In IInm mull nIAIeI Iur I0 mu all mm IIum lhl yrur Mu Iidnn Murphy Mung hmbnml Dr Noel IIIunluy II In Ntwloumlland IulIw lmr ll Ihe Imxmnlvu Camr vallvs mmlncv In Ilumlwsl Imnn am In Kml Hux InmI Mu Mumhy mm In funndn In 1m HM Inlpul Iwr InnIman In hll pmrlntlnl cnm pnIllI Ian Iall ml MM I1 hu rnlmd II Idml llll In lncmu Ibo number mr men In Imlllkl In In Hwy wIII play dollnllv will In mm min nI mnIry IImnIn nun drllror rlndlnn mppllu Iha man mum lmzrmlvl hmcnnllvon and Liberal rn Prod nullldnlu In nH Hm All the Now Drmocrnllc lmly In ï¬orlnl Emlll In II An Inde pvmlaul lerul IIan ummu nllt mmpklrvl In nunr II THE CANADIAN PHI25 Newlvundlnnd housewlle lhu mayor Pan Arthur the Prime Mlnllcr of Canada and mum Columhln newnmpfr aner 1an Imn nnmod cnmlldnm or flu Aprll led mil tlctllon They are nmanu he 65 man And our wnmrn lunnnlly tn lrrrd lho elrrllon rncu whrn nomlnnllnm chmd Mundny In 21 Cnnndun 2m mnslllucn In Cnmlhlnm In the mmln Inn 241 rldlruzl lvm whlch elm Inn mwnhm rnrh lmvn Ilnll Mnrch 25 In In Ihelr 01H clnl documrnln Numlnnllonl Mnmlny mm In wldcnnrrnd nr holulrd riding mm Nuwlaundlnnd flu Yu kon 91 llnm ll nmInl wnuld be very mrprlscd It did 511 Dr Kcylllz rec ognimd nulhnrfly on Canadian nonulnllnn lmnd who Iormcrly nd been cmploycd In the Ca nndlnn bureau or mislch Tho subcommium ls mnklng Indy world lmmlgrnllun before propnrlnl rccom The population expert lull lying bciore congressional hi dicinry subcommillec also said Canadas loinl Immigration quota for Asln is smnii and he would be very surprlscd ii Canndinn iritndship with Red China would lead in any in mused migration mm the Chi nese muininndi He was rcspundlng to Can zrcssman Michael Frolghan aubcommillm chumnun wha wondch whelhnr Canada wnuld not Red Chlncsu as per mnqcm resldcnlx Though Canndu could accom modate mnny mlllhms per sons ha uld he doubts that will show any rapld population Ilse for many yam By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CP NMhan Keyfllz of the Univ Illy Manlmnl said Mnnd Canada is beset by hlgh alm chmnlc uncmploymnm caufl min tensions Elmer Sophn Sudhury brought statement from Works Minister Connnll lhal very deflnile plans were he lng made to Solve space short age 101 member the leak lure The publl work depart ment his charge of the 1031519 lurg bulldgng nhq chamber Nominations End In 21 Ridings TORONTO CF The On emu legislature conllnued Mon day ll scruï¬ny of departmen lnl esllmates for the 196564 flags year approving $46629 000 or public works spending into commmge study at the transport depart ment estimates luday Population Expert Says Canada Wont Show Rapid Rise For Years Premier John Dialenhaker takes the opportunity of an Vluour long slay Ln Quebec City Mr Soprm said the upposluon Legislature Roam Termed Black Hole Dr Univer Monday almost causing NEW MINISTERS APPOINTED T0 CABINET mm rcpquul lo Ihe nlumlnz ulllrrr ulna mlnnln More Illa dudllna Illh In umfllllnl chequa van led lo have II mulled and when he dld Ml buck unlII Ml pm mmlnluon wn remed hm pedal In bu mmlnnlrd Mnmlny wnl lurnvd down hu lnllln ur nIh mulled hrtwo or mo dwell Mlnm nomlunllrm rluml pm Mr Dlmn won by mom Hum 000 volt In mm ll wowl by Fun Lib ml Hurry Appl NDI mx Ken Sallulln Soclnl 7mm John Manor umldnnl mnl mumr 01 um Prince Rupert own Librrnl tnnllldnl In hktrna Munre MI oppunrnll Mn Frank llnwnnl NUI mrmlxr Ill IM lml hmlla Ilnnnhl Iophian PC and twin Mul on Form lell rcwflul lrlnrn Alhul Membtr llnmrnl and MI rlnhlh term In Hm Common In whlch he wnl emud llnl In mo In the lar mor MI 01 Lulu Crlllru Ilnflnn Liberal member xlnto IMJ and Ed Hnn Jr he NDI Mn her oppont Saul Luskln I5 mnynr Perl Arlhur Llhrrul cnmll mm in Purl Arthur whcro he II opposed by Douglas thcr NLW Democrnllc lnrly memlnr nlnrc 1051 and by Harvey 51mm ruckan rm nprnv tnr mIrrMnUnK ho Promr Ilvn murrvlllvu RUNS IN KATCIIEWAN lrlmo Mlnlmr I1rltinktr AnkhIE MINI lcrm nl Sklllcd Cnnndinn ound nl lrnrllons In the us Erudu nla cnglncnr mluhl set 11 start Ing salary $6500 In he US but less lhnn $5000 In Canada 18560006 cmnln amount lcnslon onluru Canadian Hie lho present lime lm snld Asked how many persons Cnnndn mlghl cvenluully ac commodate mm Id be has heard Cunndu could pack In up lo command with It nl populnuon or about Canada has an unsallslnc low unemployment problem he nnld wilh lha Jobless nvcr aging about nix per cent ol um Cnnudlnn labor force He sum geslcd dissnlhlucllan wllh eco nomic opportunin one rcu sun or unrest and tamplninl nmong Frcnthrspcnklng Cann dlnns Cnnndn last more clllzcns lo he 115 than she go Irom her neighbor KcyIilz estimnlcd lhnl about 10000 migrate to the us from Canada each year and only about 10000 to 12000 some to Canada from lha US mendnlians or possible revi sion of us immigration stal utes LgSESyEpPu 10 us room at the same time Mr Council said three lemcmhcr amp of Progressive Conserv allve members share three or lcgs apt by £ch Mr Sopha sald nlher mums provided for his party ware 250 square col nnd 300 square ml WQULD AMEND ACT Flrsti reading was men sev aral amendments ta tho Munic sald only about half of tho nmcinl uppnsillon 24 mem bers cqulgi squeeze lnto tho amernom lo the chnmhcr is black hole of Calculla with no wlndaw provide light or venlllntlnn pass with two of tha three mlnléter he mpolnlcd yeslen dayflmornlng Left to Sam at Iha lap amateur lul rnt In lho region ranging from acting through set designan to diracllon will he reprcsonlcd 1n prodacllons by the Hamilton Players Galld Samla Drama League Kitchener Wnlcrlnn Lllllc Theatre Owen Sound Ll lle Thcalrc and Damion Lmla Theatre LONDON om CPI The Ilvcdny Weslern Onlurlo Re xlonul Drama Fesllvnl acts un der wayhere Ionlghl as Ihe ï¬rst live amateur theatre group mounts IL production In bId Io represent the area lhe DomlnIon IInnIs In KiIche nor In May Another nmendmenl put self service dry cleaning establish menis under municipal juris diction One rnposad amend ment would ariaw dismissed municipal ofï¬cialclerk treasA urer engineer assessor nr as sessment commissioner in seek nn open public hearing at council meeting or ciased council meeting if he chose to hear the case Another amendment lnlnr duccd would provide or ï¬ne up to $2000 or in term Amateur Grbups In Drama Festival ipal Act Monday one of them permitting local municipalities Io require licence 1mm any magazine salesmen not resident in the municipaiily for year Your taste Every drop of Culvert Old Ryo must pan on rigid quality conlrol chocku boloro lonvlnz our dlnllllory Your mum In the 07th chock Try gm nmoolh Culvert Old mm are Raymond OHurley De lenm Pmductlan minister 3030097 Ricani appointed is the QWCheck Calvert Old Rye Kitchener WMcrIoo delve Into fantasy Ihu Iollowlng night will Jenn Girndnuxa French comedy The Enchanlcd one change would give elector Ihe chance to petition municipal councils to him mu niclpnlilics divided inlu two or more wards Pclltians would have lo carry 75 signatures in lawn up to 5000 people and 151 names for municlpnlliies of more than 5900 ii the council does no net on the petition the manor would go to the Ontario Municipal Board The man responsible for se lccllng the best of everything and mnsnling the losers 1r ad judicator Herbert Whlllnker Toronto Globe and Moll drama crillc Hamilton lends off lonlgh will ll production of Ray Law lora Summer the chcn month Doll comedy drama which bccnme the first Auslra Han play lo become hit In both England and line United Slnlcs Sarnla lollawr Wednesdny night with 111 singing of Arthur Millers View from the Bridge drama which hn be come contemporary classic of hrArnerlcnn mantra one year or persons canvlclcd ill deslroylng municipal volers third change would give municipalities power to pre scribe lire minimum age at which person could legully ha sold iirewnrks minister without poflloflo Mr Dielenbaker and Martial Asselln appointed Forestry Mlnlsur CF erephom Iï¬stice Norris Refuges SIUBiId Step DawnFrom Marine Probe ropriety is important oi nurse he said but the com mittee should also scnrtinlza the efï¬ciency with which govern ment usuthe amount mancy voted in ï¬le general accelerallan of expenditure aver Ihe years The cammitm appmvrd MI suggestion that the treasury board he uked to appear bo iore representative oi individual departments are called Provincial Auditor Calnam udvisor in tha commit iee suggested lilo treasury board he askcd to appear at the next meeting in nuliine proce duxcs by which governmcnl spending is calculated and pre pared in submission to the 121 Nature The trend the public ac cuunls chmmiileea examinw lion has gradually shined away from the propriety oi gov ernment spending whether money is used or desig nated purposei0 the eiilciency oi administering money Mr Coinam Mid TORONTO CPDThe iegisil turoa standing committee on public accounts met or the tint lime in the current session Mon day with reporters outnumber in members present two in one 1119 ninemember committal the Iegialaturoe 1n euion watchdol on government mud lnzwas one shod or quorum oi five Two szressivo Cou sorvntiveo out oi the nix up pointed worn absent Along with both Liberal member and the ND representative Harry Price PCTnmnkoSt David was named chairman The Vancouver jurist nelrlnx 1119 end of 111 long Ind lurch in look ll marine lobar con flicts flally nluxed to sup down Monday It the behesl the Seflmn Internallqu Un Canada Ind SIU lawyer Joseph Nun filed motion 10 lha judges dis qualmcaflon at the 101m ses lan of the public Inquiryalter UllAWA CWMr Justh Nonm has tossed out new mm to unseat him oneman lnvexllzltor of labor lmublu on the Great Lukas Moré Reporters Than Members Olflco ll Dunlop RENTACAR TRUCK SERVICE PA 61412 Cull Blll MIndley Lawyer for ï¬ber parties up nearing at the inquiry opposed the SW motion Lawyer Mau rice Writh int the Canadian Labor Census nailed it scan dalous and outrageous idler counsel for Upper Lakes Shipping Limiied said Mr Nuss was adopting crybaby hymn gouigselrwark Mr Justice Nonh questioned lhe 500d laflh of lhe SIU In makan the applicaflun and called the motion totally unrnA sonable In diémlsslng the swmauan be may lulpr give his The latest motion claimed that ihe SlU had not received lull and air hearing alleging that Mr Julius Norris had pre judgcd some issues applied the rules oi evidence inconsistently restricted SIU evidence hamp ered SlU lawyers and accepted same charge tn the pmiudice the unlgn 03mm orpdsnn Charles Dnbln lawyu or the commission said the SIUI al legations was without founda llon The commission had ex amined all lxsues minutely and 9509119111 as maimed man the judge may be biased be cause he acted as an Wm ye 10 Iygars ago Heres why you can count on Firestone Medallion Rclrcads It was the second movn by the SIU have the s9yeafold Brillxh Columbia Judge dhquub Hy himself The first made sev efal lwsekx ago clagmed that Mr Justice Norris said he had heard all the evidence neces lary to make report to Labor Minister Siam Adhhiou oHIIHYONE It RUllil Cvmnny unuqu lvnmd ngmm Cc an lug margin mlcly and mileage with MEDALUON RErREADs The lll was Iboul to leave the range of the alt defence zone when ans flu mlsslle units reporlnd ll was ready to no law action Headquarters radioed to the two let to re lurn In base but for an unex plalned reason nne cantlnued to had the lnllrudaf plane occasionally happens In radar only one bIIp showed on the screen allhough two planes were In the aIr TIIIILEE MISSILES FIRED The anti airman uni launched lhrce mlssllcs In rapid successlnn In an allout eflort lu down the U2 flln alarm was sounded among antiaircrali missile un lLr stationed in til Ural soth oi Sverdlnvak but because ol various mirhnps Ihe installa tion were unable to no promptly into operation NEW YORK AHThe New York Tlmex new service may new version oi ihe Francis Gary Power U2 piano Incident piciures ihu Ruxsians as having suddenme hit one oi their own planes with missile ha same time The report which 11 Time Iatd was ubtatned from prtvate unldgntttled mums Said the Soviet Intelc tor was nne at two that ha been tolluwlnz Pumn let an lower altitude The rebut under Masmï¬ dateline gave this account at In cident TIT BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 1m Reds Hit Plane Of OWn Reportédw 1M Nukn by MuML Mlh UV Ilm tummy AH Arlwmndhlmlml mm ml my now um NEW TREADS nmn zavwwm mam maruxzaa STORES The ndlclmcnl ln Pawen lxlnl whlch followed hls cap ture quoted Russian wllnesse as my ng Ihey saw clan smoke ln the sky And one pan chule demnd to earth carry In Pawerx Tower returned to In Unlled Stale In February 196 ln ex change or Ool Rudolph Abnl convchcd Soviet spy He hu slnce lelt thy employ the Gen tral Intelligence Agency or which he conducted reconnalv sance mlsslanL SOON FORGET Children picking up words not used In polite society will soon target them my are no em phasized by punishment or Inughlerf The Time also said that con irnry lo quict asserlinns Ihl new version siaied lhal lha UI was not detected binder until it approached the Sverdlnvxk air defence lone alter entering Russia ram Mghanisinn May 1mm Soviet interceptor were rcpmicd unnhie to reach the because of ill aliiulde 691000 leek The secondhll lhe Soviet in terceptor plluted by an nlr om mygr 119 031 mm wnd Thorn had been no Lune don tflux tar In published sources that Soviet pilot wal lust In the lnqldenlflfl Ono missile caught lb In the tall assemhu will mparth