Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1963, p. 12

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munmed was ml TM hlpgruph um Ihe duh Ind dz 1an la aka In Ivahllll lmll 11 ulna Sunday Tel mph ml lo dull had lo Jump quickly or may mm mm mm In luImovlu IWFDI ml Mm Ilre nllkor Ind he hld hon cl flu Incident Ind he munmed was mum vim had17 dnnhén when ho wiped Imp Ia 1mm lur CMHMM ll Amlnllo lllrulnrsIIWAI humrhold ol llcinll mm In mmvmnl Eun day on mmfl II newsmanf lhqlllrinrn Mannlmb ho dlrerll puth nllnlu nml prm nlnliom or lho Mnla dqmmmul an Inlo drltnlllons now manum mum and now hnmlllnu hy lho govrmmrnl In ltlnvlnlon ln lervluw llo xlrnlrrd lhu mlm nlxllnllon mnnnm mm with line Inn at dlMurllnn Badly Shaken WASHINGTON AIIAnlsl nnl 5min Socrrlnry Ilnlnrl MINIan sulll Sunday nlxhl Ihem unuld Io chm um uronl dnnurrnm Mnlu ul ul nlrn wllhoul wmo mnnnzo mull nnwn by Ith ll Ui gr Irnl MEI ll pm salt XI julnl USCnnndu nnnuunccmcnl llkcly will be made whurlly dlsvlnslnx lhnl wilh Um use nnw tanker plants rnluelllnu hnlu nl Churchlll Mm nnd thlshrr NVT nu Inngrr wlll In re rluiml 11m missile lullnfi hum nl Churchill Ml no he n1 lulu um US am has dncldcd to dose dawn wu Dumber romel llnz bases In lhc Cnnndlnn north and consldulm lhu Lhudnwn omen an air tofu Inlurnmnl sald here Would Be Chaos Close Bases Pnllce ottlcer Ian Cnmn bell lnbnvc at was shot to death by two gunmen alter he and another Los Angeles otllmr were kldnnppcd In Hollywood Saturday nlght and drtvcn 75 miles north The second officer Karl llettlngcr tlxlow 28 fled on not when his partner was shot down near country road Both officer had been dimmed when they stopped susplclous car on Hollywood street Ono suspect wax can lured near the shootinx scene Ind nnntnnr Jlmmy Smith Ill being mzhL Policeman Slain mgmgproq cm Th 1111 gas charge colncldc wllh reports lmm mllllary mum in Saigon that weed killer used to dcslmy heavy tolluge has begun lo hurt Com munlst guerrilla tactics Alr plancs spray the chcmlcul along mds and canal to cllm lnate bushes the Cammualsu use as llldlng places The re sult these snums say lewu Communist ambush attacks The US defence depaflmcni said of the new charge We have never used poison gas In South Vini Nnm and hero is no will in Communist mpnm that we are using it no MOSCOW AmCommunist accused the United Stale Sun day using asphyxiation gases and noxious chem cals In South Vlal Nam and lhe Soviet army paper charged hundreds of people perished The Pcnlnuon denied It THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH GI KARI HEKIINGEIL CAPSULE NEWS Pentagon Says No Gas Used QENEEICIAE 76 mm TORONTO CPDDonald ll loll of Wlndmr wru mended pmidcnl UN 500000nmmbcr Unlnrlo Cmdl Union ltngun al ll Innnunl commum hm nllrclorl clrclul Saumlnyx Wlllnm Atru Menlnnl Wll Ilnm Romhunr lcILrlmmuuh Auhmy Dnlxcsh Amman Edward Fortune Wlndwr cr bcrl Dlxnn Im Arlhur And Jnrk Slbky Tomnlu Cull Donohclul lo gal cub mm In Cluan up Ian om bllll Ink cm 01 ex ponm younamIM 1M tolks Bomnclnl um lo lay SYnll Call now loam up to $3000 Ind mm Your loan can muum nuw mvolullonnry anv ernmcnl announced Snluniny mm II has Ixmd lo lha prim time decvnlrnllnllnn tom tmmtnl or he lrlbcsmcn who um man tool at ha Into dltlnlor Abdel Knrlm Ku BAGHDAD Irnu AN1M Kurd ol northern Iraq seem lo have won by nozollntlun demand or ulbmlo lhal cludui hcm In ccnlurlc ol Iporndla rnbcmonn ROME AWSchmidt mm the worlds two space plnncer countries down umber hm loduy In the Hrs meetan or mapping Mn SovietAmeri cnn span memh program The two um will work on lechnlcal delnlls hrceycnr nmnmcnt slumd In Geno Ins June or swimming dnln lo be xnlncd mm upanlu So vlu and U5 snlelllll Inundr Inn Win SelfRule money the She It out an the bin Illu she and Print Philip attended service with pnrlshlonm In church In this con Union Elections xlmcllanufip own ISLAND Auslnlh InculenlTho Queen went hik Inz Sunday whlll Prince Philip went fishing 1m queen madn her hlkn Iuost lhe imbued slope ma Snnvfly Manna hen Plan For noial inorél coda hfififlefiiuai tax is unavoidably tainted Yet hm nu Inca of lhll leachlnz In lhu IlUludo at Christ he sakt LONDON AHA Gund of England pnslur Sunday thli lengcd religious taboo against extramnrilai sex and homosex ual Nialionships In sexmaxi Helivered mm the pulpit of Saulhwark Cnlhr dr handful Canm mm rye dgdnrgd the mdb The gualds Ill back Plh bright by late Saturday nluhl expect to be charged with belnlz absent without leave Royal Hike lney are In appear before shclr commanding officer to PIRBRle England Rent ers Nanyflve mbel Scot Guards who left lhelr barracks here Friday In draw attention In Ihelr grievances men the weekend confined to carnp Challenges Taboo In radio addmss over he CBC provincial nclwnrk Dr Mncdnnaid said lha cost higher educallon is nalianal problem and mum unlinnal solution VANCOUVER CHPresi dent John Macdanaid til the University British Columbia suggesied Sunday nigh that Canadan province should mma primary nspnnsihiiily for the cast unduxrnduaio edu cation Ind Ihe federal govern ment financial responsibility or graduate and pmiesionnl education Guards Rebel back quckly The drlveraéfi cnlly drove nn unawnn ol the inddent As ha dukatsuslzed on 1351 roadway cm mred over all 339 in to jump and set all with other member flaw my fellow Aid Education the ONE place to call for minute you wanm Space Inuit The US Trade Expansion Act passed last year granted President Kennedy ncgullnling lulhorlw on musltnvnrcdm lion basis to eliminate mm on good dullnblo at five per cent nr less reduce lo mm lab 11 In any category In which Iho US nnd European Com mon Market nations together amum for 80 per cent of Free World export value and brand power to reduce any um Inky as much 530 peg cent These powers mm 40 per cent or I500m000000 Ca nndlnn expurl to tho Unltcd Stulcs The committee Is composed of labor and huslncss loaders mm both counlrlcs xgnnsgxf ms rowan Many Canadian mnnulnclub Ina industries have not been nbln In expand pmducliun Inh cause lhey do nut have access lo markets sulflclonlly large to warrant the large nverhcnd needed to make law unlt cosh posmsibl n5 qugct snld Time are Thu extent to which the legislauvo aulhomy is used and he nblllly of Cu nadlan producers to supply this US maxim In Sport prepared by Dr Howard Pl not at Washing ton sperm st on Inlcmn Ional economics lhe commu leo said Sunday that um Im pm on Canudlnn upon the new US trade legislation will dcpcnd on wu melon ustof 1th powers ha Canadian American commit lcg reported MONTREAL CF Cans dlan exports lha United Slate could Increase by 3m among thq make full Canadian Expofls To The 118 Could Rise To $230 Million High riii Items lhnl might be nifnclrd are Canadian whisky waxcoated pnrniiincd paper tobacco scrap eiiLvi chinride rifle and shniguns nicclricni measuring nisms cignmlio lighters clock asscmhiics features oi ynlilciic lexiiies mrdini nnd liqueurs gin synlheiic lexliia yarn mechanical pencils wom ens clothing and lawn mow us mum upyurlflfls lhc president fully used his powers la Mum an 50 per cent Canadian export not ew crcd by ho ho per cent and zero cnlcgorlu could Incrcnsn By Implementing hl um pawns fully Dr Pique said the 15 president could jn crease Imports Conadlon good by much as $90000 000 Among lha products of cctcd would be organic chcml cnls petrochemicals certain Iypcs or powergeneralan and mnlolmrklng macMnery and rodlnLa 9yllon oppnrolpg Brnnin eventually enlm tho Commnn Market Dr Pl quc said 28009300 ms cntly dullnblu Canadian expofls could bo nllcclcd by tho um Ilsl authority Dr IIqucz eslImntes that PresIdcnt Kennedy exerclse III authority to cIImInnIo III In lhIs category lhe In creasn In us Imports mm Canada muld total 5000000 Increase could expected In export of plensum beau park and other meals Ilsh nroducls Incas and paper and paperboard ha cammllt lee suIdr wflhln lho five per cent nu lhariLv are valued at $75400 Wu In slmppffiz young son but Tom Welsh may lmvu snld uld 31 his cyclcclh PACKS MEAN WALLOP he didnt expect lo be lnkcn lilemlly Eleven monthold Rodney popped one out wilh Letyourself go Biastoff on great new driving experience Youre behind the wheel of the new Falcon V8feei the power of the engine Its all Ford This is the engine that powered Falcon to first place in its class in this years famed Monte Carlo Raliye Fast strong dependable Listen Its so quiet this is engine smoothness no com pact car has ever had before Split second response And more this optional V8 engine ls new lightweight con struction forreal economy Put this kind of V8 in the sleek slick Falcon and youve really got something going for you Choose from convertibles sedanswagonsallwith Service Convenience features the result of outstanding FORD quality Your Dealerwill tell you all about the outstanding FORD Total Warranty for 24000 miles or 24 months See him in hurryiThingsare really vvvvvoomingl nllvplaccd Ion jab when CP VAréphIzio In homage to the great bllz xnrd some as ho organ tlons members hold their Nth annual luncheon in Manhulm Saturday TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um The dcslructlve ma blizzard drove In mm Ihe northwest the northeastern was the United States all mmmunlcalluns be tween New Yurk Philadelphia and Dosion and caused at least 00 deaths lrdin dmmbed mu kn gun odd kldnly rm unnum nannmnomn guy Ylou Thu uroup known as the Blizzard Men and Ladies me The urgnnlulion now has about 250 men and women ranging In an mm 73 to yum The veteran of the real hllmrd sllll shvcr when they recall the storm When Hlum ml la remove um uld ml um luh However there Is one mup that skill commemorate he Icy fury the Ides of March that brought heluwzero lem pcrnlurcs and 18100 snawdrm during the grant storm of March H388 BACKACHE NEW YORK AP The weathers recent mlldnes Ind tho nmmlse of spring has al most erased ram memory the buflcung winter unleashed an the United Slates 1888 Blizzard Still Recalled

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