Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 7

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Ii Fnur yran in crmrd lwinu PI Pnrly mu rnnccnmL nnd mama nn INN mum to lnr evw nurh mum lnlllnkrn Irranqu Id nlwn born vhwnwllu unwn Luvulcu 0T LULLINU WOOD an RCATF veteran and past President of the Collingwood Industrial Commission Married with two chiidr en RICHARD former Collingwood Coun cillor and Mrs Joan King member of Trinity United Church Mr Browne has made his home In COLLINGWOOD and TORONTO where he also operated the Toronto office of GEORGIAN CHINA fo the past 15 years pcrwnally brllcvu It wax and It would mm lhnl nnly lolnl and cam plolo olwlltcmuun of Hill once proud nlrcrnfl would Inunlu hll Inellnul Why wuxnl Hm program Ilmml 1mm Km 11 mnnlh Mhlln Am An MHITMIY XIKRTH nwlwrd ll nml nuxgrslml mrnnl nl lnlvnulvm Wu Um vnnrrllnlian of he AllllOW dam bclmm Hun lrlme Mlnlxlcr nnd Ycl today our Guvcmmnnl is agendan mtlllxma on he uqulnmon Amerlcnnbulll plnncs lnr Interior la mum Allflow Nol nnly was he gran AVRO plan closed dawn overnight lhrowlng about 13000 people out of work and Indirectly ano cnuslng anulhcr est lmulcd 100000 In Iccdcr plnnu Io also lose their John but In Add lnwll to Injury the hcnumul Almow nlrcrnfl mnny whlch were that time flylng were lndlncrlmlnnlcly cul up by ncclylcno torch We dldn even kcvp one model mustum plow unuly mu you me MllmW even mw Inkr has no munl 1n the world It was Khan and Il Mould be now about 01 Ila llmc BUT HOW DRASIIC Four yum ago with lllllc or no warning the ARROW AIRCRAFT pro gram was discontinued Few will nnzuc Um lhe onlherbcddlnm tho rumor ed nnyoln and lhn heavy drnln on lhe public pursu wroth lime and many wasting promlurcx demanded very dmsllc ucllon mum Aunt awch mo rnny into uilice ln Ihe greatest history Unicrtnnnlely lhoso visions havent nil been brought to fruition lhere has been Icndency to procrnstinntu on vltnl issue there has been canccnlment at the truth from the public In in the ease inst year or our 5nd financial plight And there have been many many other nnsons in discnchnnt even the most loynl the old Time Tories per wnnily have been disenchanted not for the put lew weeks when nuclear arm was seized upon an an issud but or icvernl vnnrn Mm Some years ago the weakest Conservatlve lender lhe party probably ever had sought in dcspcrullnn or some new alagun or glgnmlnk lo Lnllnme lhe publlc Image of the Party and as result the grand old Tory puny Ivegame the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Party New HI would have been line had the Party xhnwn any signs ol PROGRESS but lhc op pcsill was two or many years In 1957 and again In 195a new dynnmlc Icudcr great vlslnn Connda lulurc swept the lundslldo of our hlsmrv Unnrhmnlnlu nm as chosen his am and always have been dyedlnlhcwoal Conservative oi lire old school because in me Conservatism manna literally the conserving or preserving of our natural resource and our Canadian industry mun CANADA FIRST Ind CANADA ALWAYS WHAT IS AN INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE Obvluuxly ll la person desiring Independence ol thought uhlle slill politically Canscrvnllvc parsunslnn JACK BROWNE wrlrnwl nlrmrn lodn will lcll you Jack Browne is the Chairman ong ORGIANVCHINA LIMITED of COLLING nunrar lmcio Finany yvgarh in cran llrinu lrnKrervc xmncrvnllvr lmnlnr III mnmL nnd yummy nn INDEIENH Nl CONRHIIVATIVH In evw nurh mm llllllnkfl rmnldnl than mu mm Hm Con nlwnu mm FOR SIMCOE NORTH youn INDEPENDENT me Aluww murum Um ml pr Mlnlllcr nnd lnrcncu Dccnlur Howe n4 um mos lay of the old Time Tories not for uu pm low weeks whcn nucl suc but or several your balm CANDIDATE INDEPENDENT CONSERVATIVE xwurum Um cml pmonnl lhe Ammw evepmw yum MEET BE SURE TO VOTE AND ELECT and ICUDH Yum SECOND she um rcmnln an Inkum pan he NollU mum dr mm or N4th Amcrlrn Aclunlly Hum 11 no choice the mml nuunm hrr rulr In drhncc mi IN mean lha ncrlulanlnu 01 UK SIVE wrnponry nnd wr head pmlnrr th Irn be ll ACCEPT Till2M ONE FACT MUST BE FACED Like lhn boy balancing on cute who ll told by hla lnlhcr dmcn llmvs In an down um tlmo camu when nolhlng but number lcu boot In lhu right NICO will correct lhu lilunllan In Cunndn not our lalll klckcd and pmbably um mlnulc loo won The argument r1ch now that DOMAIICS nro ubaomu ml rrml they ohmlcxo when wo ncccplcd lhom In tho Hrll plum Accordlnu In every thing nulhnrlmllvo cvtr rend lhcy were wandrule ubwlclu wcnmury BEFORE Cnnndn ever col led lhcm In my View hnd our All FORCE and IILITARY bynlns nnd wt nvo In what cullmion 11 MW mme hm Cnnndn cmmnl defend hem and lhl mun do mu ut lwo lhlnu mun BEFORE Cnnndn ever accenlcdvlhcm Inth cw nur All FORCE and MILITARY brains and wt an Iupcrb cullmion nu nny unmlry bum nlvtn lhc ask or making In nmmry declslnn wu nmr would luqu had the OMARCS Noll lhu ma argument now rnulnx viciv NUCLEAR ARMS WHAT ABOUT THEM Another uuund reason wh Party lhnt placed Politic ha could not subscribe uhoIchcnrlcdly to or the Countryl welfare My own thoughts are tint gross mismanagement occurred at high level experienced axecutives tnlned in high finance were ignored because their recommendation It the time werent probably politically xuund And so desperate game wm played our plight was kept smut and the powers Hut be kept hoping this lecrccy could bo maintained until nitcr an election Unfortunately we were icing down hill at Iuch rate even politics had to be removed and realistic intditch actian taken to prevent cntnslraphc Less than year ago our countryl finance drnppcd in duplnruhly lnw ebb ycl bccnula thll was happening Just before an election we were treated llke bunch maronl whn couldnt understand the acts ollile and actualltlea warn zlussed over with value promises at the lulum Evtnlually course the truth had to emerge as It always does but hythcn many loyal Party luppartan had become dialllusloncd WHY DID WE NEARLY GO BROKE WE WERE BROKE WHY WERENT WE TOLD the rim remnln lnlplm llllllll dnrk with lln mum at ll mu uhnlmver or Inc VH3 nll mugnlte Shn Ive nkcn II urenl drnl of mm lrllinn mu rnul N7 nho Ive Inhlllhfil he Incl llml rmluh Um yvurl II CONSERVATIVE Idldul Ilmngr new but mm mu 1an lecnln In mm my how an nnmllml Fun In IVa Hm all out lrnnnl lrll ml the bull no In right In lunnl In Innw Ivnr rum mum Irn mul lhc llw nulrr wlUmul prnxrmn 0r crhnpa yuu like he wcnllml Inml Imly ll cll be huml wllh aunt vet and nflccl un llm pm 30 years we musl conclude hero CWT wnl lelrnl lmy llww nnly mu one lIHME MOVIIH ONE KINGIIN CLARE IllKATUH IIOWII ullh mu pnnullu up In In hlm uhn clnngcd rmhrr rulhlm pullry bul mm ncwrlluIm llm advanch Cnnndn Inslrr low ymra lhnn In the yruvlmx 50 yuan Slnca MI untimely puulnu Um LIImeI mvo lulled lu pnxhlcv mum man In Inn uwm tbclr lnp rclwlun um All lho mmv uld Rmm uhn nrvrr IN nk lar lhrlmrlvrl hul wnllld at In an It or Uum WAIT IIIIIll lhry mi llve Mn lo lrml Ihvm but Ilnnl vnlo ur huurh wcnry old warrlm PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVES mm be on anything llml Iwks like vole lookl Ilka ll nlnL ll you follow lhn Cnoucllc brand ol Social Crcdll nml helluva lllc Govern ment MI bollomlcu me youll alsu hollow All our llla run be cured by merely prlnllnx lam new money 0n he olhcr hnml ll you lolluw Mr Thompwnl VIEW Soclnl Crulll ll tame much closer ln he nld Iln Conscrvnllvu policy lluucvnr thlc rml lell may have some good palm ln lhclr pmxrnm lot malurlng ls munllul ye holler le In the old Tory llckcl In defence of any wenkmss on he part of government that loo cw key business txccullvcs ever uflcr themselves for Hull which we have very few lap cxcculivcs over In thn one does min ncho one or lnslnncc He been WELL WHAT CHOICE HAVE YOU THIS TIME In our lltlle bualncss nl Cullingwood we contribute something like $600000 annually in local taxes which 01 course gives me real interest in hnw the attalrn of lhe rldlng are handled and by vthom Untll lust kill it has been my personal mlslortune to have to spend half el my time llving in Colllngwood and the other half living in lsllngton However this slluntlnn la now ended and have acqulml large tract 01 land on the east side at Colllngvrood where large resort cnmplex Is to be erected building to be commenced won as wcniher permits and here will make my home mu ulcumn can hope In be able lo put before you same of the idea have fur Improving condilluns no In Canada generally but In Slmcne North Riding specifically To me candldalc should not ask Wllnl can he rldlngfio lor me But ralhcr What can do or the riding Tummy Duunlnn NDP tNo be For InnMun ml um qucnl kgprlofilo 15 very few lap Lxcculivcs over In government Howe or lnslnncc He becomes slant clocllon da lnr mnm Weak pg mw mum and Will make my hnmc POLICW Srnup ulm Mom In MUN nnylhing lhnl topless

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