Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 11

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nllnn Mum Hm nu um mam nur Wu rapln In Chum um mm rm Inollnl AI ll um ufm MONDAY Hutu II um 11 Dr lrullunrl IIdII 1y xmdn lrulumll Illd way lnIll Tm Mn Tu mm 1m mm no law Inn Nu now nny Thom mm Mom In rumI Cl IV Kn Spanl Null mumv mncn 00 Tu Pullun mt am anmnl xnummmruu as NM 00 WNW Raoul PonyI Ill Noonday npnn Mnle lelll mum Nun Kcnonl mlWm nm gu Mm Mucurr fimm mu Ipmv Iulu sszsszssg 858 By MRS MAY DENNEY Mrs Edna Edzar and MM Henderson spent day Inst welt WIUI their ulster Mn Janneu Thomlon Conumulaklnnl Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gordan an the blrlh baby ulrl March 10 in Stevenson Memorial Hospllnl Allblon Mrs Gauley Sn has re Iurncd home Aflfl spendlnl lawmuks In Barrlo Her sister Mrs Banks nlurnnd va her The were Elflht table in play at Hm lust Euchre Prize Iadlus high Edna Edam low Kathleen mm mm hllh Jack Mandi low Orvllle Mll leg lone lg Fwd Myrphy anler CPR Station closed on Feb Theflnllonwm hulk in 1906 and or many yum did rushing buslness For Rome Mrs Cochrane and Mn Edgar mended the Barrie presbmrlal mccllnz lucsdny Men wlvad mm mm their brow children penplrcdhul ladle merely glowed Only Hanan ale plum oumuld tell haw new mans shops were hy how loud lhey squeakcd we grow older many or us mend mm time recallan the vast lhnn we du plnnnlng or the future But your mem ories data you Jusl ns surely as ring xrowth data 1m FLEAS NORMAL And youva hem around some llmc nnw you can re member whcn Husband were mm suspi cious lhe lcemnn Ihan Ihcy Imw are at clcvlalon re plir man Eating In Chinese rt lauranl was bl adventure because you Jusl knnw Ihnt Iomcwhare behlnd mm panel wu Ill uplum den ll wn considered normal for do In hnve fleas You would gel the owner nu ma telephone merely by llfllng the receiver The quickest my now la In lend called telegram lo the board chnlrman the Me ll company explnlnlnz that you need help hndy Is In love wnfi hl piul whether It was rich or pour AROUND SIMCQEQCOUNTY you nnlu uol uvlvrd by wn pl AM Cm Wm Drllvmd In You Rum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS IERVICI llnll Tl llnllm Haul TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BAXTER CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL THE LIGHT TOUCH PA 82433 pm Memories Of Past Bring Happy Glow By HAL BOYLE um 1m 11 finnlll Imp noul no um our mu Nun mu Mum Iml um rum lluon IIqu DNZIIIAY MAIILII made Ila Domino xm mum nw In um do 10 ll on so no In an no in Nvu nomplr rupeyu Nanndu Mum Nut filnl flln mum l4 Hutlab rum lime um haa boen n6 pushi It In 35 Mr and Mn Gauléy Ji Ipent Monday nvenlnl withr 3nd Mrs Beaver Camp Bnr on Mr andMrs 13 Cameron and wily Barrie Mr and Mtg Cameron and family St Calh arines spent turday evenlnz with Mr and Gauley By MRS FRAIJCK The Asian Flu hu been very revalan around he commun ly The schoolhi kept open despite large number ol pu pus 32cm away s€k Qullp number pamnu pupils and their Mend Itwndad open Muse Battle NothCulu legato Tram was no problem and there was no trouble finding parklm place The only oneway slrccl us the popu lnr saying went was the one um led to the cemetery Advocmcs ol the slralxhl edged razor cunlldenlly pro dimd the satcly mar wa passingjngi St Peters church welcomed buck un Sunday Um Revcrnnd Gordon and Mrs King Jerry Ind Janice Toronlo 11o LL15 mo Ifoo Kids earned hclr spendlnu money by couccllm scrno lron tlnlnll and homes and Hing lhem In he junk dealer who Illel drove mid lynxgain SE quont was the teenage kid who led his pals down In primrose mm by lolklnx hem Inlo pilehlnl pannlu sidewalk crack on Sunday me Inter grew up Ind bought the Inca pool hurl icsrlhoie were the day ol lnnnccnce Remember hlrcd hand wouldnt my arm when he couldnt hnvo huge slab Apple ur hrenhlnsl Hamburger sold for three pnundl or quarter and was wrapped In butchers pa per not piasflc EVEN PARKING SPACE Everybody In small 0an went to bed lhe same day lhey In up Except on Satur day night hc only Hung nwnke alter midnlaht was ei hgr anflwl or whlgpoo My MAIICII The Feiziuaryrfdedlhl the TORONTO llrli noul um our rV Nun Mum Iml rum lluon mu Pup Pmy Nanndu IlvurI Mum fllltl shun nl Whflmlll filnl fllnl Arnund mumly Gun Lori Vnunl lnnw mu mm Vllnowlnn Flnl II no luulc nun Ilurllebury llaund Im cm TV um sporty Nun Vurld HMIOY mm ol BARRIE Judy Gullnd Frank cmllenn mm on huum leeul Omn um cm Nun mm spam NIVII umhun Tul mum Gnod llnlnlnl swam rm Nvu ampg gum STROUD 50M usual lhe Ilnilans go of la good Ilnrl Th llulinn East Maschcroni playing wlh CcrmonclnIlhey wen fondly referred lo Mucnrunl and Cream opened he hlddlng wllh hourl Swlss pnlr Enr anI And Jacob lhcn no In our spadu on the blddinK nhown Although lwclve Irlcks were taxny mndm ll mun ho anld lhnl II hard In Iaull Nam 50th for taillnu to much lho lound alum conlrncl nllzr lhc blddlnz Md hccn npcncd ugaiml mm The cnrdl uccpllnn ally ml and huldu the This wns Board No In In mulch bclwccn Italy and Swlb zurlnnd playcd in Torquqy dur lnx the 1961 European chamA planshlps Womenn numth was held it thahomIo Mrs wllberl MI zulre Armgemmlnv wenmadev for ma St Patricks ea in be held in lhn United Church bur menl Much15 Last weakend Vlsllon Mn Wuljam MacDonald and some Barrie with hrr sister Mrs Don Ntchle Mr and Mn Hnrvay Bentonth Mr and Mrs Charles Grnnk Mra Tyson Jnhnglon 5Phelpslon wllh her ulster Mrs Franck Blll Gun has gm to Toronto lo work with 01 Bell Telephone Company Ingram Amoa Ros Gibson 3111 Miller and Emlu Richardc son uttendcd the Bee Cattle Frpducern blnqnel Gulhrlo onMonday Gmrgewbe Gram was hoth lolllhn weekend Mrs Jahé Ennax Is put Icn In Soldier Memnrhl Ho pxgql mung Mr and Mrs Dale Miller and Inmuy Pelcrborough spent Lhe wqqkend William ra MrfanrdV Hi Bob Lambs and Patsy Cmsslnndwlsiled ccglly Karl Mlljers MOUNT ST LOUIS SeGerHl from lhls 56mmunny attended the seed air In Elm vajg Frldpy ME and Mrs Sld Clarke Coldwaler vIslled Monday with lhEFrawluylh Mrs Ed Euchnnan spent few days In Toronto and atlend ed the birthday party or her grandmother Mrs Funk Four El Eli lRKchardsun has returned home aflcr three weeks smut Mr AndMu vnmm mum vxsitcd last Sunday at Stewart Jamlesans Thomas iodd Is sptndlng some llmn with Mn and ML Mggray jugddL Bgrrle DAILY CROSSWOBD Itllon mnmr Itlwlllh bu IT My one Ill Inlmonu mnul In lilua mlh nlhnbbf mum ham Odynu nilm mum munnut inchy Unulull It Joln ln It MIMI No mm Annmy Iluuol iunny II mlum huhlav mum 1L Kiln Ill Walnut you omu us IO knbiiin Openlnl lendllva in bear East dealer Neither shin vulnerable IL Malibu mm 11 31 MRS FRAWLEY nunau Thu blddlnl In South Wut Naru UN PHI mmdfilp WEST or 6n CONTRACT BRIDGE AKQJIO on NORTH 10 It OIL 110 EAST ll Huh Hui thltluln MacIon 10 Ml Itmdl IlnL ll leth Im lulu pm WM nubbodnl all mm tAIIn Am bit at cm Chn By JAY BECKER mu Nina lhruh Am 11 Puk monummh JD haw nw hand wnl made to order or lhn Ilnllnn blddlni method and pravldcl dramullc ex ample the good mulls III cnn Inmellmes he obtained by lhc use mlflclal tnnvtnllanl Tammi Al utrlomhnry le Four heart ukcd North about Mon conlrolr 1110 live cluh rcsponso showed mond round control ol heartsn Incl preclsoly nlnglclon ll North had lacktd In or second round conlrol ol hear ha would have alumni of lorllllcl ally by blddlnz our lpldlflh und Soth would haw passed ln such case anlnx acqulrcd ho hum ledgu lhI North had nil lon helm Soulh tnnlrnclul fur nlx spades which was cully made count Ii MR8 WANLESS Mr and Mn Orville Snider and Mr And Mn Doug Mnrlln 95 Midlnnd vlslledflunday wigh Mr and Mn Jack Cameron in the allernoon all enioyed tour of the Block Bay in Collin wood arbour Mru CImnc Atkimon and boy went Saturday evenlnl with Mr and Mrs ivnn levey Sunnidnle Mrs James Mllllgan Ind Jay ne are visiting in Toronto with relatives wilh so many other In Hun blddlng sequences an ex planallon is In order To hegln wuh ha thm nalrumn over all humanan loda with no lrump It showed lhc strength for an opening gnmeforclng bid and funnelmare requested part an In show how many am be ad sour diamond Indlcnlcd nne nee It dld no Ihow diamond lenjlh humber In this district have been 11 Willl the flu NEW FLOR WI Eighteen members and visit or were present at Womens Institute meeting held Tuesday Afternoon at the home Mrs Mlnnlnls in Phetpstan Mn Bert Kenny President wu In charge The roll call was an swered by naming Iprlnz flower and lulllnfl In Irlsh Joke In youth we learn In an we undersluud wax the mollu Mrs Cllna Rawn gave per on lhe topic Educallon geography mulch was held Mn Jnck Buschl coma on Famous Names WBI won by Mrs Rum and Mrs lElL There was also Touch and Taka table eadl nmclo on beg 1h 15 cunts The anniversary ol the WI branch here In to be held April 16 In the hall Edenvale Invilntion are In be sent to our neighbouring branches as well lo Ihe are and diurch prgydgnt and seqeta Members were glvzn tlcketu la sell on quilt aka question nalr ko fill out ngnnfing mar Ila status occupation educat lon use mun etc The Home and Country was distributed Mrs Busch offered her home for the annual meeth to be held April Swiss palr had only 23 high c5551 palms wogkwllhr However Ihe ilaiian North Souih pilli oi Brnxi and Binn chi when iiwy played the hand did reach the mm on the fol lowing bidding Plll tum Imy tub VA NEW FLOS $9M Imam 15113 up my lfafimv Ml Wu Pun fauna mm NI mma uEADWI MONT NOW CAN WU COME MK IN noun once nm BARR EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH 1m JUST mwm Il may THE BEAUTY mama TO FLAV JOKE gm fix muammnm mmwmwl HI wmrn moan We AND nun

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