CITY OPPOSES PLAN SAULT STE MARIE Oni CPI City council Monday night decided in nppnsu amni gamniinn oi Saul Slc Marie with three adjoining townships whcn he nranasal ncs heinrc ha Ontario Municipal Board March 20 The scheme that would amnlgnmnlc Ihu ciiy wiih Kinuh ancniorus and Prince Iownshlps was proposed by Tarcniorus fealure allracï¬nn or he Ins year at Storybook Gar dens in London 0nl our penguins pose proudly wflh DIES AT 101 KITCHENER CF Mrs Elizabeth Tumor diud here Monday the mac of oL nallvn London 0111 she was the last surviving member of hzr Inmlly VOTES IT DOWN MILVERNN Ont CPD Villaxe council Monday night vulcd unnnimnusly against building $218700 souemge Iyslem evpn laugh il IIOS beep apprmc Ontario Munl clpai nuard Villnze €1qu EM Smith said Ihe mm Incision nrnnlcd permission far the nu 3m but did not Inquire Ihni it ha carrin oui Milvcrlon is about miles north Slrab iord WALIOIE lSIAND Onl CWAhnul 1200 Indian rcsl dvnll Wlllpnle Island will re mvc $100 cash April la and HI as their ahme the $1381 Inilinl paymcm by Inc all cam nnnlcs or all lcnsc rights on he Island lAflSKS Mm nrnnlcd About lwo wcrks Mn to Tcxnm Canada leilrd and flame Oil lellcd or $276231 Tl IIESISTS DRUGS HAMILTON CPD Drumro llllflnl gums cmrrginn mm Wln an all In yaw HamM Illy Imp1y lamam lnmIM saw you wally Illflflflfl and Iumy It Hills alumina KILIIEN XIHISINI In truth rimm mm um um In lulu 11m 10 GET OIL SHARE CAPSULE NEWS PENGUIN POPULATION GROWING prolongnd lroalmenl luharcu losis are polcnlially sciions threat to be conlrol ol lha disease Dr Armstrong director of he Hamillon Health Associalions inboralorics said Monday night He said lhm was no known way of enlirely eliminating TE bacilli which emerge after cxlendcd ironi monl with drugs DISRUITS POWER ST THOMAS CPlA ire on top 01 hydro pole on Highway 74 near here Monday night knocked oui nowvolt iinn dismpllng power to number oi communities in lhe SI Thomas area as far south as Part Stanley or up In 45 min ulcs An art on lo the cross arm was blamed SUGGESTS MANAGER LONDON Oni CF The we possible addillon lo the family One egg appeared today he omer last Tours day Both are cracked but London Chamber oi Commerce prescnlcd iiipage brlei to city council Mondny suggesllng Kim review oi cily hall ad ministration would uslahlish use or me oppolnlmcnl ol cily mnnoucr Thu chnmbur also rrcommcndul conslrnelion of new cily hnll nnd nle oi the moneylosing London and Port Slnnley Rnllwny SUGAR RAY VINS LEWISTON Elle AP Su Eur Rny Robinson knocked out llilly Tllonllon 0i Memphis Tenn in 50 seconds oi lhn lhird round oi their scheduled 10 mum middleweight boxing mnluh Monday night BIG SAVINGS Appliances Furniture Housewares Hardware Boats and Motors EATO NS Spring Sale Watch this newspaper Tomorrow for REFER TO OUR 4PAGE CIRCULAR DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR EATONS Convenient Budget Account EXPLAIN WHY WENT AWOL omclals who havent clue as In how long their Incuba tion parlod lasts cant say it theyll hnlch CF Wircpholn LONDON Reuters group of 25 men In the crack Scnls Guards regiment npr neared Monday before their commanding officer In ex plain why lhcy went AWL last week few hours before hey were due to go on son try duty at lhe royal casue of Windsurf They méli of the famous reg lmcnl are believed to have slngcd ï¬le yupmlcodenlgd wnlknul mm Ihcir barracks near Vindsur because they were irked by excessive spit andmlish regulnllons severe punishment and Im much sentryduly Five of lhn guardsan were dealt with early Monday by lhc commanding olllcor lhc Isl Battalion Col Charlrs DuIlin The heaviest punish ment was eight days rc slriclion privileges and forkHurt pay or absence The other 20 In ï¬rst clcdcd to he tried by murlmnnlnl hut lam charmed lhcir minds and won mnrchcd In Iron DuHin But the army kept quiet about thclr punishman spokesman for Enslcm Com mnnd huadquurtoru snld nomlm cnn be said at tho moment Wnr Secrulury John Im lumn imn culled lnr lull re port on lhe incitian Use OTTAWA CP Canadian bnsinessmen have raised their sigth or 1963 and have planned flvepercen Increase In their spending on conslmetion and capital equipment This suggcsls conllnulng conï¬dence In the business nub lack the trade dopmmenl re ported Monday Such spending actuaily canled outwould glva big In to tho ecpnnmy The departments amid1961 survey about H000 bull ncsscs praduccd nu esllmalc $52170w000 ln intended 1961 capital cxpcnditurns In the bus iness sector compared wuh $495 Domains yam lhl be $3811 000000 In outlays at all lave government and in the hou lug and Institutional flelds $90000000 lncrease from last year Businessmen Planning Five Per Cent Increase Overall rcsull thus would he Intended capllal outlays lu1al Hng $900800000 as against $8738000000 in 1962 INCREASE FOUR PE CENT This wnrks out In an increas atqu our per com com pared In an hlcrcnse of nearly evun per cent In 1961 as com parcd to 1061 such plan 1011 mi would beirncnrd spending Construction would make up $6060000000 oi it Bui with no gain in house building most the emphasis lhis ynur would he in engineering construction such as Ahydro damsand piPclings since such jobs require less lnhnr than pulling up build ings may mean lhal lhe ran cl lnmase in labor re quircmnnl will be less lhan in Machincry and equipment purchases meanwhile would nun up lo $3018000000 gain or 12000000 In one year wih U1 main added slrcuglh coming in the pulp and paper Industry chemical processing electric power generalion and communicnlions Combined outlays the $9WMWwnuld make up about 20 per com of lhe gross national product Hence the sur veys importance as an new nomlc Indicator The published outlook has its shorlcomings hownvnr SOME HANS UNKNO Spending nlnns many husl masses are not lully known when lhc survey ls mm Ihu and of lhe ycnr And lhnsu that wan known lhcn may haw changed by now In the last six years the undo duparlmenll OTTAWA 1CP Liberal pnrly hmdqunrlcrs nnnounccd Monday nigh lhncmcmbcr lrulh squad will shut trnll lug Prime Minister Didenlmkcr on the April 11 election enmpnlgn Wrdncsdny night to pninl nul In nccurnclcs in lhe prime minls leis spent ll be composcd Jme Lu Marsh Liberal MP lnr Niagurn Fnlls the last Pnrllnmtnl Jack Macbeth ï¬rmlance Canndiun Journalist nnd Fred Bclalrc research mnsuMnM or he Libcnul pmly Liberals Plan Truth Squad early outlooks have underasu maled spendan in threa yea and averestimated it In the other three The nvcr all Increase In spendlnmlntcnllons is spread Ialrly evenly across Canada ex cept for sleep drop In New nundland and an unusually Eiuh increase ln British Colum blhur highlight mm wperccnt Increase in cap Hal outlays for pawnr genera llon and gas distribullan PAPER GROWTH BIG Paper Industry expansion biggest In the manulaclnrlng sector AH mnjor equipmcnbproduc In group plan Increases Total In dale893 PC 139 Lib 262 SC l79 NDP 13a Comm mm 12 qulvjsta wllllpglle anler Davis Ind Rcsllxoucha Mndawaska hauls Ayes PCL VlclanIClrlzlon Michael McCluskoy ChaplenuThco Beaudry Gerard Falnrdeau PC JnlIelto LAuomyllun Moul uhn aRaymond Legendre NDP anaymond Libcne NDP Monlrnhlalontnhe aJean Paul Fares NDP Mnnlnnl LuurlernPaul Mass Quzhtc SoulhJnanPaul Gag non NDPI Rnhuvnl aEugcna Perm PC MaurlceLnllecha aMnr lial Lateral NDP Sigucnly LouisEdmond Lauren PC Shefgo aJacquc Jourde Nominations NOW Reach 893 Total By THE CANADIAN PRESS nais NDP Elï¬nHarold Brooks NDP NDP 330 INNISFIL 5T BARRIE ESSO FURNACE Oll DISTRIBUYOR Now Esso pays for all the serviceyou pay for Just the all CARL BRUNSON lhe re Gain in transportation Ind communication with aieppzdv up work an Toronto Ind Moni raai rlpid transit Iyslcms more pipeline building added lelegnph systems Ind more commercial nirmiL hiss minding on naw omen bullgilngs Decllnns In somu mining mas notably iron ore asbes to and potash Slight dudlna in housing ex pendikurcs huk 1962 carryover ol unlinlshnd houus would ï¬naiplaln the level campin OHS Mnro highway bridge and AllMl punslnlctlnnt Rising nullay iar huspita and ulflmsity buildlngs gnu IJamel 1m NorIoIkJamu Judd SC RumlxPaul Tardll sloganJohn Alzulre PCL Vellnnd Guy Mursmau NDP Mackenzie Fred MalHi Comm Ruselown ulnar aChrls Ziegler 15C Skcenl Ronald Jephsnn PC YukonRay Wilson SC xMembcr has House Nominnlcd previously Following 15 llsl candi dates In three Ontario conslllu where nomination closed Cflchrnne 2155Mphonse Erisson SC xJnsLph Hahel 1L Mike Palangia PC Ros IL Paleran ND rim Ahhur NDP 1915 xDouglas Fisher NDPI San baskln Harvey Smith mmm River we xVilHam Benidickson Jean Miller PC PA 66250 mm Boo mysfornnnua burner and lumam condiï¬onlng man 550 pays or mldwasnn check of yéuv healing uquiumcnl v0 pays lorcmcrgcncy mvim anyllnlu You pnylorlusuhcolll Nowwilh lwz IlomollnalSmkAngl mm mm ynu nudl Vl ym mlmd Includm qullwly hmuu ml wulhu cnnuwlld dsllmy budgclulmanll la the plkeol mll CALL ESSO HOME HEAT SERVICE TODAY PA 82163 WWWlwaHIughlmllllhulimmfllmmllolyw muuuwm nvuvalul qu BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH IN UHAWA CHA xuallul clacllon cu rlnz hock muklng Inn the nnservadvs lovem munls record Ind the policies of twn other partial has been published or ha yullonal Lib eral campaign ON THE ELECTION TRAIL The 12page book in red andwhile cover deplcuPrimn Mhdsler Dielenhuker ln carlca lure and member at the Con servative whine al ellhar ace les individuals or men being dqrppgd mg llnmles pit It shawsjhe NDP party worker am prolessor In argu ment bnlng held together by tamer Ind man carrying placard reading bun every thing The Soda Credit party Is shawn twolaced auto mnuan operating funny money mdflne BRANTFORD cmm he chltary council of chief n1 ha Six Nallonx Conledzracy ha advisedll pcoplenol vole in the April federal election Camdenany Secralnry Arthur Anderson Sr said Indiana run Ihe risk lasing lhair realy rlghls it may ca auol In Illa elccllon SALISBURY Southern Rho dcsia neutralTobacco pm ccsslng rather lhan labacco lb self in the main cause ol lung cancer research expert lnld Um Inlernmioual Tobacco Trade Cnngreg here Goad News tor ï¬red Vlaak Dr Jan Beflmger head of Iobacco rustarch imLilule In Kenya mnde the Italemenl Dont Vote Pxocess Cause In Mun ma mt mum hell MM mu NH bum Inn and nowmm Ina um um mm mm vim mull 1mm Am manna mum mm MAMMGHMM my nu hlrlcmlmr link All mm Colouring Book Fer Campaign Humnuthhausled Egon IMPERIAL ESSO AGENT l3 PENETANG ST BARRIE McVEIGH durlnu discusslom on modern redrylnz techniques redrylnl techniques Bath research and usualch hld shown man relation ship between lung cancer and smoking when which hu passed lhrouuh nvdryinl pm cessex he sald BROCKVILLE CPL 1110 man who emplayedhlu Do lore Claw as Prescott 0nL told apreflmlngry war Ing then charts Monday he lruslcd har completely un she oak leave absence mm her job Ind small ound missing Took $228000 Murray Rulings manner Billing Motor Limited Bmckvlue when Mrs claw was an accountant calmed he had burrowed lnrzevnun nl money from her duran th ipven years she was with he um leeral Hanan Argue any Prl me Mlnlster Dielenhnker and Azrlmltura Minister Alvin Hamllmnnr Imaan the Lib eral partyrvpromlsa bushel lloorm western when he Anril Mellon Issuu In tho Pralrle Pfovhiéei Wheat Issue FIFE LAKE Sask CF BARRIE 83372