Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1963, p. 10

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WM horn on ml III will he llml nnrl klmlly lull llll ha IuAlM In mum fill an Mmm lmurrn now and null m4 you will II qun many omvlunmu In advance In Mh nly lwl Hullmlul er Do Imp Hmn It mumma Ill you will mum Aml dont be wwllnnl 1n mouuy mnllm or yuu wlll not be In Mu ntlvnnlnuo Ill not nwmlnly Marin whkh may mmln MIMWIIIDI lnmnil relMuhle will In mm urollrnl Inlllwnm bo lurcn ny and half fungus amudwrlmm 00 rain lmnnl Ian umlrr llmI nm ununlly mnllullnl by Mr rmuUuuL drum um Illlpfl HIIH You mo rmalllu Md cnn make nod Hum Iml you when lurk mnlldmre yuur no and hylmu good Mmfiunl nu Inr cur um ynu wlll Im unable It 111m Um mull lhrm Tm you am to 1mm nmly IMIIlIld Hull nu ern prnd mm nml nlonoy um yml rim Ill Mlun nn Hqu ulm uuuu your IIIHPHHIIFL lho null maxim durlnn 1m our monllu ytnr llovwm you may luvy In be ununmny 11er In pmonnl ro Inlltlknllllps dunnu UM lnllcr pc rim lmnnrruw your lylrlhdny yuur lmrosrnpo Ihnwn lino pnw Nuts gum lllmugh Imnrlly plunn lmrsuucnll nnd Mus mmfungnlly mum her letter In your column was llkc looking in mlrmrl am young no lam mur rlrd and Ion have piled on 60 Nu pounds let an lllu she duel nboul Ill lltr lellcr lulled me and gun mu nmlcd lnslplIL had run erlnlod my hus bmdl undorlnus with my You can mnkn lnmvrrow Iruly Inn day by plnnnlnfl Imnrlly Kuop your must worth uhlIc Kan In mlml and punua them will onlhuxhum Dmil jus dream of nun51 Adi vu run Mmmpllsh big thing now F0 TIIH IIIIlTIIlMY In coulrusl oftentimes is lcllcrs rum struggling dickrs that strike rcsnonaivc chord 11m you rend that some other woman in your name siluatiun mkan help your hope is nncwcd Knowing Ihnl you an not alone In your prnblem mu heart into you Then you draw month from mother who has mustered he courage to ace facts she can Iry no can yuu wriln The young lady in todaya column pmvel flu Wow Myslery Dicler In your Jnnunry am mlumn lure hit home Mlcr she married she had plltd on excess pounds hortwhilc Vcl rendan FOR TOMOIIIKOW course Its joy to ropofl Ihe success Idlers Reading of someone clses Iriumph can up crglzc others Into purposeful ne li It she cnn do it um 13 nmilinr line Interest Is the catalyst that lparks enthusiastic action So dieters which type letter servns as dmlIenge to in you interest THE STARS SAY KEEP IN THE TRIM Mr and Mrs Kenneth Jackson of Barrie are shown nk Mont hemblan Lodge Letters 0f Struggling Dieters Strike Responsive Chord By IDA JEAN KAIN BARBIE COUPLE ENIOY SKIING IN LAURENTIANS fly BSTIHZLLIIA No doubt you both have drone of vnrious 51m hung inx In your clam PM out the prawns In the 5112 youll be able to wear when 25 pounds lighter and picture younclf wearlnu II will flnlr Give that blueprint to your mind lnsh II on the Inner man your mlnd ollcn Girls txrllcd about this that you wlll use he 1m Wow Thnls the winning spirit There is nolhin like bracing challenge lo slir your lnleresl lor rcsoluln aclian Slaying power is ncedcd for me long haul So in susluin your mark and enliven your cnlhw slum nl lnlnrvals would my gut that both you not near xnal 15 pounds all and one dross nine xmnlltr lhe day read her story started my diet am Ivllawlnx the protective diet and the exercises you suggested for the Mystery Dieter Already have lost pounds lost this amount in just seventeen days Im rcnlly happy dialer Good Luck to Mystery Dieter In In new months we wlll both he bAck In the mmpctitInn the concluded exccss paundugc but it is likely he cnusc Club the famous summer and inlet resort In the Lauren mm Quebec During their skiing holiday Mr Jackson mammmomwmurlknwmmmmmm WMINMWWNNIMMIkNpmHmwMWflwllwl mm Amman In no mm all mm mum Mr mu lyKllm dlIIIDMI VII 1m and nuyy Invmm luv In ummu n1 Mfllolfll um lupIoINFMIlaI dlnpdfllmlin IMQIWVWVIRIV ML 70 IMF Money1 lmnllll unim humv TimNa whh your Inntam Swhthbalrd cplJIM unlit Heres how three more BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS amIatmmmboud MI MN bun COMP21 CONSOLE MOSCOW AP Premier Khrushchev has brandcd Iha Soviet Unions rebellious intel icciunl nullConununlsi who ihmien in undarminu the So vici aysinm In rpth in uboui 500 wriicn mm Ind nihcr lnlcileciuah nl iho Kram lin Khrushchev piilarled 1in Ehrenburg TZAyuroid leader oi he liberal arm in mm reminiscent oi ihe 1967 cam damnation oi lh inlc voci auihor Boris Pulernnk youll get adulzving lhla first triumphl Whnn you any time lhlx lecllng mydmlnglc ally you take glam atrldo hr ward your goal Well all bu checrinl for ynu to keep posted The following members will be attending from ha Business and Professional ancna Club of Barrie Mm Dorothy Ay cliffe ML Juan Brunt Mrs Jenn Dawson MrL Wm Jones Miss Dclyn Kighfley Mrs Beulah McBride Miss Ruby McCanhy Mk Conn Wilson Miss Null Dane Hm vice maiden and chunmn Inlcr national Federation Cmunluee will speak to 11 Midland Busi nm and Pmlcsdonal Womens Chm thin evening at dinner trading at Georgian Hotel Barrie and PW To Attend Meeting mm Mm mm mm um mmmmu you Impim sum up 33 mm mm low Dillnu my DMIAI flwl IN mt mumn mm mnl Inl MINI MMIIH IM Iunhluklnd allllo InnIn uuu my entered the weekly Standard Rnca which is held on the up per Nansen and won Silver Tremblanl Pin lemwmlny ninth to Mom mum In wink 01 www la um um uuomml 157st mum MFIDIAL Be morn vlgllnnl eep him from your pune lec cam boy metal box with key or hls momy or name while Prolccl when posllbln the older 1nd ram lemplnliom he cant wllh Dad might do most for lhls boy having inn with him going places sometimes wilh hlm oniy and hdpinl him win friends oi his own no aiso hciplng him in find mm ucccsm in hlx Ichnol work suspect he has taken unmetan or done some wrong bul do not have he Inch dont question and cross question him Qull pulling hlm an the wllnm mud and punish nx hlsuown witnqu My reply In part It seems lhal your haslc problem is to help that boy lccl mun secure mnre loved and wndhwhile cs peclally In the family Th wont be easy hls hrolhnr does much butler than hr ln school and obvlously gals more upprnvnls and lewur rebuke and punishments cnuslng hlm to feel more Jealous and here org to do more qulhlnu gnncmun whh worlhy prfllu this boy Dont Bp plaud the buhavlnr and achleve menls the youngzu bay In the eldc pgcgcnqe give him and his younger brnlhcr 25 ccnla allowance weak Also when he needs money or something give In him He lpnnds his money on movies Though he does avenge work In school his younger brother is top In hls class and we lecl that is one cause for his great jealousy the youn ger brother He has never swpped wetting the bed GETS ALLOWANCE If his younger brother elghl has money around something usually happen to The oldur boy wont nwn up to it but he must take JL In your mum ml mm II mm am I1 In um um man pm InNM¢mmn mum my nunMN mI Iumywv mm new In mm mm mm um Immufiuu wrxil Now and than maths writes of child who takes money mm her purse or lrom the bux drawer or envclop of bmlhcr or sister Pennsylvania mother write or hu son an oldest three boys He will just make up He when asked where he go some particulnrlhingo have caught him taking monoy rum my purse two lmes but he owned up Io It when qua lloned hlm wing bum buwu 1m lb lurhId cu ywmlll Real Chinese load is spider than its Americanized versions Mr Lumb says givlng chap may made mainly wlih bean sprouts and othcr vegetables as an exampie oi In American lied dish Chop suey which translated means mlxtum 01 ml and that was accldantally invented by Chinese cook In tho Unlled State and has become known Stealing From Mothers furse Caused By Emotional Insecurity By GARRY MYERS PM Authentic Chinese Dishes Foreign To American Cooks Bu ENOUGH lINES All UNIVERSITY GLASGOW Smllnnd CF Four member of the Caledon ian Society of 1bmnlu have do nated 0000 to flu St Andrews University rebuilding fund None hns ever attended the univer sily Suppose you wished to take your schoolaxe child with yuu nn vacation causing him to miss severalldayf school schools approval and make sure the child could make up the work mlsscd lhmby in flux scoool satisfacllon wauld nut report his absence aiser as caused by illness ave samo privileges nnl given the aungcr Recognlle lhelr age dflcrcnce and dont look or quick resulla Br willing to work long and pa uany with lhls boy He may have heart of gold PQRENTS cumst Study enclosed hulkIns and work out budxeled allaw4 nnce wilh him diver his regu lnr expense plus he 25 cent week packet mnncy Do Iikc wise with he olher brother mnklng hls pocket money blt loss since ynunger sland See that his uwn pnsscs slums are respected and pro tectcd almos phcre In Win everybody mists hnueves and loves cv erybody else Enlist the help of your relatives and fiends In these ends Agipsngnna or LOVE Authenllc Cantonese slylo chow meln made In Canton the southern province of China where Mr Lumb was born made wilh son noodles rater thnn neansproulsz It also com black Chinese mushrooms abalone rub herynxlurcd sheilflsh af tho nyslcr Iamily and squid whlch Mr Lumh describes as baby octopus These ingrailcnl on not usually put in American slye qhap suey The key to good Chlncsn cook huz is freshness Mr Lumb says There Is making ahcnd wllh Chinese Md And In 19 Hung Kong but nm in China Amerlcnnélylc chow mnln ls made by adding Irled noodcs lo In chop suey duh CANTDNESE STYLE mmrffinq mm cmv mmk Combine Ingredients in any pmponlnn you wish and then add soy sauce and salt to taste Tb mu chow gal 00 scramble and lry eggs Mien chop the eggs lnlo slnps like spaghetti Cambinc the egg strips with shredded shrimp chicken and barbecued pork tenderloin and iner out celery onions benns and Chinese ver inicclli fine transparent nood as Rlcu mince bread as staple 101 people from southern China Those mm the north use dlnercnl Iypc spagheui Instead DI rice Special Chinese pastries which Chinese people eat or their combined lunch and breektasl include shdomy moist bun with filling at chaDPEd pork Chinese mush mums water chestnuts bum boo shoots and other vegetubles nnd dowsarbow bun with sweet been filling These pas tries are steamed rather lth baited Every Chinese meal would probably be tonsidcrcd buflet by nonAChinnse says Mr Lumb explaing um Khalr main meal each day Chlncse people usually have about 10 dflferent dlshcs The gourmet lino of Chinese loads contains such deicacics as birds nus stuffing Ilsedim duck and shrimp and very strong garlic black bean sauce scryedwiui meat dishes Egg are use by Chlnesn mks or thickening Instead ol starch And eggs nrethu hash Ingredient for egg loo ynung which Mr anb describes simply scrambled eggs orien tal Ily Execm Im sweet mup mada with mllk and served as deb sen milk and cheese products argument lrognfihlnese VdIshes Mr Lumb my the only way he can describe the birds nest is to say that It is In birds 11 Borneo from when II Is Im parted what honey is lo tho hem Vegflables must be cooked over lightly and quickly Veget ahies such as enmls heels urv nips and potatoes are arelgn to aulhcnlie Chinese dishes which Instead contain water chestnuls and bambou shoals bland lnsking vegetables with the texture of raw pulnloes N9 MILK CHEESE Kwongchowa kitchen It take our cooks worklng qulckly lo gather to prepare one arder ol chow meln anowllch lesemblcs large dark potalo and snow peas enlcn shell and all an algg used in many dshe it Cum ram and taint Sr Wu MflfiM lmlb FRENCH MOTORS THE 1963 DODGE CARRJES IF THERES BETTER WAY OF PROVING THAT DODGE IS THE MOST DEPENDABLE OF ALL ULLSIZE CARSWED LIKE TO HEAR IT YEAR 0R 50000 MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY 75 BRADFORD IT have no desire to thlnk about my mlmkcs much less talk about them also 11 to see how IL knowledge wIIl nuke hIm eel butler he In aists belleve he should scum me as and take Into ac count he Inc um have been faithful wedhem Inr over our yum dalmn own It He has ca gossip about me And Insists that balm marry lull Mm everything so hell know what he must In regagd to my ngpqlnflon Dm Ann ve been golng wllh wye old bache lor or almost lam yeml Sams family lllm me religlon Is no problem and he ls wellwt li nandally But he extremely reticent about lakan the biz step Sam wants home and fun Ily and so do Last nlghl he told me lhe stumbling block to our nwninxc my pas Dont any it cant be done Ann All it takes is bail of fire like you to gel behind iho idea will you join me In his gml cmsadc to revolutionize the mens cloihing indusiryl LOVER 0F COLOR Dnr Lover Sorry but youll have to revalullonlzu he mens clolhlpg Induslry without this hall fire havent he Mules lnlereslln seeing men In shocking yink or electric blue sulls In Ihe klngdom of nut lealh ered lriends the male has the colorful plumage lo attract lha lunnle human male does just line In his muddy brown and charms mya ESCAPE HATCH Men should rebul ngulnsl dead color whichhave been foisted onlhcm by convention baund manufactured Let lhcm demand electric blue shockln plnk and emerald green And why not an occasiunal floral pattern to liven up drenry day Why must mens suns be so drab Why always lifeless grey or muddy hmwn The grey are In even true greys And the blacks are um Irue blacks Dur Ann Men make unkind remarks about what we women wear Id like wartass my views on mens lash ans The thing men call sutt the most unlmaglnnttve the dullest getup ever stitched together lo THE HARE EXAMINER MONDAY MARC II ANN LANDERS Bright Plumage Réserved For Birds CHRYSLER DANADA U0 mum mluuhr muffin mm In Innm mm In bread and bullet It Isnt air la himor In Ill employer 41 try saddle him with assignment during his the house and take our eightvar old daughlcr Io school She Is susceptible Io colds and Is now mm 28 Hum Mllwn lhlnks you are smart woman Maybe he will listen to you lee print your advice so he can we ivTRoUBLEn Den Tmubltd The advice rm you no Milton Your My band Isnt driving lha truck for kickslady mam gnu worldnu iday IITAIO He says he can do It be cause It may Interfere with his job believe he Is just making up excuse hecnuse he doesnt wet nlze bothered My Vulurrc rdflcrpcrnda on your unswnr SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Dear Ann Llnvlm Phase tell me It am rim or wrong Io ask my husband to do Ihls si mqng Milton is ruck drlvnrr know he can take come break my me he wants to He leaves the house every morning 550 am By the time 300 ochck came around he may or uwp of cotton In hlm in make full cunlcs do and clear hc MIX Dear Sluplrss ll lhe ah lsnl clear by now ynu cnn he sure run confusion cam plele with the names and Hum bm all the players will not help Sam wants An Escape hatchSorry but lls all no sordid my dear dont lhlnk muld ever lnlsl you now or at nice In Club lo you over lhe head with lulcr mi inlbgrlly would not be lnlmslcd in playing lrulh or consequences UNFMR

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