Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 2

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oe Ann can IMI In WI nlu In munn Iln nun mL in not an Ammo mum alum Mumlnlu alum ll Al In nlul ol mm mm mu mum Imp Ill tum 9mm Damn lhul lullchod to COMM Ind wlufln Canndlnn umber xponm lcll Ibout 50000000 wnxlh wflwood In the us nnnunlly arcounumz for about 15 per com 01 Inc American mum lmurlun produccm mklng lurhl an lmporll nppcnltd lo Hm arm commluion or help hul lha commlulon found Ill hand wm llnd under Ken yl ncw Trude Expansion Art In ha can President Ken ncdy can block pmlecllonllm by excrclsing lenulallvu vulo There II lam manure nplnianon bolh 1ch the lumber Inue lhnl Kennedy would do exncuy um Becauu lax and ulhzr il sue gellln prlorily aucnllun may be month hclare lha conxreulonal mule reaches thu ahnwdown sun Bul than lent Imong WIM Clllldlln aulhorlllel um onu or two olcmenu ol the mlrlcllvl proposal mly llip lhrauuh Can xmn pinned la mm mm lp prpvevi measure was mm mm runur Ill Im p1 WASHINGTON CP Ualng the ravages costly wind Inrm wee group 115 leglslatara Attempting lo Huh Import Canadian uood lumber through Merle lcxlslnlive proposal now pll us up In congremonal comm US Lumber Producers Try To Slash Canadian Imports Rev and Mrs Dauclul Miller 01 Gulncn West Alricn Ind Rev Donald Fund from Cam bodia Southeast Asia will be the speaker at Ihe Annual er sionnry Convnnllnn Ihe Al liance Church Steel and Cook aimu from Thursday March 21 to Sunday March 14 VI Aml IIIKII mm mm mu mam nmmmn KIN lull Avxunu luauumh Gnu Inn Unnuu up 111 FINN nor Kl AN INNKI lmlwlmu um mun am on up Ev ry lance Church hold an annual misslonury convention at which may mlulonarles present the needs at their pccllvc Held by mean of dly pllyl Andes mlumu curiol elc llsl members contribute more than our million dollars annually for 10min missions This money 15 usually received by cash or allhvpledae ra ccived the Mme of the nnnull mljslann convention Tim CMA In evangelical Protestant lroup orzlnizcd in 1357 lo maior in pioneer mission nry work around iila wnrid ii ranks sixth in the many pro iesiant church group on ihc bnsi oi its intal B76 iuilvlims missionary pcmnnol in 24 over sea iieidsi The Chrlsllun and huuhmry Alliance Church In BanIn only six years old but In Ihal limo he conmgallon has con tributed over $3000 lo the Ior elm mlulannry program of the Christian and Missionary AI Nance Alliance Church Missionary Meet Starts Thursday DUFFERIN SIMCOE So clal Cradll candldulc Llnyd Cumming has decided In em TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cnmpllrd I1 IN ll nu Am anm mm unnum welmu Hum Iunmn In In In Mr lnhnd In mm hm Unmlu Inmrm rm Club ah OIIM II Hun ML Iul Dam 1mm Dom llnnl lion In Mad Ham on ma nu Mln mu yum INDUITIHI Imam An Humled nmmmo board col of timber wu blown down In that mm It Ihll It not harvested in Iha ncxl lwo yearn hm inroslry huldinu mly become Inlcmd by Mullen leedlnl on mqu llmbcr CANADA STAMP Whllu Ihn demand or fix guru Import qual larnu lha ulk or lho rcwlullans other would Inrco lmponerl by law In llnmp mllwood Imported from Cunndu mad In Can ndn ha ha ovum men could Impm huy Amer un mlrlcllom on lM uu Canndlnn lumber In nvtrnmm opcrmlonx Ono prbpml would hm 11 ng Canldlan lumber In III InMed by Iod ll lionInl lon This lq ue on import wouid in maintained under he resolutions or aptrind oi hru year in rid the us of huia limbcr nurpiun Iuddcniy Arllinx in iha Pchl narlhwen through disnilmul windsiorm lint Oct 11 which ripped through lnruiry reserves in hm units low weeks morn Ihan dozen resolution blossomedmust ni them patterned on similar iinu cailin1 or flash on import in iimii oi llx per tan US consumption Thil would cut Cnnadnl share ai lhe US market to about lwoilith oi lha prnxcnl ilow synoplllx Temperatures dropped Ihlrply overnlxh Ihmuxhoul Iouhhcrn and cen tral Ontario strong northerly winds brought Irclic alr soul ward Another highpressure area apprnachlng mm the was And wind should drop considerably lhl nflcmoon Luke St Clair region Wind sor Partly cloudy tonight and Forecasts Issued by the Tor anlo weather oflice at 43 Mn The hospital clnscd It door to vlsttors except Immediate relative on Flb Tl alter the nulhreak of sertous colds All elective surgery thnt surgery that may be performed later date wu postponed than any Um beingpquponeqh fifir EmmiRI II gelling mun butler far null The sllnatlon Roynl Vlc Iann Hospital In no better Don ald Cammn assistant Idmlnly ruler and board secretlry laid today committee mom to lhu voter Instead lo he yotm coming to hlm Since Mr Hospitals Doors Are Still Closed To Most Visitors Id Me turn II Fl 11 rmpmm JI rm mm In lnl mum on mm 41 WWII Im Ul III Mu am It In rm nllod WEATHER FORECAST 1mm in Tum rm Tm 17 TM In hurl 1mm On wum mw hum yu Mrrla im 1H Fnremt Tcmpenlnm Low Tonllhl lllgh Tummy Windsor 10 ll 15 Hlmlllan In St Camrims Tummo II Pclcrbowuxh Trcnlon 10 Kllllloc Muskakn while nlvcr Momoncc 10 Mount Form Sum Sic Ml Timmlna Tlmagaml Codmne regions North Bay Sudhury Clear and rllher cold tonluhl mum sunny hut with increasan cloudiness Winds decreasan lo Ugh anizhlup mesAday Algalnu White River rev Ions Sauk Ste Marlo Clear ind cold tonight Increasan cloudiness Tuesday Vlnd llnhl tonlghl And Tuesday Niagara Lake Huron Geor glnn Bay Hnllburtnn rcglons London Partly cloudy lunighl and Thcsday Winds decrcnslng loJIghz qulshj nd Tuesday Tuesdny chance of mm min mm Winds dccreuinz lo Iluhl tonight and why Lake Erie Lake Ontario re lions Hamilton Toronto Pnrlly cloudy tonight and my day Windy and much cooler to joy Winds dccrcuing gradu ally lo light tonight and Tim members am concerned But moral um wm or sick have relumed Ind other are of slck now As for patient the Nation in the name Mr Cameron an When the hospital began In ontorce lhe restrictions on v1 llnu Mn Cameron uld We dont want to be brutal nhau It In the case Immediate rela lives but we have to try to pro ven the Ipread whim cold to patients in ma haupllal Cummlnzrhal lard uniu comllluency he has sum 11 advantlle 13 enxuc She ls also survlvcd by her Inns William Blrrl of Barrie Gary Long Erscchrldge Wll llnm Long Nlagara Falls Wall er has Kllchener daughters Mrs Meloche Edith Wlnd sor Mrs Carcimt Jean Swllt Currenll Mrs Godson Marlon SL Hubcrl Qua Mrs Palmer Belly Byron Ont brolhcrs David andWilllam Butler both of Bank and by two slatsrs Mrs Mlnnlkln Ruse and Mrs Haws Martin Dom also Barrie and grandchildren and one real srsndchlld MFA MEETING Stan Mlllcy In dullrlnl Accident Prevention Ak mlnllam Taromo will be next wanker SlmcoeMuskokn Dlvlalon IAPA mecllnl In Rob flay nulnurnnl Vedncldly ba Innlmz 530 pm Mr Mllley will dllcun Mouvallonl Whll an the unmn men that came potion to It UII WIY he docn Ho Ilvcd wlrrlur Alan lhe Roper River unlll 1N when Darwin doctor engaged Mm mcdcn ypcdluqn hlgh priest of lhe Kunnpipl crllmy rllcs his authority reaches throuzh hundred lribcs Since lhen Walpuldnnya has uudled and today II My unllned medlcnl Ildo wlth flu epmmenl nl hullh DARWIN ANQueen Ellin hclh and Prince Phlllp much an unscheduled call today It the ham hero of Wllpulsnnyl WudJirLWadjlrl known man the nallves ovar 100000 war mllu Aulkrnllnl Ir north EN 42 name in Phllllp Rob erts In the Northern Terrllmyl mqstfamoug aboylglne Queen Pays Visit To Leper Hunter Daughter or in late Tmqu Bullerhlrs1onz had resided in Blrrle or yam She wax member of St Georgel Anglia an Church and Womens Am clatlnn The Royal Canadian lb glnn Vnmcn Auxiliary and tho Beaver ereluh Lodge 190 Mrs Imrz Wain married In 1915 In George Bird who dled In 1931 She later married Er lln Jame Ionk who survlves her ELLA FLDSS LONG Special funeral nice for E11 Floss Loni lonztlma re aldent Ban1e were held at St Georznu Anglican Church on Feb 21 lhll mnhlla harm to vial bl colmtltucnu Enmlner Phw OBITUABY INC1tionctl Head TIn Barrie Tomorrow In er um Chumm de tailed Toronto And Sirnlhmy downed Newmnrktl In lhc uml llnah Slrnlhroy lhcn dclcnlcd Chllhnm In lhl llnll mulch on Sunday Slmhroy wu no mulch lor Ilm power Strnllard who beeme lht Ontlrla Jnycea Champianl with an wln The loul Icnm oulxhot lhe Slrnllord Iqund 40 la 12 In In match but were unnblc to com with ho rtmnrkahla innuendo In byASIrnuordl nelminder Barrie hycccl compctlnz In lhe AllOntario Jnyccu Hockey Championship In Chunhnm um ha weekend worn ellminntcd Salurday lhcy lost Io Slrnl lord 52 Honorary pnllhcarcrl were Howard Phflpl Ernla Lennie Frng Dlj Hnr mm nlci wmm Dr cllowi In Clarmce 147nm Pillhenrers were Dr Whilehumt Dr Mackenzle Woodlock Duncan Copus Tar onm and Campbell Er nle Flnlrun Ind Grlhnm Christ le all Elmvnlo Earlier MI winter Mr Cope land had been hospitallztd wflh héart trouble but since his 115 FuncrI mm ur mum Henry fSnndy Copeland 57 was held Saturday murnoon at Wyclilru Anglican Church Elm vale Interment was in Elmvnla Cemetery Mr Copelnmt wfllknown Elmvala busincssmnn partner In Copeland Millan Co dlcd Welcinudly nluhl of hurl at Mr Thomfisaii will speak in luppon 01 following Social Credit candldulu Willard Kin xle proprietor of Lukaviaw Dairy and iormer mayor oi Bah tie Soclll Credit candidate or simcoe North Robert Plnkney accounlanbimm Midland 50 till Credit undldale or Simon East Lloyd Cumming Slmud farmer and business man and Social Cndll candidate or Dill ierlnSimcoel The National Soull Credit Leader has wide varlely experience both in Canada and Abroad Like ha local candid ales Willard Klnzie and Lloyd Cnmmlng Mr Thompson was bog and rained on lam Robert Thompson National Social Cradll leader will address party rally In the nudilorlum pf Barrie Distch North qulcgl It pm mesday In nuppart of WIlllrd Khule and other 50 da Credit candidates In the Iron Mel 3mm resident oLSlm coo Nnrlh Soc nl Credit Assad allon unld the rally was orlgln ally planned in be held in the Embassy But then have been so many Inquiries and In much inleml shown that wax fear ed the Embassy would nut bu lame cnmuh lo Iccammodme Ihg crowd mym qN FARM It ll upcclcd in be the laymen Sodl Cred rally ever held In Sigma Connly Stafford Wins Iaycee Hockey Sandy Copeland WasActive Man Mr Rowe said IIEAlwithMm March 25 lo 233 Leldlnu inulhurlllex on Can adll load catering lnduxtry well as reslauranl owner and npcrlloll llxom every provlnce Including loyd lchougall and Wllllrd Klnzla bolh ol Enrrlu will parllclpale In discusslom at lha 19111 Innunl convcnllon and exhlblllan of he Canudlln llu uurlnl Ilssaclnllon ln lhe Aula lve Eu dlnz at Tornnlo Olhm surviving are two hm hm Arlhur and 110 both partners In lhe family uslnnfl ulster Mm Rulh Scull pro deceased hm Mr Copeland was born Elmvalc and was educ lhcre and In Barrie and University Toronto when received loreslry dezrec He married Cccllla ODonw hoe Toronto and the couple hava three children Thomas Andrew and Susan While attending university he met the Blur Thompson case had been leading an native life Will fittend Page Fqnvention my Iupplg luued by Ihe Bank of Fan rind based on product on HII Iluqles In health urka were cumlledwhcn he joined the Royal CanadhnAr Force as he lays To defend our com tlllve enlergrlle way of He during War War II In me Air Force he became fly lngplcey anqlnnmclon ilk outstanding abfllly An Air Force Inllrucwr was usenll to him when he volunkcered for candidate he know and under stand the arm problems and will explain Social Ocdu pm 1205 which wlll assist the lar men an early nu Mr Thompson me sghoollteacher In Al mm bem HI tenchlnl experience wax valuable to him when ha up modem cdncnflonnl aynem 1n Elhlopll after World WI 11 An ardent snpfiarler Alber Int Social Credl¢premler Willlnm Aberharl MtgThomp non became master explain lng the Social Credit monetary xefprm the year be his mm It In only good common Mn Thompwn lunhmd his eduuuon In Illa Held henlh and cure ol the body It lead Inn unlvmlty In the United Slab Durlni the depressionfla 1930 Mr Thompson became in leruled In Soclnl Cred GUARANTEE all the hot water you need at the lowest cost with superfast Zeiement ELECTRIC WATER HEATER Elameiess and safe You cant beat electricity YANK RENIAL ONLY 15 BAYFIELD STREET BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSON born In educaled and lhe when he llvo Balm Elomlully During ven won will our Ihe Islands the World with visiu such exotic places as Tahiti and New Guinea in historic Channel is ands Guernsey Jersey Sark and he tuned Fumes min bleakly an in North Sen gingian and Norway Most 01 the film are In col or and are expectcd to last Iognboug and hall hnurn More than no firsan mended the previous tour service in ELhiopia While in Ethiopia adviser to Hail Sel assiehu arganiled the muniry Air Force set up modem edu cational system and armed nev ml colonies in help those al nicied with ieprosy cnysAm run 5c Willard Kinzle lays me feeling or many that Mr Thompson ll Canadnn man up and coming Ilammnn Thll come not only from puny lup porlcn but from many Inde pendent muons The Barrie and District Fllm Council announced that another 01 the ouulandlnz prunaml In lha Eapullr Film Tour uric wlll Ihown at he lrlnhy An glican Church Barrie Wednes dax cymrnpncing pm When lhejhompson lamfly 01 mm was In need Mth edu cation Mr and Mrs Thompm returned Clllldl In 1955 fr Rnwal says Hi out Ilmdlnu record in this pull menl of Cnnndn speak or II About thlx lime Bob Thompm ml of on another cmnda Ihe crusade make Social Cred Iljaccpme gang In ngadl He became um National Social Credit president In 1990 and tha pnrly leader the National Con vegllon In 01an yur Inter VH0 was elected to nprutnt Illa Alberta rldlnl of Red Deer ha the 15th Parllamenl Cm Film Council Tours Wed FREE Scnlce prnvld cd by local hullnm mu who IIIMNH he umpllln pnmmd by he Slum bu 01 Comment Any mmhlnll IIIMII la lubmihe in tho nmle Ehupplnl llnlu lied to all PA 57 Immuwmmmum Shopping Service Salli znlurcd Imrbleu Pellcnn mnk hlbyl Ith ma and plullc Ill Idult cam mm Ind mm mm Ilw In to ml loo Imklu chlln Una typetruer Il almcu llullnen Muchlnen llym ludlnl bollles In Drun Ind Ill cordtd ribbon WANTED FOUND NDF has 206 candidates In the field Social Credit 19 Communist 13 and Independv em 12 Thu Kola ma com pare wllh Iha recon 1016 nominated last year Nonunm Ilonl clan Monday March 15 The Progresslu Conserva llvcs anly other party pllnnlng to contest all mu had named 219 by Sunday mm The 15 PC vacuum are In Quebec Liberal Slate Of 265 Filled ROBERT THOMPSON WENDY HICKS Coordlnnlor PA M568 Per Month

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