EH METHOD The mllhlxl nml equlpmtn nl mmo nrmm In IZrul lnk Mun um urlmllhn llml IM 01er II In he pluqu livn llmu helnrg mulng lln pmflflrd ml the Mcmh would nkc hclmn to no mm In llw Wm A5 Onlnrln mnrrrn ed Mr Klnm md he mtya lirln hm nmrr lwcn lvrnmr mvlnlnrd nml Thry haw Asked what the chnnrrs are lhe Sacred nklm Onlnrin Quclxc and Canada he snlul ml the So cmk ill hmc many more Mill lhnn mlam He Indich the may taunllng hr ily on the Quebec mics Ham on Nhnnm ram qulKc wrll net fair Ifrtlnlnxfl the number loan but he mmlrr pmt will come mm Wowm Cnmldm Mr Kinzic rmphnllcnlly Mat he wnuld nm range In mr 50mlin conflicts Ax ham nothing pormnnl n111th my wonby mmncnu Mr Kim ndmlltcd hr was Ilow to mice hh dcclxinn mud txpnminn his busium wax hm one or he mnlrollknl lnclm cnuslnu ml lime elem ent My flood rIcml Rnbtrt Thompson clmrly felt it was my duly In slim He snld he wm disgusted lick ï¬red and led up with old line panicx clccllun promlsl made at Election tlmos which km urn kcpl wilh your many or more debt He mentioned ha cxcwivo taxation inefï¬ciency and gross wastage and unemployment were but some at the wrong he wnnlcd action to be lnkcn on We are becoming slave natlm In debt and lnxaliun Md Indicated thls was may Ituatlon more debt hnn tho mm money umpch Talk about funny money re said We have now Sure our grandchildrms children ire nIrcndy mortgaged Stating hat rcspecl mus ennlinue Mr Kinlic remarked that It Is our duly do what we ch lo be right regardless of old party lines or party nllgn menu He said col Hm chinilB dxangcs are necessary Cannd In as individuan and called ively as nnlion hnvc in the past earned he respect of mu other nations press conIcrcnce today Mr Kinzie said he ls slandng or nomination because 01 the lack positive policies by the past governmanls 31 Ottawa NEED CHANGES Willard Kinzie former mayor Barrie has decided to let his name stand 01 mm Italian as Satin Credit cun didale in the federal ciccllan The nomination for Simon Norm wli be held Ionight at me Embassy Hall Running against Mr Kinlie is Mei flown from Elmvuie FORMER BMmlE Mayar Willard Kinzle right discusses campaign strategy with Vil llam Jackmau vicepresident of the Simme North Social Kinzie Socred ON APRIL 8TH VOTE TO REELECT InMIIMl By llm MHIT Arnv Imcu 1mm lmlm rumu Mull rrn mmme rnnl Avumu lnmunlm hr xn Inu up 11 lmmm mum mnnNm nun unumxn mun lmlulllllll up mm It uux mum In Hnln llnlum Ihnlllll rummnan Gm luvMI ml Connr mm rk 1m my mn luln up nu rmy nmmlm nln Hum ruml An Chrmlrll Illlry mm Ayn 5m Mum Elm Mumlnlum rid Mm Shel HR rank Ixmk N3 Ilell Tel rlnllm all Credit Association Mr Ktnzie announced today that he would seek the partys nominntton at tonights meeting Examlncr photo Seeking Ticket ML Kinlio nlhibulcd split ranks In other parties his luck 01 individual lrmdom in the caucuses Ho snki he Sounds have much more freedom or individunl expmsiou within their rank Inn 115 they do not dcv 00 hr mm he party line we dont expect to take too many seals in thls election he sald but Im nominated will bring 0th the politics the Social Credit to Ille pcoplt ln lhe ridingl Saclnl Crcdll is no party of socialism as many people think but party or compelilive rec cnlcrprisc The memos plan of the party ls aw rlght of freedom ev ery individual That he explmn IS he rea why he didnt hink Mr 110 wt wnuld decline but slated he encouraged Mr flow In sum for nomination 1L ï¬nan anvmvm Cam II llrlnrf One thing panics shouldnt in is run sham In many cases people stand for nomina llon when they have no Inten tion 04 running as candidnle Thny do hls merely to get weir names in mepapgr He said good part of hu decision to stand for nominn lion was based on Ihis innum ive Iransmission the pulicics lo the maple In reference to Mr Thompsan prevailing on him run he stated that he didnt think Mel Rowni would dcdinc nt had he calibre of candidates my wished far ro this remark he added fulï¬ll spcmqug course In llnln TODAYS STOCK PRICES Comm by Flynn nunlop SMITH HEBER lrlA 1m in am V4 15 1m 1m Iainma In numnl Iaull mm Amrr hmnmI hum Mulflmvl Ithlll ul yum mm Amm lull Inlrr Mrm mm mum lnlurruv huhy chm mun Am lnw 7m Mury 7n mnvsnm Mr Snclgmve lulcd ma ac cording In Mr Munk the Am orican are beginning lo grow suspicious hctause or betrayal by some of lhelr culled tricnd oi oihcr year LOCAL lNUUblflY Bringing um Issue Into Darrin According lo the artlcle Mr Munk told meeting the Ad verlislng and Snlcs Club of Tor omu that Canada must rcrraln from hrcalLnlng and mag onizing her cuslnmm quule from an arllclc In yesterdays Globe and Mail he said AnllAmericanlsm rav ing in ihe current elecllon cam paign could destroy lhe chances of Cnnndiun manufacturers dev claping export maxkm In In Unilcdsulcsf Peltr Munk president or Clulflone Sound Corporalion Limited of Toronto said this Tucsdny He said United States was being insulled by he Dlelen baker government and attempts to meddle in the affairs of Great Britain resulted In coolness layvardsr Canadn ThcrUnllcd Slates is our big gas customer and our good neighhur History may never reveal all factors or condltlons that com polled Mr Dielenhnker to he terrifying Idea that any one man could rule Canada prnpcrly and cllectivoly wllhnut the help and guidance cabinet Mr Snclgrovn sald thls mulled in an allempl lo wall out Canada mm ha r95 ol the world Mr Snelgmve attributed com mon sense In the average vnler and admitted lhat some of them sometimes are slow to change but deï¬nitely show common sense in the long run Suggesting that any thinking Canadian is against nnemnn govcmment he said Wu must not he nnli Conservntm but nnuDlefenhakcr He credited the four former cabinet mini tars who resigned from Ihe Diel enbakcr government with estab lshlng their greatness in doing years Canadas history In the out me an elecllun meant more to lhc nalinn he said crgsnnsnnsyanmows Addressing an audlence of al most 100 henid When ha actions of the Prime Mlnlsler do not make sense when hcob Viouslyflas last the ability to make dcclslnnsf and puls he counlry Inln state semi chaos lhen we arcv being Ir rhsponsihle by pulin our heads in the sand gndjgnorlnx it He stated no argument to qualin oneman govc inna democracy Liberal candidate for Simon North Ralph Snelgmve attack ad the Prlmo Minister suggest cd senilin and despotism on his part and spoke against anti Amerlcanism using local argu ments for his examples He was speaking at Liberal boostnr dinner in the Embassy Hall last x1lght1 hv im ma on 25m SnelgrévejIST AgqinSt AntiAmericdnism Nounda Nun 0m MG Moon Carp rm an rum Pu hm Np Im llrruv In rmu Tum rum llnlnu wum UAW Zenllh Mm llln Almn Sh II nllnri IVnHvd ml Wmmr quq SL Er nlnle Nwmmu Narmnlll nmlm ii Iau 30 um Ila played leading part In Um resolullnn of the Suez crisis and Ihe tormnuan the Uniml Nntlnm Emergenty Farm wn olecltd chnlrmnn lo the UN polillcnl cnmmllke on occasions and 1052 van clerlcd pruldnnl II UN General Asscmhly urntd down unnnlmous nmalnlmmt to hemme Secrclury General In 1m and will prrsrnlnl with the Nobel ltnco prize In m7 CVFEDERATION lira mm Mr Imr Ion louth nnflllng but Mnhlu ml rummlhlo gnwmmml Mr Snclgmve curd case 11 Mr Penrsans record which pnr lrnycd him man with an unparallcd background or any Canndlnn whlch eventually Ind Canada In Ihe hlghest lcvul mpch Ihroughout the world In ill mlmlhlslory Hemlzcd zlght rcparnte in cldcnls In which Mr Pearson WM Instrumental in playing leading pnrtr representing Cn min at the United Nnttunr Mr Snelgmve rcznpped many or Mr Pearsons ncliviucs since 1930 to relrtsh some memories and because some were too ynung lo remcmhcr his urnat Accomplishment which preced ed his Ascendlng the radar ahip lh leeml Party Ho sald Pcarsnn rehull ha Liberal Party and was the man msponsMe for presenting positive arguments In the House of Commans wilh hls group of devoted and capable Canadians 591 bornl leader Lester Pearson hlr Sncl grove sold Since his election to leadership of the party live years ago he has constantly been preparing hlmselt to meet Ihe klnd of challenge that loves the country today the need or stable rnsponsible Kovernmcnt with the courage of decision and tha capaclly ol action ngnum mm 239 INNISFIL REST one man Gan keép conï¬nl the Cnpndipp GovernmenL Mr Snelgrnvo saxd he was Irighlened about what he has rend and heard In his elmlion campaign will statements like dont push me around eman ating mm cabinet minister He crltlclsed this type 914 ecuonccrinx directed so that one man can keen mnlrnl No one would throw out the old coal furnace in he mlddla of wlnler unless we were sure the gas or oil one would be In stalled he mentioned The continuance In Barrie the hlzh level of local employ ment at fairly decent wage mpg continue To canlarm In tho 7mm Ike Indmlry your COOP wlll prov FREE TO ALL our ruhhnflll lurnuo column mm Olchnicluï¬ work In uncondlllomlly gulrmlud 24 HOUR EMERGENCV SERVICE Entering supposition that ll the presan Dielcnbaker unli Amcrlcan policy was to be car rled out lo the extreme to make ll difï¬cult or impossible or those USawned lndustrles to con Iinue here he asked it any ï¬ne group would be willing and able to replace them SPECIAL FREE CLEANOUT your lumlu Annually FREE SERVICE CALLS Ihraunhauv 10 you You ply only lor REPLACEMENT PARTS All done by our own qunllflld urvko He said that working candl Ion exlsllnz in these plants would probably exlsl If Cana diam owned them and suggested that Halriches didnt have an nmny complaints about the cork dRioBL We would be la happier lf these llrm were locally own ed or at leasl owned and con trolled by Canadlans said Mr Snelgmve He asked thatper sons be malls and accept llhrs act that llw cnmpanles are ere LOOK AFTER ALL OF YOUR co op HEATING NEEDS Elght the Barrie Industries are US subsidiafle nndcmp10y was pcflsons 53 per cent 01 all our Industrial work farce wllhan annual payroll over 9000000 Mr Snelgmve cited the lremcn dmugromh gnq ecqqomlc s¢a blmyr anmé evidemd during the post war years and sald These new Industries raised our economic level an all Ume hlghpmvided line job op poxunity for our workers and stimulated our business ream munlty tremeqdously Ha Suggested no Inn would diï¬zyge wil atalem9nu Simcoe District Coqperative Services IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE ZENIYH 86000 In On Town CmOomcn CIII PHONE PA 6653 COOP The hrld rcml by dolegnllnn lmnl Dnvld Anhcr president of lhuVOFII Lnld Thu wholn qucallan mav nx Innluslrinl plnnls Irnm one am In another wilhoul regard for llm wclnl nnd economic mnsmucntc to ho communin nl Mich ncllnn In In mnlltr ol ï¬rmo cnnccm la uveryane meul unvcrnmmfl ullon lho hm Inld my Ind Thu proposal wnl mnlnlned In the lcdcrnuonn Annull 1151 of logislnllvo proposal pre scum lo Prcmlnr Robafll and cnbinn members In lwohnur meeting with OII Cnnadhn Luhnr Cnngrus and Inan unlnn lcndora Pcdcrallon or Labor pmposcd Wednesday that pmvlnclll novemmcnl Blency be mm lishld lo rcvlcw npplltnllons by companies In move BUM from one area lo another Mr Milson was member the Grey Granite Club and serv ed lhree ynnr an lhe bond direclurs n1 the club Hulda his wile he aur vivod by an daughter Joy Mrs Charles Hardy Card Innl une slslnr Grnce MIL PLcr DeGmisl Toronto and my ggquchildmn Mr Mllson cam lo Owen Snund in November l957 auc cecding George Hunter C1111 ggcnt Mr Milson was born in St Vincent Townshlp Grey County Nuv 15 1897 son of late Roger Nikon and ha former Isabellc Findlay Mr Mikon married lhc former Clan Edna Murray in Toronln on March 29 1917 Until his mixamen in May 1962 he was CPR station ugan in Owen Sound Prior to Ihnl time he was wiih CPR in Harrlsian or 11 yam Bump tan or II years and Camp Bor den lo years OFL Wants Agency For Relocation Mr hllisan an ardent curler had participated in the mixed invitation bonspiei at the Grey Granite Club in Owen Saund nn Sniurday lie skipped hi4 rink in lhree wins and second plans in the early draw He VIII pre paring lo lake part in inm ciuh curling with members from Toronto High Park when he was sirickcni Vlllinm Allan All Mikan 65 tormer Canadian Paclllc Hallway agent at Camp Borden and veteran skip Barrle Curl ing Club died suddenly his home 610 5h Ave Owen Sound an Sunday Funeral ser vloe was held yesterday alter noan wllh lnlermeru pt Grren wood Cemetery TORONTO CHThe Onlarlo ulhnrgy In dmcrence quibbllnz or petly arguments could make the Lib and another almost won party and said there was no cam prize in this league He strongly urted his audlenca to not 51 around but make full use what he considered in best organization wa hnv had inuyears One call In poll may in fluence four or ï¬ve undecided votes which could win this el Mflo he9P51°d Mama ar good mnservatlvu urn concerned he said ha had no quarrel with thgm but waqu be rand didnt hnvo the attitude ta state emphati cally the present Ieadershlp of lhe Conservative Party is bad 01 Canada Ill Milson Died On Sunday active solutions to the pusenl economic pmhlem confronting nur nation and delemlned that confederation shall hava full meaning for all Canadians hll Chum NEWS BULLETIN BAKIII Plan mlncnlinn mist the whole question nl planned cm namlc davclnpmcnl lho brie tunllnucdl We recognize ha many rnmpnnlrs lake the nlll luda llml It ls lhclr lmsims where they locale and what happens to he mmmunlly ls really nnnu of llwlr huxlmsl The rally will slur pm and expected that 2000 person will hear him He will arrive in Barrie Imund six uckuck from Guelph and mill leave or Tomnln alter the rally number prosperous cnm munlue reduced In ghost lawns The Hon Luler Pearson national leader ol lho Liberal Party will address Central Ontario rally at the North Col legme Auditorium tomorrow nlghl Mr Pearson will speak on be hal the Liberal candidate Iar Simm North Simcae Ensl DulierinSlmwe Parry Sound and Greyflrucc tidings Liberal Leadér Speaks Here Friday Night DuflerinASlmcoa Social Cre dit candldala Lloyd Cumming plum has Wednesday night at his home near St Pauls In party executive mecllng Those allending were from mw 1mm le HUN PEARSON Try TIN TIN is different from any other wine 19 terrifia SOCREDS GET TOGETHER 567 TIn7 1m PARKDALE wmus llMlTlD mu ewspnper reporter rep rescnung Ihrlepapers wu of them Toronto papnrs news paper photographer and two men from the radio and television stalion were on hand to see Rus sell Pngue of Wasagn mind nominated nfler Derrick Man nomination clly brake 64m he Liberal parï¬y aver he nuc lear arms 155W was guest spea Press radio and lelevislnn were out in force In cover last nights New Democrch Namin alilgg Library Hall NDP Gets Good Press Strand treasurer ol the Dull ensxsimcoe Social Credit As snniallan Mr Cummlng George Mullmlland Strand campaign manager Back raw from 1011 George Faxls Cookslown aswclatinn prcsl AFREE Servlce prnvld ed by Inca buslnen llrml whn mpparl um cnmpzlxn ipnnsored by he Clum hu Cnmmuce Any mtrdunl Ilshinx lo lublcrlhe In lhe Burr shopplnl Service Ira nlltd to II PA 66573 Shopping Service Wlne Colnred Ribbon WIN la hall up Small Childs sloddun Ill looklul or Tull Gllll Cloth Plane nghll Canard Good by the Cue It Dhcounl and mm Embmldtry Thud WANTED FOUND PllDPOSES TAX ALBANY NY AP state senator who was treated successfully for cancer our year ago has proposed to crease New York states cig arette tax by two cents pack and earmark 31000000 ol the added revenue or cancer re senrclL Edward Spcno BB publlcnn said the move would not 8400er to help balance Governor Nelson Rockefeller new budget and obviate Iha necesslly or many budget cuts now contemplated ker and Perrymmwl NDP candldnle for Simcoe East prought mating mm that rid mg dent Alex Shakell Mmy Iona director and William Kell Strand secretary and publicity direcior Firs vice president Joe Cochrane Holly and second vlcapresldeni Craig Hunter Simud were absent Examiner Phalol WENDY HICKS erdlultor