Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1963, p. 7

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Shnmmckl nml shlllelnxh worn uwl mm on lanh theme fur the Shamrock Ten held ynlcrdny nfltmoon no Frllowshlo Hull nllkr Sind Unch thunlx Thu lrn WM undrr lhu Impltn be Ul dlu Auxlllary ml Ilnrm sunll 3mm 1m sums wrm Itchan Ivy Mrl Iklfy II Flock Aml Mn ll Walkrr Ilrlllllnz II NI 01le um Mn Irma1 lunudrn Skelly MM erv rhuler ml Mn Lloyd wk Trn mum Includnl Mu McAfllmr Mu IL llodzrrs Mn Julmwn Mu 1i Unvr Mm Mound Mm lrcll mi Mn II lllchmn Mn hir and Mrs irecmnn nnd thnir two daughters have re cently returned tram 16 month in the Vnrsnk Colony Pnklstnn where Mr Freeman was an en ulnrcr with the Colombo Finn They wcrcthc inst Cnnndians at Vnrsnk whore Pakistani en llnecrs am now In mmplote control at the combined hydro irrigation plan The project was an outright gill irnm Canadl to Pakistan valued at 370000000 hirs irmman was wearing vure silk nrnnga and heavily burdorcd with sliver threads She expialncd that the silver lhrcnds wen woven into th rilk by seven or olghlycamid boys whore hands alone was agile enough tor the dellcnla work The and must be kept mlicd when put away so that the threads will nut omit iihn pictures demonstrated nm nlclurzs dcmonslmmd Pakkluna two maln problems that cl sallnlly of lhe mil and overpopulation In Lama um At last nlgMs moellng the Unlverslly Womens Club so member watched with interest whllo Mrs Freeman lnted her lmpreulon Paid lnn through her collection color slides Bit Of Erin Sets The Theme For Traditional Shamrock Tea mum of anmndu lvruld mm mm the own nllrndul women ma balm like of aucnllon the Unl vmlly Womens Club meeting held at tho Hill Theresa SL Inst vcnlnx Gowned In he Life In Pakistan Revealed In Slides Robe and Sams nlllur um um mm II Nrw Comm MM FREEMAN was lho Klrllmwnl rmm max Illlr llylllll AI Mn mum Yum WM on thr lho evenl Mm Mn zoom Inunlnlrn conven rr llnkn lnhlc COMUIHI were Mrl Louise LImk Mn IL licunnl Mu Luke Mn Inrmilr Mrl kick Mn Nplini Mrl Iluldck IL rhrn mnmm lnrludwi Mn ll lnmldao Mun IL lamp nulls Mfl Smllh Mu Thumn Mn Clown Mm Yllm lmnunow Ickd mnmm wu Mn 1m Universin Womens Club will be the gut5L 01 Dr and Mn Boyd Prnsumz on Aprll ID Dr Boyd ls Iho Sup erlnlLndcnt of he Onlnrin llos pllal and will be ho guest speaker SIDIMJIII Mn May Mn ll Edwanh mall the wuler table has 13 lo such an extent that solid palmes salt appear on the surface the land Mrs Freemans slldes lncludcd plclnm ol he lnmcd Khyber Pass the mln arellopped bulldlngs of Peshn wnr Unlvcrslly and the mar kcls along the slrecls ol Pesha war Before mlurnin lo Canada he Fmemuns toured Inan where hey visiled the Ta Mn hal and men spent weeks hoildny on lhrcebcdroomcd housebonl ln Kashmlr Miss Annstnsln Hughes assisted Mn Freeman with In projeclor Following the meeting dc sert WM served by Mrs Henry Dobson Mm Henry nooks Mn James Kelly Mlss Jenn Keith Mm Peter Trunk and Mrs Howani Grafl Mrs chlo Ross and Mm flaw ard prcsldcd at the on and co Ioe lublcs nblu at Sunmrod TM held by lhhd Hurrlo Scout Group Lndlu Auxflllry lrndlllonnl Sax won by the women of Pakistan Nu Freeman show her hnndhng uhlch was made in Agra to Mrs Nearby on her PUT SUPERMARKET IN YOUR HOMEI llmll Saturday night group ol peapla Rumored to honor VO Brown at party glven hy ho slnfl AET lnr their wives and Irlends Mrs Gray was the winner door prize FL and Mrs Walker won spot dance SL Campbell wished W0 Brown gond luck In his new posting lhen presented him w1h Ixhl Ba ullcase Bast wkhes go to wo and Mrs Brown 14 Oak St Mm leave lhh week or their ne homo in human They will be missed by their many lrlcnds Barker Home and School soclnllon held Ils annual bake sale In Barker Public School on Wednesday The sale was hrld ln mnlundlon wilhOpen House at he school In the halls of the school nllroetlvo dlsplnys Wm hung coverlnz all kinds or mm and am Thu evzninz was huge success dlsplaylng once again the Inter es of he parcnl lowards lhclr chlldrens school and teachers Mrs Florence and Mrs Moar were jainl hostesses at bridge given at the ham ol Mrs Florence Cedar Oesccnl Four ables ol bridge were In play with prizes going to Mm Walker and Mrs Dn vics Congratulations were also given SL and Mrs Snow don an ihelr wedding anniver nqry Refreshments were serv Ionlny Allmmon mu wns hrId lhe FrHowxhb Hull Colllbr sum Unflcd Church Abe Mn an Clarke mum at he bnku Able mnku 1qu lo Mm Hll Fndlellu Mn IN Lnndmvlllq look an filmm lrwr pm hid MissrPiisulln Thompson on her Mr rlghl 9nd H9M°EC BORDEN NOTES Tlhnlnnlr lnLumrnltnl lnpl Um mm mqut by Inhlul krl vantage um ml mum Tall And kl lu vxplnln Ihnvw McKINNON FURS Lid Dunlap It lADIES You Alnyl FINE FURS 1mm Ior Den Ann Linden xuspccl am not the only physlclnn who mad your column every day mldom dlsnxrce with you but dld menuy Pltnso rceonslder your ndvlcu to Hor Mlcd She wrote about gossipy nune who hm discussed her medical lilo with Month You ndvlud the pnllcnl Io chnnuu dado nnd ll lho quesunn over mth lo why uplnin lcnvlnu oul all human munm Dur Ann and Andy Your dad xhnuld be old Immediately Your mother Is Involved In wrdld mess and he ls lho one who Ihould Ilraluhlcn ll ouL Memhels ol the Somplimlsl Club olBnrrle held Ihe March dlnner medlng at the home Mrs Marlnn Wallace Mmy Slml last evening The My lery Dlnner hnd St Patricks theme Mu Dorath Vnnce WM cohusless Following lhu bullet dlnner wlllla elephant nucllon sale was held proceed which wlll he used or con lcrenm expenses at the Eastern Reglonal Conluznte lo be held ln mhdon Ontarlo May All week for milk money we carry lunch and thats ll Yesterday Mom bought her bu friend some new clothes an secondhand car because he needs for lob aha said We don Ullnk she btlng fair to us and we would like you ndvchMGGEDY ANN AND ANDY SOROPTIMIST 19 Dinner guests included Mrs Edythe Maxweil Mrs Winnlired Browning Mrs Alma Lee Mrs Mary thmnn Miss Flora Lchregor Miss Groin Finley Mu Hazel Beaumont Mrs Kay Slewm Mrs Doris Nuiwcombe Miss Wilda Oil bur Ann Landau Two years ago mum and dad were di vorced Some kids get In choose Ihe parent they want to live with but nobody nskcd me Im 15 my brother 13 Mom di vorced dad or another man whn changed his mind about marrying her Now she has MI olher boy Mend whn mostly out work Dad rive mom $550 month which lupposed lo bu sup port maxmy or my hmlher and me She hasnt bwgh us one stitch clothes slnce the wormonly two pair of shoes In lwo your 11 didnt earn some money ailllng and it bad and Grandma dldnt sent us Chrlslmns and birthday money wed be In rags My brown in worse shape lhnn um be cause he has grown lot and nolhinx fit him THE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCIIM mes Nolan Ire Inlended Io cover an lenenl noell III of Ike city Ind dllulcl Weddlng nn nlvcnnlen hlflhdnyl bridge pnrllu comlnl nl ngepnr flex vlsllorl Ind Irlvellen In Ill Item of Jnlum In women ruden or III page Your help In nupplylnx Ill new will be mull npnn tinted Plenu phone The Bnrrh Eumlner II M557 Ind uk or Eileen Dlxon or Andrey Cnnhvn It Inc Wom enn Dcplrtmenl ANN LANDERS 3438 BAYFIELD STREET 3PIECE SUITE 54 DRESSER 16995 3PIECE SUITE DRESSER 18995 Inform Your Father What Hes Supporting luxury at low Cost Phone Eileer Dumn or PEOPLE AND PLACES These handsome annex Include 1r plc dresser wllh nlnc Ilrnwcrn and good qunllty mirrnr roomy drawcr chest and panel lml Thln ellmully II porllmml suite walnul and will nily to your roule DINNER Beautiful 1963 Design Bedroom Suites Clarks Home Furnishings Audrey Cannon PA 66527 herl Mm Amy Sargent Mrs Enid Couplnnd Miss Helen Rob son Mrs Llewella Mpclnnl and Miss Kay Yasunnkn Mrs Nunycnmbe was winner the dour prize SPECIAL VALUE AT CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS JAMAICA KIIOLIDAY Kiwnnl Club at Banla will have Mrs Belly Kennedy ra din commentator and lelevlslun personality as guest speaker or the annual SL Patricks Ladies Night next Monday Praidnnt Rev John Nd do an nhle to gel her promise to visit Barrie several month ago and the date was set Mnrch 18 Mrs Kennedy has an hours program every allu noon on CFRB and L3 also guest panclm on CBC TVs Front Page Chnllenge every mead night The Ladies Night program ln charge Kiwnnlans Fred Pearson and Russ Stephensr The evonlng will Include recep llon dinner dancing and en lerlnlnment The laller will mark he first appearance new local ensemble whose idcnlily has not as yet been re vealed ll lhc patient takes your ad vice who suffers First the pa llcnl because he risks lesi el fecuve care which results mm loss lnconllnuity or medical hislury Second the physician because he loses phllenl Plnnse lcll me ll vhy do lecnmgcrs laugh durlng lhu mosl lander nnd meanlnglul parts ol movie cant lnr lhe lile at me llxurc ll out Our chlldrcn will be lccnmgm ln law year and wuld like In be able lo underslnud lhls Thanks for whalever help you can zlve EVANbloN Drnr Evnnmn Laughter partlculnrly tho nlfluly WW lho result of milconsciousness When ecun1ch um cmbuh mst they oflcn rencl wilh mules ms Somo adult dn loo Wm Berlin la hu scum quarter to house collec llonx now In vnrhul muscuml about lhc clly Mr nndMrs Ernest nae Sunnldale road are home nfler mending two weks vacuum Ocho Rios Jamaica The real culprnthé gosslpy nurseloses nothing ncnr Docloit You are light was wrong accepl two hard swat with an aid ether musk Dur Ann Lnnrlcn My huy band and and another couple also married about 10 yum want lo movie last night This move was ior adult nniy There were six wagers sil iing In Ihe row ahead of us They looked about 16 The movie was beautifully done but It was not or lsyenr old klds What could have been dclluhlful nvenhx for was mlncd by Ihue kidsgiggling punchan each mixer and laugh lngAin he ymng plum BETTY KENNEDY HERE feel the nurse simuid be ported in the Counly Medical Society or he physician shanld he told directly FORT WORTH MD GIGGLY AUDIENCE Hymn mysgml RTE designed well pm Is Hnslwxl In rich mld grace Mill 111w Wo unveiled from one town to the nul by evurythlnn bu don Illd ld Ml Pmlem 0n the way lo Gander Nlld whnre she hupcd In her lingerhusband for lhn um Um By PATRICIA RUSAK TORONTO CP Mlor 36 hectic days touring the Al luan provinces youd lhlnk membprs the Canadlnn Opera Company would be ready or period complete relax allon during mday break But talking la lune wnmen members the cast leaves the Impression that ms hardly the mast Important considera lion odl say she will probath spend all her free time apaflmenlhununz In Tomnlo and preparing to movu More the company off again fur nearly analhnr mouth of en Miss Wards uhcdula sounds frantic but she say shes hnppy nhpuk lh New Orleans cancer because it gives her chance to work with pink who will accompany her on threeweek roman our of Japan aller he Canudlnn Opera tour end April Mom wilh all Ms acllvlly however lhe xingen are nllll hoping to catch up on tome Iltcp In nddillan combaulng the usual cnlds and Inour bus like lmvculng dnu are inld Miss Fisherho tour hul lnd blinnrdx particularly ln Newloundlnnd mm whlch lhe company rclgrncd Feb 16 As suggnsnd by the lllle the Mozart opera In which they ppcar Cos Fan mu womcn are likejhal Im going to saw myscll some spring clolhest says Con mum Fisher at Toronto who singsnule role Fiordiligl CecllIn Dornbclln lcnvcs Ior her home In Alcxnn dMn L1 alter Sunday mal lnce performance in Kitchener Onl She plans to visit her fam fly and men rehearse or con cert next week in New Orleans torroun JAPAN Spring in the 3k when miladyx lhoughk turn to spring hnls And this year the hals are snmuhlng to cmw about Barrie women had an opportunity In view Members Opera Company Maintain Frantic Schedule HAT FASHIONS SHOWN AT BONNET TEA 3PIECE SUITE 63 DRESSER 17995 Also available with bookcase bed 1000 Inurr per mm In month the train was de lnyed by snowsonn The same storm mvcnled Alan Crowloma plane ram landing nnd now Miss Proton wanl see him until May lve always been my about palillcs she um And No hud llmo while lrnvellinK la read all 01 Winston Church One DI the pyublems or laur ing performers L1 knuwlng whnl luggage to 13 men re arent any my gun restrictions any Mls Flsher lust all you can carry yourself wlthoul zoning slipped dLs Miss Ward on her first tour uld aha leamed lhc hard way lagged our opera scores whlch welghed almnst nugch as all lhc rest of my luggage ALL You CAN CARRY Because nl heir light sched ule hc women never have chance to gel lhelr hair done so lhey must knvcl wilh por table hnh dlyern as well On long bus or train ride mcmbcn of lhe troupe sing play bridge or iuch games 20 qucsllonl knit or read CORIPDSES JINGLE Kathryn Newman of SL Cnlh mines 0nL who shares the Dcsplnu role wim Miss Pro lcm spend mosl of her lime composlnx pollllcnl jingch Seasoned travellers Hm themselves to one has dress for receptions sult and us unlly blouse and sweater with 1119 Most rend In spring and summer mnlinery at the Spring Emma Tea held lhe St Andrews Presbyterian Chum ycscrday afternoon Above Mrs June Wells wears OTHERS FRO $550 $695 50 50 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE Anam nppolnlmnl an um PERMANENTS II It or $1000 Arlene Meadows originally frnm Brandnn Mam and Elsi Snwchuk lnnncrly of Hamilton share the rule Finrdiiigl and Dorahelia respectively with Miss Fisher and Miss Ward llls bouk 0n the Second World War ll Dunlap BI due black and while ox turcd slraw with huge red rose In real eyMatcher with It the model wears md bou ch can In nreefcr style In Inshions were mm lhu Hal Box Examiner Phnla uu KitchenAifl annulus fi®W New unilabla will kingIn uplclly or II Ind Guided Action wuh Ind FloAThru drying Ihll Icrubl clamor ddesbrlthltrPomlllnlnlzrlcr Ind lid DoublaWIH coman IIon or cool quid openlion Glumlng while wilh chmoll calm Warn fulurln Ma KllchenAld pomth dlnh wuhu Vllucpiiced Thenl KllchenAld or every kilcbcn every budget ROBINSON HARDWARE PA 82843

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