awn Mvnll ml lrlll hm Filllnyn Iluull Humillnn nnllru Full my mum Ninusuu Full Ill Hnmllwn Nrrlrl II InulvnlMnn Nnflllnl ï¬rthI uch uluwun mlnun LT Nlnunlu Full llnmlllnn Elslrm lrumslonal LT All Kingston 3H 15 lï¬‚ï¬ H0 HILILOllzIwa 6241 17475 Sudbur 12 155 57 St Louis 21520 Frldnyl Ihxlllll Muskwa Sudhury SI Mull HullOllzmu Tunlxhtl Game bl Louis nl Kinuslun Sunday inmr SI Lnnis n1 llullxlmu Klnxslnn all Sudhury Inlarlu Iunlnr Klnmnn HLllOllzIwa Sudbury St Louis Sundnyn mum Pillsburgh nl Quebec crshby at Rochcslcr Clevdnnd nl Bullnln Eprlnnflcld Providence Tonluhll Games Rnchcmr at Clculand Enlllmnre Bullalo Pillsburuh at Springfield Providence nl Hershey Iuernnrou WHITE Alurrlcnn Leanne Enslrrn Dlvlslnn 25ch League LT AP Pnrlllmd Senllle Hershey 31B 722119169 Calgary Vnncouvcr Providence 32 26 519517609 Spokane Edmonton Quebec 2727111H219365l BBHlmnru 2m 7190mm 315 WK mum Phlladelphla MW 23mm Clinton leads best Wulrrn Dhlslnn quarterï¬nal 201 Bullaln I719 620516780 Chnrlollc Knoxville Cleveland 26 29 222 210 58 Enrolï¬ve qunrler Rucheslcr 22 215 230 52 lied 1D Plllsburgh 19 37 157 41 Nashville Greenshum my 11mm Greensboro leads besl llershcy Baltimore lulflcrflflfll Quebec Providence Cleveland Rochester amp Tmmnmml Hershey Providence Quebec Ealnmuru Springï¬dd Bullaln Cleveland Ruchcslcr Pittsburgh Naw as 32yearold leading seaman In the Royal Canadian Navy Parker can say he 01 lowed doctors orders In cer Jaln men an choice fool wear but thats all He was an the mscr of Shear wnlcr Flyors when Ihc Nnva Scolia Foolhall League team capmml the Cnnndinn inlcrmc dial Illlc In 1957 Last season he was ctrulplnin Sladnrona Sailors III the Allnmic Football Conferencc He started mols ularly at 19 but they usually Iflll skates ullnchcd year after Inking up hockey he tried lacrosse nnd played In sevcrnl saulhorn Onlnriu leagues llnw ever he made hls blggesl mnrk ln football whlnh be begun n1 syn IN roomm INSURANEE th hvnrl ankles swallun nnllced all his sporls some was chonlcrl Nn only has ht Inkcn sports he has become so sklllnd in savcrnl harm wns awarded he 1M2 Admiral Jone Shield for autslandlng canlri butlon lo mwy sport HMCS ladacona fleet Mabllshmcnt are nalive of Nlngarn Falls 0nL Parker had llmllnd his alhlcllc acllvmcs lo single game of school hockey before his hunt with rhoumnlic fever When he got ml of hospital th hvnrl murmur and ankles swallun and weak ho nollced nll his friends were In HALIFAX CF Ronald Jame Parker hauled rheu matic ever In Taronto hos pllal for twa years latter being alrlckcn at the age of 11 Fullnwlng his release he was old lo shunstrenunussporls lead Inlrly Inactive lite and wear bums Instead of shoes to suppnrl weak ankles By THE CANADIAN PR Pprker Battles nger Makes Big Comeback when mumlln lnmily pumhlm mm In mid to am hmbml will And Iiflbk dependnu T¢l yvur group on ll you ry dim ull flu Commlnlon ONTARIO CAPITAL smwxam OOHMIBDION I19 Vang 8qu Twain nnmln Vhrn nu Inch 7qu 1h Humy you Innm mum by pmun rlliflull uuhm up mly vimln lhhly dun In lun lmuml lnmu Ill nvInhlo ll lumpflnlu Ivnnh Ill ommlnlon 0mm WENT yml mu 10m ullnw nulully lhc Imuuniam on lull In unmma llymml lolm 1N umm your limp II mumm lo you gwmmn nclion lo Inko to keep lnlurud HOCKEY RECORD kind man him mm xcwn umHinul HI llnrder Mu Junior Dmnii Cmulhnm UlnlIlINM llnnl llrd ll rmrn IllIla Iunlm ll Sl Mpryl ISL Mum Qvlnl halalnun nnl 43 nrsf bi llnul um 24 lkulchewnn Junior flpuinn Onlulln lnhnnnllllt erlund Gwrxclown PM An Iqrt Villlnm Nurlllern Unllrla Senlor Knpuskaslna Timmins Group II Nonrin France Hamlin Englan Switzerland Yugoslavla Group 0nlMo Jnnlnr llnmlhnn Nlngam Falls Firs ane or benofscvcn schIinnl Mrlrn annuln Junior Vlluflbyhfl Torqnln Mnrlbwns Mnfrthnmx lend bulolrsLvcn Acmllinul urld Tmlrnnmrnl Grnup Canada West Germany Finland 11 United Slnlcs Sweden Russia Greensboro leads lmlwlrlive quaflcrllnnl MI Sundayn Game lclcrhnrough at Montreal llOGAN IN HOSPITAL NEW ORLEANS AWSur geons operated on tamed pro lesslonnl goller Ben Hogan Frlday Io correct palnlul shoulder enndillnn The an nounecmen said the surgery lnvolved he repalr ol collar bone defect in he left shoulder The defect due la 1949 auto aceldenl whleh nearly cost llo gun hls life had gradually worsened over he years TO IMPROVE JUMPING OTTAWA CPJA slowedup program In Improve lhe calibre of skl Jumplng In Canada was announced Frlday nlghl Dcnnls Vhllaker presidcnl hrewlng llrm told press cnnlerence that his lirm and the Chnadlnn Amulcur Skl As suelulion wlll continue lo spun FATHER WAS BOXEII Parker radio upcraloi at nnarby Albm Lake naval radio stauon has campeth In almost all navy spurt except hasan hail and thats perhaps only be cause he cant fit It Into his schcdnlc He has lo wear skates with strong ankle support but Wear shoes In Ioolhnll and dngsnl balmr me Tho swelling has almusl dis appeared nnd navy doclor laund no trace the htan murmur when he entered the mvicu In 964 This season he playpd In lnur hockey leagues at once usually appearing In four or live lame wack My wile wasnt loo happy about In swift somclhlng lradl SCISSORED SPORT Icvcn qunrlcr live ï¬nal SEEK IIETILE HOWE LONDON Cl llrIHII Ill rltullurnl mm are looking or polnlocs with beetle brown and Marina cyu These urn he nymplom dlacnse which rnvnm main lypu potatoes HORNUNG IS HT GREEN BAY Vis MP Puul Hnmung he Grcm Bay Packers wns given clean hill of health whcn the National Foolbnll Lcauun slnr hnd his Injured knee cxnmincd by club physician Dr James Nellcn Nellcn said lhc kncc whlch kept the Icaran ace under wraps mas ha 1962 scasun has responded well lrcnl monk and no surgery lndl cnlul RACING RESUMES NEWBURY England AP Ii small but cxdlcd cmwd at me goers headed by Queen Mother Eilzobclh cheered ihe reopening at English horse no in Friday nilcr an llwcek iuyni because oi frost and snow Ii was the longest period ni inaction in British racing hlsinry Na racing hnd Iakcn piaco since Dec 22 FLAGS LOSE MONEY PORT HURON Midi 1CP Port Huron Flag lost at least $25000 In their Hrs ynar In lhu lnlcrnallonnl Hackey Lunguc but they plan In relum next season In club olï¬clnl hns announced John wlsmnr president VHLS Hockey Club lncnrporalcd owners of he Flnxs allribulcd the loss to law auundancc early In hc season JUDGE DENIES MOTION BOSTON AHU5 dlslrlcl court judge Charles Wyzam skl Jr denled motion Frlduy lo dlsmlss $2500000 slander suit brought agalnst Wu 5051 men by Inc owner the Yark Inns of the American Foalball League Wyzansk ordered Harry Wis mer to lilo new complaint Ihat would give simple slate men the alleged nelsr sor ourman team In com peIe In Europe In the next two years nnd In nddllion wIIl pay lhe expense lumemher earn which wIII take part In anar JumpIng events In Can ada and he UnIled Slnlesr The announcement was made on the eve ol the lhIrd annual Jumpan tournament chumplans lo be run an at nearby Camp Far Iune Qua sponsored by the brewery Ind Ihe CASA He says that he gave up sport guess Id be giving up must my mu But hl work doesnt suffer lrom his lnlcresl In nthlellcs in no way aflnclx Ms professlonal cmclency lhe navy declares Parker was nomlnatcd once bulara or the Admlral Jone Shleld awarded annually to the man who cnnlrlbules most ln conduct nporlsmlnshlp and characler And Run In rather proud plclunol flu oldest bi two son showlng hlm dolnl qulto pralcssionallaoklng push um at the ago months My wlfecounied 15115 snyl Ilun in he Parker family His lather Harm retired chic pally 0mm living in Hamlllon was Gnldenï¬lnve boxing champlon In 1925 You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS Jame legold and hi sister llorlhn bouth lilo home on Um All Icnhum arm now owncd by John Key They lnlcnd to move In the spflng Mr mid ï¬n MM McDonald and Cum Ind Llndn ul lurrlo Sympathy or lhlx commumly goes lhe Dicker lumily and also In lhc Shellswcll nmlly lhc rctcnl dcnlhs flick mm lhm Both have been well known In this cqmmunlly Mrs Vltlar Dicker has rclurn ed mm visit wilh her dnunh llr Mrlr Klrk Dymvnd Tunn wnndn Mr and Mrs Dymund and children rclumd with her Inr weekend Mr and Mrs Ben McAllisler Creighton Mines and Mr and Mrs George Wilson and dnugh lcr Penny Scarbom won wcck4 md vlsitars at James Purl rlqgcs Miriand Mrs Allred Bcnhnm Harrie vlsllcd Samrday with ma hrmhpr Anhur Bcnhz MrL and Mrs Frank Craw lard and Mr and Mn George Crclxh Orlllla Visited Sunday Alvin Calrns Ry Mrl LAVENDER Mnbcl Evorelt Is patient In Wkwond Cllnlc Toronlo Norman McLean was msth lu he Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie with pneumonia this week Pclcr Johnstone has had an appcmflx operallon rlconlly and is back wark ggull Asian Flu patients Charles Simpson and Mn Johnslane are ramming All nnlcrpmca and com mcrclal establishments which discriminale against Quebco crs whlch in nu use French as their Hrsl language which have advcrllsing sign In lhe colnnlal English language All symbols and colonial federal Institutions In partlc ular the RCMP and 1h armed toms All inlormaflon media In Um One Quebec separatist group he Republican Party Quebec headed by Marcel ChapI cnn damned lhc boynblngq The mugth lypewnucn leaf lels said Ihc suicide oom mandas of MILL have as their main mission In dcslmy completely by systemsllc sab mane The army Immedlntely an nounced It was adding guard to all Montreal area mumlea and was taking cerlaln meas ure Judged appmpdat in Lhu presem clrcumslances The homemadu lncendiarlel uslng beer and llquar bottles wcre Ihrown at lhc Royal Montreal Hellman armory ln suburban Vcslmounl the lurlu Rifle of Canada drlll hall on mldtown Calhcart Street and Ill armory of the 4th Ballallon Royal 22nd Reglmmt on north west Lacombe Avenue MONIREAL CPDLuna lull Int lhree Montreal area armorial say In Front dc Liber ation Quebecol the Quebec Llherallon anl revalu tlonnry movement made up of volunth ready to die or Ihn economic and pamlcal inde pendence Quebec The leaflel were let allu kcrownelllled Mnlnlav cack tails were lassedal three ar mnrle in he Montrealarca nlursday nlghl and Friday We of tha nrmorie were un damaged and the army de scribed damale the lhlrd nllghL Molotov Cocktails Tossed By Revolutionary French Group SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CLOWES The Varldx Day of Prayer service ul lhc Unllcd Church was well nlltnded Mm Hurry Sawyer nnd Mrs Emcrwn Greer were In charge Mrs El Kin Spccr mm 5010 Mrs Dnhlln wile the MI dcnt mlanur here mm nu nd dress on he lhcmc More Illnn cunqucmrn Thou oflrrlnz prnym worn MIL Viola Arm Irnng Mrs Russell Murphy Mu Elwood Greer Mu Gor don umber Mu Clnrcnw 700k and Mn Elmcr Gnllnughcr Jnmcs Johnston died 11 UN Orangevnle llospilal Mar His daughter Mrs Vinalan Hull Flornnce supervisor mu slc In many nearby chlmh Funeral lervlccs were hcld Wed ncsday Many those attending the Mansfield Old Boyl Reunion in Toranlo last week bruughl the flu home In lhcir inmllies Th womens Insllluic meeting at lhe all on healay evening was postponed until inlcr dale be cause of Illness By EVELYN ARNOLD Mr and Mrs Aller Ander son were married years on Saturday They spent lhc day in Kllchencr visillng lhclr daugh lcr Mm John Alllson and loin ily They were accompanied by Mr and Mrs Alvin McDonaldo Mr and Mrs William Illnvs returned mm lrip In Florida on Monduyl While in Tampa lhny Had an the Mayer family were Sunday guests at the home Mr and Mys John Lavender School regulations hen forbid studenls to smoke at any time when they are under school diSA clpllnc But despite all eflom Mr Gouah says some students smoke on their way to and from school One djflicufly is lhal saxnu parents condom smoking and the Brillsh study says most children whu smoke coma ram pore me or both par enls smnké Mn Cough whn has also cir cuiatcd pamphlet entitled Tm harm and Health in schools says athletic coaches in some schools wont allow students who smoke tn participate in teen sigma School superlnlcndent John Gouxh says he school board circulating copies the Brit lsh study which declares hcavy cigarette smokers have lung cancer death rate 30 times zrealur ihan nunsmokers The study says smokers tend to more restless Ins de pendable and more neurotic than nonsmokers It add that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer contributes to hcbrt dis ease and Is factor in such other allmcnls as bronchitis VICTORIA 1C1 study made by the Royal College of Physlcluns has provided the Greater Victoria school board with more nmmunlllan In ill elfort to persuade students not to make Thu F14 3150 will attack all mmmerclal Interests of Amer lcancolunlallsm natural ally of English cokmlallsm Al labtorlcs which discrim lnnt against Frenchspenkinz emflwcei lhia will progressively ellmlnale all persons who col lakggleJihilh the gamma1 Pamphlet Wams Smoking Dangers MANSFIELD MITISTS IllME LlNE MOSCOW 1AM Premier Khrushchev loll nbulllmls S4 vicl Irllals nmI writers Friday they mould Mick In lho Cum JEANNE WINS HONOR TORONTO CmMiss Johnna Sysiuk 19 Brnnlfnrd was named Miss Credit Uninn of mm hanqucl during hn Onlariu Crcdll Uninn magma convnn Hun Friday nlgM BOY DIES FORT MACLEUD MILL lCP Dinhihcria has claimed he We of nnulhcr child in tile Furl Muclcod Municipal Hospital hm year old Indian boy nd mined in hospital with the dis vase ï¬bula died Wednesday night His death hrings lo we the lnll during Ii currcnl nul hrenk in the Far Mntlcod and icigun Indinn reamo artax OFFICER DIES TORONTO lCPICa Walter 11 Pull 76 Salvation Army of liccr and cdiIanchlc or army publications or 20 years died here Friday He served In Gan nnnque Ilrockvillc and Parry Sound More returning In Win nlpcg In edit the War Cry an edilign published there at lhc lime toll 8957 landings and lakeofls were recorded at he base compared with 9L7 in 1961 MALTON BUSIEST OITMVA CPIThe busiest ulrport in Canada last year was Toronto International at Mnllon lhe lrnnsporl department lb ported This was the fourth con scculivo year that Milan was ahead in la nndjakeafls SPEEDUP APPROVED TORONTO CPlA oneycar canslrucllon speedup for the cltys caslwest subway and six mllcs of extension was unani mously approved Friday by llw Metropolitan anonlo nxccullve commitlce ll rulllled by the Metro council hwsday speed up at the 3206000901 subway would mean Ihat an additional mich of tha line would be In use by lhe end at 1965 at least your earlier than previously scheduled DIES IN SUBWAY TORONTO CF Mary Clarke 50 of Toronto was killed Frtdny nlght under tho wheels of moving subway traln Police sald the north bound Queen Street station plat form an the Yange street line was crowded at the tlmc Rush hnurtrattlcywas halted or more than an hour ROMBER FIXED TORONTO CPIWalla Lew pikln moved by what he called voice in the wlldor mass was ï¬ned $500 Friday or setllng of nine stink bombs in Toronto movie house last month He xaId he bought thn bombs at novelty store or 30 cent each The theatre man ager said the smell was aw ful Ahaut 150 patron let the theatre and other moved In avuld the odor TORONTO CHThe Toronto Transit Commission announced Friday it will be iorccd to raise lures April unch it receives grant from Metropolitan Torv onto Commission man Ralph Day said $653572 is needed or the basic ticket are will rise to six or instead oi the current seven BIG SAVINGS Appliances Furniture Housewares Hardware Boats and Motors WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 1m EARES l0 RISE EATO NS Spring Sale Watch his newspaper REFER TO OUR 8PAGE CIRCULAR DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR EATONS Convenient Budget Account munist pariy line of socialist realism and use their work in build communism Winding up closeddoar twoday meeting in the Kremlin the Soviet lender stated the oliiciai stand against western trends in Snviet iettera and music and against ubstraci painting BEATEN ii YEARS L05 ANGELES AP vornanwhn admits she shot her husband in death while he slept raid jury Friday thai he had beaten her every day oi lhclr loycar marriage Mrs Shirley Carlson 25 is charged with murder in the death oi Robert Bari Carlson 31 my lugganr mice CASE DURBAN Soth rm cu mmA 67ycamld whllu man and Negro woman with whom he has lived for 25 years up For elderly and convalcsA en paients Excellent facilities or privalc or mmlprlvale Hot and cold water in rooms legislat cd Nurse In attendance ham 1006 mm fo 500 pm on Oh Main Floor STAYNER NURSING HOME sigma our Plnu phonn PA 85983 for an appolnvmlnv MARSHALL Rug PHONE 124 CIlnlc Ml thevk IdlIul or tlrlll yuur preunt hurlnl Ild ntcualry ulmonl IIIIll qullmzd Io xhn yau vlokulonll ldel Ml Any bpo nun pmhltm Ind lo dhcuu In husk ldvinux In ml ï¬eldwhlcb new main pnulhll lh nunmm um beneï¬clll Mun or hurlnl um or llluluy Iny penm whiz nudl hudnl htly Vhll man 5mm Ihmnl Ald Clmlc next The dly or In Audlnmcnlc llelnnx Tell Ind Anllylll uhnul hum Mr Kulen he mndntu Use Hume domonslwllons may b0 Imnpl do shud wulhnut abhzalion Accnssovinsand bnlcrlesImmollmlkosmfl able or 315 during Ihis clmic Ilsa pal micu EATONS in Barrie RETURN VISIT OF announces lhe MR PETER KILLIR Hearing Ald 00mm MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE 1963 MONDAY MARCH ll HAD ONE QUEEN Denmark ha had only one ruling qucnn Margaretha on the lhmne mm 1301 In 1412 reared in court Friday charged with vlolatinl South Airlul immorality Act which turbid sexual relations hetwen white and nonwhites Alired John de Lnngu retired rallrnad man and Dora Henghu 48yeamld Zulu woman who in the mother at his six children ware re mended until March 21 when the court will glve its judgment DISPERSE CROWDS MOGADISHU Somalia Reu tern Riot squad dispersed huge crowds which massed in Parliament squnru horn Friday night apparently in protest against planslnr the luture oi Kenyas northern frontier dis trlct heavily populated by So malisr curicw was clamped down and the situation appeared under control Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto Annaum run nu mm nunn II hunkn In Im in non It mom am Sï¬iï¬