Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Mar 1963, p. 1

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ll mauled mm he lvldrnrc unlml our cum mmIncludlnl lwa Imported armor to nulcombv ulud In wll vlnw In mullvll pmmuunn Almml Io tnmmluiumrl mnrlullmlx ITUDV IUGOEHTEH In hl no0mword nporl bird Hm lrulslnluru lodny Mr hmlcu ll Ilnnch nl lhl Onlmln Com lumen luuml lhnl nmblm hm MI balmy unllnz nmund wllh Mr clal rluh thnvlm nldcll ul by nlnwmuvlnu machlnwy lho provlnrlnl Incrrlmyl de pmlmtnl Tough nml mm mun nlul ICNUII unlnul lnmhlm wu rccnmmrnded by HM 11 rnmlvl lull whnsu purl nlluwn no dnyn MMlnll Ind yur luvmun mmmlulan Two hlzh panu nfllcm Hnbd In uvlvlrnro wllh um lIIuI Wm hll by In mmmlt Honor Ila rrcommrndrd maul ol Iruul Commll Ilnnrr Jam llulrll at the 0mm lvnvlnml Iullrc and MM he usrfulnrn ul Imp Allan IiIrlnanr ol Irlrnmmuuh hll leld Last count deficit was reduced lo 50000900 lmm summooo In 1961 the amount by which lmporu all exports Whllc lhorc was smooom lrpdo surplus Ihe dellcfl ln nonmurchundlsa ratiosuch as lourlsm and In lmsl nnd dlvldcnds was $1003000000 NQTES PRICE USE TORONTO CF Onlnrinl mynl commlulnn on mmu hn found uvldcnco rnormous ll launl unmhllnu but no olher nllrminu nrxnnmd crlmu no ndlcnlo control and no car rupl on In nllomoyicnunll depntlm mlnsky governor of the Bulk ol Canada lay the devalued dnllar ln conjuncllon with the degree price stablllly we have been able to maintain has played helplul role In re ducan Canadas balance ol paymenla dellclt If we take advantage our opporlunlden wn can ex pect to derlvn addluonul ben efit mm Ind other acflons that have been taken muting our ballneo of payments he lay In his annual report leased Sunday the sumo lime Mr Rus mlnsky any sustained and vigorous efforts are needed by invemmanl Industry and labor In Increase the Canadian econ omys efflclency flexlelty and skills the momentum Im vravcwvv WW hly wardlnx he adds The steps necessary In make Canada can pcuuva ln world trade were ex uenllnlly the same as thnso needed get Inllsinclory ln lcrnal pruxpcrlly and growth Revlcwlnfl lie darnMlle price Illuallun Mr fluamlnsky any 99m an No 65 ALLISTON Provincial Fallen Corporal Freeman lull nnd Cnnstnhla Gemu Han Crime Report Shows Illegal Gambling Says Devalued Dollar Cut Canadian Deficit OTIAWA CPLLou Ras For Examiner Want Ad Tole phona PA mm Thu elephant number to call or the Human or Eduarlll Dept ll PA M557 Our Telephones The Ollitmploymcnl Iplrm nhnnlrlu than 011m lull mlnu minhm Jlmn Mllumy hm An unlor lunllc unoclnllnn with Dnmull ml Fulnywham ulflruled by lho lwu um Menlull ll dlr nul dmr oum nflldnll mm dnlnl their duly INLMHHL oyrosun Anommmr Men mmplrltd Mr Jmllu nrmh ooh lama wflh On lulu unmnmenln mrnl dccl mm In Ipvolvfl In mm of Thu commlnlun mufy Hull lm urvcd an clhcllvo brkolempomlly ll Mill an nunnlml crtmlnul mm In rllmlnnlo mmuuy pnllllcnl Inlulerrnu by hnvlnr mun mmuhlu lnmmm mm lhc hum mmmlnlnner The MI no actor In Onlnrlu omnlzed crime do Iplle some luuulloul Io lhll cum 17 decline llnfiplm erph Mthrmoll Imd Vincent Fcelry hn mulled In My mullIll reducing umlnl Ind boo mIHn but Am not Ill nnlvo lhlnl lhnl bulk hlvn been wmplrchv endl calmL lnllcln of mu mmmu nlllrl tnul bu Impnwul by nlmllnhln munlclpul lnnu ul mu mm and hlvlni IM Oll lulu nvu In an MIME1n Mn poll plum alleging Ipdlflq hid there we somewhat greater Increase In prices in 1962 than In 1961 but In aenml the 0mm doe not sum to have been much morn than that which accurer In the Untth Slum and It was appreciably less than the Incmse In most overseas Industrial countries Elsewhere his report nnlc that wages and prices con tinued to rise rapldly In vlr lunlly every Eumpcun couner in 1962 and became Increas lnflly mum of mncem DREAM WARNS OF DISASTER kln investigated the shooting uhwmlamflnk and ma file bullet plowed mmugh Helm their horrified me she from mow covered rock Ibovu 150 ool wnlcdull lune meade an die tell led Into pool West Vnnmuvcrl Cyprus ka Then the current carried her over Um I50 loot all xlrln broken body rill lound lhe bale ol tho Ill VANCOUVEI CWMn Verll William had dream um many people wro crylnu mu she begged her mum old dauxhler 14511 no lo no an hiku Sundaypol1e nld Butlleslle wait wllh thing wmpqmops 1112 13am Examinprf Huwover lrcmlu Ilvhfifll mod Ilulnmenl uylnl lhll Mr Silk hu been Ivan lhn Illlhll nl duvuly mlnlnlor In UV urvku hul not depuly lhq lllomyxrnornll do pnrunml Fhr mun um nmblm he hurl Hum InnIn mommcn dullum Thm would in clnur wovklnf Irunxumrnt between lha pol Ind lhn pmvlnclll Immnl depomnnl no lhn Um dvsnlmrnlwhlch dull wllh ruh thmmun ul mm More pmmfllmn In lodme The Judge Inld he md lhn nnnounttmenl Erupmlnl lhnl Iho tbmmlulnncr an my mlnlslcr ln lho Illamuy xrnrrnll drpnrunenl and dwclnrcd lhlu brouth dun er hnvlu lhn om me1le by polmu Dullnl with munlcipnl form Mr Jmllro llnnch wu trfllcnl nl nypolnlmml bl lhulr munbm Ivy lulu roundly rnlluv than poll mulland IAM ll mmlu lhtm umkd lo he evlln pollllul lnlm lmnu Minn LOHV Allth Im null dcpuly mInlxlcr Ilnlul nu OPP commluluncr Eric Sllk on mar nulnlunl depuly Illomey mm was Mmtd la lurcud wmmhalontr IL Clark who nllrcd BanBomb Placards Destroygfi During Liberal Rally In Quebep doxcn men loll he meclln early lo at us wlth and then lack the mun of 35 younl mic and main pickets boar dun reading In French Let us remember Illroshlmn Pcnnonmnn ol Iwo tam Nobel Peace Wu and Do mam Them wn also lho ofllclnl Insignia of he bunthebomh or uglzallon Therown Ihnvinz and lame Lhaerollllnz No hlnvu In as valua dollar pegged at 92 cent In terms of US fund last May Sum tendency has been ap went the Impact oi the awcr on has me on the prices lmportslo be has partly absorbed belore lhn good reached flnnl buyers By Ancu Mu N712 QUEBEC CF Placards urging Illa bannan nuclear weapons were trampled and shredded Sunday after belnz wrenched from young plckell nuulda rally Addressed by Llheral leadgr Pgnnon The meeting In the Quebec Armory lasting mm lhnn houn drew uboul 1500 peak Attendance In Canada easy supply candl tIons subslanUally mlumed any general upward prnuuru gn pflce cgused by the dgcllpa lha lower rIthmnd schon the window shown hehlnd lhu olflcen Examiner photo Han empower FIND MANWIFE KILLED BY isuors Forum Oll mnnlnhlu Kennel lAmmln and Cnrmw lawnnee nllcml lo have re ulvrd mnnoy hr llpom who mllned hut um no urm culed mar lha OPP unrowml Monro Ill Inll lnmlnnng Iqud mlvillu um hrlng Icahn lo Inmmm Clvnnl Wright lulu qurnlly mnvldnl alnnl wllh Mrmr mull ml mm DHIIIIHIII In vhlnln puler lulnrmnuon IL Irall flydmy llloomlml Tun onlo mom to luv Ivmm in Ilnlulory relurm dlrrclnr at umbor Communlly AmiHon when nypnrlnuy Ill no dlmlar onllnl In Ibo upon Thu dub thum cancelled In ml for v10 Inllml lululonl Sammy nnlwm Cllhnrlnu lmkmnkw mmlcd In Menu la hm pnld pn llromen lnr um an Oll Inlllllmhflnl Id In lhl Nl um lmlmull tho frovlnclul mrelnry In hnld III nqulry under unlh on um quullon cnnrrlllnl chnr lcr which would Ko lonK wny Inward lhwnrllnx lhe Il nl um nl mlnl tluh dm by promIonnl nmblm Th our mun tonrrrnlnl whom ovldoncn Ihnulll be Iudlnd mm rlnglender the dozen who loll lhe nnmry to break up lhu placards and lhnn rclumcd there ldcnllllnd hlmscll to porters Armnnd Anornnu nl nnrhy Levls llc nnld In reply la quarlu whclher he was bowl Am nnllonullst lll lell you mm lhlnx Wu dont want any Communist in tho pryylncs ol Quobc Mr canon wnn flanked on nlly lalform by former prlma min am Inn St Lnu Ian Pnul Mnrtln Llanel Chew lcr and about um um flies lmposfllcm in lenlcncu on lmkmnkm lnr III In convlcllon Dnoryoumz picket whn had al tempted earlier to enter ho armory Hull was bodlly ejected am gm Nmomusr He spoke at wvlca venerv all the mhcenlury New York nun lollowing her beallflcntion he high polnl the an den cuemnny canon 01 the basilica read the papal decree beallncntlon and the 3000 US pilgrim present broke into long fpphuse Her weddlnz lo William Mn xee Seton in 179 wns major event on Naw Yorkl soclnl cllendnr seemed struck and no mlsl mm was oflmd by the plckets Police at the mono dld nah lnlervene He knelt More portrait of Mother Seton first USbum person to be beamed and prayed privately for 15 minute before speaking The ceremony followed tho acceptance by the my See In February at In validilyu1 two cure necessary or bcalmca Hun Mother Seton was born Ell nbelh Ann Hayley In New York in daughter leading Manhattan doclor who taught anatomy at Columbia Univerv all She ggpw up VATICAN CITY Reuters Pups John XXIII descrlhed Mother Elizabeth Ann Seton Sunday as the first omdnlly remznlzed lower of nncllly whlch the United States Amerlca otters to ihe world Mother Sgton First American Is Beatified Banla piarlo Canada Mbnday March18l63 IuhIlMn ropumhllvn umudrum mint rekcllou II timed mammal ha WE Hfilinua Inr nrwwaprr Ilrllu hrre Hm mini hawI ol gelllnl plum lnr MHzn hack on lhe Itmll ll werk ny mmln at mum IMI In Lmlln union mm vnlml flumhy la velrcl mnlrncl ulllemrnl manned by Mnynr unbm Wuner and up pmvrd Ivy uMlmr ml unlan nnznllnlnrl um 111 mm by local Hm lnlunnllannl mxmnphlcnl Unlrm bowl Inn Dec DJDI xluyn Imamhm our navy pawn rm olhu mllar dull rlmd vulnntavlly tho nme llme One 11 Im my ed pulglluflon filmy IOHONN CWMn Grog nry Cllrk an win ol the CA nndlnn newnpnper columnhl III today heart lllflck Inllnulnx ll hrlel 111nm Her husband 15 modulo or Vrnkcnd he newnpnpcr mnguxlno nml wrllu luklnck column Iyndlcnlrd nannnnlly 01h mrvlvnrl Include Ion Greuury Anmlor Onl and daughter FJlubclh who Mn Hlm Now York so out In demolish the Idea sllll held by some Newfound lnndm Hm Lhu provincial rrnl zovarnmonl Lo be lhnnlged lorjcdcu yarnan benefits Iurh Al Illnily IHOW Shu Iho dmmhtcr nl lho Inlu Nev Jnmu Murray DD Tnmnlo Prlmc In an election speech hen Sn urdny night lock alm ho domlnnnl nautical power held in this pm to by lhe peppery MIMIPNEII want Newloundland no nllaw ILScH to be mnmllcd by nnl mg persona hp 591d By ALAN DONNELLY ST JOHNS Nlld CP Progressive Conservative have mounted mnlor Marl to can vlncu Newloundlnndnrl at John chlenbakcr not Joey SmnnwoodIs their best lrlcnd Miss LaMalsh seeking re election as Liberal MP or N1 ngara Falls julnrd the truth iqund when llwns formed last week along with party re searcher Fred Main and Juk Macbeth mehum Journalln The Mad wentvlnla action last We sdny night at Mom on NB hullhum mer Mr chlcnblkcr Inlde tpeaklng But the party added that sllll will post an observer at Mr Dletenbakerx meet Ings and said factual slate ments correcllng lnaccuraclu will be Issued as warranted Mean er Pearson 5an in companlun slalemen that ha has only he highest admlrnliun or Miss La Marsh He said she carried out her ask wilh devotion delet mlnnllnn and her usual elm fivcness Mrricarson mind too that she was glvcn the assignment by he beta campaign or za hallo WENT INHVI ALTIDN Strike In NY Not Over Yet OTTAWA CHThu leual party has pufled In truth squad the trail Prime Mlnlsker DIeIenbaker Thu lhreemember squad Ix hem disbanded because it was misunderstood and mislan prekcd the Liberal party na unnnl campaign headquarters sald lg mkcmep fiaurggy Another reason for breaking up was the regreltable harassment of squad member Judy LnMarsh Columnisls Wife Dies In Toronto PM Doesnt Want Newioundland To Be Ruled By One Person NEW YORK MUIdnlerl Squad Disbands Misunderstood Ii ins Lhnn capacity crowd 750 which lumnd out despite blizzard and near1cm lum pcrnlums hcani our prelimi nary speakers dcxcrlbo Mr Dieicnbukcr In tho best irinnd Newfoundland evcr had For finyntvhumcs nnd lhu outpost around he bland ho mccilnn wn broadens on provincial radlo network Mr chfcnbnkcr appench plainly tar male Inpporl nl hl pnrly urmnn Nuwlound landl levcn connilucnclcl Gmldlm Shawna MI Beam QM Mum Neal wanna the know some pcoplo my Isnt Mn Smallwaad kind Well we pay or Dont let anyone tell you In vollng or will mean loss ol hnl pen al becausu we Increased It IS BROADCAVI mm and old use penslons Re letting pension he Inld now Liberal campaign are coloring book no one want to mlnr homing pigeons no one can find and disbanded lrulh squad nnw known as Ihe some Thcse 5M election nnv tilles launched by the mount Liberal high command reflect bale misunderstanding vi Canndlnn pciillcs he neriuus 5301 in present campaign and Pig mood ol tho Canadian people On Friday night In llalllax persons unable to gel lnlu theatre where Mr DielenbakLr was speaking shouted Ith nnLJudy Lu Marsh lu birth last week was met by severe criticism from the other party leaders Flnnll Minister Nowlnn called It goon squad New Democratic Party Leader Douglas snld It was degrading luc Hc and Robert Thumpson 50 dnl Credit party leader called negntlvq My pollllcs Soon alter the heir statement Dullnn Camp nallnnal chairman ol the Pm grassch Conservative partys national orgnnllallnn mmmik lee issued one 01 his own call ing the dccislan nprudenl ch 10 mind Ho added Mr Macbeth dlmrihnked to re putters Va Wwpawrlnen bulletin taking Issue with our the prim mhlsker islatremgnls 111E Enjcalled Imlh squad asked or and received police prolecu BACK Inownlorm Iwcpl across nun In lho Dakota and Mlnncsoln dumplng up In 15 Inches mow ln llnnld Clly SD lucrercd all ll mavcd cuslwnr Only 11th wow or llurrlcs loll ntrou notlhcm arms In lho Euslnm oneIhlnl al the US llnll mln nml mow hll IOUUINH Cnlllornln nrcas ll FROM CASTROS IAILS mo been Mmm In mm mu my mm It 11sz mnlergm hllh Mhmcy June Donovan Donovan ub Du tho lulu flooding was not dnmnxlnx In last week when sumo 30000 person mm driven mm thclr homes and pmpcrly dnmnxo win In the mljllans of dollnrl Snow rnln hull nnd lomn doc made up the Inclcmnn weather nltern or thn winter INISOIII nsl wmkcnd CHICAGO APliieavy nine over the weekend caused new iioodinn in the Ohio River Vni icy stormy wcnlher pounded broad areas oi the United States The fresh flood which hit sections oi Kentucky Virginia and West Virginin were the and wlihln week and cum as many communiiies siiii were cleaning up irom ins weeks destructive overflows Flooding also was reported in para or New Yflik Sim and Tennessee that somethan held the door tight and upon pushing she stumbled onto the mnngled body of her brother Willlam Black 35 sald ConA stable George llankln one the Investigallng alllcm Mr Black was about Thu neighbor was unideniiiicd as of 11 mm In all pmbabiiiiy he was Clarente Milnei who iiv4 ed cw house away police snid ALLISION Shall Sheila Black gIrl In her early twen tlu stumbled over the bodies at her brother and his wile shortly alter mldnlghl today In her bro thers home on Ihe 61h Con cession Tossuronllo Township Palice said sha was so shock ed that when sha not the lnmlly cm started she couldnt shlfl the gears Sha ran to neigh bars home and was driven Into Allisten Bald Constable Han Both had heen shot thronfih the head Ontario Provinclm Police Corporal Freeman saldlt was murdersuicide C1152 According tn Ponce Sheila had come home mm date with her boy lriend shorlly all midnighl He apparently drove 011 right away and she walked lntq my house kln Ohio River Area Flooding Again filliston Police say Case Is MutderSuicide Not More Thin 7c PII Copy14PM Fartly cloudy tonlm and Tuesday Low tonight High tomorrow 33 For the complete summary turn to page two Local Weather Small boats npcmlnd by he tons uunrd and Wm Ihufllld uvutuce from lhu Silver Creek ma la Hm hnll mulcls n9 lnuunls and llm home at dcnll whose human worn nu ln undated Some resident cl Hooded hamu refuscd lo lcnve however movlnl lo quarlm well above mound lave tamed aim to mm um um flown lo Hammad Mr Im Hm mum IAI errphuto The loading rcsulmd from ca jams thawing snaw and recent rnlns In lhc area near Banln Thu New York Slnlo lhruwny lulcrchnnzn nl Silver Crock was shut duo lo Hoodlum So were several other hlxhwnys In Chau tauqua County In the vlllngo at East Aumm about 25 mllu narlhrnal 5H vcr Crack the In drparlmcnl mod wnlcr nut or floodrd emu Ihmulhnul um nighL twister lashed Centrevllle In central Alnhnmu Injurlng thrcu germs and damnging 66 to 70 am and bulldlngsu Silver Creek NY about 500 persons warn forced lrom their homes near the Lnku Erlo more by flood wnlcu ram Cub turnugul Creek between Erie and Chautauqua Counllcs Many roads were closed Cpl Freemnn sald ln all pmhahillly Black called to hls wlle from oulslde and shot her through he kllchen window went lnalrle and then shot hlm sell through lha head Na suicide note was left The gun was found under Mr Blacks body and the but had been gypagedgfl by the me Constable Phil Cnney and Pa Bunchamp went to the scene about four miles west of AHIs tnn Cpl Freeman was then called In to lnvestlgnlo Pollce wld tho incidentoc curred about pm and that no one heard any shots fired or the dog barking Tho dug German shop herd seemed to have gona be serk sald Constable Hnnkln Both were unempluycd and had no children Shefln was boarding with lhem Coroner was Dr Flicker of Alllston palhclagls was called in from Barrlu to perform an autopsy the 66 The weapon I1st was Wm chcslcr 35 calibre The bullet whlch hlllcd Jun Black was marsh charge Only 11 mulls were found of the bullet that killed lllrl Black $213

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