Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1963, p. 6

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TIILI hIInllllrnunu may lulrlq lhu palrnl In numulnlr Hm tlllhll Inlrrrtl Hilly rlprrlnlly lhnmzh MI hemlnn Ilulirl um um lhmuull rrrnllu lml am AM in ylnn nhrml lnr hlu 50ml Odnrullnn INN tnlnInl Idel nul many mull lrollnq Inn llwlr um mu rlxlhl II mn roclnm mm Mm lrxlvd by rlyrlmlnfllll will Imp In nx nhlr In lung In lhelr lvlomll lboul hlxh IQ mmmmnlly dulnl lhln rhlld murh hum nu mumn ynur rhlld In In nu numlmu and hm Ill Intolllunra Int 1m Imvr yrmn In humble nml mm with hrnvy mwnslblllty In hll Ilphflnllnl In MI column all tm Nyman the Iluncu Mm llfylnx lhc ullnl rupll curly ml 1qu pmvlmnn ullh up porlunlllu or llnrlnplng unwrlnr nnllm AMIIHII MM al lhru alllul rNMNn menial nlum prrrnriiy lung Ivdnra lhry rnuml Arhml fiaxmllmn llwy Iml mmrlly ldrnllllnl am In lhrm curly yam llnuuuh ll uu ol lnlcllllmrn mu we hack way we no onnhu lhnl many yannl brldu Ire Ar 00 Ihln Mary mnny In mum down llwy HUM rnlhcr dnnro mm Ihnll all right to paint Du lnr hrluhl of 115 pounds II dellnllcly undrmrlum nml rnnkm whom lamillu pro nny reducing mcnxum on your part can 51mm lhnl pla lure Your Inmlly loves you just ha way you are You an dean lumlllur figure In mm and thry dont wnnl you In chnnze with lhc be ol ermlnnx lhvy mnko ll mam dmlcull or yum lo mm nrlu en loo much at mealtime Without being nwnre oi what Im dnlng Ill hnva xccond helping on my pints and keep an eating even though oitcn mddcnly ranliu Im not hungry my more Now Im Irylnz to nducu with iriund Vo holh know we would he so much imp pier with loss wnlght to drug nmund nut wod Ike reduce unbeknown in our inmllirs fly iDEA JEAN KMN My Inmin think Im silly to diet Im 5nnd my weighl is unmcnlionable Ivo expanded rum lunch wnlst to which wnlsl and from 5h Inch Mp lo lInch hlps You can Imagine whnll happened lo my wclght bride weighed Ilim 115 pounds fly MIHW Mllifl lhJL PEAU DE 501E GOWN Mn In marr use by her hm lhermlaw Brant Marshall lhe brlde was allide gown cl blue peau dc sale lashloncd on Mullen lineal The bride curried Weslmounl United Church Hlln was the 50mm or the wedding Miss Aniln Shlrley Crnndall John Robert Bruce Binnie Rev Ernest Robert son omrlnlcd at lha ceremony Mrs Perry Rubens organist acompnnlod the sololst Mrs Reid Slccdmmm The bride is lhe daughter of Mrs Charles Bclycn of Brooklin Ontario The bride groom ls lhe son of Mr and Mrs Bruce Binnle of Toronto Precocious Child Requires Guidance Bride Wears Peau de Soie Gown For Winter Wedding In Orillia KEEP IN THE TRIM THE FARM EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 141 Curbing Your Calorie Intake Wil1 Curb Expanding Waistline MIL AND MRS BINNIE Imlm onnmruulnu yvut lylrnnh lo uplull III rhlld ynu will try In do no miln lll luvlnu In muflvml em Mum Im mmwlnuu thllv rnn grow mod Villflflld ml lust nrrcplnhle lo 00w rhlldnu flul lulu my lnmlnl IHIII or kmwlnlgn mull ll Michr fur lhll dllhl Iuvl Ic rrptnl hy INMKF Illhhru of MI ll lh my llma whrn lurll nrtnvtunra In no lluluhll mum evrr no mlny am np yuunfl cthrn up hallml lny lbelr Ilnllnl parwll ml grandparent In he pmvclmu ml Arr lrnlrml Ilka um la do nll mm mm and vrrhnl nlunu In My lholr pnnnu nnIly 0n Hm him hln Killed nm you lry hunkr ln hrp hlm lulflrknlly humble to ho wont hmmm ml and lo ulu hlm Ample play wllh nlher chll Inn nus Duly llnrlpllm Mm In cl or Um mum ol hm urnInn lnr cumu lnlwl Alllhnrfly m1 nwclnlly In ullrrllnnu And nmmnlmlfly in lumlly lowpvrcndmu plmhml chum mle mm Imuan la ML mil nml cuvhrr ML Alto mom wnlklnu Get out and walk every duywnh friend mulhlo Thls will rnmurnna llm bulk In come all ma nvcrlyvuphnlslcrrd hlm To pull wrlnhl all he wnlll Ilrdch IIlm Ihrough Iho mid dlc In you wnlk henan thou dm mm and Innd Take all 20 poundsyou wlll be not only happier but heallhlcr But at lho mm lcml It would be wise Mrulcay lo dlcl And keep quiet About It The lnmlly nccd be mm the what unlll they nollco you are lacking slimmerand rry wall Whnn lhcy commcnl Jusl my 011 do ymx lhlnk look sllln mcrl lva been dolng more walklnx ll 13 lmparlnnl lo glvo some firlnr lhouxhl to your mcalllma nbllu you lulu seconds on your plnle without balm aware nl whnl you no dolnu It may be lhnl you In unconsciously mnlormlnz lo whnl your am My expccll you Cu aul Due month nnd dawnIr nubon the desserts and ll Ilme nre rc mnrkx mmly my youvo lmd nll yml wnnl llnpplly yuu wlll marl YIIJUlll lo be lnxe an added 10 or 15 pounds rounded out curves to pleasing proportion but lhe yam slipped happily put more paund came on Perhaps In your case ynu date an oxlra 10 pounds nln from lhu nrrhnl math baby until now the miles rogispr cluse lo 159 poundspu Tho gmnmsmnn was Phil Dlnmond Rudy Bonlrmln and Al Thomson acted as ushers The ring bearer was Paul Mar shall the reception held at Own lodge lhe bride mother received attired In beige and mlnk loncd wool ensemble Followlhi uiddmg In Florida Ihe newlyweds will re slda In OrillIn while prayer book Adorned wllh an orchid Mrs Brent Marshall was mat run of honor 1e brldcsmald was Mrs Carl Schnenau lulu Tml Marshall attended flow er ulrl IBe allendanl wore matching gawns of deep blue nrganza fashioned on boullan lines The in an of Managemcnl nonlerenco was held the Guild Inn In February 196 it was initialld conducted and subsidised by the ihronio Busi ness and Professional Womens Club because of canviciian that in every area at business here is need for quaiiiied peopia In management and that In be qualified one must con stantly be learning and devel oping There are number very good short courses In Manage manl hllnlng In Canada but few of them are open to women Belore embarking on Ihe pro jock lhc Arts Management Commlllaa consulted leader Thu was of honor In charge of the Drapery Department of local store member of the Ind PW Club and teaches classes In Best Fool Forward culture 51ch NEED Mm Murphy wlll leave the clly on Friday amend the 1063 Conlerence Am Manage menl being held Guild Inn Scarborough mm March 15 In 23 Is sponsored and under written by the Toronto Business Ind Professional Womenq Club An lnormal evening was held In honor of Mrs Grace Murphy the home of Mn Lillian Jones Toronto SL Inst evenlna Guests included numbers no Banla Business and Prdluslon a1 Womens Club Basrriev Woman Will Aftend Arts Of Management Course MOONSTONE Wififimrum APPLIANCES COLONIAL MAPLE Double Dreuur Drawer Chest Panel Bod VILAS No 82 KEOIHILEW NO IFHULMI IIIICF HM Douhlo Dmucr Hnrlzonlal km Duwer hul Nlahl Stand Panel fled REGULAR PRICE mm CLEARING lnlCE growly CLEARING $259 $349 ANDREW MALCOLM N0 I72 FRENCH PROVINCIAL nooku lied Horhmlal erm mm Chm Douhll Dmner MODERN lflllfi industrial business and iinancial concerns The response was so enthusiastic that the project was launched Many oi these lxm tivea emphasized that their or ganlxatians were looking or pmple with ability ambition imagination and interest and they did not much care whether lhe person In whom they lnund these qualifications was man or woman MANY BENEFITS Thirlyelghl women allcnded the first conference They cnme mm husincss Industry govern MRS GRACE MURPHY limean Jendaflona Horizomnl Mirror Night Stand lAI CnWPI Photo nruUlAn mum mm LIMITED Drive Mlle and Smllo at lhe Monay You Save KAUFMAN No no CLEARING REGULAR llllCE IMO $279 CLEAnan $289 Danhll Druer Ilmlmnm erm Dilwa MI Nlnhl 51an lIMI KllUD N0 ma MODERN WALNUT llorlzonlll Mirmr merr Chat Final led COLONIAL MAPLE ACORN COME Look the lumen brand name we have In stock at amazing low pricul Andvaw Mqlqolm Gibburd Kvoohlor Popplar Knuiman Krug Vilas Knach tel Dvouin VieArt Houdarkh THE SHOWPLACE OF CENTRAL ONTARIO When Illa Ontaria prihl Assnclallon and in Hospital Auxilllrlu Alsocimlon hold their ihree day institute on Auxiliary Leadenhip March Banlo will be repreunled by Mrs IL Lemma first VlcePmidem Royal Victom Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary Among lime nmicipnllng in Ihe program will be Dr Arthur Biumberz oi the Group Dynamlc Centre Temple University Phil adelphia Mn Robert Cun non Chairman Council Halo pilal Auxiliaries American Ho pltni Association Mrs MacMIcidng Mrn Collins and Mn GeiorgeARalxmqnd nu he Hospilll Auxlllmes Aa soclnllon Ontario Mn Sheridan President HAA will pmlde TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lZm men at ave leveli moch llon and um us Report 1mm lime women indicate the follow ing benefit accrued from the Conferan inclused Ida tr abiiily and objectivity am flan broadened perspectivo more coniidulce and willian in iaku mule responsibility all at which combine to make anas work mor inieruiinx Ind lilmuiliinl Auxiliary Meinber To Attend Session IMCK IIIICI BEDROOM SUITES leealucliom On jvligéedf Qua4 $335 REGULAR PRICE $42900 CLEARING PRICE KNECIITF REGULAR llllCl fill CLEARING $269 Government mimics show that In the 12 monlha meat consumption already one In hlzhest In the world ma mu lurther Man woman Ind Ehlld New Zenlandm to an average 2146 pounds or meat In In crease of 127 pounds head over the previous year The flu may have bun pm of national ellorl ko deal with Increasad production Total men onlpul or Ihe country dudnl tho year was 321400 Ions an increase of 63700 tons New Zenlundm responded by ralslnl lheIr consumption from 14797000 ton to 270000 tons VAVhe r6350 on beci drinking ductihea consumption Indy in the sense that ha REGULAR llllCE WM WELLINGTON CF New Zenlanders In the last year 1qu maintained their upulallon as belnl Among the worldl hasn lest ulen and drinker Contemporary CLEARING Meat Eating Popular So Is Beer Drinking In New Zealand PEIPLEII No $369 Douhla Drewr album anr Drum nookn Dd lha Barrie Examiner will fish It um Womens Club Edition on April The pnblkn on wlll conllln new of woman hm and man Cmada Med wamen mum In mind In can this an lnvl alien to contribute nude cowlug briefly mimics the past and plum or the Muno We would Eika plumw the presidents ummpany each article and mmments for taking plduru my be made wllh The Blrrlo Exnmlnerl Womenl Editor MODERN Triplo Dremr Vcrflcll Mirror Drawer Chen mm Stud Iml led 63 WOMENS CLUB EDITION TO BE PUBLISHED APRIL Deadllna for none um plume ll Much 27 IIHCI lllul amount head remained the name as In flue previous year might be tqually Iccurlle any that It was steady In the sense um It wax seldom intu Nplbd PQPULATION up age mnxumpllnn hear or the year ms 11 zailom beer or stout Actual output reached the record figure of 55000000 gallons In Increase of 49 per cent but higher pop uanon Iccounlrd or lhn Im chgnged poqsulqptjan figure stlcs has produced some marknbla fact Assuming that men over 21 nmunked rm about three qumm or the beer consumd lhcy must IAve quullcd An average 58 Kellen each dur lng the gear In the pmcess they pa about 5000000 In beer duly Into the unvernmmt toners 0pm hr your convlnlmu Tuudy Thumhy und Salvrdny lunlngl Illa Wtdlmdny Minnow MODERN WALNUT munmu N0 REGULAR HINT mm amnmu rmm $375 Dnuhlu Drum Horlxanlll Mllrnr IIWN hul uh Bland I1 1M Crenllva Idols hacked by prlcllcal mehods In carrying them out and launched in OC mber shuuld yield inn requ by March 1961 chlld born on lhl day wlll bu capable and loyal and would make an excellent wrlltr Donl make rash Emmlm and do be main wit III ll tomorrow In your blrlhday your horoscope Indlcalu pm ducllva yur bur great deal wlll depend on our cooper llon wllh loner on partnm and bulkier associatesespe cially In the months bflwoen June and September The period between now Ind mldAprll will In excellem lrom Job and lunnclul standmlnl also the period between mld September and Ina Decembzr Domestic concerns should run Imoothv or must the year Lalo December will be fine where property matter Ira cannrned F0 mmonnow Then my be mm decepllvo Influence tomorrow both In business and personal maum Una good judgment lherelm and aldeslep smooth talkers r93 nm nnmmu But do no let down in effort In the lnlervcnlnz months Where pmonai matters concerned romance will be in vored during May Ami Juno travel and xocial neiivitie In July and August also during late November Ind Deccmben THE STARS SAY PHONE 28 By ESTRELLIM

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