come out this month ambitions Id Uh to succeed In show brutalx Internationally to ho coma another Gnulet or St natra My Pierre who per set bfltnzunl amndwny and musical comedy In another at my dreams He became an announcer and disc Jockey on his fathers Jerome radlo staklon CJKL and made few mcordsMamsclle Marian and French version Sfcedy Gonzalesthat sold well Quebec sous la hu enrolled In business course at Montreals Loyola Callegu Illa Iollnwlng year but man decided he only bLulms lnlcresllng hlm now was show buslncss nurmnl lite ended the year 01 his grudunlinn in 1958 or teacher coaxed Pierre Into musical comedy purl ngpogns 5w wsu He was 15 when he lnmlly moved to Iho United State or few years nnd hlflh school there he mined nltempu to put him In ploy and variety shows Illvcd normnl life for change he said to workwhen lheym young they should be out playing when producer decided Iho buy was Ideal for soap opera series ll Flem say he gnvc up his soap opera career In K5 and tho passengers continued In Windsor by bus Amonz those who out the search am 1le to right Roger Bel anger Detroit Paul and lhllnk 1s Imiblc for kid UH 5mm Cl urfu mfl IMPERIAL muu um 10g mum no Iuyvvrl ucspxle Ilnlcmuml lo lho con lJllat Cnl Applellcln alto an mm Aubmlllnd his work or com pellllon Ill lho Maryland Ito draw lhcm when wu elghl while lyln an my new nth In lhu den on day he Thll llmy Hr Ihww under who to In an on hll In ro pon turd did lho drnwlnxl In penal Lblun ngcmoyndL Thnl wnl the reucUnn of year old Elle Appluleln Monday new Hint our ol his drnwlngu havn been hull with tho work prominent nrflsll the Bulllmon Mu mum An Smart Art BALTIMORE AHthn mlvcd nullcu my no ceplunca lhnum lho Judie my be chlmpnnxeel When the pains become se vere Mun head for tho veterinary ofllco 1e blocks away No scratches the door unlll someone lels Mm In lhen hand straight for the operating table Them he get his shot ol cortisone Dr Millenbruck lho veterinarian says Mugs luau been showing up about every three weeks or the last hm CARTHAGE Mo AP Mums ISMyearold hall Boston terrier has sullered from arlhrllls alnce his left shoulder was rnclurcd by cur gbgyt our years axo Heather Mixture When they miss him from home lhey know where he Millenbruck said alo onnnolsscur whose 11nt was not d19 closcd declared he had been lotcod to ram lo Glasgow for bolllcd water to mlx wllll hl drlnkl Robert Wllson munlclpal wnlu enzlnner agreed that the local supply lmd lasled funny recently bul Mld Ill would be well noon Ho explained The recent heavy snow are mellan and um ll carryan Into heather dawn lmm the hill lnlo our rescnolr ll wont do lhu mnnl whllky lhn nllzhlexl harm But Mugfin pet hiltind Mrs Whllcsel know will to do about It LARGS Scolland AP whisky lovan taxpayer complained bum1y lo the town councl Wednesday that It wuler spolllnz the tail of gm Upple WHERE HAS MY DOGGIE GONE DOWN TO THE CORNER VETS SMILE AWHILE Mnrk Odelle son or Mr and Mrs hula Odette Windsor and Bchunc of River alde Windsor suburb CP erepholo TUESDAY TODAY Drinking Pop Evldénéc Illnwcd the boy bouth two how thI brow Sle Mlnr thinking nnnlhrr cw mlnulu In mnglslmlo called back the boy bul cherl InaInna In Hill Yorklhlru city Ind choppcd tho no In £1 Mulllrnm Graham uld my mm odd married man cannot IAVI drinkbu the law My ynu mun be In MIDDLESBROUG Dub land CF Ibycnmld boy wan llnod its in juvcnllo court lnr buyan nlcoholla drlnkl whlle under Alebut tho llno wnl reduccd be cnum hul murrlod and noon to In daddy Card Game in this campaign Mr Dicien baker hasnt talked much about the 1962 election results that cut the governments rec ord Commons majoriu to shaky minority posiiian instead he tell limost cvnry audience Ihout some at the big crowd he has hnd in the last two weeks at campaigning If an old slogan hnrklnu back to election nluhl In 1958 when East Coast polls ho first In Canada Io clanshowed party sweep 1n Nova Senna that pruned the Conservative lnnd £11510 lylclnry thep Palm said two men hnvu been picked it In mnncc Ilan wllh he Invalua uons and qunnllly beer Ind llquor nixed The card pmmlscd 10 minute home dellvury day or mm and provided phone number And Hallan Frlday the Can servnllvu loader spoke honeth banner proclaiming Nova scokln huflrst In any Juhn Dlelenhakur Qm way Bx ALAN DONNELLY ST JOHNS Nfld CHNT Iloxnmonu old nun new aummed up Prime Mlnlsler Dlefenbnkua clccllnn and campaign appeal as he slumped from Quebec through he Allnan pmvlncc last week Mrs Applesmln lhlnk her lonl resemble those of Henrl Matisse BC Shifting SHERBROOKE Gum CPIPolice uny they have CPICKM bootlefllnz fins to well organized 1L1 mem ber 11 out printed business cards to polenlinl customm alonll Exhlhlllon Threa udge chose the exhibits mm among 1600 entries But when discovered lhat many Canoxnlam though arltllh Colum hln was state In Central Americathat really nhook Sure expected them to think we have nothing up here but Eskimos and French Cnnndinn lumber ianks laid Mr Hum nmday nnar miurnlnl mm 30 publicity drive in California NANAIMO 80 Calllornlan bumcd Hall Bums chairman of the Nunalmo lourlsk human Nova SCotia Slogan Is Diefenbaker All Way £3 mammofifi Illmm mmmumocum PLUS 2ND BIO HIT WIN LEGAL FIGHT VANCOUVER CmA group of properly owner In In Shauxhnmy area has won Inna bat to close Calhnllc Chlldmns Md Society ham or orphans They argued me the homo for Ms pumose conln vcncd ha anafnmllydwclllnx restrlclluns In the am many aI Iavan children II ma hnva been lampomlly housed lhcra pondlng placement In roam humus anotluor 131m The lellcr replying la orfa from lhe central commllkee of tho Sovch Communist party dated Feb 21 MIN Khmh Chev vle Peking personally or Mud highwaan party delcguuon Eng one at tho highestrank lng Chlnm Cnmmunlsu hld summoned Xxervonenko to hand hlm hlzhlylmporlant letter from his parlyl unit1 commmw In his men mullecu Chm vonenko nppcm to have bean ncllng more In Ills cnpnclly member of Iha Soviet Com munlst partys central commit tcc than diplomatic remo cnlatlvu was presumed he would por lo Sovch Premier Khrush chev on recent events In the Chlncsu capital Including hll mccling last Saturday with Eng 11511104 Ping secretary men of tha Chlneu Communm party By ADAM KELLETTLONG PEKINO Reulem Soviet Ambassador Slepan Chem ncnko key mua In mom Inward talk between the CM neso and Sovlel Communm par ties left here or Moscow this week usually reliable dlplnma llc source sold Saturday The United Slate htIsnrlrxnno unmcnfloncd haul the prime mlnlslcr has stated his cum pnlgn meanadlan not anll American Al Sulfimersldo spokn 01 powerlul lntemsls uninn nd later mado clear he But the same Idcn ms been present mm reference 10 the governmentl Cnnndlnns first policy on Arctic oll dove men In repented asser tons that he look stand for Canndn 1n the novernmenla policy on nucch weapons The made In Canndn In that Mr Dlefunhnkcr placed on his unvcrnmenla policies curly In tho cmpnlgnwasnl re peaked in his speeches Ins week Soviet Ambassador Is EXpected To Tell Khrushchev About China yearappeared on the wall smnllxmuvie house Sum mcraldc REL when sur prising crowd at nbnul 900 turned up despltn the hour 1030 mm and snowfilled country mnds anc Canndlnn volo Conseh vullvc snld tho signs llullnl Ind Mr Cundlllunlnl AddId PA um Ila rnlllnl Ilx rolling everywhere he told hand ahnklng wullwlsher whlalla slap nl Mndondewx NS NEW SLQOAN leOSSOMS 24HOUR SERVICE SALES ma SERVICE oun Typu HEATING EQUIP BOWENS BIO HITS Even beiare publication the letter them warn tumors in min circles hora Ihut Khrushchev planned la come to Peking or meeting with Chi nesu Communist louder Jtluu Im11mg Spcculallon on Win will imp next is widespread in dlp emetic circle here but se nior wnlIern diplamnt said only someone who can read Mrt Khrushchevl mind could make nocurata or wormwhiio pmdlcllans Both letters were publlshed on the front page of Peking news papers here Thursday but them was no editorial cumment Nor were more ny other new Rem bearing any referents 10 ha ldealoglcal dispule In every speech there the accuullan lhut tho Liberal ob structed lculslnllun and do mdcd Parliament In their quest in defeat the government In tho Cnmmon and mm lho elecllon alga H399 BLOCKED Mr rchtcnbnker use the chum ohslrgcllon peg In lhlsclccllun Conservallvo alrnteglsls say he partyde spllo It poslllon nu lhu wom menl partyl lho underdog was In 1951 They made no msrellthm hay like It way mu In tho unJerdon role Mr DIelenbnker has spent almost much Imo attacking lho Llharuls In defending lha fivernmznts record Mr omlbuker has spoken frequently on the nuclear Issue although ho lold Snlm John NBu press conference that was decllnhm issue In tho cnfnpolgn cgmquqs lNELpENCE leernl nu clear volley ho has suggested llInl Liberal Lender Pcnrsnna posllhn Im ucqulrlng wnrhend wns tnken utter speaking wilh sloma Angelgoal noncrnlsfl rcfcrrlnl In 05 all com panies which dldn llku hln Arctic oil policy 1m nIuamNnuéduMméadl Wu mm In 1mm may no Mom boot WU When day is done und you are awby from homo rmurn byLong Dlstunco BELL 10 outset of III cumpnlgn the 67yearold prlmo mlnlswr produced medlcnl certlllcnlo signed by two Toronto doclnrs snylng ho was free from any Iymptums at chronic Illness Thesu range from new budget with tnx cuts and Incen llves nr Industry In compre hensive program he says will nlm at 1000000 new job In 1le yups One subjecthis uwn hznllh crops up In virtually every speech They say Im sickhavent you heard There are some reoplc who nro golng to hr slckcr than nm after April on whch outline In dclnll MI governments luhuc progrnm all the lhlngs ho says lhu LIb ergls hlgckcd DANGERFIELD MOTORS Service Centre 55 Colller mm Let our expert mcchnnicx Add zip to your can We will put miles oi fun in your driving lilo lilil spring Como in today FOR PLEASING SPRING SEASON Got The lulurung

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