Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Blames Old Parties For Ill Parliament 0n nallunnl unlly he uld In numln we have Hwflu 505va Inr Im anm Innndlun Ind ll In much Hue nm Du mum Hul warn flunl mm of me mm would Ilka In In In won fivvvrlnru we nlunlhl hum unllonnl mulnn uhnm ml ramble unlum um mu mlllu Icwmu jnun lhu Cnnmllnn luulnm mun muld commie wllh ll Anmlrnn Illflllllfy whlch Ill In In mplnyrel all but mlvlnlnm wan ronmrnllun ha up ll nuluhnnry Um II lvndtncy In produw lo aver cnpnufly Hwy wlll ml duran lo qu mmrlly hccnnw they cannot lelp lo llm Unllrd sum ml would lm wmwllnx wllh lho Amrllcnn math 0m our Irlzml prnhllml In linumh luduy In lho Mmlml Irlmmu 11w mnn am ll uuwmplnynhlo all llihl or II MI and Mull In villa Ilmul Ilm mun allllnn hum rollkllnl MI unrulplnymrnl Irvunmet 01 WORK Mr Pcnrwnn declslan not based on Incl lherefon Il muxl be based on mm 01 we nLhnr Inclurs Ellher he Gallup Poll or to nppcnso mllIlnry opln Inn of nur American neluhbor hm an dlahbncst reason Nuclcnr Ann not lho qun In lhll rIccuon There an lhm luuu ln lhln elncllnn nnd may ccnnnmic lavelopmtnl na llmml unlly nnd dcclnlvo lend About tmnomlc dcvrlopmnnl ha rclcmd lo corporal colon lnllrum llu Inlvl nunnnmlm in our unlvrrnlliu an lnlklnl About HI Indy AumlEnn sublhllnrlu an hm In lnku nrlvnnlanu lha Cmnlxlnn mnrlfl We had rally and doclded on nonnuclear policy an lhcy say they cant use ll wimqu nuclear warheads Nu clenr weapons Ihould not be an issue In this clecllon Mr Kn mid Well be xel Ian nolhlnz In aur North Amer lcnn nlllnnco unleu we can be no and equal pnrlncr mural lhnl wn Ihnll no be 1m and mun pnnnm un 1m we aim much Ilronger Alum Since then Mr Pearson comb ed the unlvmlfle saylnz wa need ha splril of reform In dalnx n1 can In movn his pmyllarward Well have II Then Mr Pearson decided to Ichbnze the policy 01 MI The hard fad ire Presl denl Kennedy sold Nuclur war will bu all on war Mr Pearson snld we had mmmilmcnt Seven hundred milllon dollan worth of Junk dun not tonsillqu comm mum NOT ON FACT ML Kelly sald he 12 lhe leeml Puriy aver thn nuclear arms policy Elabarntlng on his reason Mr Kelly sald he attended Liberal rally Alter Um plpellnu Icandnl Vincent Kelly Hues speaker at last nlghls NDP namlnatlnz convention It whlch Russell Fugue ol Wnsaga Beach was namlnaled said nuclear arms should not be an Issue ln thls elecflnn iie said this position cum about by inexcusabie inadion oi me government on the one hand and lrresponsibie obstnlciion by Ihe uiflcial apposition on the other Yet the Conservatives have he colossal elfmnte to appear before again ask us for an other chance allbllng that tho result parliament has been discredited and has sunk in Ihe esiimaiion oi the public the lowest lavei in lhe nearly hundred yearsni our nntionu history Mr Fugue said He sold the pmbtemswhtch called tor lmmedlat attention tn the last election 10 months ago had not been attacked and now loom larger and mm men aclngly Mr Paguewhu ran an the NDP candldate ln last years federal elecllon promised that If elected In Oltavm will devote all my energle that Can nda may become better land for every Cnnndlnn Canada may play It part In the mmmunlty nunum ll dlstrust ear and want are ban lshed from the face of the earth PROBLEMS LARGER berrlck Manson Stmurl was Ilsa nominated but declined KELLY SAYS Russell Fugue Wang Beach business man was nom Innled New Democratic Pam candidate or Slmcae North at Igeeung In Library Hull In NDP CANDIDATE POGUE Nuclear Arms Is No Issue Mullah Nollh my Eurllmry Eullun Kllmllulnl Whlla In Munwe Mmml Funt Raul SI Mull Tlmmlnl Norlhcrn maulle uny norlhem llnllbunon Alxoml mulhcm Whllo Nver mlnnn Norm Hay Sudbury Saul Blo Mum Cloudan over wllh lyrlrl period mm mm lo mm Fndny partly cloudy not much hung In lmmrnlmv wind lllhl Nnrfllem Whlln Hint Cod rnnu mlom Clur cloudlng am with clearing lunlahl um linulnl told Wlndl thlfllul la nouhml Io lhll Illcmwm Fontll lvmpnlluvn law mum llllh Fvldy Wlmlmr 111mm 30 to Milan 15 13 KIIrlwmr Wlnuham llumlllon CAUIIIIMI Tvrunla lulmmruuuh Tuntnn Klllnlm Eynoplln new mm cold wcnlhcr II aptcud to wrap man mnhem and can lrnl Onlnrlo Frldny Lake St Clair Lako Huron aka Brim Nluau Luke 0n llrln wulhcm Georxlan llny wulhem lllllhurton ro xlonl Windsor Iondan Hum mnn Toronlo Sunny with cloudy lnlum today Ind Frl dny lndl Ilghl Forum Mod by tho Thr nnlo publlc weather 0mm ll 50 nm Wa nrrorzblnl lo have gov ernment that le rcmgnlxo he hm week You Mud give houth to he wellnre of ynur thlldrcn and ynur grandchildren Mr Kelly Inld On decisive leadership be said policy was originated by Mac kenzie King You Lit hack in the House oi Common and let lire other groups the mall min ority zroum talk about Mch cnre But you dont discuss any thing You wail quietly unLil lhe minority pa rliu hava brought it in iron he pubiic am than you any Thail lor By stnble government what they an trying to say In that lhey want majority uovemv ment Only result of ear ol the panic Mom do they Decisive Icndcrshflp when man will mm the problan and met them Somu Inc quUons will cm United Sulea reament 1h 1m When man goes lo apply for Job he expect to apply In the language he has lcnmed But this Lu not the case with many mm In Montreal must learn speak the Im porlam lqygunge or g9 coum Dniy New Democratic Party Ix committed to do some hing about it and help bring uboutlnuiiunui willy hg Enid Really Its pity that the electors did not have two votes It ls almost cruello lnlorm these old partle that there an ever Increasing number at enlightened tltlzen who are con vinced hat vote or elther ol the nld parties In complete ly waxtcd vote and that It there was no other altematlve they wwuld not be votlng at all requently heard that at the last elecuun and am hearinu It agaln Surely thl ls an lnA NEED TWO VOTES 1119 m6 new papers are pmclaiming un answerabie truth Ike vote for the minority mle is wasted vote mice that onu oi my worthy opponents not only wania winning vnie inr the Liberals but also strong vnia ior the Conservatives that me In television appearance lmplored my aud ience to remember that here were we old gangs and um there was little lo choose hr tween them This act becom 1ngmorel appfiren every div And the Liberals hoplng hat we will forget that mm the day they unwed In Ottawn 155L111 theyhad no other yurpose than to overthrow the govemment loan posdhle are exhortan us lo voke them In with dear majority How gulllble and long omenIns or how feeblemlndcd do than old parties think the WW 193 P9 mess no of hair dolnx Mr WERE WEATHER WON RITE PRIZE MONTHEAL CPI Twn nlrh cum out on up In Ihu Iltcr Judglnu compoullonl nl lhu mh nnllnnnl lurltulluml lnlon hero Helen Fodlor 11 cl Qpllrn Qua look 1111 who or ha Anxul chm whHo In prixa In Iho llerulonl rluu wfm Ila thlnlnj meblfly Hy Flnrilnnu incl Publlc School Board Asllnx council or 3110000 school this year In be locnlcd between St Vincent and Duck wonh Mm Ichoul munz belwctn 140000 and $100000 or not yet located 8110000 school In I906 not yet located Ind In 1961 additional looms tn mat 0000 not ycl speclnnd Tho Burma and DishId Colle Inlu Board Inn naked or new hlzh school lo be localed on new Illa nnd to 3800000 SIlu naive lpgcmed Joe on nnnlol l4 bully Io pay or tho above and varoul 71th program an pr nnled was approved by Clly Council Mandny nlxhl Accordlng Io Assessment Dc pnnmunl Bnrfloa lalul populn Ian the and Decembar was 12037 and 5671 are between lhu age II and 19 on ma ulher hand Ihé NDP neHher seeks nor wnuld accept Iunds Irom source seeking some favour In return It depends up an small conlrlbnllona mm great many In the last elec don In 51mm North and umb ahly In most rIdInzs the Iund Ior IeIevIslon lhe most expen sive Item of cnmpnlgnlng cnmo Irom naIIanal campaign hcad quarter 01 both the old panles whereas the total Iund far all expenses Including leIevIsIon of the New Democrat In Slmcoe Nanh came mm dedi cated supporters Today we are witnesslnz ho beginning of he dislnkegrnthn of tho Progressive survnuva Party Mr Fugue xald This With more than 15 per cent Barrlea population bclng ichool an chlldrcn lhnl ls between the ages of and 19 ha nd dmonal morn space approved by City Councll Monday nlzm will not com loo noon Powerful Interests have 81 ways mnlrlbulcd llbernlly both of the old parties with the greater conLrlbullnn going to ma party then assumed to have the better chant at being elected expect that hey would be rewarded ln ona way or another nxsmanATION nvu not been transferred tn Ihu New Demo emu nor we can assume In the Social Credltors then can be reasonably certain where Eoins Now Mr Dielenbuker la ments 0m his puny In short of campaign funds because paw erlul Intel9515 have withdrawn support mm the Progressive Conservallves Our long um suspicion the source the areal bulk or campaign lunds of the Conservatives In the past hayg npw bye verified Barries School Additions Felt Coming None Too Soon menu majority oiiers no deiinilo assurance oi nod gov ernment ii nevar has and never wllii Some oi the best governments were those with slight majorities those In which consideration was given to ill propusn oi minorin gmups in iii He predicted And when par liament convenes Main the re presentatives the New Dem ouran Pany who are going to be than in larger numbers Mn last time will not be there as mere obslructionislu but In sup port uny worthwhile legislation lha government that hnppcns to be in power bring down re serving the right to mavo In amend where the legislation can be lmpmvednnd on he olher hand to criliclze and reject lelz Isintlnn that is no to lhe bene lltuni lire count dléltlon at the repute Ind contempt they have bath earn ed ha IBId mm hulanu Tl CANADA NTRUST Iloll IIII Dunlap mm 41 04 gnu mums DDaIwIaHflnlm This right primarily the responsibilliy oi individunis yet cannot he demanded for our selves but only for other and they yei unborn it is ha iundm menial right oi our children lo be well born Md Funk Hersey uld ho Iveyear proposed forecast We have wmo up with plan for flnnntlng our carllnl wurks pm 5mm which vnr on board and mmmlsslom eel will meet the needs aurAclly Thu corny down each ycnr except In 1960 when he lnmnxo Ii 19 mo rnlll rule Tho ovéfull plcldru that lvelln lho ngxl live your This is understandable since his rizhi cannot be guaranteed by governments although gov emmenu recently have been concerned and rghliy so wilh radioactive iaiinul and poison ous residue on our iood and soil wntcr poiiulion air con tamination and so on which may aiiect hl iundamcntni righl Each me tha above Item will come up or approval Al in lure council metunis within ourlncomc In he sald me la mdamcnlal rlght perhaps he most fundamental and Import ant cl all human rlzhls denied Io must ye seldom considered or discussed whlch will not be found In tho new proposed Can adlnnlllll nights Ahout socialized medicine Mr Pogua said Recently US PM lessor History utter an eizhh year study of socialized medi clue in England and Wales re ported thut ulthnuzh the British service is not without faults they faults are recognized and many at them are being pm msslvely eliminated Doctors are far better nit thun they were under the praviou system The medical uchuols are overflowing with student and many or these are dociara sons The cost no more than four per cent at the national income cum and to 45 per cent in lhe Unted States Britnlnt health has never heen batten Mr Fugue ended his speech with quotation from an an lcle he wmta our year ago entitled Fundamental Right FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT He Mid NDP ha Medicare Ian Mcdlcm has been much the nuw the last year during the last election durlnz its 1n tmducllan In Saskatchewan In provincial Ieglslahlrel and in the prenent election The Liberal have promised Lorna kind Medicare about the fourth year ghelr term In office when and disintegration became clear to all law weeks no whan the cabinet hegan falling apart In Ottawa Now we see lurther evidence of It In our awn riding of 51mm North with the rpm lance or an Independent Conser vallcllve candidate Mr Pom If they come to power The NDP flan ha been clearly and d2 nlluly set out Ilnce before the lust election Plrry Sound Ont Neill Daniel Mclsaac 74 launder bus llne between Cobalt Hallcybury and New Uskenrd In Naflhem Ontario BoxlnnDr Charles Cur Iia 73 former superintendent oi the Grcnicii Mission in New foundland and Labrador While Plains NYG Emm iey Oxnnm7i mired Meth odist bishop and one oi the iiist presidents this Wurld Council oi Churches oi complications from surgery Toronto Harry Roscoe 73 former vicepresident and dllrsclm n1 Narandn Mine Um la MIDLAND Slam Calling wood Shipbuilden clipped the hometown Flynn 11 here Ins night tie the heslabnlne gemMInal hockey sex12 21 Fifth game 01 the Georgian Bay Intermcdlale Hockey League plnydawnl tomorrow ms in Colflngwood Jerry Hawna screen drlva late in the lhlrd period proved the doclding marker Jimmy Nixon was Colllngwood nlher mm Mldlandl goal came mm the suck Ca Ilntt CllAnlNlJ AT LAST nllhl NDP nominating meeting are tram lefl Vlncenl Kelly west Collingwood Evens Series By THE CANADIAN PRESS DEATHS Hulle lmmpdlMy lhlu In all hull ulomrfl unit In Inllnbll la Ill uur hum lulll nulcmm Cull Fran Summer TunmUp Froo MldWlnlor lnlpocllon Frno 24Hr Emergency Sorvlco HOME HEATING ssnwca PA 82307 or complolo SENTINEI HOME HEATING SERVICE Wm Thu promotion Moore on the sin oi the Part Col home elevator since 1921 was announced by lho Nniionni liar bouts Hand in sin changes affecting Port Ooiborne and 1th Port at Montreal Mr Moore sumd 111 Way mann who will assume new exc cuuvu duties In the Mammal Harbqur nflmlnklrallon ONcll gnnenllurnmnn of the elevator wlll assume the duties of manager in an Acllng Dlnly Mum born and cducnmi in Barrie joined ha stall of lhe Port Colborne grain elevulor In 1921 when Dlnly Moore mnnng er me Natlonal Harbor Board elevator at Pun Cnlbnrne and wellknown hmkey player olllclnl and execullve will be lranslerred to Montreal tn take up lho dullcs ol general supeh lntendent of the ports grain gl evylor syslcmun April Mr st son or lhu Ink Mr and Mrs Moore Barrie and brother ol Jack Bloom He was goal lender on the great Bune Colts hockey team 15171913 On ario finalists nnd Canadas 01 ymplc goalie of 1916 AEFECTS TWO PORTS speaker Russell Pozue luc cessful candidate and Paulo Mnlnul NDP candidate or DINTY MOORE Barrie Native Is Promoted For Further lnfovmnllon Cull FRANK BEMROSE Announcing BA Agent 177 Wallinglon Sm Em Burll was under the department of railwnys nnd canals Ha served us rlggor mechanical helper spouler and Umkceper and was appointed nulslnn superinten den In 1930 and manager In 105a 1199 nomzm While any Moon hn mndo ha grain elevnlor buI ncss hh career he has been Slmcoe East Mr Pozue points to pleura or national ND leader Tommy Douglas Ex aminer Pholot Far omlnr Ind convunlonu ll pay In 90 All Tho le DINIY MOORE The South Simeon Caunly Seed Fair at Alllslun next Wednesday stand out among meeLlnE dale listed by the Slmcoe County Fed eration of Amculturp HARM EXAM THURSDAY MARCH ll 19 While knocking at he door in final several years ha Sailor were never iorlunaie enough win senior championship and that is the only 011A medal that Dinly Moore has missed Seed Fair Is On Wednesday Ht Alliston On March 19 the Simon County Howell Club will be holding its annual meeungrand banquet at Cookslown Unlted Chyrch aiming Another annual meeting slat ed ior nut week bring mem bers of the First Coop Packers of Ontario to Trinity Parish Hall Collier street Barrie Din ne is at 1115 pm N6 event ara iaklng film March 21 The AlllslanCMp annual meeflng and banquet start In the community centre Slroud Communlly Ha lheprerallon and Marketing Conference runs from 10 EJTL to 430 pm on March 27 and angina April 51mm District Cook an nual muting will he heid March at yqxllersueea United The ham of directors of ha Childrens Md Society the County 01 Slmcoe and City 01 BALI1e megts next muggy better and more widely known 111 hockey He holds the OHA Junior and Intermediate chnm pionshlp medals and the CAHA Junior champlonship medui win nigg his fame ng ggalendcr Tomntn Canoe Club team which won the Ontario championship and the Memorial Cup iio Irnnsicncd his hockey InienLI to Part Calbome the next year and was member oi ihn 1928 01M iniermedinin championship Ieamn He playcd with the Cangdlnn team ln lhu Olympic games at Burmesgnen Germany In Fallowan Iremen mm mm pnnlclanDn In the am Mr Moore was popular re me or some years has also urved he Ontaria Hockey Assoclallnn execuuvo and president Church fieuowshlp Hall Silk banquet 645 pm 11in regular session will aim Inllge County Admin lstriuon Bulldiiz om vmmam CBS Meets On Tuesday tfl

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