Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Mar 1963, p. 14

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local Inch nub met hnmn In Mr Iml Mu Inn vllh lluuhu Mud Ill wlnmu wom Mn Kallh Roll Killh Kr Mm Hill Kll Id Human Th hell anms Imlllulo mun will In bald th bomc 11 Isan In ryldly Ivvnlnll In hull lmrd nil nwnnr mrhn pnrly 111 an an Mud wlll In up llril eul rum qum mrmbm ml at Mr Iml Mn Ilnlml Kelln Mnrrh l1 wllh prmnl All lulrunl In udln IMMIan hm hm dlmlulun on The Cnaporalln MM Nul mull will be anlh KHl Mowdny uvrnlnl FMIM FORUM 111330 wlnnlng lhn mm pm wrw Mu IHIII and Nlllly lle Mnrml Inf 1an watt Mm erlly Mu Tmlll Mn mm 70 nln All Dnvll Nnrnun mm ml Emu linerhaw we we It Inlll n1 ruchrn In play pmly mrnlly 5mm Inml by lhn lmlllull Ind Mll lwud T110 Imrrnl of Hzlwnnl Harden was held Monday mm ha And mum rumml mm lo 54 Jnmu Clulrrh nlgnn Mu Iullur mined lny mem hm nt Hm mmmlllto In rhnm Icrml hinth hnko mic and Ira wl ha hrld rmly In Mny Nominalan tnmmluce wns nppnlnnd The nnnunl mrcling In be hnld In April the ham Mn Ornl McClain Ill lake he mm 01 pol luck nupnrr Mm GnnM Walla mmmor mud mmr ml The ncu ln numl lvknz The pmldznl Mu Alremelhy win In the chnlr MIL Inhcly mnl lho mlnulu 11M lnwn bowlm euchcn and draw were held March Thu draw wlnnerl were Mn De laney ll Stephenson Jack Greer Euchre prim wens won hy Irene Baldwln Mrs Nodwtll bolh ol Orangeville Jlm Gould and Wesley llowlxflhnm Door prlm were won hy ller Free man and Lloyd Archlhaldl anu hy Dolly lllcClnln llclcn Slnclnlr and Anderson High atom hr Mon wm made by Man Clnrldge nnm Dclnney Ah Drury nnd OrnI McClnln WI MEETING ThrMnrch mung he Wm mrnl Insliluln was held In ha IIan Mn Ilnrry Polltr CANCER SOCIETY The local Cancer Society will men adutanMl lllmn on how nmgnlzecancerlnthelown Hall March 22 at MS p111 The showing ll sponsored by Iho Tollcnham Womanl lnslilula 111cm will be no chum Thu lull will seat 200 Mr DeIanny chch lho municipal service dlvlslon the Ontario Department Ec onomlcx and Dmlopnyent Mr and Mrs Howard Lee and hmlly Miss Wilma Lee of Tar onm and Mrs Beryl Lee of or nnxeville were Sunday vlmnn with Mr and MumWilmer Pal met Mrs Gmsan Guelph vsiling her daughter and lnlaw Mr and Mrs Kirchnn Delaney sun of Mr and Mrs Ran Dclnney at lollen ham has an article In lhe Jan uary issue Munlclpnl World entitled Industrial Develop maul Mr and Mrs Russell and lnmlly Thompson Manlluba are vislung Mrs Russells par enls Mr and Mn Edward Holland Mr and Mrs and Shawn or Sunday with Mr dun Wither Mr and Mn Frank Wnadrow and family Cooksvillu spenk Sunday wilh Mr and Mn McMackon Mrs Marlene Rnblnson Klb chcncr ls hum with her par ents Mr and Mrs Harvey Rot insnn Mr and Mrs Ed Brown Ire waxing rclallvc it Purry ound Sgt and ML Loo Zinger men Mnnday wilh Mend in Hamilton Mrs Arthur Robertson and Jnhn Scurhmo vlslled with Mr and Mrs Waller McMadmn an Salurday Mr Ind Mrs Dnnaid Burgess and inmily Hamilton and Mrs Dehccia and Ann Marie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Miles Ricky Bradshaw Weier down stationed at Camp Burden spent Thursday evening wilh Mr and Mm Miles fir and Mrs Jack Gray Ion lellcd Mr and Mn Aflmd ucy Sunday Mrs WlIlls Ruer Adam Ind George Dexter an all home again mm the hospit al feeling mu lmpmyed Mrs Frank OCannor pal Ienl In he Royal Victoria Ho pilai Barrie Her many Mend wish Mr speedy recovuy Sgt and Mrs Gauld and Palsy spent the weekend wlth Mr Gould parents Mr and Mrs Albert Hare Picton Bmes ndcxwowm fly MIIA MWYER AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By ETIIEL WICE TOTTENHAM GILFORD ANGUS Jumns Crosby Tomnla spent and Mn Gor sun 233 BRADFORD ST Hlnh scorn fur Ivy were Arnold Ellis Ellint and Hoggarlh This the final two out of lhrce series In second game will he play ed Thursdny evening In Thorn ton Arena weather permiuing pancake supper sponsurd by the Mens Club at Christ Church Ivy was cancelled on Wednesday March due to so many members being ill and be ennje the 11L cpldcmlc Mlss Mary Davis Tomnlo spent the weekend with her mn her Mu Eslen Dnvls IVVYV TEAM WINS mu 13mm Mod Ivrrinc game In the net for the Ivy Juvenile Huckcy Icam March Ivy edged Slroud with 75 score Mr Ind Mrs Jenncll spent the weekend In Torunlo Mr Ind Mrs Mel Money and Mrs Hanry Harper spent the weekend In London Onlnrln Mrinnd Mrs Wilmer Wilson and family spent smurduyln Toronto Someol the bay In he Junlor Choir sang Sunday at Church They were John Kell Bobby Nallly Garry Bell Eddie Rus Iell Ind Scoll Nellly Mrs qurxe Wilson span couple of days in Barrie lut week wilh her son and daugh enInlnw Mr and Mn Jack Wilson of Mri Nesbllls March 19 pm Mn Cannon home tconomlcs canvener wlll be In charge ha pmnram By MR8 WILMER WILSON mommsm IVY 63 0EURMEWWWsmin Wlfll MillES VERWIIFWAIIISI DANGERFIELD MOTORSVWLIMITED The annual meeting of Church lllll library was held at Murray Loughaedx home Mon day evenlng Tha followlna were elcclcd to office Prealdenl Mrs Murray Loughacd secralary Ml Kay Allan treasurer Mn Ar lhur Watson llbrarlan Mlas Mary Sloan and assistant librar lan Mls Lillian Sloan Board of Dimclara was nppollllcd from among the member wllh the Reeve as chnlrmnnr St Peters will meet in the parish hall on Friday evening and the will meal at Miss Lllllnn Sloans on Wed ncsdny afternoon Sympathy he communfly axlended to Ihe new families In Iha death 01 their lather Relve to Mr and Mrs Mex Shake In lhu death Mrs Shnkclls mother and In Mr and Mrs Harry Squlhb In rm death of Mrs Squlhhl mewr Harald mum 1he Home nnd School Associa llan held its third in series ni cuchrcs with nine table in play Monday evening In lhe Fiiih Line schnol MI and Mrs Mu Rink irom illinden Midland Bradiurd and Churchill were en tered in ihe mixed bonsplel huld ai Churchill last Saturday Tim visiting links were entertained in he curlera home noon and in lha evening hanquel wgs serqurln lilo club house Mr and Mn um Wick and daughter Lamlo Markham spy Sunday wllh Sloans lThe secona Lemon sludy zmup met at Sloans Monday evgnlnfl Bo sun lo Ionanu on cscw um um mm By MRS PROSSEB CHURCHILL cow Your Chuvroloi Oldnmbllo Cldlllu Mm Gemx Cal llnzwood wlu wlnncr of the $215 jnckpoz Al the local hlnn game It was he second win lners 131113 at loyal blngq lly MRS HIEATI Jack Healip and Stan Nixon lcll March 10 or Scotland to attend Iha Worlds 0mm Chlmplonship In tho city Perth Mr lenn has planncd lo spend lhmo dnyav In Belfast Ireland where number of re Inllves reside nona ol whom he has ever seen Ila wll then Jnln the party ol Canndlan tuxIan and In on to Paris or even lax57 hlrd member of tho local party We Ellla ol Collinsz who had Intended la go on the rip ls now under treatment at Tomnlo hospllal and cannot go It was Mr Elll who Induced hls sonlnlnw Mr Hesllp and Mr Nixon la soln hlm and make the lrlp Mr and Mrs George Shel herd have been touring south ern slates fur the past month Also Mr and Mrs Slu Smith are vncnllnnlng In Cnlllornln sengalo ware mnvencrs Wln In the ludlu prlzc ware Mls ElizabethBenny and Mn Devllk with Mrs Burns win ning the lone hund prize For the men were Devlll and willlumBoychoIl and Albert Burn winning his 1mm lmnd prize Mrs Andrew Graham wnn the door prize There will be another euchre lho evaning March 18 Mlssus bnwn Lynn a7 Karen CREEMOBE iii fr¢mibu fry3taxiwzzéi lAHCAII MAINHNANCI IUUIII Mumm out wllh alumlflll flm lull In Law Envoy And Chumlu thk UNI St Pauli can church mrvlce ceremony was conduc ted by Dr Ughlbarn when lho lollawlng cholr members were presenlcd with Kold mm or regular allcndunca for 1962 Blll and Terry Crnlz Mrs lllun dull and Ellen Blundnll all wllh 100 per cent Shlrlcy llnwdery an per cent and Shlrloy Lewis 80 perrcenl Dont 0111 the SL Patrickl dance In the Township Hall March 15 under ha auspice he Mnlhcr Auxiliary la the Gill guldp Every Monday night the 1m Blue Lodge holding weekly nugljrg Inlhgl pqusll hall Corkul Blrrlu spent the week engwjlh grandmpgheryuaro Funeral servlce were held on March mm the Mumford and Crawford Funeral llama Crue mora for the lnlo Mame Hopper who died at the Cara Vllla rest home Colllngwnnd March sh was no Terfifiomy unlombmenl was was made lhe Ommore Union Cemetery with burial Inter at Dgncdln Folk on the nick list and under mutmen 1mm Cmmora nt lhu Golllnzwood hospllnl Jme McKIlllun Ind Len nox Miss Anna Glflen had serious opemlon at St Josephx Hospunl Toronto last week and Id repnrlcd In favourable condi on Flyan Ofllcer Ind Mrs Leon ard Dent Ind Sun of st John Nfld In spendan lho next ow weeks wllh Mr Dunla parents Mr and Mrs William Dent quoIlM SI Mr Ind Mrs am Slewm Kalhy and John of Omnievlllo Ipenl ha weekend with Mrs Stewarts mother Ind nunt Mn walker and Mn Smllh NIW CNIVIOI COMVOIII HIIIINO WHIIl lOCH IN POIIIIONI an II In flu but poll on or ynv Ali yaw doalu nhoul Ihu allow by ohhhgnalm apllon PHONE PA 66527 mmbuluwulwdnmmmw nir McCaNMy home tom MIDHURST Saturday Ind Sunday visitor wlih Mr and ML Oscar Sulhm land were Herb Sutherland El uln Mills Mn Kay Ruchmnnd Toronto Ms Thomas In dsar Mr and Mrs Cllllurd Gad dex Aglncourl and Mr and Mrs Jnck Tnylnr Suslo Ind quherlnq SL Pauls Mr Mos Mrs Ernest Dalu Ind Mn Earl Dal landed the Goth wedd lng nnnlvorsary Mr and Mrs Vlll Edney and Mr and Mr wm Homoma March 11 El Bradlord Mrs Dale Will among the ladle pouring lea thal Royal Viclnrll Hospital Bqtrie By MRS ERNEST DALE Mn Dales spent Iaxt wtek In Toronto ha guest at RJSprnqaL Wm Mr nfim Jack Rum bio on Sunday worn Mr and 13 Frank Rumbls Richmond Hlll Several In his dlsnlct are iclunnned to their home with tho ll STEELESCORNERS Mr sum and Mn Emlth are patient 1n the 110an V1priu ginning Jamie mi Dora Kellogg Im laklnu nursing course In Mon real and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 800000 to 950000 on xriacra tread lots near schools from $50000 down No salary require ments Served by Natural Gas PA um All Ind Ilnlldlyl PA Mill nhiazzzflmn222A YOUR CHANCE OF llFETlME CARSON REAL ESTATE in In past the Russian have ax rcssed concern um Canada as not ban in mm mm ha Soviet Unon Thu made agreement maku Ila re quirement im Canldinn pun chasm and he Canadiun Kev ernmcni has minded Ruin cannot compel Canndlhn businessmen lo buy SAMIS DROP Canadn sold Russia $24275 at worlh load In m1 but sales dropped sharply Inst year In $3196596 mainly the rt ochcuve at the closeddoor discussion will be unelotll on trade agreement nrlzlnally signed In 1956 and ex lcnded In 1960 for thm yellI There wen preliminary cxploh alury talk In Momw In No vrnhcr 7mm CHA nutmum her Russian rude deluutlon ll anxlou In much meemunt as soon as possible with ma Cana dlnn government on renewl ol the current trade Illcement begcm 3h lwo mgnlrles The delczallon rived Nes dny nighland was met Dy group Canadian trade Ind nrqlgn malt qfllclals 14A THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 14 Red Trade Envoys Talk In Ottawa ITROUD Handy Madam MI BARRIE lluvnr Lumhcr Co Lid COOKHOWN Homr Imllh Lumber Pmsnunau mums lull Russian tutbleks when and nidml Inga pur cham Last year Cnnnda suld Russia hldes plnxllc nnd syn mane rubhera Slrnleulc zoodl Ire not traded Canadian Import ram Rus tin mnlnly lur skins alloys or me manufaclurc and same chemicals amounted to $2745 721 In 1961 PITTSBURGH WALLHIDE RUBBERIZED SATIN FINISH REGULARLY$875 clan undur he lap Dvlexqulckly lnlvrioHIlaxpaini Ensylalpply Comphtoly wnhnblo Btuthnd mum IN qwu fiplxpuvgha liul quality FOR THE FIRST TIME AT YOUR GREAT CANADA WIDE NOW GAllON Ex

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