Ewr xlnce Prcsidvnl Ken nedy augï¬cskcd Amcrlcum mlk their my to hmllh and his brother US Allornnyracm era Rnhm Kcnncdy pnccd 50 miles in 17 hours and 50 min ules hundreds of Americans and Canadians huve been Kry Inx lo hm hm record Inan 1h ml union rulinmvnl ll llvu mum llmvl ll mumed yuand lha Ien was nlw pullllrnl mmh Insl nlnM In Tmnnlu Davltl lmwln Nrw Drum ran lmly Mr mk Mum In Uu Im Imlinmrnl nlrllxrvl Social INM hmmnnl untL valllc rlmlrnln ml drun Ihn nnly vmy lradrr pulflldy rumpnlnnluz Iunnn Hm wrrk ml WM Imam Um Nrw llrllurmli II Mva II hmrxlny lmlr cl 521an wwnn Hflllllllfl nlih NNl Ill sllkfllmln In wlvlth Im ll 1ka llllunll nml tnlkd 51le pr ijrdinn nu tllm Iy nnmlm Mr nalrréfmlmlnn wuva III delullmlp ldnlhnlnlulllnllun nun Delrmn lmvlmllnn mtm Raymund Olery will New Drmnnnuc Inliy mmnlyru In bl Wml Mn wnvkini uilh Il Cnnxcrvnllm In nmhr Hm Umrnln IIII Ilw lhul Dvpuly Snrlnl lell erlrr null Cmmrllc nunin rm nlm Erlc Kirrnm prrxlllenl lhu Mnnhrnl Muck rxrhnnlo Inr Ilnllnl that Social mm unv mrnl nulzl hrlnu 1mm Ha IhnlIM knnw In pour mulu mull llml lllrrl lulu Illmuly In llw munlryf ML Tnnllrlln lnld nan 1500 ll Ilhnmukl Illaan Chmicr rlnnn LII ml MI and hunlzr llnmpnrl minlslrr mid ha Sorlul Cram pally lnlnrrl pnwr drmacrncy In my know Ilisnppmr By THE CANADIAN PRESS While mml he munlry murde lime In lhe cnmpalxn far he April Inkml rlcrllnn here were me dculunmcnu In Qurlmc Sunday Tmnslmrl mum ulcer old mlly ul Stlluluslluuu that Un Tmunvnltvc Knvrrn mtnl vrlurnrll In nlllco ll wlll rxlrnd hume nllnw In tunr schmlme rlnldrrn up to Dam Prnkop Unhcrslly West Onlnrln aludtnl made he dishmcn In seven hours Sul urday but lmdnianalisl pedes ulans rowde at his time be tnusc he chcmd and ran must Ihe way In all nsrwéiérn Onlnrln slu denls slancd walking lhis Mck THE CANADIAN PRESS The snund 01 lmmping hlls cred ICE ladtd slighlly II he end he weekend us people In Canadaat lensl lhnsc who lricdgrcw weary UN 5m mllc hike lad fir RFVIIIMIWDWIflIm Socreds Acdused Of AntiSemitism terdnwn OnL ï¬nished 50 min waik In hours and 20 minulus Samrday The bus nus ndmmislralinn students FiftyMile Hike Ends In Blisters am Your No 59 PETER BARNES 21 of Va or Editorial szt PA 56537 For Examiner Want Ads Ta phono PA 52414 leleplmm number to call or the Huskies Our Telephones Ill ka nlmul Nln ur lnulmn mkhm WI Innur vnllm In main Llhmll hllt lbs dul mm Al Im um dldM lho MM llnnn Ah luv former In mm mm all nurnnn leul In Suhnlthewann Ammlmln lldlnl Mr nuurllo awn mumml Mn luvmnlllnn ln mulrnr mm nnylnl 11 Ml nurlrnr mm ml not In wlll rnnhI III In mlsl cammunlnm In Hm world Mr Ollumy Ivlglwulnl Inlly Al IAmII an Inllllninm In hll lmmr vhlinu Ill Inllrl nlma nlrl ranxlrnlly aywml In umlrur urnwm rm Lanndlnn ml In UHVI II nu Immune xlmlnrr war Mr Cnnuflln nwnklnl man lnllnwlng Mrllor wcrrhrn Al Amqul ml Mn lnnc Mnmrd FanernumHnnu lnr MIIIIK Mn pmlllmll mun ln lhrlr mnpmHnn lvl llu yawn pupulallun Imvcnl Ivmluml morn leader In lhn Monarchy llm wonky Iln rlutlllotaullullho Hullluh anxlnl Cnnndlnnl hul In FllndlCflanRnl Tho ascenduntu ln pour Um Soclnl Cran pmly wauld mum he dimppcmunm dcmucrnry know ll mid llle Innalime member or Mun nnl Lnurlrr Vinrrnl Dmuill ml mcm her llm Ml lurllzuxmll Inr Arucnlrull Urux thlmmu and mum Incl lcnlslnlum mumhrr or In mmc cumnhh rnry jnlnrd In Hm nllnuk on 5min lell VOIIIIIMIM In mrlhodn In Mr mutan lo lhmn nl lllllrr Mr chevriu nddr In about 400 pmnm nl Aymvlllo Qua churnrlrrhcd Credit nnll is nzninsl unions nxnlnsl lhc right In llrikc nxninsl Jam it Is ngninsl Ull nnllunnlllnllnn expmmlm The decision had hutn lnknn Iln cullgncl chllng lust Mrk ATTACK HUI21TH No Almanle hlxh xchnnl alu dcnls Bill Hahn Is and Terry Gilmour la slarlcd hiku but only Hahn Iinlshcd the 50 milu Ananer walkalhon sponsored by KiKchonor lclevision sln lion nnded wllh hundlu cl blisters on cameraman Pclbr Venzclll eel ancr he ploddcd 50 miles lrom Arthur Onl lo Kilchcncr In 13 hour and five minutes Twenty members or Chub hams Park Strut Unlud Church Youth Anonymous com plclcd 50min walk la Wind sor and Delmll In relays They undmook the hike to puhlicilc concur by xingnr Marlon Andvrson hm April 10 end In major onslaukhl on Ihe US omclals llmc Fin he sludcnls ucre wamcn Onlyrrlzrï¬alkcrdr lhe dislnnce None of them were and llme was the best or $5 University of Western Ontarin sludcnll who mmpleled ï¬le walk sponsomd by The Guz elle he universilys student newspaper CP Wirephola 112 Fnï¬r rnmflihiu numlnnlcd by The 21 riding Invoked today nru bl nnd spurscly pnpulnlnd nlrrlchinz mm Newfoundland lu hn Yukon and un cxlru vmks nro allow or dcliwry ol clccllan Auppllu In nunnllly Irpnllnon lhu Incldcnl III Skamu In lnxl yrnra rlrtlinll ls unlikely len In Lihcrnl Candidnlu In lhnl mm Collllnbln IMan wm xulcd Inellnlblo Ihu Innl mi ulo hmuxw Irrlmltnllly ll pnpcu In no In onlor No Mock ahcnd of the rest of the country lodny is Nomlnn llnn Day fur the April lndcral clccllon In norlhmn consum enclcs Eixly three candidnlu have hm named and by lhe lime nominations close at pm In cnl lime chm In 70 nm ex pcclcd omdully lo cuter Hm rum Numcd so Mr Progres she Cnnmvnllvcs la Llhcruls New Democrnlic Pany 15 and Seclul Crcdi 10 Nominnllons or be other consllmcnciu No are No member tidingsclose Mnndny Mnrch 25 By lhia weekend B7l cnndidnlrs hurl bccn nnmlnnlcd lnr the munlry whnlc In 10 19 clnrllon neon 1016 new In the ï¬eld PM lllllING INVOLVED Asked lo whom Bidnult must apply for asylum he quoted law slaung Ihul applicatinn must be made lo the ornlgn police department In um area Ln which Hm applicant was real cnl In UILs case it would be Slnrn bfrg Inktside town near Mu 11 ch Informed sources said was likely that result of tho qucsuoning Eldault would cihnr be arrcslcd er nrmal The announcement of Adon nunrs refusal was made by government spokesmnn In Bonn as pallcc quusuoncd the Iormer French prcmlcr about his ml vllies in West Germnny The Bunn spukosmnn said lhe lullcr has nnl been ac ceplcd but he slresscd his did not mean political asylum had been refused mum IM harrrd milm my turn mnIL mdh cemnfm Iqu cum mumM main m5 at bu mum Moon Creek II In mu mm rmrrnmmmm The Bonn spo csmnn laid press conference mdaulls lo lor had been taken by special messenger lo Adenaucra homo duran the weekend but had been returned lo the messenger iminedinjely 21 Northern Constituencies Hold Nomination Day Today Mod lhurcnv haw hm olflrlnlly nnmcd and III lnx nlnomhmllogs pnpqu ml MUNICH Anll Gaullisl lender George Bidaulta hld for political asylum In West Ger many rccclved Jul day when ll was xmnuunccd Chan cellor Adennuer has refused accept his letter making the re quest THE CANADIAN PRESS Adenauer Has Refused Bidaults Asylum Bid hree New Ministers Named To TheCabinet CP 1mm Rentemm mu mx urckmd In BERLIN MP Drlncllm combed West nnrlln today for members nmanl lcrmr In group discovered nflcr an explosion killcd 11 West Blrlln student uho apparently was trying to manulnclnm bomb No nnmls WP rcpnrlod Dcltrlires mllllcnl llun wrw mid In hum quvs tinned anun Tnlhallc prim Inspected extrema rlghl wing nullvil Ihn hlnsi 11rd lnw xhulrul nusJung mm 12 Sun dny IIKM In Hm bmcmcnl Ml lllmll 11w mum an In amul mrnl nhuw were Injuml lwn mlmuly Tho now nxnlawy npmhurn building wn ovum ner hecuum 01 um danger of mnnpw Federal Prosecutor Anlnnlus Borard told reporters Iaday lnlcrrngallon hnd nothng lo do wiih lhe farmer Hench prc mlnrn request or polillcal asy lum In Qexmnny He said lhl was mallet for the Bavarian slate government allhnugh tho chcml govern ment In Bonn nalurally wauld ndvicc seven 01 the 21 riding with lwn or Ilh own conic waging up In the olhcrs nu In Que becs Chuplcau Io Sunday only nne had been named In Gerard anrisc who held the seal In the Inst Parliament for Social Credit One of the tidings Involvodh Prince Albert whcm Prlmo Min lucr chlcnhaknr In mklng re election Ha opposed by lhrco opponentsH Fraser Lih cral Hurry Apps NW and Ken Solhnlm Soclnl Credit lnvesliaallon his activililcs In West Germany or taken to the mnlicr his choice and ex pclled mm West Germany Explosion Kills Berlin Student BUSINESS SECTION is Désmom Bidxiui goal and Immaculate Barrio Onhrlé Canada GEORGES NDAULI MMuhh ma Hnlnln ncnuly mum mnllnn gownmwnl llnm lhnl will Imm lhu nrh mrlunlly In cxprcu Ila IcwI Ahmll lhu dispulrd tummy In hnhlml by W900 Samnlll luu lnm any linnl lrclllnn an lho la ry hhzkm HOGADISHU Somnlln mou leralTho Somali numb an nnuntcd lodny its declslan to break cl diplnmnllc rclnllnnl wilh Brllnln because nm alns dcclulnn rm In permit Kcnynl nnrlhern ironllcr dim lrlcl In Joln Snmnlla Prcmlcr de All Sllcrmmko announced lhe decinlun In an emergency sculan of me So mnll Pnrllnmcnt allowing an annluhl rnhlnct mllllflK Thu drclslon ll Iuhjccl la rnllllcn lion durlnz lhc prmnl unen llncy Irsslnn erillnh lmrlnn OHIw Apnkumnn In Loudnn mld llrll nln rrmcllrd he lvrtnk in dip lnmnllc nlnllans omclum Amman mm lhnl lhu dcchlon lo mnke llm mm nunInca ol Krnyn wm In may overcoat turned and posed lar photographers on the steps ma police alallon taller being driven there rmn hll hldnoul villa In Ihe village or Slcinchach on Laka Wnnrlhsee southeast Munlch The discovery of Blduull po lillcnl chlcl of the terrorist movement sworn to avcrlhmw do Gnullc pm new strain an FrenchWu German relations dozen police oiiicers err icrcd ha house before dawn Bidauii asked for police prolcc lion saying he feared attempts an ills lire Heinrich Junker Bavarian interior mlnisicr said in proiccilon was granted lia said Ilml althaugli Bidault is on list undesirable aliensi there arr no plans expel him in Germany lmmrdiutrly and that his request or asylum will be carclully studied Informed source In Paris doubled thnl the French would pm me Germans to hand Bl dnull over to them lrlnl since that might flurenlcn rallfl union the new FrenchGur man my of mpemion During the night pullce 1r QTlilned heavy guard on ASKED FOR ASYLUM The wywm armor pre mier and foreign mlnlsler asked or asylum Immediately after he was found Sunday in the Bavarinn village Bldaulta request at Asylum was referred to Chancellor Ad ennucr whn may ardu hlm ex pelled lo mme lhlrd country probably lushla or Swllznr land Exlradlllon lo France ap pener unllkely slnce he ls wnnlcd on political charge treason Exlradlllon on palillcal charges ls barred by Interna tional law Somalia Breaks Ties With UK Because British Refusal pollen main llnm urrn nlnmllmz hy In munln nnlnnl Ill TM Snmnll lltpuhllc Illh ha nn mm nhoul ammo mun mllu and Npulnllnn ol 1970000 hrcnmo Independ ml July 1910 uhrn llw um hh Sumnlllnml prulrrlqrmn nnvl lhu llnllnn Tnulcullip Tml lary um mauled The Small mpulnunn In am has been nnilnllng nr rlxhl la llLfldo and 50in lhc mall Rvpubljc Brllons hero hnve hm wnmcd lo keep all the ï¬rm nlncu nnllBrillsh riots broke out Frldny Curlew lum hem In force lanl Hunn nlxhls Imul uvtrnl flrilnlu hnvu Icll lho cnunlry or Nab Inbl What all Ihal racket shout nut there in your burn asde EEhmu no prcjudire lhe Somalia case or necessinn Somnllaa dcclslnn In hronk diplomatic rclnllnns ul lnwcd nn nnnoununmrnl by he Column Sccrclnry Dun Snndyn that ho nnnhrm mn llcr men will he made Knnynl seventh province nnd xlvcn huge mnnsum Inca nulnn omy as trying tn set hen romicd small boy whu was winning on he gale and ran know pns lhe Ag up and mi lryimz ID tell her how HERES ONE MARTIAL ASSELIN FRANK McGEE 1lc unlly pmpmnl mth Ivy lrnql llrmly Imnlrr Ml ï¬ultll Snmlll who rnmu lo nmmmm In hrlr Hulu ulr hrnlr Flhlnyu Imulleu mup In mmvmrtl llml flyrln III In Unllrll rnb Hewullc arm and ulmn mm In unl Ilnl rmumnml HI Ha Ml MM In like nullunl mqu lhmllrl be empnwrrrvl In mu lhn bnnlcr ol nny II we mm In he cvrnl he IIE Mulennl lry uuuldn CHIN They also tmld In Imena ll mcmbu zumn menu wm menntsd An llllflflluflnll vl hum hy hyperllflnn lu lupplo mum ovrmmcnl Hymn An mum tom lo ma em1m when lovorhmunl and pant mm no mum my now DAMASUUS Syrlrl AIY Syrlnn now IIHIIHHUIIJIIY nlmn um uxgml Imhuy join lnur olhrr urnvar Arnh IIMII in 1mm milllmy our main nu Ilrrl lunnrd umllnu Hm Alnh wuhl lrvul In lnnlic la Um ltnlnn HIIIL TMllul mu OHAWA CF Three new cabinet ministers one of them armor MP dnrcalnd In the 1m chnrnl clccllon were named today by Prime Mlnisler Diclcnhnkcr Marlin Asselin who Inst mclaclion bid lnsl Junu In the Quebec nding of Charlovnix was appointed minlslcr of lor aslry The last minislcr without pnrllolln in he cahinel was Senator Wallace McCulchcon who was named Irade minister last month aflcr the resignauon of George Hoes The new minisiern probably wili be sworn in next Sunday right aim the prime minisicrs mum mm an BILCUDH cam pnign swing Inln Quebec and lhu Atlantic provincu sums UNan an Mr Dielenbnkcr nald Illa an puinlmcnls will nol change the slums Justice Minislcr Flem lug who has been Mllng prime minlslcr whlle Mr Dlel lnbakcr In on the campaign lrnll Stale Sctrclary Halpenny or Works Mlnislcr Fullon None lhn lhrce ls standing or re clecllon Thcogcne Ricaxd MP or 5L IlyncinlheBagal in tho lust Parliament was appointed min lslcr wilhout portfolio for Que bec and Frank McGee who rep resented York Scarborough was named mlnlsler wilhoul parliallnfor Ontario ry ponfoliu was previously held by Revenuu Minister Hugh John Flemming He retained ll whnu he was named to the revenueminisxry In cabinet shump last Aqgusl Mr DIeknbaker uld he wanu be prawn at he swearingin of the new minis lcrl but It ncccssary in Iraqi Suggests Joint Command Asselin To Forestry Post Ricard McGee No Portfolio Nol Mar Than Par CopyI6 Pagqs THEOGENE RICARD Snow mixed with rain Claudy Tuesday Low lonlght 31 High amorrnw 33 For complete summary tum la page two Local Weather lulqu mumum rum mmm Imlrlml Mull 11A 0119 03 WNW of rmwd rnllmnlul ll MW lrlexl Humlay mm In llnk Ilh Runway when dnuml lumlvr Khnw Mrm I001 Icluu Fvldu old had hr 300 Inan Mm lhu Lde peuld lhd Emhuly ullh on agdnnnind IIn $th 19 mm $74 Pimvlhnll uniwu mun hy anlernxwr mp In buvhmv Iur IWII Mm llw 1qu yr nnr lumlrr Suluh lmmn Syrian guwnnnml Ivvlmrd In lmnr 1mm puliuml Inlmn Inn lmnuuuu vuu hsmn ml vllHnnl 4kmnmmllmn mmd Ihmunll Ilw mm le mvmnllm mun hrlurru Syllu and Egypt Tnnh nwl nnny nlnll uman Illu IVIUIL bruully mm lw nuw xruunn hunlul Unmnlmul lradrlu and uth mmmnu ul Hm nlx Lnv lunltt llnlh lllly millHun guru wrrn Irl Hp mum Ind mum NHIIIIIIM Ivulld In absnnce In hold cabinet meeting Importance they would be sworn baton that and they would aucnd Generally the prime minis Icr is present at the swearing in he sal Though Ihm ls Mr Dicicnhaker said he had nnlhing ray about the am clnte defence minister vacated when Pierre chlgny resigned along with Mr lice Feb He was ï¬rst elected to Par liament In 1938 whcn he was In his second term as mnynr La Mulbal his hnme own an Iha nnrlh hare of lhe St Lawrenca Illvvr Above Quebec Cly lawyer he married with two children Mr Ricard 53 had been an MP slnce 1957 mi was par liamentary secretary la lhn prime minlslcr in Ihe last slnn nalive of St Guillaume Qua he lives wilh his wife and ch an all St Hyacimhefr Mr Assclin 19 last Charla mix to Social Creditor Anlninn Eclanger last June 3645 votes to 6341 He is seeking lawin hack lhe seat 1n the Aplll clnclion Mr McGee is J7ycnrnld mum at Ottawa who won Yalk Scarborough Toronto am riding in 1957 1938 and 1961 During the last ParLInmcnt he wns parliamentary secrcmry Immigralinn Minister llcll In 1933 he on mcr Llhcrd by 35428 voles he largest ma gin ever recorded by chcrI candidnle Mr McGee married daughter Senator Grauan OMnry ol Ouawa and has three children He was dc parlmcnl stare buyer below enlercd politics Ymgn Igmn Iullonal Ekquiréï¬eï¬