Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1963, p. 15

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flat Campaign Ends tryon April Fifth III ml In rmmn um arrhan day It Funk WP 15 JENNY lYWflllHN lluyeuIfllfinm dlmmro mud rmm lhrlr mmmmlm wIUI lh clerk Nfllvln hi In armmrd ImUI NM an THE FAIIM nmhflni nl 00 nm law Hunk urn Gun lhlrk mm Walnr man Ulmldl nnwfly Mm um clrnr 15 llmlwxl flush Law In mod llnll mlIlvnlInn Faun ulll In mld ulhjrcl tn mum Md Tmm Iml crmdillmu arm will be Ivrn day of my Fnrm will he nflrml or In at rm 01h Tnuu nIlL Nn mom Mr Vummn dml my uuldrnly IMPLEMEle AND HIS CELLANEOUS Allis Clullmerl Trlrlur Funnln Mlll lls Chulmcrl Cnmblno No to IL with xrnln Mn good Mll Mont Hm Tmrk Mll nudor Mnnuns Hprlmltr Vlw Ilurmw Her 111ml Trndar Plow lull type Inlrrnnflonnl SMI Drlll lIllrmlnn Luddrr INL new Iky llnko itl 1000 lb Srnln buznr Kel llc lillvunlml Gm Tnnk 00 nllnm Dnmu Mincl Trnllrr mummy ul 5cm Iron WoodmMxrrl Vnion nnd llny Hull lucllun Dun llnrmwl Tum 12 I1 ncw llnm drawn fillllvnlnr I00 Frnl Ninth I95 um lHan hmk and dupe Rack llnll Ml wm Ma FllllNlTUllH lull llnn nl hmurhnlul mrnlmrr lnrludlu mlmy mllquu Ma Mr wumnn In no mm The board issuing staiemeni guiding principle and poi lcie ior information oi broad eastern spcakeru and new Ciel said political broadcasts on election day and tho twn duys immediaiciy pmdinl ii are prohibited under the Bmad caiiin Act mm PIGS Sow York and Plus FM 03 Sow York Ind Pins Saws York bred Saw YorkN duo soon Boar York pumbrcd 13 Store Hogs lppmxlmnfcly 1m lbs Store on nrvproxlmnuly 150 lhu Slow Hoax 140 13 Pin work old GRAIN Mloul on Sad pm CAHLh llcrelord Cow Imh holler call 10M Here nrd Cow Imh heifer calf not lcrclord an fresh bull call qu Hereford Cow bred Hvrclord 02w bred Nov 15 191 Hordurd Cow hrrd 00L In L062 Hartford Cow Ibrcd Zwnmld Holler bred Feb 22 um inlan Helm open Herdnrd Halters open ling Calm Avnlhnr Bunk PA Mm miles east of Thornton on paved mad and mile xoulll or turn Alma Gnrnge Conl lnnlslil oll llishwny mllcs wcsl mile snulh THURSDAY MARCH AT PM SHARP Illa ollnwl um Farm arm Stock and Im plumnls Grain In full 1an nl mesLhold Ellects Including An llquu Thu unldcrsignld has received swnuu n1 1mm THE ESTATE OF TILE LATE JOHN WATERSON la sell by puhllc auction he pmmlscs NORTH LOT 10 CON INNISFIL OfiiAWA CF The Board oi Broadcast Gavemora says no Mum broadcasting on radio and ielevislon in Iho April lcderal election campaign must end at midnight Friday night April The Canada Elections Act llUcal broaden Mellon 99 paragraph or suh section say this about pm No person shall be allnwed nulluNufllV Pnlllxcal broadcasting In his Mmpamn must conclude at 12 midnight on Aprll 56 1m my opuma muss frevent TV or radio station mm rcporiinz he whcmabouu or nonpoiiiical activities oi candidate Nor did it pmhihii the bmudcusi ni general cam Eaixn summary outlining issues not reviewing arguments devancod by the opposing par Its l3 AUCTION SAlES raw Stewart BEG chairman in an interview de fined new iiems oi parti Inn poiilicnl nniuro us new Rem in Which lho views oi political mm or candidate Hg advanced Dr Slewnrl said the EEG In Allen 015 1w does not riclion applies to new item partisan lili cal nalure until polls are used Ind also to politicni am Mr nonmemnnls with the exam lion that unsponsorcd nonpartl nn nnnounccmcnls exhorflnl v9ic qre admissible No licenseo shall broadcast program advertisement or announcement oi partlsan po lllleal character on my day that an eiecllon is held or ihn election ol member oi tho Hausa al Cammnns lhe legisla ture of province or the com ell of municipal corporailori or on the we days Immediately inde nysuc1idafi rum4 any nuul way The 1963 statement 01 fluid lnuzyinciplqs d5 The actsccllon 17 para graph of subsection AUQTION SALE um mm 11 appnrnnlly trying maka bomh The police said they found sullcusc conlnln In 11 pounds of plnsllc explo sive and fuse and nmanl pamphlm In the apartment at tho dcnd sludcnl FIND NEDNAZIS BERLIN APlPollco porlcd Sunday nigh uncovering ncoNuz Icrrurisl gmup nIlcr on killed West Der WYANDOHE Mich AFL Pollco in this Detroit suhurh said Sunday night lsyeand high school youth Bdmiiicd strangling and drowning an elementary school teacher be4 causo she refused in land him her car to go on date lollco identified the youth Robert Tromhiey car washer who lived lwo doors from the vic tim Mrs Beulah Sechler 53 POPE THANKS LONDON tRnulersl Papa John hns hanked Nikita Khrushchev or his congratula iions on the sword in ho Pon iiii oi the Bnlzan Foundation Peace Prize lhe Soviet news agency Toss reported The mos sazo ex pres the Popes wishes for lhe Sovch lenders happiness and the uelinre of tho Soviet people Dr Stewart said tho question dld not no to the court Menn while the slam of limitations which provide that mum llnn must be launch withln six munth of an aflcgcd af Icme has run out and no fun lhle action has been lulun he an FOOD MARKET l6 DUNlOP EAST Last July Illa BEG slid the board and the CBC would seek 0mm Interpretation of tho law on political hmadcnsflnl 836 issued similar Ilalemcnl ol guiding print in for His 1962 election camps an Near the and mi that campaign the EEG said it received complaint but Iho publicly owned CBC conlrnvcncd lho boards lnierpmiaiion of lho inw by including in ll newscasts malarial which private blond cqsicrs were rcslralncd by the EEG from using during lho llhour pcrlod preceding lhe Jun ill polling day he BEG Illo meclvcd complaints mains some privaiu stations lo hmadcasi speech or my entertain or advertising prnzram nvtr the radio on iha ordinary polling day and on Ihu two days immediately preced ing ii In Invor or on behalf oi any political many or any can didate at an flocllanl COMPLAINT ABOUT CBC CANADA No COOKING ONIONS MARGARINE 100 BUEHLER DUNCAN HINES VARIETIES EARLY AMERICAN CAKE MIXES DELMAR PORK LHOPS LEAN BREAKFAST LEAN LOIN BACON Sllud or ByThoPlnu 49c WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF YOUTH ls KILLER SPECIALS if MON TUES WED One the must cunning Ines In mulch wll ilh Dogs can hr pretty tricky says Mr Mnssny Quin Men the truck will stop and the dogs wlll he on on he run qunslinn that dons nro cnlnr blind Mr Kinsscya men was Thu Pound officers horn dress In smart khaki uniform with silver badges and him about the 9in In bright orange trucks smklng Mir quarry with 135500 Sfifir Mm 11anan vofitua YIPE AN ORANGE TRUCK TIME FOR DOGS GETAWAY George Massey kepcr Vancouvnru do pound ha nm lnlo some tricky charac In In his work and despite what the sclcnllsls say he has susnlclnn dogs can dls lingulsh colors Durance Secretary Mc Namnrn rcpurled to have strong doubts lhe spaccglldnr program won the additional momma it wnuld tnku In wmplcle ll WASHINGTON AP The Unllcd Slnlc Mr Force faces possiblo lass ar scvm cutback at another of Its chcrlshnd pro eelsho manned space glider called DynaSoar limos It 8an up thrcn years to gel 41 hound Into lho pound Sometimes dogs like the place nnd keep coming back Space Glider DynaSoar Plan May Not Be Completed In 115 VANQOUVER CWSumo Mac think your decision to join the rat race coat the world ml bum sm29c 59° HUBERT PKGS Massey his rcpmach ul word or pnrcnls who liken pound oilicm Io bogey men W0 so plckcd up dogs who really like ha pound Mr Massey says Va aell hem and than cnupla ol days lulnr lhey are back at yqur lmn door Burno all or Vnncouverl dogs have violent aversion to ljfo Inside DynnSoar whosa numb come mm the term dynmlc soaring winged cull whose pilot wnuld control return 1mm orbit then mn nneuvre lhmugh Illa Alma phcro lo land at an airport much like conventional alr crnIL Manned night cxpeclcd In 1966 Ana or character In Mn Mnsscys hound hull of fame was Thmbstone police dog with morbid fascination for ccmclcrhts look two hour chase among the head4 slancs helm the dog wu snared be done by an civilian apnea agencys Iwcrman Gemini hiial ilighis Gemini in which Iha air force has minor share is closer to Iiith than Dyna oar part doberman pinschcr and part German shepherd IL tank ham two years to catch Mm Finally on lucky break we lnssocd him In deadend lune We got hIm home In lhg countryf BARRIE NEW YORK AP new unzinéerinx wonder in being mfiled to compleuan between two proud old om that once stood Kfllrd ovtr Ncw York Huber The lmclure the $125 000000 Vansum Narrows Bridge destined to become the worldl 1mm mule rpm pegslpmtxjdaa be com Ieled In 1565 and will lmh mljpemcally from For Hamlmm In Bmaklyn to For Wndawonh on Sulgn II In Brooklyn Another Call Classified PA 82414 The market place of madam famlllel when connedm advgrlm wlll be pleased to 99 you Wu lnoxponslyo tool fast bctlng 24word ad coal only 96 cents or $216 or lnsorllons Docldo now to start winning your bank of 1ha budge wllh moneymaking WanlAd Make out your llst and call between 830 am and 500 pm Every day wise families turn to Classified Ads to quickly convert the thlngs they are no longer us lng into the extra cash they need Look around your home What about that musical instrument no one plays the baby furniture your children have outgrown or the power tools that somehow never seem to get used any more lllght new cash buyers are watching for these thlngs and many more in The Examlner Family WentAds Budget Gone To The ii 42mm ccnlre span will be 61 feel ionizer Ihan San Fran ciscos Golden Gain Bridge now the longest between piers and its iwn supporting towers will henuima 70 storeys high The son are oi 1000 men is doing rush job is pur ely mailer oi iinanm The quicker he bridle sinned in 1959 is completed the sooner ha city can and collecting oiLI pmbnhiy cents and geiiinz somelhing back on it invest meni When completed the bridge Gets Bridge DOGS FAMILY WANTADS ARE THE ANSWER Ind ll approaches will be nearly three mile long and have two tramc level six lanes each Rosldenls waen Island when more are 51111 truck lnrms woods and some un paved dirt roads ear their easygems suburban Illa wlll disappear once rattle starts streaming amass Staten Island now connected to New Jer sey by bridges but It can be reached from New Yorks other our borough only by ferry There has been mnsiderabie discussion about whether bridge oi any kind shuuld be builL BARRIE EAMINER MONDAY MARCH Wilh the bridge In operation in population 210000 ex peeled l6 nunso 133 per cent by 1975 Real ullte vlues Il mdy Ira up 75 per uni KEENANS flunk my MUSIC TO Clullcd Emu Thu Lulu mu AllTime Hill Mad Mule Snfllfqrfifl Vol misc133334 PLEASE YOU

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