Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Mar 1963, p. 5

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Enrh drpmlmcul ll opcrnlcd Ivy mnnnkrr who rtmm dr ally in Mr Well Any mer chnmllso uhlrh hm no morn mm in wrck In put on min RA mlcm kerpl lulnrmlnx ctulamm who II mr all In time any Ipcclnl 11m dnly mer curry mu rfmlnl fleck ur av In Ilm Inmu um wkh lunrbm nl Inlay and unlnl 50 rent an Impacl has note that tho mmhnnls In lhc nIno bIoch dawn Imm IhI Io mlIon um nsklnu Ihu tIIy Io do nwny wIlh pnrkinfl melon no hey can nllco morn cnslomm lo Ithr mn Wchbn Lin hm hm mas mm which lhcy have mmved he urIulnnl buIId Inga Includlng rnIIway mllon lu pmvldc Irco parkan lm mu lumen Suzxcslcd chnnku In lhn rnllwny llnn whlch rula mm cIly may add mam Ipum Io Vcbhu For Ilmo In the early oxpnanon the nu aIIrmI lunklnxl or Clnll whlch Included lwo rm hunt ngII and Ill Hm mIIo nccdrd 11m was In lw curly shop crl In The prlm bin now bun ncrenscd la In law as I0 cents l1 RGS One could not ii in In Si Pcicrsburg arm or winier wiihoul paying vlsil lo Webbs 01y ha grenicsi shopping nhawpince This mall busL nu conlniru 75 mail out lei all owned by om man Doc Wobb who tinned out with in drug xiore in ms with floor space oi 11 23 Carciully preserved in ii nriglnnl mic his original slow in now located on the fourth flam ui the big miiding Ru ceipu iur the lirsi years busl ncs were Just under 310000 wiih nboul $6000 unpaid 16 tennis Lnsl ynarl mum wlil gross close In 0000000 and business an inr his year is bcl icr lhnn ever WEDNESDAY Jackpot $260 INNISFII NOTES IN l1 NUMIIEM ll REGULAR momma 5mm Till WEALHI DOOR llIlZK CUP COFFEE cook Ie and Shakespeare Maybe am he most relaxan pollen lEGlON All COLlIER Sl gmfihy lhat ervlc£ dub tried if will throw When In Florida Visit Webbs City R$ If AIACMREN BINGO lEGION EVE BLOOD DONOR CLINIC IS PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE Nn mum II nfluml In nlnh mnI Iml mltnvy hmn lld lnpmllnnl Aklnvln llllml 7li bull lumnlu TMI Ill ummplhlml film hulln Iullllnfl lllryllyntl Ihlth ulr Iy hrlm hill Inlum ti In fllmullln noun llmlm Mod lmmvllnl Illmulll hwwlhomulh Ihll Ihhhnpmvv mml In mllnlllMd ovn wmd mlny manlhl In rlu Ihlll pnlly nlluvlnl Iln It nluvluctlnn mmJud EnhinhImmnmmu MA Inw ma Janpl nunMd mouth Inullul hu louml Iml uo hullnw mintan III ml lly Ihvnk hum Ibnlvl Ilnlmly llnlhvnllchln Inll ll wmluu In mlnutn In lpvwll up hullnl ol lh Inluml lnnmwl Hum In Doc chb llnry he all of lnklng over lhc pnrlncnhlp mm um um ycnrl mucus ul dull nnd lulu wanllnu to raise morn llnnnm lln placed hi dclmxluru on lulu our UK munlcr nr unlln uoo and mm out wllhln mu In of duyl Mo was than aid mu nnl lean tell umn In KM way but In already had 3300000 sub mum upllnl lo um um dev elopmcnl whlch has hm am an ever Ilnco Scrurlly KIA humus Commlulon In It pnu From lhn Llan lhn 7mm hy runway nth cnrlondl 01 chmc Ind cllnn lmll In ollul will In day cm mm mum wld ll Mil each Ind Free show an held every ullcmoon nnd they also hnvo lnurs nmund vnrlou mm at Horldm WcWa City out In vurlou panda In alwnyl benntllul That Just ona of Hm mnny Mum where great nvlngs are uvnllnhle 11w elderly people who live here or he lwllizhl year or lhclr live an he ben cnrlnrlcs lhcsu savings om our tho mm Just for almtscclnx lrlp and came away wllh lhlnul lhcy know lhcy could not have bought elsewhere or much more cost Announce New Healing Suhslancc Shrinks Piles 1hr very latest equipment one gels hnlrcul or 65 runs Last week hc barber old us that the day balm he cut head ol hair and quit curly He men had hls nun shop but make more In Webbs We received mucher Iorvls culls lhnl dny good unywhm In he slam on my marchnndise any time In the world but ll wn good enough for them blood donors me left are Gordan Adnlr Barrie Gum Mason Slroud film Donor cum yestEdE him at Trinity Parish mu uu din TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um Klr Auld Inld 9900 per ten 01 lhe vehicle now rrzlxlercd curried Inmnnce mmpucd Ia 990 per ton II the ma limo In yanr Transport Mlnlslcr Auid xnld Monday nluhl nbaul 100000 passenger vchltlo plnlc for 106 nmnln be kqu and Wednesday lho flnnl TORONTO CHTho ln lasbmlnule rush for On motor vchlcla license again mm mum 011 um apex Each yanr Inn secn expanslon at Webbs City and seem likely that next year when wu visit It shall sce more changes We undersland lhnl Doc Webb 15 III compnrnlhcly yaung man who look well nhead In all his pmlccls As additional uslomm the 75 department In the More cxpnnslun and pm arcs musl Imp ahead and Ike sound of tho saw and hammer each day donolu that lhls Minn curried on canned peaches direct mm the cannery were sold wilhaul ever new the store and price are the lhra principles um have hull um buslncss This Include In parking and Hm cashing ol cheques when plclum the Imusucll ndo an spot v4 Still To Issue 100000 Licenses Reg Lachance Barrie with Shakespeare and Dr Chris Hnsinns Barrie Examlner Pholm hard anyone eléa to main II clinic mucus Sealed nuns work just CONVENIENTLY lOCATED IN DOWNTOWN BAWE Iér 6mm Innqu They Inld that In prcvlnus yum Sulndbcrnl Tho Fnlhm lbunn Ghost and Anoullhl Wall ho Tnmdorl had Ilw been rujcclcd lMJTISj BUPPOIH mhucilana Ifnpuu Ami Ion pmmplly lprflflK lhu Lnlcr member nlflncd In joint slnlcmcm lhey prolcslcd nznlns lhu In merxcncc pralcsslnnnl mem ber 01 he plannan commu teo by other nominees and Ignlnsl the double ltnndnrd or lnsle cmploytd nxcy nnlcd um Klny by xcrious drnmnllsl ha been eluded but 0m lit Ielg Folllcg lnrludcd nvo res zncd he said became cnnnot continue to be member oi committee which is ubviausly determined to have Sundayschool purity nnd drawingroom respectabil tly it xtundurds molnlian lo relccl lhe play was Bdnplud by the com mlllce by majority vme Pml Pnul Bundle pmlcssor at line mi Auckland Univcrsily at UT Later Moore explained Them was quite bl about homosexunllly and them was usage about woman becam ng pregnant lhrough silllng In bum Moore ald II title should be nn epitome trlvlullly mew locrily and llllh Ho said he was not prepared to go down the sewer wilh suchrn play WSUAL 0NCEPTION The play that bruught mul Icrs head was Fairy Tale of New York by the American dramnlm Dnnleavy When propoqu to present It as festival at before the planning commlltcc it was slmngly ntlnckcd by Canon Bllnckwoodx Moore an Anglican cm Fa ed years ago the Auckland lestaI has brought many worldknawn singers mw slclans dancan open per ormcrs and other to New law land But some of It officers had become uneasy about stand ard and the choice of alum lions AUCKLAND CHThe bun nlng or May has brought crisis In Aucklands annual Fe llvglfil the Am Cillzcns are arguing whether lhn lestlval can go forward and achieve lnlcrnallunnl rtcugnl UOn onwhelhcr It will dcgcner Ite hula snla commerclnl enm ulnmnnl hm from left are volunteers Mra Ross Sephenl Mrs Ab Multan and MruA 11 mm hulI THE WORD OF THE ARTS Play Banned What Is Next Mr Martin Inonklnu nl Sprlnnhll NS and New Gin xaw durlnu lho wcchnd churned lhnl ollher Mr Nowlnn or Mr McCulchcon was lender mall to bring dawn Ihu hcnd cl lhu xovtmmcnt Mr anlnn wll nunln canlul the Nova 5mm rldlnx cl Dlgby AnunpollxKlnm which he rtp rmnlod In lho hm lnrflnmml Ilv win but both no and Mr McCulchwn were whalchcnrl fly In support lhclr lender and have bwn nlmosl dally In lunch wllh lhn prlmu mlnluer lrom lho star he cnmpulgn nnd an In mmplclo harmony Mr Nowlnn snld lhn sme moms lo that 1ch mndo by Paul Mnrlln ormcr Liberal cnblnnl mlnlslcr were abso lutely mum and without ha Ilighlcsl foundnuo In an uddrcs Ia my work ers he Ilnnncc mln slur mid It was In lho nullnnnl lnlmsl to retain ho lcndcuhlp ol Mr chlcnbukcr KENTVILLE NS CPJFl nnncu Mlnlslcr Georgu Nowlnn denied here Monday nlghl um he and Trndu Minlslcr Vallnco McCulnhcnn had me secretly lo unscnl Primu Mlnislcr Din cnbnker Meanwhile the Auckland Uni versity Drama Soclcly which nominated lhc plny Intends to produce anyway wllhaul fes Ilval support Ono oulcnmo nl lhe controversy is that tho so duly ls Ilkzly to draw bumper houses One speech lo be or an be had some Hood llnes he added but the work ol um writer whose name cscnpes me for mu nfimcn cannm llvc Hul large numbers citizens strongly prolesled 0m seized lhn apfinrlunlly la condemn an other play he had seen In Auckr lnnd In which nearly half the cast was stabbed poisoned or drowned girl went mad and Ike main charncler accused his mum at Incest Nowlan Denies Secret Talks support Canon Blackwood Moor and the committee as did many writer the local newspapers They applauded stand or morality In lhe the me RESTORE FAMED HALL Thq 7Mywrold Haakonshal len mneert hall in Bergen Nob way was receme rcslnred lo It full splendor olden limes SHOW STARTS AT 00 pm LAST COMPLETE EHOW pm PARIS Reuters Commu len throughout France were delayed today as French rall mud worker began series Iwo hour work sluppnges to back dcmands for wage Irv crease and improved pcnslun plflrs Railroad Workers Tit Up Traffic Th fresh labor trouble came lAST TIMES TONIGHT Still Cant Beat Natural GAS VA I4 GU PlAVIRS HUM Traiilc at Paris Gare da Nnrd railway station was pm iyzcd by tho lirst rail stoppage and schedules were seriously disrupted at the French gapi tnls other national Police exchanged blows and insults wllh lhu striking coal miners Monday in the Hm vlo lento since that walkout began as warm or hlgher wngu ol more lhan 200000 French coal miners entered It mh day TOMORROW STARTS finch HEALY Isuxuxo mamm Mm hadle Ill an an IMPERIAL In wmlnulo speech he called Gerard Plcard Quehucv chief the New Democratic Party slarwiflmul lighl nndmferred to Eric Klernns president at the Monlreal and Canndinn Stock Exchange nandal shark An enthusiastic crowd about 2000 packed ln doorwayh and 3112 school hnll In nearby Haulerlve heard Mr Canuello any that recent le eral meellng here hadnt beenM able ln draw soApersnns BAIE COMEAU Que CF Real Caauette deputy nallnnal lender of the Social Credit party may he expects cmwd or 20000 Io puck lhc Montreal Forum April far giant So clal Crcdlt demonstration The wlll not he bulge nlghl In Canada he roar ll wlll be nallanal llberallun mm THE BARBIE EXAMINERl TUESDAY MARCH 1963 NotHockey Liberation IEMPIAIIQE5 lul Show Tonlxhl TMRTA TAIHTI lldull mm main mow rr mu mom mm 70ml MummyI SAMSQN Ann 111 c0Lofisc0PE SunIn GORDON SCOTT or him huh Siam WED PLUS MIRACLFS an at

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