ANT TAKE nMEN WELLINGTON NZ CPI 5an him New chlnnd llcnd quarter lhc Anlnrcllc will be nnwomuna and or at least 10 ycnrs my senior official to rcnlly hark 1mm tour duly lllm llmy list anclnl psych Ialzlcnl nnd nmmxnndullnn pmhltms Lu me nuln reason The petite whilchnircd Jar nncsc designer explains hm lhu huslc diflcrcnce bclwccn Mun aml lecrn dress Hm Hm Vcslrm silhouette nllcn chnngu nvcmluhl while Ibo Mme Chiya Tannkn persnnn alylc tonsullnnl lo lhc empress showed gowns mndo In hcr nun bcnnlllul and costly sxlk at culmrul presentation sponsored by Japanese Ambassador Tom llnxuiwnm Christian Dior Nina niccl Jacques llnim and Cardin all ilrcss lhe Japanese mood in wring collection with many wrap around silhoucllcs kl monn alcoves and elalmraic Geisha girl hair slylcs Formal gun at Nina nlccl have pan ellcd sleeves railing la the finer shown will win made 01 lacquered hlnck ruiiia Wm men and Jacques Grille have both nlsn made commercial Ileups In Tnkyo In the 1515 sixrmnnï¬u Pierre Cardin was the ï¬rst French designcr lo vlsil Japan and has made ï¬ve rcccnt trips In search of unusual fabrics He has Iiny danike mannequln leoko who models his East erzyi pircd evening gowns 1th oulicnk ls or silken summer with mung Oriental nrhmnce Japanese Influences In Fabric Hiqfllnight Pgris Couture Showing PARIS Reuters Japanm Influences are emerging as the lending fabric trend In Ihe Paris couture collections or this pring my summer llulrll ï¬lull Thu anl mu MITIma lllll 5h Munle Dunlap IA um 540 II Far All nur Musiml Nredl Mohair is inmflte with most everybody These pull over have necks raglan sleevcs and are designed in In easy lightweight bulky manner The instructions have been planned Io it both girls and boys wearing sizes 12 14 MUSIC TO KEENANS PLEASE YOU MOLANA BULKIES pm She thinks Paris designer should persunnltxc prinlld silks She suggests that typical land marks such as the Arc da Triamphe muId he used for textile pauerns That she adds ls why Jay uncsn fashion designers suhsll Iule Interesling fabric puller for new silhnuclles Mme Tanaka its her kl mcnos to he season by means of handpainted panems Snow scenes or winter cherry blas soms for spring wnlerlalls or coal rippling waves for sum mer and chrysanlhcmums or luafy pallems for auumn menu has remained lha same In cenlurles Now Ivlihbla Mm lingshe capacliy 11 And Guided Imlun wuh Ind FloThu dlylnl Ihll mubl cluner dllcsbrlahltrPomlllnlnmior Ind lid DoubleMI commo llon or cool quit amnion Gleaming whlla wilh ducal mm Wau luluvlnl lhll KllchInMd porllhll dllh wnher valuepriced mm Kllh¢nAld tar my likhfll very budnl ROBINSON HARDWARE KitchenAid ï¬W design simply send stamped sell addressed envelope to tha Needlecraft Department The Barrle Examlncr reques lhelhlolnnn Bulkies Lea leluNï¬mber 463 ll lou ygoulq like IA um Plfll MHK 0n NUT MILK DOMINION CHOCOLATE BARE SOUP CAMIIIF VEGETABLE N0 FANCY Mil CDHOY PEANUTS YORK IANCIIEH FLORIDA CRISP GREEN ImMMETTEH LONG SPAGHETTI NO SLICED CELERY Stalks CORN SAlMON Mexican TOMATOES AJAX 1c LGE Hr mm nrr CABBAGE m2 RUBIN IIOOI RUYM DELUXE CAKE MIXES PEAS TEXAS NO FRESH GREEN COFFEE BRIGHTS PEACHES Noz ONTARIO NO TABLE CHIP COOKIES FLOOR WAX SPECIALPFFER MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT CLEANER WITH AMMONIA TERRIFIC VALUE MANNINGS CHOCOLATE SHEEN GIANT FANCY CREAM STYLE SAVE l2 JOHNSONS GLOCOAT HARD GLOSS SLICED OR HALVES CHOICE POTATOES If the lighting in your home seems dim and inadequate de Ipite good lighting fixture and many lamps you may be vic tim of Household Enemy Num lrt and dust that rob wattage you pay for ven the best of housekeep ra is apt to overlook the Im portance oi keeping bulbs tubes shades and fixtures clean Yet in most Cases all that necessary is simple wiping with sudsy cloth Bulbs and fluorescent tubes actual attract dust and soil So it wise tomake regu lar practice of removing each light bulb from its socket and wiping the surface with cloth well wrung out in sudsbolus careful not to wet the metal neckf Bulbs should be that ougth dry before replacing Lighting Fixtures Attract Dust Dirt IN III Nu Sunday MAmh 1711 Paldckn day and nl would p101 lnvxlinq 0w II PRODUCE SPECIALS Then rins well Tie slrlng to the cenler frame and hang lho shade to drip dry or blot well with towel and replace onthe lighted lamp to complete dry Lamp shades can also be big olfendm Is safe to Immerse sewn tnhrlc shade In tub nr deep sink lull of suds After removing any non washable mm dunk the shade up and down In the and and watch the dirt lilerally that out If neces sary repeallhe Job In sec ond batch clean suds Decalalive bulbs used In open fixtures need particular New Inn especlally il heyare the curved or etched variety Use an old loolhbruxh to take care lhosa dustrapping cre vlces Flasllc plasticcoated parch ll JAR In on In 19H Mn HI llnl In HM 78 26 Season ï¬r HearfYHomei 69 lllCMl SPECIAL HIECIAL SPECIAL ECU SPECIAL 31c 39c 39c 89c 33c 37c 37c 69c Io LII flMl Peunul BUTTER man smu SPAGHEITI NIBLEIS com ONLY AT DOMINION RICH SMOOTH RICHMELLO qu you need at ï¬oumxon Fur In In Mn whit Dominion thi vmhnd and stock with tho many advamnd Ipedub pr humimh cl olhu Ema humus And urnml DoMnnorI yuul an your Ihoppflng am numb walk much morn Iavin the gran dollar um GREEN GIANT FANCY wine with um my SAVE 28 PER TIN LIBEY IN TOMATO SAUCE an ONLY AT DOMINION DOMINO FANCY Nu Sunday March 1711 Paldckn day and whnl would man lnvxlinq than mumln dill Marty hams made Irish Shwl III nnl only deliclau than pan Hn occnnmlml lool Charm nourth lnqxodhnll AJRflW 912 yam29d The Business and Pmlcsslonnl Womens Club 01 Ban1e held ll annual Card Pony ln lhe Ens em Stnr Hull Owen Street The club grateful to all who helped make this many nun cess The Door Prlxe was won by Mn Guest and the draw prlze were won by the follow lnx Mn Percy DcGecr Thelma Symmlt Mrs Caulhcrl Man men and limiiar Jhnrd Iimdcs can wiped all with dry suds made by beating generous amount soap or de tergent with minimum WI turn Sklm oi the thick lather to wipeeach shade quickly rinsing wiih barely damp clgih you go OUTSTANDING VALUE KRA Lamp base wlU 5156 need an accaslonal sud wiping after first observing the snlelyflle 0141 Ex thculgmp And PW CluhNémé Winneré At Annual Card Party Dan uuldu hnme bslzhulpved 47= PKG SPECIAL 10 OZ JAR 93C SPECIAL 40 73 210 43 5mm 29 SPICIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL 35 gum Mnyur Eleanor Agnew Ellzabelh Chisholm Mlldred Pralick Mrs Porrm Audrey Foster Florence Meredith Jes sie Heap Sharon Lavender Mlss Wilda Culbert Mrs Margaret Reynows Mrs so Gladys Stone Lily McCaw Mrs Kay McMahon Mrs 13111 Maw Mrs Alice Bayllss Mrs Laura Cleland Mrs Jean Guest Mn with Inch modern Installation as lumhmu ceiling or corru gated plastic xhueling or panel through whlch light is dlflusud or dayllnh effect here is tip or you It comes from he prolesslunul who Install Indi rett llzhllnl DRIP THEM DRY They tell lhak After wash In such plastlo panel screens 12 um drlpvdry be are rephclngnme CORNED BEEF CUTS COTTAGE RELLS RUMP ROAST STEAKS or ROASTS FULL CUT EASYITO CARVE ROUN END DOMINIONS OWN FAMOUS POPULAR BRANDS SWEET PICKL ED BONELESS EASY TO CARVE ROUN Zucchini SQUASH 39 GREEN BEANS IliNO FANCY mnan mm JinnN um nummf OUR GUARANTEE FROZEN FOODS Lorne Barrett Mn Mary Wlse man Mm Kay Webb Fern Hudgson Percy DeGeer Tum Bob Ayclifle Blair Bill HIV Mrs Allen Todd pmldem South Simeon Dishlei and Mn Weaver secretary treasur er of lhgï¬lshjgt villi be gutsy Thornton Worn In Insulule will hold tho March meeting the home Mrs Bill Sierps March 21 ms pm The Cllltenshlp Commllm In cluding Mrs BuurnE Mr Mawandv Mrs 01mlan hnm will be responsible for tho evglngsprog The roll call will be Give current event permlnlngr lo lhe United Nation or Interna tional alfaln Distï¬ct Ofï¬cials Plan To Attend Thomt9n WI Meeting March 21 THE BAR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY Aim 1m LB Mll II OZ Ilm Mrs Cunningham Mn 11 Schandlen Mn Wilcox and Mrs Black will be all nulslant hoskcsses 01 TINH Visitors will be welcome McKINNON FURS Lid ll Dunlap 53 29 49 29c LADIES SPECIAL MHIM SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL You Mqu FINE FURS Heller For if