On or HA or hn mt Iota mmon ll lulu Won if wolï¬FVvANIED WET IUITI unlam Mud in your unmenu nude by mm erl 530 when WM lulu un nyn Clnldlm vay um mm ml TOP MONEY 03 GET IN ELECTRONICS ll you Id 01 over VIth Inln lmllm Grids lfl eduullon ynu cln human eclllm In TV Rldln communlcn ans Au on Ila Cnmplflam etc nuldcm Scheall In Toronto Ind Mnntml mm Ely Minutnlrtl Doe lxrmuzncan Appllmc sue man cum womnl candmonn Thu llm voluma huslneu Ind mm umuull plrflcmlllon plouiblllllu Wm lo flux 31 our mnunér nmplnnxlt7nIm pm wrm 1mm mum Tllphnm am Aunt Tummm th blu nnm ma nupmlmry pulm dnlm mlunn um mm mm mum flrhnnr wnu no mlm rem mamma RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Km 5L W4 Toronm 23 cm OnoAm Requlred lnr went Birth Pluu wm Box an Ha hum WANTED binma mm or mind llrlnlnl Mull hm expenenu wlm dairy And mm mm Innry Senlrl home Annly Damon lellphanu PA um Shorlhnnd employm of thin nd Imnnnuulu ma Aulnunu ulnd immeaImy lwr HIan non It on Gmkk um sm hum mum Hun Iphnm um lw InnMaw mummu wmlrd Immanu Iy lot nmdeln lmlu maymm up mmnm mum um mm Ttlrxmmu ma my IA um imm Inlzu wlnld wnu no num mum EMPLOYMENT WANTED mu Dog Tag mm mm null AM from In Anlnml nmrol Ofllcrr betray or flu Munirl pl Olflrg Slrnud Junlor clerk for general omce work typing help ful Full range of benefits Apply to DEVILBISS CANADA LTD BARRIE ONT On or nnrr April Hm awn ru or lmrlmlmn Data with ml Iota Tm MIMI mm mumly Mlndml In Do nl ll lulu MI lu llnhle 1n Im lnuunM um pIr Tu Illl Im nllnunl an all Tnu purdmml Mun Am mu ELMO FORD Anlmnl onlml Oilictr IMnu Mhny um mm or ken InIn my wux mm plan an PA on lhclr pracllcal oxpcrlence and broaden lhclr scape Stmlng salary will he governul by qunllllcallons and expell cncc wllh excellent future op pnrllmillcs Car suppllcd pen slon plan and full employee benA ellts Apply In writing to TEE BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 14 196 ll We have attractive openlngs for men with shop experience In electroplating who are Inter ested In sales careert Thor ough sales training will be glvcnï¬q men who yvnnt tn pulld lEGAL noncss For Want Ad PERSONALS LOST FOUND MECHANIC WANTED POST OFFICE BOX 337 BARRIE ONT LEARN how to earn money Spcclul lmlnlng assure you of steady Income Easy and simple mdhod slam you carnlng qulckly with AVON Write Mrs Walk er 38 Thomson SL Banla or call PA 66551 ARMALITE CO LTD 907 Oxford Sf Toronto 18 Licence Not Necessary TOWNSHIP OF INNISFII 1903 DOG TAGS EARN WITH AVON 207 Tlmiv STREET BARRIE 2414 FEMALE STENO EFFICIENT TYPIST ELECTROPLATING SALES MALE FEMALE Send Replies To FEMALE HELP Service MALE EELP and ask or TOM NOTICE CLERK Dial n01 rcqulrcd Our hava been notiï¬ed Monday March 25 pm Sharp Aucllon nnle at Inrm slmk plcmcnls and imuschold cllccu or JACOB MILLER Em hall In 21 Concession Oro mllo ens Ind mild $0th of Dalslnn Tums crush No reserve ha Inrm ls mid SIROUML Aufllonur and um lmw been llown 1mm Sudhury lo Gognmn to up In lhn mlnuxnm nu InA llumxn nullmnl he Isolated nnnhrm wmlmlnlly f0 mllu mulhwrsl of lImnIInl lhn 0n lnrln kRIIlnlUrI mu lold Tundny Sealed tenders plainly merth as to contents will be received by the Barrie Public Utilities Commission until 500 pm Fri day March 29 mm ior One cab and chassis only suitable ior mounting aerial personnel lilting equipment Equipment and Dady by Others Chassis GVV l9500 lbs Minimum Wheel Base 172 approx imnlely Cab Axle Dimension 103 approximately Springs Front 3000 lbs each and rear 7500 lbs each Tires All 825 20 lo ply Chassis to be supplied with Tachometer Chassis to be painicd our fleet colour Chassis to be supplied with an electric hruke lock such the Mimi lo No spare tire or rim ll Dirociinnal lights and other lights Provincial regulm lions installed whore possi bin 11 iienier and Defroster ln stalled 13 Dual horns 14 Five speed transmission capable at providing two separate power takeaiis one ior ncrial lilt one ior ton winch 15 No license 16 Price F0B Factory taxes and ireighi to be shown separately 17 Quote to with no tradein th with 195 Rieva Ton approximately Line Truck completewith body pole Derrick nnd Winch may be seen nt Commission Garage to be traded in niter new vehicle aperntlon lowest or nny lender not ne eesiariiy accepted ii MURPHY Ping Barrie Public Utilities Commission llcplylnu tn runsilo hy Vernon Slnurr hanunlov Yme mlhrl Henllh Mlllllltf nymond Inhl omclnl potl ho had rtcelvrd cnunlclrd with new mm of he onan Sealed tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be re ceived by the Barrie Public Utilities Commission up until 500 RM March 19th 1963 tor One new or rebuilt portable Air Compressor mounted on two wheel trailer with mini mum capacity 125 CFM suitable or operating two standard paving breakers at the some time One paving breaker about 65 lbsl complete with 50 it of hose and safety lock type coupling 30m Air poured rotary type earth auger About 40 oi auger rods and necess ery drilling head would be required Quote unit price on optional equipmentl Please include complete date and specification with your tender The lowest or any Ion der no necessarily Eccepted Tho medlcnl loam wl lb AHunllqn nnd Ilny In lhn Goxnmn turn long as nudrd Dr Dynluml laid 13 AUCTION SALES Medical Team Check On Flu 12 TENDERS II Murphy Pram BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION BOX 7000 BARRIE TENDER FOR TRUCK TORONTO CmA doctor WWIENE Inle um MW 95 Phono Parkway H568 TEN DERS COMPRESSED Am EQUIPMENT AUCTION SALE The sewage disposal plan ad dition or 1563 at cos 01 $102001 lo be retired by the sewer me The Police Fire and Magi trnteBuiIding far 196 cost of $236000 to be rellrmi In 10 year by 5150000 mm the reserve and rem or Magi lrales ofï¬ce and $60000 Iram he tnx Into The pruvlnce pay lhc rent for the Magistrales prlvala office Storm newer or flu Gunn WelllngtonQueen area 860 000 Reid street from bay to Helgate street $100000 Wesley Valley Drlve am $30000 or pm 01 $100000 Storm or 1965 Rod ney mm Command to sum bane $50000 Innislll Irom Baldwin to mun watercourse $65000 Anne Alrcet rom High way 400 to Letitia street 560 000 or total of 3175000 Storm sewer or 1066 Mul caster sired 1mm Dunlap lo Codrlngton $36000 willlam street from annn to Baldwin $47000 and Gowan mm WilIl am ï¬eld $34000 for total of 3117000 Slorni sewer or 1967 10 ha buy from Brndlord and High streets $113000 The 0131 $633000 or alarm sewers la be mind by th tax rate Tï¬Ã© ï¬uiihnsa land belong Inx lo the Ontario Dcpnnmen Slorm sewers 1363 Hayfield meet mm the Bay In Sophia street $205000 Johnson street mm Napier to Shel meek $11000 Boys Robert 11ml area 317000 or total of SZ3000 for I961 The llvaycnr capital budset or the City Barrie or IV years mm was tabled by the finance committee at special meeting 01 muncll In thé Coun cl Chambers Hem on lha budget that par ticularly differ from pruvloul budget are pmvislan or $135 000 for Police Flre and Max lscrale Building in 1963 $150000 or public Ichooln in 196 und mom jn ms other Items were $600000 or new high school in 1067 383500 or waterworks in 1954 72350 in 965 and $160000 In description work Included In the capital budget 196367 II as louowa Hospflal addltlon 1964 $150 DESCRIPTION Pblice Fife Edificé Is In Capital Budget Slnoo you guys were sagolly when borrowed tho money you wouldnt min was low weeka 1m navlnz luck Cant Beat Natural In lmlMthllmN HUBERT GAS You at $127000 And he Pnrkxldz mm skeet trunk $63000 for tonal $646000 to be retired by the sewer rate LOCAL XMPROVEMENTS Purchase nl Canadian Nation al Railway properly at cost at $150000 is In be retired by lh tax rate The sum of 5250000 is tabled or local improvements pm lition are receivied iar lidh walks sewers water and I0 nn This is to ba retired 70 per cent ownerx ahare $175000 and pc cent Iciliyl ginkgo 000 For public schools 1363 six mm $140000 1964 six rooms and auditorium 3160000 1966 alx mom $140000 and 1967 our mom $80000 Highway acmss Highway 400 mm ihe Agricultural Park to he retired by an the land for Industrial expansion Sanitary Trunks In 1963 the noth Inmk from Hayï¬eld and Sophla street to Grove street and 51 Vlncm streets at cost at $208000 and In IBM the In dustrial land trunk at cos Relq 51mg gunk FAST RESULTS THROUGH ADS Vhdher you Are renting buying aclllng or hiring help Examiner Want Ads are lhe last economicnl way to do Mrs received more than 16 calls after ndveniy lng IhrLLLroom apartment She said she could have renjed If many tlme nver Mrs Mod Mr quickly as result of an Ex aminer Want Ad Mrs rented an un furnished apanmcnl after one lnsefliun her Want Ad In The Examiner She had six or cvcn calls she repyrts Mrs mnlcd mm the same day her Examin Ad was prime Want fast results In rent Ing homes apartments or rooms Then use Examiner Want Ads Ticse VBarrie people did and look at the results Mrs rcmod wo hedmm unfurnished apart ment with her Examiner Want Ad Still VicePresident Mun easier Sudbury said It has become Increasingly difficult fur dealer to gel thn sumo alum of Ihc imnryul Cunndiun Tin has or some llme bccn engaged In mm and mcrchnndislng war with lmpcrlal oil but has rcsullcd in lownr xamlino prim in soulhcm Onlnrln Mr Blllcs an mm view there now are more re lnlleu alter the same cusl0m on than there were ynnrs ago Sam were up In 1m but pmï¬ll were down Tho prcsldcnl has to 220 the 221 CTC associate siora rnnchlse owners allcndjng lhrgodgy convcmlnn hm TORONTO cm11m council Metropolitan Toronto Nnx day night nulhodzcd complellon of he 00533900 eastwest sthay line by 1966 am year ahead of the presan schedule at an additional costof 33000 000 Io Ihu Toronto Transit Com mlsslon The alsmlle subway alnng Bloor and Danlarth streets wlll he completed between Kcele Street in the wut tn Woodblne Aygnue In the East by that date of 16 an application to thoOmario Municipal Board or approva $73080000 expressway nmltct on mldluwn Spndinn Avenue ram moor Street Wilson Avenue in Nnrlh York wilh nn addilinnnl $1000000 or Interchange and bridge struc turn TORONTO CPDCanadian Tire Corp Ltd Is slrnnmtining it merchandising operations to meet competition but the pro ccss is costing lhn company maneyv President Biltcs satq Tposday For mliegiaie which in to he new building in 1967 is $800 000 This is to ba retired by olher municipalities 38 per cent $104000 and 62 per cent cilyl share H001 INSTITUTIONAL Ari an on to the library at cast 31850001 he retired by the mural rule WATERWDRKB WilerWOEka project at al to 5385550 to be retired by wfler gm at as follows 91 on Hula avenue In Wire In l007Mlnctl Pointwell and pumpan slatlon 370000 ny ma wefl and pumping slalian 554000 lnnisfll street booster pumps and mains Hula avenue Anne street and QIndIea may west EastWest Subway Costs $3 Million Streamlining Costs Money ll Vlntenl 554 HOWEY ELECTRIC you know what Bock boar Is than we need say no more than hurry oulund gal some you dont youve lot In look lorword to Bock Is Spllnu hour that mm like no othor boar youve ever onloyudtongy and unlovgmably avouvlul In Iho nun Bock tvadltlon Dow brlngo you lhls new brow celebrate mo coming olSprlng In keoplnn wllh orlglnal customs Dow Bock Boer wlll bo avalllble or out month only ll lam that long Ask or ll today For the first and last time this year you can now get Dow Bock Beer BREWERY ONTARIO LIMITED We