Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 4

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Hafii Mum Canal hub IIhn XWIllzl Tm rm IM In And nufmmnm Imm run It urhmnly mm II VIMIullm all It tilrurth In IM nu ma Tu Amnva rm Ion and AIM 0w loul am mun mall Imnvi luv on In llnlln UM II mmn Eu mu luMuI And mumu Ilnlldl uuylM mam VAL rnllmv IIIAN AIUIII uuml Mu HKIIQN Mu mm muun ml Am nulnln luv mm mm nm am In um run In mm In Dan um um mthI If yumn mm DISILLUSIONED STUDENTS Osluwn Times 11 mlum be mod Idea Western countries offered ncholnrshl l0 Mrlun aludcnu lo slurly not In Br tnln or Cnn min or Funcu but In fluxsin or llulunril Barrie Examiner March 1023 En gineers survey estimated cost of drain age low lands along Nottawasaga Riv er at $000000 affecting 17 townships in Simcoe County Four million cubic yards excavation required County Councils Purpose would he reclamation of low ly ng lands in Vespra and Sunnldale known as the Bi Swamp Annual BarrieOriilia cur in match or trophy ended in tie iour Barrie rinks won at Orlllla by total six shots Oriilla reversed score in four games at Barrles Clapper ton St rink Count beekeepers as sociation elected teed Cookstown president and lit iioughlon ilarrio secretary Allandale and St An drews led 22 in overtime junior church hockey at Mammoth ice Palace Teams could not play second overtime erlod when puck disappeared over hour and could not bc found it was the only puck they had Local industry Yorkshire Worsted Limited went into bankruptcy Local youth 17 remanded in care brolhcr by lllnglstrate Jelis niler assault ing parents Sunnltiaie inrmer remanded on charge or making illicit whisky Colllngwood lawyer ncqnlttcd oi arson charge Involving his residence Citiz ens oi his home town Aiiision honored 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Tiu fact tfiéi Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce believe 1n priv Jmw immediately from membership in the citys Chamber of Commerce because it says public funds should not be used to subsidize body which wants all public bodies in private hands The Labor Council it lppuals would cut off its nose tospileiis fuse The Labor Council in Kingston 0n ariovrseems tq haxfg gong qyerpoantd for The team refresentlng Canada runs in to this kind bad press when it plays tfie Canadlzmé found themselvéé so un popular they refused to wear their lden drying jackets In Sweden the press of that country was out to get the Canadlansln type at least The columnists flayed our team and resorted to all types of sensational iourmllsm to put the Canadians in bad lghEchaapapefs soldlllke hgtcakes and Perhaps the word is acceptance The Europeans wont concede that Can adians play more rugged game that is solidly supported in this country This year for example the Canadians were called gangsters and hoodlums and many other uncompllmentary names sim ply because they bodychecked with due respect to European rules But It is not on the question of win ning or loslng that Canadians have rea son to be concerned One must take de feat or victory with sportsmanship and Canadian teams have never been remiss in this respect No Winners Class Warfare Hockey 15 Canadas national game but one would hardly thlnk so when our teams play in Europe If they vln they recelve scant credlt in the eyes of the losers After all we are the experts and we should be able to Wm our teams lose they are bums Lets Rut stop to Canadas partlcl at ion in world hockey champions ps On almost every count the Canadian age suffers in the eyes of tha Europeans when our teams tangle with their repre sentatives Stop Sending our Teams World Hockey Tournament The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher mm IEXaminpr OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Pubflshed by Canadlén Newspapers Unmed 16 Bayfleld SkeeLBmle Ontario busher Brian 5mm General Manna MONDAY MARCH 1m 41 Mom Hun 000 Mrlcanu Ira uudylnl In the Snvlol Unlnn under man manll mm to those mmll In nulgur and hue have been repealed rupom nalldnctlon with condlllom them 11 US ambauy In Mmcow hu hld Inquir lnn from more than 100 ho Iludenn In Mncruw about he posslbllny ah lalnln Mholmshlps lo colluox In tho Unlle sum lcsll or one of llllloowcr Communist lit Lay ammond won for the affirmative on subject English Are Better Colonixers lhnn French Donald Ross and Dr Leonard Simpson spoke for negatiye iiuxtnble owner bus service defended his jltney drivers against complnlnls of citizen made to town council New Dreamland movie theatre ienlured Tom Mix in Up Ind Going Siroud hockey ienm con aisiing of three Robertson Ind three Sutherlands beet Ensl Oro ivnn Keeley oi ilnrrie was reieree Royal Victoria Hospital tilled to capacity Ii though sickness in town decrelslng ienm oi clothing curlers consisting Skip iiob iiinlcomson Bob Stephens Joe Milnu nnrl George Vlckem trimmed Ski Oliver Camerons Dyment team at illl iviss Alt iinmlin and Doc Simon in challenge gnmes Dr Frederick Banting codiscoverer of insulin at reception and banquet One night only at Grand Open House the famous id Dumbells revue fen turing Red Newman Al Murray Arthur Holland and Jimmie Goode Lynch superintendent CNR Allandalo division died after lengthy illness Chief of Police Robert King nsscd nwny suddenly in his 70lh year was local chief for 34 ears Mackenzie Kin Libfrai Club cid JI ate enterprise does not mean that they see no role at all for public ownership Where the differ in principle from or ganized in or is that they do not see ublle ownership as sacred cow At the Deal level their interest is the general and of the community and articularly such matters as local in ustrial de velopmentthey should have the sup kart rather than the opposition of war ers organlzations In this day and age there are no win ners in class warfare So we in Canada compromise by put ting together scrub team to defend the honor of this country The fact that our teams have won most of their games and the coveted first prize cup frequently is sad eommenta on the players the Russians the Czee and the Swedes can ice we were to send the Toronto Maple Leafs or the Montreal Canadians it would be another story But we cant and we must settle with our third stringers It would be endurable if our men did not have to accept insult and injury But they do and the me has come to let the Eur ogjeans play their own particular type of nny and well play our rules There is one other important reason why Canada should call it quits We dont send our best men to the tournaments The Swedes the Films the Czechs and the Russians train national teams and have access to the pick at their layers Canadas best are in the National ockey League Our second best play in other leagues both professional and amateur and the cream of the crop is not avail able to the organizers of the world team in Europe It is aura of never the twain shall meet The Europeans do not play Canadian hockey rules and it is gulls obvious they have no intention of olng so It the world hockey tournament is to he success it should be run accordln to Canadian rules Aiter all we tnvante the game and develo ed it Why should our teams have to 01 ow dictates of men who run the international Ice Hackey Federation and have little interest in the standards adhered to in this nation of om In mm by mnny vnlhnll mm ulr ll only lull nun Ind luv nllrolcn Lumlnl la Ill wllhln your llmnllonl nunmtr Dflnl In hm ynnmll lnla umlan uhhh uu oxyun lnllr unplug It nm Iner Rum ptnplu hnvenl lyeen llIIHI heir Iunn mquunlrly In In Hm plate and lurnlnx In hmlho mm uly In lnlaA lurlor Rm And in mm pnllnllon new MHNM now do In omphynm ll Innt mu dinum hut Ihll lnn nvw nun ll nul whah MIl um um you mmd or nylon ml whm he eulltly at In lung in Itul ynu no Ionlor um ulmlu much And you um lnhule only lha nmaunl nu IIIVI uhnlcd Ton mum um Alr rrmninl In Ihs Dunn uml lhrrn Itll ymrg fur lfrnh When you uhull you and mnlldnnhl vol whnl und IIr nun nd cplco ll wllh In qua Imounl nl Imh nlr mllun th mnnrhomnm UPIfly Im lorry you mlmd urllcr column on lhll loplc whlch In of lncreanlnx Imporllnce lhl In cllnlul nelslon Nu Amerlcln Medle Anncllllon and deal at pllced on ll Emphyleml Inn of elullclly lb Inn By lhll dont but lhc luna mnl Ilru ufh nlhur they dont mnl enouuh Sound like plrndox Ill not Some people wllh uuphy um duvclnp ovarleed chum hul they 1le mod brulh cum mulled Dur Dr Molmr will you III ml Iamelhlnl About em phylemIYLL By JOSEPH MDLNER ALI The word In lhasu of mm Elenhthr II unwell Iddress pmldenl ha United Smu an lhls corduncllon of lm meme mlllllry establishment and largo arm lnduslry new In the American experience The lolal Influence economic pollllcnl even Iplrllual fell ln every clly every rule house every office ol lhe Federal Go vemmenl In the tunnel ol Governmenl one must Izunnl galnsl the Icqulslllon ol unwar ranted Influence whelhcr snurht or unwuzhl by Ihe mllllarylm duslrlll complex We musl never let the welghl ol lhl eomblnn llon endnnger our llbcrlles or democrullc processes Only an Ilert and knowledgeahle cllllene ry can compel lhe pmper mesh lnu ol lhe huxe lnduslrlnl and mllltnry machlnery nl delense wllh our peaeelul melhodn and apple so lhol xecurlly Ind llb my my pmper together THE WARFARE STATE By Fm Cook 0n the evenlnl Janulry 17th 1961 an of the man pm phellc addresses of modern time was sent over the alt waves and on TV to the Amerlcln public I0 YOUR GOOD HEALTH THE RFA RE STATE AT THE LIBRARY Finds Ears Buzz After Accident Book Tells Of The Impact Of Military Establishment EWING TROUBLE IN THE OBEDIENCE TESTS net and mm on an In IomI um Ian Imp II In nl youll Ind lhIl mnfldenca Ind lallh In ynuml will be live hluut Yul mm ou mlm um mm mm mlnlul Dur Dr lohwr um um Ind pmblrm wll Ilullarln1 ny Ilmpll phr In lm lulu nul don qllhoul Ilullcrlnl mm lon Im lured la dulh 1le mum Ind lpuchu My nmlhrr nva mdm nut lMul Would Ml hrlp llun nnmrr In your rolumn hnu All on bank mlrw lo In In nlmul not ml AILInn IIIIIFIUOH nmmdl uttllenl but wouldnt pm lo ncwmpllnh mhlelel In all and MIL ll you 50m lhlnu In mcdlclnq In verf pudlcublt ml olhul In dtc dcdly nol Th In any lho lnller No cnmml udvllo you mupl In tunel lhnl Ilncu lhn Imuhln II III Innnylnl ll wero my man In um opeullnn lry wllh lhn under Ilnndlnx llul ll miuhl nr mllhl ml Iuccud but Dr Mall mu In Md nulnmobll utldml Ind ever Ilnca hnvo had huulnl Ind humminl In my cur uhlrh no nervbwnrllnu nl Ileop Some doctor ny aptnllon will help Ind IDmI ll mmL Cm you Idvln InnNHL lnrxnl In mtnlion ll Ilnco tho pmblem II luck of cnouxh huh nxynn ll obviously hlrmlul to was mg II Ivnllnhlo hm no Illlnl with not mind Ilr In want your doclor II ulnl In ny lhll tho Hm ml In fly it tho Hm null In In up ImokInl Ho mum ll which can ho employed Iomu lhcm much morl compli MEG Bu lrusl nu ma wlll glro you working knawledzc ulwhgl II Iboul Thls hook required reading or Inyane with an lnlnml In whnl goes an In tho world And It lively bank written so Ihnl lhe drum and cxcllement the Issue Involved Ire vivid and chullenxlnl Thel book is borougth documented with quotation from lha lender who IN mnklnz lha declslnns nnd rum lmporllnl paper llld docu ments lnxe source mnlemls Ir tilted by chapter lh hlck lha hook and lhm ll lull Index There Is malerlnl In lhl hook or whale group lemons Service club would llnd ru Ipclll out Iha pmphecy In de lnlI It show what ha alert and knuwledmble cIlIzenry must know Ibnul he relallom of the mIIIIIry In Induxlry and of bath to Ihu Idvmlslnl and nuhllc nlauons man In lhII book wl learn the klnd presqu and whole which Ihose whose Inlmsl Ile In the contlnnnuan Iho erIan mm Able to exert We sea son wIlh dreadlnl clarIly Iha dnnlur In our IIbcrIIea and freedom but are mushmmInu wllhln nur saclcly whle our Ienllan being dIrecled Io IhI dannn from wIlhouL TM lunllflcnllon for Ihll llhlar dump on dollr llll an In mum of dollle In NH lullndl ovumI chnnua 1M lannn now In dlummd hum Inrnly up In lnrmud um pl mul Ind KM Unlltd sum ml Cu In mull yrm Import ll connl Inn lmn lIunl an lhhll hull wllh Inc IO ctpllan nl molar url Dllcrhm Inlllon In bun mllnlllnod Illlnll mullr mum In and Mn uund but bu gmounlp AUCKLAND N1 CWTh In dlcrlmlnnllon lulul dollr ml In lullan Imnn HunIn ll mud to mun If when lhc G4 It uh II Announced In low mil Import Schedule To Drop Barriers He believes hose mups Ill oulnmulh car lulplclon melllomanla or Inldnqunle pm nonHues HI rmmxe that name at lhu members are dedIA ruled Ind honest but ml ld rd Ha lhlnkl um many all pcopll may not have coped luc cuslully wllh lflo Ind like In put 01 blame on olher mups Communlsll Nexmen Calh ollu Jews Imhuugh they lhlnk lhtmsclvu supervpnlrioll lhey In lmAllu who Id Imo dcmocnllully and lrrespomlb ly Ind may pose hunt In Amulcun llbcny This bouk prmnu very Inlcrmlnl In Ilylll lo lhu lexnxlllanlsu Ind Ihe Black Muslim In balwcan ha dialects he Jnhn Birch Suclely he Chrlxllan Cmsnde tho Am erican Nul Party nnd the MI ulcmtn wllh kelchu their lounderl their operltlonl Ind buckeu THE CANADIAN PRESS By Mark Sherwin Thl an Inlarmallvo Ind crllcnl expuse of he exlmme 1th wlnu In the United sum and It cum on he Amerlcnn scene Mr Shurwln pmenu the vnrlou mum at the rlxhl from Buckley any Goldwllpr ml Imumcllnn hmh out In lln clly at Berlin lm Ruulln mmpom Mkolll nlmlky Kanlow wn burn PruIUunl Elltnhower Illnld lullmlan nddlnz lllwull to Unhn Both Illlu four Iodnyln 1050 Iv urllcr bolh Unlrd sum 5c Ind Mann mod lhl um mllo Inland nlnn Hm hld mum Ilnlthoad Iur hl unlury ll II he flnl ovvr In Ind lhu mom non NnUlunul us Ime view of this book very pro vocative and mommy speech lha Home and School lmocln Inns lho Unlvmily anenl Club Ind other group wllh In lnlcrcst In public aflnlra should draw lhelr membera Illenllnn lo lhl book whlch am of the mu Important In the man ar qulslllona lhe Barrie Publlc Library blch TODAY IN HISTORY Dlvld Smllh THE EXTREMIST Flummrr uld he wouldnt mommmd Ihll on lol low hlu molhod nlllnx lnlo plclum vll Inn lour an um bu nu publlc dou end In ldznllly lhu Iclor wllh hll flnl lmporllnl mun NII In ramlrkhla Ilory About mln hudm or do Ilrucllon mllxinl whll II paulnf but bIllIl mm lo unylh about ll hl uld My mlu Thu 33 uroM Mnnlml na Ilu now worklnl In Ihu lllm on loclllnnl 1n Mndrld and Sn mill with Sephln Loren Sir Ale Gulnnm Slcphtn Boyd Jmu Mum and hall at other film veterans Wllllnl mlde ll warlhwhllc uld Hummer In In lnlervlnw bmuxa hll flnl mollon plcluro mlu um hlm Illnlnl pay Ind postman crtdcnllnla Itm Ilnr nbllad hlm lhl hlndlumc nlnry and Inn pm Cum modm the ruler who look our he Roman amp nl lho helxhl III glory Ind ltd lo de Ilrucuon MADRID AP Canadian born Chrlslopher Plummer who held motion plclun work until he estlblllhed lolld rwulallon on on nine hu rubbed £230000 role In the latest Samuel Brannon Illm The Fall 91 the Roman Emplm And en uppens Ihtcr lruuedy or we are crlp plcd In the Iervlra God We nud to puy for passion In our 1110 need which It the Cm he menu or us it eober mmindcr the religious xenl however com mendebte elwaye curries with it this strange peril it conteinl et all times lhe denxcrnua no tentlel ui exploding Into ehnpe end term which are not It Ill religious it ie Against thll cx lxency that we must ever Illrd the cum we no the reeeion oi the print end Pher sac perverted Into cmel end unreemnuhle obmlion with peniculer pemnellty Zeel is desirable but dim one it mull be rubiect to con etnni villi Ind ecmtlny Relie iou enthusiasm can chem in to lmllzlous egotlem oh so cuilyl Spirliulllty can became xnnctlmonlnue mums and consecration can no readily be warped inlu ccnsoriausness liaw ewlllly we dlrcard the pe tllinn God be mercliul in me sinner and adopt instead the prnynr thunk Thee God that emnotles other men Christopher Plummer Netted 35540 $250000 Movie mthc hulkl Nun In amen om hnmu Ilun um Iduullnll hnlpwl MI nu ma mul mu Auwliul Ivlll um hum mm mm mu lawm 50M ymnm munumlm Ind lnum ullnnm mnln Inn In you m1 mu lnlnlmnl nm rm mu my mu mum hun nu um va by rum rmunl ml rum hulkl Nuvm Infipelev or Ind with pmlonm Illu lcal himd they mll Hm In mm And nullce Ill lhll wu dons In the name of reunion Ind by the mall zealous rm llzlanhu hr day Hm surely the clusml mmp ol Imw first they scarcely nnl Iced Him But lnnvlllhly HI oblmdu Hlmaelr upon their mention Soon they vlew In Him wilh unu of mix lvlnl which rapidlyl live lo dup 90mm hm hm Yen then In hIlred yonder lax4m win the form Mo which their anullcnl oppoaltlon Ind avenunlly uylulllled You can no mmlnr wm minimum 01 lmulnllan you can me the developmanl 01 their nllllnda ol mwlnz dls gust toward hll trnu er REV IKELLY Al Lenkn vulval In turn Burk Euth pnbllthu Idduuu cub lenuy new dellvmd by tho mlnhur cumer 51ml Un lled Church II NudIy lunchhm unlm TM In mud In mlu dm nltonu Ilndlel In In com um II CIlnry meon amount 11 av ml mood which In and Hum ln Cendon with out In olher It Inc Cross we Ind Imud Ind love There they mud dllmeulully append to nth olhcr PRACTICAL Mums NEIDHD APPLICATIONS IOR ENROLLMENT now BEING accmm LENTEN DEVOTIONAL CIIY NAMI ADDIIJI Contrasts At Calvary Hatred And Love ll Inn ACIICAL Am CIAL mum mm flu IVI pullence Pallence II not Indmmnn Pnllenu mlr do nnlo um llllh In God wll nn Illm will In awn load me do what LI btll er Thoulh ll my ult tar ll Illui III donl urn dawn nod omcdy or mutter rule In 1d nun only India II In loo conllnln hard worker who hu Inhlhhed himch nu clankll Iclnr by dnlnl Shakespclmn mlu In Kuhn and lho Unlled sum Plummtr In ha ll da llermlncd lo nuln mull Mun TV work Ilm are Plummrr npulnllun whlch he ed hlm cnxh In when ha turn to mo Unn plclum Plummer watched mlny con lcmparnrlu frobbln the Nut tempting mow after lhll um Ilong but sluck lo lhe Ill uhm he mired US lucceuu In in and Tho Lurk and un ho urillsh mac In Back Mulch won hlm U10 bu Iclor Iwnrd In In Iclnn know could have blncmlcd by wnlllnx ho added BIBLE THOUGHT qu me be perpelunlly wenncl ed This the mummy putpas for which Godl love revul ed that might ndeem and ulllmulely lhlne lhmuuh us to lhe redempllon olhm The lave God in the mex Ind III 113 fulfillment only as Inks up our mm and follow Hlm Suddenly um Crou with In hhlorlc dhclny urn Godl love noun and In Hull crlu louyuu Ind Role In Spain ml recell leiiow minister of mine who we overieken by mi personal torrow In Folio epldemic In London will few weeks he loel his wiia end one oi their children And our well remember one oi hie conneleilon ieiiinl mo year or two later how from um point on new not oi deoih and power had come In to the heremd mlne preach ing Thron hi personal ems God ed bestowed thin wedl 1m And the la whet he combine to do in our ex perience Ii we will permit lohoopep The Id Idvlrru cnllld Skrpllcllm and Truxl wlll In delivered II the lunch llnur Servch Ionianow mu ll You Ire mum ah end Here surely the supreme Illumlllon of tha lac um God can and don use lho darkest happenlnx Illa dlxclon lh heal Elma And lo Elva to hllllul mu Even the terrible tundy of lhs Cm unno conceal Ihu IIplenduur oil HI love mhcr new dquenslon overwhelming Inarllcnllllon with which Gods love In the Cross vlsll lL But though we un Had no word to express or explain ll yet wa we we know Iha then mmnxo hm addressed to our own hurls llilflJSTRAIION the Cm hu am not only mnnl hat but also 60h love Now Idmllledly lhln second Ispocl was no immediately nhvloul to than who Ilood Around the Cross ll took some lhlnkln lhrnuzh But are long ll wu the concluslon In whlch lhoy cam Ihal the Own wn not only the dukes mvellllon human llflblll llm ll wu Ilsa at the lame llrne the hrlzhlesl dllcloaum Dlvlne love And when xllmpla It ln all It bnlthlak In wonder It leave us wllh out word or Iuddanly consclonl el lhu lnldequlty hulnnn Ipeecln rellllon Io hat might bu real lld vllll huh VII mun Ilm my lhnmnr puslon bu kept plug from pegvegan MEEM 33

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