Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 3

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JUST LIKE BIRD Isom pctiter in the Canadian Ski SUSAN WATERS at Toronto relaxes with cup of called alter hard grind to the TRth STALLED Trail Suspect About 12 Miles BEIITON Stall Alter uCanadIan Pacittc Railway pass enger train was stalled when It crashcd into gasoline jigger hcre Saturday scattering pieces Iler quarter at mile Ontario Previncial Police constables lol jlowcd iooiprlnts 11 miles through Ilhe snow to arrest suspect Police said steam line was snapped and the cowcatchcr was pushed under the engine and ngainst the wheels so that the jtraln was stalled until crew with cutting torches arrived on another train trom Toronto to release it Alter tuilowlng leotprlnts 0n tsrio Provincial Police Consi sblcs Edward Kclso and George Jumping competitions at Mid land sails over the heads ladies erossecuntry competi tion iExaminer Photos lianidn at the Alliston dctnch mcnt arrested John Edward iirown 14 ot Hit Aliiston Brown has been charged with wiilui damage and breaking and entering lie will appear In court March 20 Police believe that alter breaking into the section shanty and stealing the llggcr with the Intention oi inking it to Toronto the man was unable to get it at the tracks when he saw the train coming Canadian Pacilic itnllway in vostigaloi Appleby and OPP Cons Thomas Cralager at the Alliston detachment are continuing the investigation jNative 0i Vespra Township Is Named Milton Postmaster Walter ltell iormerly oi liar rlc become pnslmatier at hill ton March succeeding William ltnndell who retired otter 38 years liir lirll had been senior post at ollicer ot Milton Post Otiico lie has It years nt postal rcr vice lie was born and raised on lnrm In Vespra Township Just north at linrrle and prior to two he became interested In mall work when he assisted rural carrlcr wllh irllverlcs In Will he qu called in as letter carrier at linrrle lusl Olilcn to help during tlin lIrIll runs rush Aiitr thll he Iolnrd the stall oi Slmcao District Co operative Snrvlcrs hill the post nllirc work had been interesting so whrn ho was lnviird hack to linrrle as lulllimo carrier he quit the Coup and accepted the alter OVEIINHAH FOUR YHAIIR Shortly alter hir iiell joined the Canadian lortal Corps ami spent lnur years in England as night tiespaich rider lie res rails having driven mail trurk through blackened streets with bombs lalllng around in 1940 he returned irom thr war and worked lirrt as Iriier carrier iiicn III an Inside cirrk at linrrle lorl iilcr when It was thus located on llllitio st adjacent in the NH stallnn lls roilevrtl thr postmaster at lid gar IltAr radar station tor lime and served your he not lag postmaster when the locum bent tiled suddenly at Augui 10 MILTON 31 Mr lieii went to hilllnn In llallan County in February to ill and was promoted the neat rear to the hint stall Intuition Is is one oi seven tautmallers still active who received their early training at iiarrle lot Ollie The Hilton Irrkly Iinmllait Champion stated Th nw poll mailer tound little trouble nub lng iriends in Milton although he admits he was worried on his ltrri two visits to the town The rat time he experienced car trouble and tho second time he arrived at the height ot serious lined in which little boy drowned Since arriving In hilllon he has taken an active part In Knox Presbyterian Church where he is member at tho session and the choir lie also enloys entertaining at iinilon Centen nial Manor sail the Senior Clio lrrns group with his singing and playing his guitar amt Inoth organ lie Inps records his latorltc music and limit music relating alter hectic day at lite post nillN The lirlis have lour children and reside at 710 llrsiup lid ACTIVE IN IlAItillF hlr liell Is member at Car inlhian hlswoic lodge No so also the Scottish liile lodge II lerlcctlon and lipry iin ier oi itore trait in the Valley oi linrrle lie member at St An drows stiyterian Church lor many years on the hoard oi iildcrs tor time and song In the their uaticr leadrrshlp oi the late Edmund Itardy in lriirr to TlIe Examiner Mr lirll states Milton Is my lrlendly lawn and color It here very much Ilaving Meade and relatives In linrrle we do get nulls trrnueatly but we ate aways glad to have lisnieilcs drop in to see us whenever they driving along the tot highway as we are only mile south CAN The Childrens Aid Society at iiimroe hunty and III City at linrrle will hold its electlm oi Milton and setting up ol the will at the that meeting oi the new board in the County nulid ins beglnaku ma muddy spectators Jumpers were competing tor positions on Canadas Olympic teams Gravelle oran convene at Ottawa Ski Club Ind his wits relax alter the skHutnplng From Vet MIDLAND Stall rel atively smsll crowd oi about 00 persons lined the ski Jump here In miserable weather yesterday to witness the lumping com petitions closing events oi the Canadian Nordic Ski Champion ships held in Midland and Pens tunguishenc Ontario The new Canadian senior jumping champion is Gerard Cravclle irom Ottawa Ski Club who earned total 1069 out at possible 240 points Hs jumped 163 172 and let tch The closest competitive mark Ing in Canadian skiing history was recorded when Jacques Charlsnd the preiump iavor its lodged 2067 points scant twotenths oi point behind Gerard Jacques irom Trois Rlvlcrcs PO lumped 175 165 and 179 set lump otlicisls said that all jumpers lost many points on dis tance sad the maiorily at points were recorded on style Rain which turned to treating rain Mother Of Five Takes SkiLaurels PENETANG Stall mo ther ot Ilvs children irom 00 miles north oi Whitehorse Yu kon won the Ladies Cross Country sixkilometre champion ship Saturday at ths Canadian Nordic events here and earn ed the title at Canadian Ladies CrossCountry champion lilsrths Benjamin ot the Old Crow Ski Club was Introduced to skiing by an Ohlate liiissioiiarv lather tow years ago She ran the courts in 42 minutes 29 seconds She led tield oi scvcn ea trsnts Second place honors went to Anni Sport at the Ssmpo Athletic Club Sudbury who ran the course in 45 minutes 00 seconds Cloudy skies and zitdegree tcmpcraturcs prevailed during the race in the attornoon wol coms change irom earlier pre dictions at milder weather Third place was held by Ulla Jomsa llcipas Ski Club Fort William who ran in 45 minutes and seconds The threeclass mens cross country race was held in the morning Winner oi the Specials class was Antere itauhanen Ssmno Athletic Club who ran in i1 minutes 10 skonds ICKILOMETRE Antero also won the mens 30 kilometre race ran Thursdoy with time at hour it min utes and Ti seconds Runnerup in the 15 km race as Knaka itiihloho some club with time ol 52 minutes in seconds Kauko placed third in the mens so krn race on Thursday with time at one hour 52 minutes 55 seconds Course conditions on both days ranged irom good to excellent with temperatures hovring be tween 25 and 10 degrees Thirdplace winner was Eric looms Foothills Nordic Ski Club Calgary who run In 51 mlnutcl so seconds Favorite lor Thursdays 30 km race was Clarence Servold Can sdlno Comhincd Champion In loot who placed second with time at hour 51 minutes seconds lie law to Aatem by in seconds in the intermediate clnsa open ON APRIL 8TH VOTE TO REELECT to those between 13 and 11 years at age Erkki Jamsa itcipas Ski Club wun ilrst place by ninalng the 15 kilometres in 60 minutes so seconds Second and third place honors went to Karl Jamsa some club who ran in 61 minutes 01 sec onds and Henry Halls some club who ran in so minutes to seconds Pauli Arvo Rclpss Ski Club ran the course in 57 minutes seconds earning the Voter sns Class Nordic CrossCountry Canadian championship Chiet oi Competitions Pete Patterson said it is remark able to note the slight diiicr ences in the veterans times and the specials times it is test worthy et mention Lecir Uusitalc also at the Rclpas Club won second place with 01 minute 02 second time lilontrcaler Sam Siallard ol the Viking Ski Club placed third with running time oi oi minutes and 51 seconds The Nordic events were spon sored by the European Sports Club here and the Midland Ski Club in Midland The lien liryan Csthcart Minister at Trach and Public lty olllcioliy opened the lumping events on Sunday Visitors Win Hockey Tourney Camp Bordcnapllt two glms ltCAF Training Camp llockey Tournament with itCAr Station Winnipeg on the week end at Camp Borden but lost out on the totalgoals count The Bordon crew took the ilrst tilt on Saturday alternoon but were whipped it on Sunday Winnipeg won the series 1M0 sad now reign as champions over Eastern and Western Canada Camp liorden nualllled tor the tournament by taking the semi tlnal series betwem tour atns lions In Fostern Canada Win nipeg outlaated liv Western Canadian team in similar serlcl competitons Gerard dethron ed perennial champ Jacques Cbarisad akes N110 itKONEN and Clan once Servold two noted cross country slsi authorities dis Title Charland and slushy snow did much to revcat any distancemakingby Iumpcn Third place went to lilax Pelt tram Verdun PQ who scored 204 points Last years Canadian Jumping uternplon Ksrra Lien tram ltcvclstolts Ski Club in British Columbia placed tourth Sunday with total points m7 lie jumped 163 156 and 174 test filth and sixth places went to two members oi the National dumping Team John Mclnnis at British Columbia copped 2004 points with his 171 170 and ist toot jumps and Iihesl Sequin lmm the Ottawa Ski Club earned 1831 points with his Jumps at 157 161 and 101 test Tits Canadian Champion Norv die Combined winner is Wall gsng Winkcl oi the Built Ski Runners Alberta Woltgang olien rciered to ss skidorns Santa Claus because at his flat iy white board placed sixth in the special class lumping cans lag 138 points thirteenth In the 15 km cross country rscs Saturday III Penetsnguishens and third in the combined cross Ontario Seen Di From The sham County Federation ol Agriculture No two people will have the same impression oi typical Ontario tamer To some he strawchewlng rubs rustic with little imagination and less ambition To others be Is the lucky man who reaps good crops gets his income easily and spends his winters in the sunny south To people who know the term or better who understand the conditions with which he has to contend these extremes do not give lair image at the tsrmer today Evidence shows that the On tsrio iarmer has readily accept cd new ideas in production methods his output has increas ed to the point where he has roduccd load in surplus its as provided tor the Canadian people and has contributed much new wealth to the boneilt oi our country liow many oi our urban lrleods know and believe III evidence During the part two decades the number at people engaged in agriculture has dropped by 41 per cent This situation has caused great deal at concern to all isrrn people whose public relations cttort has been pretty weak This drop in the number at iarmers has serious Impilcsa BOARD MEETING The linrrle District Colleg late lioard will hold its reg ular meeting in the boml room at Central Collegiate beginning oclock tonight CONSERVATIVE POLICIES HAVE MADE STRONG AND PROSPERING CANADA The emerging truth is that the Canadian economy sp pears to he on the brink at new vigor and possessed at drive The devaluation al the dellr has greatly increased the underlying slrtngth at tho eronemy Tho shltt is any irom iorelgn mums and to domestic production The Financial loli Mulch Ind ll UTAV Wiill Till litOVEN POLICIES NEILBCT TliE EXPERIENCED MAN SMITH Instr Published ltr liners Nsvth Progressive beecnsltrsfhuedlttn country race runners On Sun day he jumped himscil into first place tor the Nordic com blncd irvin Servold imrn the Devon Ski Club British Columbia plao ed second in the Nordic Com blned He placed tenth in jump ing competitions Former Canadian Nordic Com bined Champion Clarence Scr vald irvtos brother gathered third place honors this year Heine Kaila Canadian vetcr sns class litmping champion in 1962 again woa ilrst place with total at 1659 points The vct erans class is opcaio those st yesrsol age and older Second and third place winners oi the VeteransI class were Eric Kurtis with 1616 points and Julie Cote irom Toronto with ma points ihcss winners and other com ctltors are strong contenders or Canadas two Olympic Gaines ski learns The tourman crosscountry and jumping icsms will be selected at the Can adian National group convention In Basil Alberta in June Farmer iferently tloas tor the isrmers political position In ths economy While agriculture still remains an important basic industry it is obvious that the declining tsnn population has meant that political strength has declined also What has been lost In numerical strength must be made up by stronger more cohesive tarm organization it we era to retain the bargaining power we have Each tarmcr must be good public relations ollicer to ac usint our urban triends with problems that beset sgrls culture and the solutions that have been suggested by both Isrrn organisations and govcm meals Our urban iriends must realize that although lorm suhsidles do get the lions share oi the put iicity the many helps and subsidies to Industry make up very sireeble tigure Perhaps It is also the lob ol the tarm ers organisation to continually keep in public view the correct impression oi the average term er Thati tormers are business men who general operate el tlciently are interested in the waiters ot their community and are striving to solve their many problems collectively with as ittle government help as pos ethic FOOD For liotis Itody Ana Spirit will Ill Ollerrd In The SPECIAL beaten Progrsm at COLLIER UNITED CHURCH rursoavs Delirious flssdwleh Lunch 0st so ll Fellowship llsll From ll Noon DEVOTIONAL IERViCE 1N nut cuuncn Ins use Defining All lsllsg IIlellslly All Tiltlt mi TOUI LIN ITIE FAITH EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH II ms Coaching Clinic Makes History cuss Canadas holympie chances dining lull to com petitions MIDLAND iSIIiil Canad ian skidumplng history was re cordcd here as tits ilrst Natiom at Coaching School closed and iii divisional coaches received their ccrtliicatss We made history In this rose pact said chic oi competitions Pets Pettersen at the Canadian Nordic Ski Championships Cans Ida has never had this bolero The trainees irom all parts at Canada spent the week at special coaching classes and were instructed on line points In judging jumping and cross country avcnts Nilo ititoncn National Canadian Champlom ship crosscountry coach said the ilrst teaching school was established In Canada last May at Lake Louise Nina coaches graduated from there and with this years it divisional coaches tmnzis here will bring our total to ONEFOURTH FARMED Only about quarter oi On tarios 213654400 acres at land is suited to cultivated agricul are Canadas CrossCountry Chances lire Good Says Skiing Expert MIDLAND Stall What are Canadas chances in the 1964 Olympic Games tor win ning crosscountry competitioasr Clarence Servoid Canadian rc prcscntetivc ot the international Ski Federation said yesterday at the Canadian Nordic Cham pionshlp races that Canada will give competitors real strulizle He said that Canada has good material In Its boys and men We have been promoting crosscountry racing in Canada as quickly as possible Lock oi support and publicity are two oi the reasons why crosscoun try didnt catch on as last in Canada as It did in Europe Ten members at the 15mm her National Ski Team compet ed this weekend at the Nordic events These skiers have the highest Canadian rating pos slbie he noted Canadian ski oiiiclais realize that well have to work hard to till lull team tor the Olympics Nilo ltkuncn national Canad lnn championship erossmuntry coach said Our Canadian rs and men are Just as as anyone else in the World Our training iacilltiea and opportun itlcs are just not enough hlr ltkonen did say that cross country was rapidly gaining in popularity in spite of the tact DEATHS 11y niE CANADIAN PILFSS hiootrestDavld Griltith hic Connell 30 pramlncnt In Mont reals business spark and newspaper community underLord Bevcridgc st alien called the tsthcr oi the British wcllars state San Diego CalmRaymond Cronin 68 tormer Associ ated Press bureau chiet in hlanlll Pittsburgh and Colum bus Ohio New Haven ComaChauncey Brewster Tinker so Yale University proiossor who dis covered the longrmlsscd Doe well papers in ms alter long illness Argentie NamDr James Scott 27 assistant medical su perintendent at the Cottage ilospltnl Piacentls Ntld by drowning TomatoRobert Simeon loycc in his mldoos one ot Torontos bestknown musi Clliiil lsreapert tankThomas Walk Sr 71 whose construc tion company is one ot the largest in the world New OrleansLillie hliiel n7 lustyrvolced singer who cur ricd the tradition at classic blues down to modern times NOTICE that we are quite tow years behind In this tlcid lie attributed the European response to crosscountry to the coaching at youngsters tow years ago Now their work Is paying all tremendously it is slow work developing good crosscountry man Crosscountry races are usual ly split into thirds one third downhill oncthird level and one third uphill it is combina tion of skills training balsach conditioning and concerted ei tort said Mr Servold in spite at our good mat crlal we need more iinancial support Over and above the government grant we receive the member clubs are required to loot bait oi the bill Mr ltkonen was coach oilhs Squaw Valley Team irom Canada in the 1960 games and coached the Canadian entry in the World Championships to im You Can Help CRIIPLED CHILDREN by Supporting the EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN Msti Contribution To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE 10 HERIDENTS 0F IlAIIIiII AND DISTRICT Due is the Growth at KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION Over the Part Two Deradel we have MOVED TO iAltilil iillliil MOltliilN OFFICE for Your Convenience JUST THREE DOORS SOUTH TO ll CLAPPERTON STREET iiE SURE TO ATTEND OUII OPEN HOUSE eoo wsoaranav ArronNoou nancn so EVERYONE WEDCOME ltEiitnllIMiiNTl KEMPENFELDT CREDIT UNION snows an ester list letter hauls Through Your CMItUsles

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