VI Ill Am Iml MI DINII 1M In WM DOWInï¬ll You AVIIHIII Inouumll um lul Uullllu Gm ll mum Imcu um won Hummin mmwymvdhmmanm Ir rd mmlm gnu yup PM Alloml Ilnl yum Jumu Jun J1 rm In IN Mlml mm on Mummy In rim 11w III ram lml pmï¬nu Hrrdar xtnmllon mul Archnrolnaiml Nq nu we knew ram ulclly Mme lhu mlan ml grnnlln 3705111 lennllx Imr Ii Vnucnn archaeologist has dixcovmd its origin nller long and pnllcnl Inmsiignlion is discovery links lhls mnnumrnl the centre of Cnlholidnm with the vnnlly ci Roman pre cci in Egypt morn lhnn 1000 your ago Thu nnmnn cmptmr Caligula hmughl ihn obelisk in Home Jmm EKypl Al line lime that Sl mm was cmcllicd flood ln Ihe Circus oi New on anI an liiii Fiiircn anurlr inlcr Tone Sixhu hnd It ended in mm ni Sninl Pelerl nullit Ju Christian mnnumenl VATICAN CITY lflflulorsl Thu huge nbcllsk whlch slnnd 1n the ccnlm of Saint Pnlcrl 5tIunro hm hm born he mule wlml more drama um the world hnd rtnllxtd my How In drawlng up mu parisnn between the posan dc pmmcnt and manulnaurinz ï¬rm Mulch mnlrok ll mam ms and material nrrlvnls ha Laird that the post olï¬cc can He said that the post ofï¬ce unploys over 40000 IulHIme workers In over 11000 branches acrm Cunndn But we have our problems The first these great distances the unending population and pe Men nu weather In winter Mr McKnlghr said the second enlesl prohlcm in Ihe post nil ce Is the one keeping track of address changes Over 300000 Inmllim change Iheir address eyery year in Canada Our buslncss nearly double Ilse every 10 years he said spile increased commun Italians boutr Mullins and jusler mean of communicat ing we sill get mail and In need decreasing It Is In crtaslny PROBLEMS Hmy McKnight district pub lic Malian officer or he To ronto Posnl District was speak ing to ï¬le Kempenfen Klwnnl Club ycsleniay afternoon and iald that In 1970 expected bulk of man to be handled by ha Post Ofï¬ce In Cmada will be early eight billion 9000000 km of mail In 5400 Egyptian Obelisk Stands In Rome The Canadian Postal service In 196 bundled W000000 worth of mail Address Changes Give Pains To Post Office from 12 public Malian leer at the Toronto dishM postal area was guest speaker HARRY McKNIGflT third TODAYS STOCK PRICES nmpllrnl by Flyn Dunlap fll IL fllrvll E= II In uu M0 Hurmu anllnm Knlq IAIH Am yawn Manna uum innuh 1mm III Am In run unnum Mrlmm Hulll Mull anm ll lelvhy ma III llml ll Mln Imp Tn new In In Aunt Nklll UIIIIIIN In uan TIII JMII IIvlb Llhll my mnmnml Tho mluinz plcm In Hm pm 1119 cll qulckly Mo plnre Arch aeolanim no longer lumw when It Jullnn Forum WM to be Iound in Eupl but Calu Our mllun Gnllu hull bun prdm 123pr Pawn lmd zone In the young ofllcilll head Ind ho mclcd No set In Mrk an the lung lunk ol rcadlng lhu halts Slowly the mark 101le out an lnxtrlpllon recording that lhu nbcllsk traded by Cllu ComcIIuI Gnllul proncl cl Egypt In lho Jullnn lnrum saw lmm of tiny holcl dollnd nbnul nn lnscrlpllon carved In the mm or Calluuln and wandered uhmhnr Ihey were Irma clamp hlch had once held hmme Iellcrl In plnce Rnscnrch hl Valican City MI upon the nnswcr to the mid by chnnre when ho was lookan at the base the obcllsk on hot Auxunl day ma straining mailing an humln being he mantaan that In pllces like Monlml and Toranm person must remember the greater part or at 193514000 Hula poinlx The bulk of our work still Accvmpmhed by manpower aid Incmnx ane gmnple MANPOWER To keep up our service sinn dmis he said our engineer in branch in Ottawa Mained couple oi engineers and told ibem to design mechanical meihnd oi sorting mail Sines 1934 this team has been strug gling and Iodny ll reels it has Icwmpiishod bmakmmugh not control its molcrlal or ll arrival Imps And we dls approve of holding over mall that not first class he sold SOBTING METHOD Slnra hm In about £00 at Kempenld Klwnnis Club yslerduy He xpnke on the postal services In Canada referring to the quantlly of mail handled last year From ll mun Wllhq no mum lu Wm MW bunk NnnM NM Un N0 lg Hg rmclllcd In dudow nlmut Hm yur AD IM uflnhrrmnn Pelrr Christ Apunllu The Roman cm mndcmntd Gullul lo cxllo und tonllscnlrd his properly Thu obolllk mclcd by Gnlhu was later lnkcn to Home by Callzulu ll md ll mch In clrcu on ma anlcnn Ill whlch Inlcr he came lnmoul duran Nrml prr altsullen the early Chm llm xlnluu nnd ohnllsh In hln own nlnry and buan lo Ipouk of Empergr Auflflylu with Item Mllnxl weighs 110 pound Ind Brook 20a both hm bmwn halr Ind blue ayes both want alto shoe and hey comb lhclr hnlr lho lama wny Thoy me have ur ha Ira llmu lnsl weeknnd and dis covered lhnl ha tan ml taken ldcnllly lhnl led In the rcun9n wnx yndersundnble napunlopm PA um RunOI ne bmn in check and lermlnnd Milasl ws Indeed bmlhcr Ha Asked for public comm ion In properly addressing mall Including postal um and return Iddrmes Brooks wu lcll Ill orphnn soon after his blnh more than yum an and he knew he had lwln brolher somc where The boys had been adoplgd by dmeyeng families ML McKnight spoke of on cuemend whidi postal omdnh miened to As flmdsomn as Appolo and communicable m9sphÂ¥E He also spoke pmblems lnoumd by valion lzller and paper slzes Ano ther Isped of good postal vlce on our twoway road that II we glve good senlee thleh public should Nowm wt IT TURNS OUT THEYRE TWINS IIIooh was ppmached by stranger In Mlam Laumnl lust all and asked If he were Mimi mum he laid by waxnl BINGHAMTON NY Roger Brook of Mlaml and Anthony Mllnsl ol Blnghamlon look enough alika to be lwiand it um out they are that ha muchan was made serve man laid Mr McKnight and as such It hit to tailor the services to meet the de mendsot the ppbllc service treat every parcel packaga and loner with In uk most respechnnd IndividugUgy basic want In tho EnglLsh vo qnbulary his might xiv you small plum he slnln placed on postal worken um In Ihe lefl Kiwanlln Ralph hanklin club presldant Chub It Tierney Mr McKnIzhl and Tom Kerr Bum Post master Examiner Photos our Wlll RENT YOU 1963 DODGE Cull Blll Mandlty WE CANT RENT YOU 1927 WHIPPET WIFE DEA Alonm1 II Belll wit MIMI manned by In luck unrlol liver chllxl lmplml hlm In Ml work or ha dul Archlo Summcrvllla wu elcclcd Vlceprenldcnl Dlmlorl elcclnd Oscar Bellamy Pm Jerry Icler lmlher Km Nth nmxon Arlhur lankburn Ntll nmwn Jul nulc John Scoll Ken Nlrholwn Clmncu Wood Ind Ralph Willlnml Fur he llrxl llmu In lhn Slay ner Chamber hlllary In cltc Ion Iur dlnclnn was held Member than dlreclnrl lrnm 1m cl l7 nomlncu lhelr nllludo to my ropor nls wu extremely enlhux nun nld ML Lannvin was cullbomlcd by Jack Cnnnll ntlecled presidenl he Slay ner Chamber Commerce who Iald The Wnnu Bench gutm dlnplnycd Inch enmu um more lhnn on hop¢ KENYACAR AND TRUCK SERVICE the Heath chnmhzr Sam Prezla make all ha Intention of Schoonenawn dluovercd In lummer by Dr Jury noted urchmlogist mus Pazuc of lhe Bud chamber mm on the canoe pngennl proposed tor lhls um mcr The pageant would Involve mum lrlp nlnnz lho Nine Mile Forum And up to Schoontrtown Slayner Colllnxwood Ind Wm Bench chamber could eaxily pool lhtlr lvnllable re sources and Ida Innus or III purpose he IBM aggoomzmown He was the guest speaker ll flu Annual media of the Slay ntr Chnmher Commerce last night Mr Llnxavln messed the Importance cooperation monx chambers Io lully de velop our rich resort areas STAYNER sum Mulull mpuallan man he mart aru dumber commerce could easily lead to more benulflully devel tourist INI said Gena Langevln pres Ident the Wang Belch Chamber Commerce morning it was reported 13mm rinks Upped by Mrs My Smllh Ind Mrs John Ouzh defeated Dundu on the In atone No Mariam were wall nble Bunlo Advanced he second round of Ontario Ladles Silver Tankud curling at Owen Sound my Urges Chamber To Iooperate lhe repon Also recommended flu no Adlai be uken an NIH wmgy request or ponry RM man ha pro party 57 Btrcxy 52 as she in applying to an Commune Jillianrum recommendation De velopment Committee wu 11m lhl omclll plln be Imen ded to design the lands bounded by Johnson street Blah incl Pendanzulshena mad 1nd sunly my road ma of developmem Iho urvlces In now well under my or an arm Iho commutes recommended that council mum the clly manner to obtain Intermazlon munlclpumlu opemlng had by set on In ha Munldpll Ad Barrie Advances In Tankard Play wulzmd that the urn jhehu developed by Ibo Humour Cmmluce not unable or lib pmmed bundshell and the milleanm other Am or ilultnble lacHon City Count Inst night Idm ed um qu City Devel opment comma lhc committee met wldrKen Rollin of tho Banla Olly Band Ind the Hnrbour Committee to dimly the plans the lily Pllk Developmem And an qrth Miran Hatliburï¬iea th Suitable for Bandshell Wnllnr GI mld Undtr preunl prnvlnclnl Iezlxlnllon II we dont rent ob llccx Auilnbla lo lho mulslrm he can go In Any place be like Ind churn II wgll dont jun qucllnl Referring to the magleraIcl omce Included In he plans or new police tire and mm hulldlngMd Robert ob eclzd at CHy Council mtmlng In my Said Mr Roberts know 11 pm of our msponsibllny Ior tho admlnmrnllon Juxllco but no he wla mpom lilvillly ol the rlly And dont lhlnk we ahould hulld bull lmv wllh extra Ipnra or Ihem has been necessary In re dure our Mall because we wlll not be nble ha lederul an Duiinz 1962 we had sum dlmmlum nnt nlluxelher hp Incial but mostly shortage of Half Iyslem has been or Impedion vncclnauon Ind ic sghool hcnflh program Need Magistrate Be Included In New Office NV INNISFIL STREET Council was old the year we were $1000 ever spent approximately 1962 per can cost Is an of the lowest per cap cost health unit In Ontario ind Roberts asked ha cily answered £3an up ll awn health unit Md Wilson Isked How does the Henllh Unlk pmposa operala wllhln budget of $953001 Ald Newtoxi iald may Illy did come up with all rm Ald Nemon replied They didi ll recall correctly made report for tha press and hey did lot of digglnz and cam up wlm report that was out n1 Jmpmlons Ibo press did have roped the lime The pres came In or erlll clam one the shortest City Coundl meetings In Banies history Inst night Ald Newton In referrlnl the Health Nurses All work In uncondltlumlly gumnmd 24 HOUR EMERGINCY SERVICE To Mom In and 0h Induury your COOP wlll prDVIdC FR TO ALL our ruldonilll Iurmu oll summon All wnvk II do by our own quollllod urle lochnldnm SPECIAL GOOE FREE CLEANOUT of your lurnuo unnunlly FREE SERVICE CALL lhroughouo you You ply only or REPLACEMENT PART Says First Story Was Wrong But Finally Came Up Right 50x 24m 95 00 DO 19229 zmmom Miss Helen Spank either It Cenlrll Collegiate ms nu zuesi speaker Ii he Ys Menl dlnmr meeting int night Mist Spank pnsenied part of her sildes pitlnriui description oi her Mp i0 Simcoo District Cooporativo Services IT WILL PAY YOU TO HAVE THE PHONE PA 66531 0v of Town Culiomon CI ZENIIH 66000 1N To an pmssmzm mm GUEST TELL BIRDS AGE Age of ducks muse and par ridge are shown by tha amount sale an he shall 01 the outer hm prlmnry win el lhm Md son feel the Fin Ince Commmee should be on ll It looks like some commlb tee of this council will hnve lo mulwilh cammluu 01 County Council Ald Roberts sald recom mend am he Finance Com mluea make complete study ha Slmcoe County Health Unit Ind report how the cut back will allcct the Cily of Bar Ald Robem 11 could aim the citizen of Barrie and we should know no we can ah acllgp to prevent It Aid NEWton dont lhlnk Mr Hersey or anyone an the ï¬nance commute 2qu be ex pected to know would 51 or the ML Md Hersey replied Itl Isk lng the ï¬nance committee to lntï¬ paugly Councllt it smply mnmowl or crating heallh unit In ha best way Vwe cm Many of rho nurse will have In be laid but It will be the end of he yur halo will be reqncegi 13 nurses have had In ha last year will 11qu In annulled Dunlap El hnh Greece two years ago Presid ent Ken Calhm uld SM lave an Adzqunla and vlvld dexcripllon or archeolozlcll rulm In lllo country coupled wlth excellent 091ch lldl Exunlner Photol PROGRESSIVE INSURANCE ORGANIZATION MODERN INSURANCE FACILITIES loll mun For All Clmu ol lnlunnu NEWS BULLEIIN SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY lened Conlull from BAN Mum 66 Dunlop ï¬rm El Road Challlhiw pm and ndlo reprcsenlallves alter the meet Jng Mr Mnrsellus sald you dn quote me please spell my name right TOILETTISSUEï¬ï¬‚z sac MINERAL on 1mm 93c SACCHARINZTJL 10m 59c WEE78¢ CLUB BRUSH wilh COMB 88c Ailcr my Council meeting at which Ihe pres came in or some criticism last night Aid II Marseiius had request to kg oi ygporim THE BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 1961 Mr Sneluravo lold meeting of the Barrie Young lecral Association In Barrie last night lhll ml tamera committee wlll be selected by 010 farmer 1n Ihe riding and will represent he Imu Iownshipa of Nathan aagn Vesprn Fla and Sunnl dais Mr Snelgmvo said Only runners thorouth undcrmnd arm pmblums so only farmer shmId serve on Ihe comm tom arlph Snelgmve leeral cnn dldale for Slmme North has pledged that ll elected he wlll establish spcclal lourman ud vlsory commltlce lo advlsu hlm on local lnrm prplglgms Just Spell Name Right Councll adopted our recom mendallnm the Fire and Traf flc Commmea at last nights Cogncllgmllqg The Committees rcpan adopted by council road allows Wa met with the Public Work Co flee to discuss an nerlm unacung Ink an Como In to nu lhon md our SPECIALS ON SPRING CLEANING SUPPLIES Discuss Pedestrian Saiety Near Barries Two Collegiates Would Establish Committee On Farm Problems MONEY CLIP Whun you buy Brylerum Hnlr Drmlng Whon you buy kn DA Cold Crnm Coup CHANGE PURSE When you buy lerlm Anilumlc 98c Handy Slim Plum Brlahv guy vary nulul Whln you buy MleL In Tooihpulo 2Plon Unbrnknblo SOAP DISH DoubleDuly Pro TOOTH BRUSH Just one penny buy uxnful premium when you purchne populer everyday need other ka you can In lot on penny with punhum If CLOTHES HANGERS MEASUHING CUIS WAN CLOTH CAKEKER KEV CARE TEVEH THERMO METE AQLANDALE DRUGS lTD CAlDWEL DRUGS IJD HAFPERS PHARMACY ROSS DRUG STORE MARCH TO MARCH 16 plm Illll mo 79c 85c Mr Girdumds mother wi dow at Arthur Girdwood all live In Barrie on Toronh street Mr Glidwood Vin honored scyvlcc 67¢ Arthur Girdwoad Iarmur Burria resident and now momch ni ihe Gueipii Bound ni Light and Heat Commisxion us has received ion xer vice award The award was presented the 54 joint annual meeting loI Ontario MunIchal Elu lrlc Association and tha Associ ation of Municipal Elem Utjljtlu In Tmntu sa Board asked 1118 we make no rcconunendatlo until after the mow zone men to see what could be com menced In 1963 wllh special rclcrcnce tn anfleid street and E55 mad We met with ma Properly Cnmmmco Iho High Schnal Board wnslslhd Grif Iln Mrs Lemmcns Pmu Sloddart and board secmlury treasurer Burton Vc dlscussed the ped eslrlun siluutlon In the viclnlly or Barrie Nnrlh Collegiate We also dlscusscd with the bnnrd representatives the Brad ford slmol entrance to Barrie Central Collcglnlu and tho Io mum of the proposed cross well on Dunlgp street wnsL That he Public Works De pnrlmenl be requested to cease he snnwplowlmz the walk on lhe was sldo Davidson street from Grow slrcel east In North Collcglnlc Newton wanted to know what lhey were loin do about the dcstrianrlramc ExBarflefte Receives Award Goodalro PA 02903 PA 05407 Ilï¬nuncn PA MON ANACIN vendorn BROMO SELTZER AQUA VELVA 449le hbleh 100 79c Munch bolllo 78c 86c lmlly leo Mr