ST PAULS was roan St Pauls schoolhouse euchro had eight tables ol players Win nera were Mrs Jack Taylor Mrs Pritchard illrs Willough lav Jim Penny Ken Green and George Julian Next euchra will be Mar to mo pm Mr and Mrs David Sloane Mealord formerly of theis dis lrlct are proud parents at lourth son Anne Booth successiully pass ed her Grade piano exams St Pauls orchestra put on variety concert at Baxter Sat urday night and were well re eelved Anne Booth was leatur ed in some dance numbers The Paulettes served lunch to elderly people and shutins loi lowlng Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday They also provided transportation to and horn the church lhe lith line hroomball team iinlshed in that place during the series But they were beaten in the llnais by the township team at Painswiclr Carol Barber attended the AYIA lirst leadership training course at Aurora on the week end STROUD By MRS CAMPBELL Mayor Les Cooke of Barrie guest speaker at innisiil Credit Union banquet was introduced by Don Weir Mr Cooke spoke on the little things at lite He stressed the importance ol the little things oi liie that lead to the development oi character and business ability He wom ed at the danger oi losing sight at these basic principles in this age oi bigness Mr Cooke was thanked by Frank Murphy Musical num bers were provided by King Edwards Ladies Choir About 175 members attended and enjoyed the turkey banquet wllh mem bers oi Stroud Womens insti tute caterers Mrs Paul Alonzo at New York has returned home alter spending holiday with her als ter Mrs Alired hither and am HOTT ST IDEA IN HOME HEATING Now Esso pays for all the serviceyou pay foriust the oili Isnvlcor COUNTY NEWS KR liy and brother Lewis Irvings lamlly Reeve Cochranc Dep uty Reeve Campbell and councillors Todd Sawyers and Torrance along with Road Sup ervisor John Cowan and Clerk Groh attended the good roads convention in Toronto last week They were Joined by Mrs Caw an and Mrs Campbell to attend the closing banquet Rev Eln lay Stewart Kitchener was guest speaker WORLD DAY OF PRAYER good attendance at ladies at this community Joined with the Women at Its countries of the world in the observance oi the World Day at Prayer The service held in the Presbyterian Hurrah here was prepared by the Christian Women oi lion as The theme More than eon quesors was taken by hire Cam bell Mrs Les Walker was at organ and Mrs Dun can Campbell sang solo Oh Lord be Mercliulff Taking part in the Wordolp service were several ladies lrom St James United St Pauls Anglican and the Presbyterian congregations lhs altering will be used mala ly to help relugees print Chris tian literature and aid people In many lands Following the Fri service all went to the Sunday school rooms tor cup oi tea and hour oi leiiowshlp Congratulations oi all go out to Reid oi Craigvais on his 88 birthday Monday Mr Reid Is one at our senior cit lscns who keeps active and in terested in his home community Mr and Mrs Lennon Black and Mr and Mrs Black spent Sunday at Dalton Len nosr at Thornton Mrs Glbhlns has been visiting her daughter at Port Credit The community was saddened in the passing oi lira Bonita oi Barrie who was born at Stroud so years ago Sym pathy is extended to her be reaved husband and lamlly also her sister Mrs Hcrb Wall ace oi Stroud Ice underfoot these days is causing many tall We are sorry to report Mrs Truman iIatt ieii and iractured her arm last Wednesday it all victims gowns Jlrn Rosa and ot the prevailing lo we wish speedyrocovary Glad to report Mrs Joseph Third is home lrom the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie and convalesclng at thehome at Mr and Mrs Mel Ayerat Mrs Sutherland and susan ItlacLAitEN North Collegiate iBeware The idea oi March An unusual theme ior dance you must admit but certainly appropriate lor this time of Mrs Cecil Webb lett tor iior year Although the Ides oi March last week Alter spending Is really on March 15 Barrio some time these Mrs Suther Norths Drama Club decided to and will tly to Nassau to visit move it inrward one week so It her sister WOIIIIIIII be too close to our Eas new tearoam ha en °i ï¬lm opemd in the 014 The dress or this dance will Stroud we wish ior the map Roman 5M It rletora auccesaiul business 22131232 guns0 all Im community out activity card so lira with 0E8 INSPECTION activity The dance will begin at Many oi the Chaptera oi the Order oi Eastern star District gin IZrlera Sillsoutlaw glam ay on spec ilon oi innisiil Chapter when Mrs reda Wilson oi Barrio paid the oiilcial visit Mem bers of innisiil have been visit lng at inspections at Newman lret Alliston and Staynar Mrs Dena Webb and Mrs and Mrs Madcod Big Bay Point for low days Mr and Mrs Fred Malhollend spent the weekend with their aonlnlaw and daughter Eertloi Mr and Mrs Pete Btleslri and children in Centralla BREAKS WRIST While coming out herdrive ampeli were cohostesses was last Tuesday morning on at the Campbell home unity the way to the halrdressers card party to augment in Mrs Truman Flatt tell on the land at the wayg and mum ice She broke her ieii wrist committee innisiil usaptcr and on In Hospital Barrie tlll Hello ï¬tnners geremMesrsiames Slimli dm °° Lovamr DINNER In Lena Webb and Gertie Walk sum mm of men ML webb Stroud United Church mem we MM him to page sixteen please lend another euehre in the Masonic Hall on Saturday ove Sorry to hcar Glimour Relvo one oi innlsliis prominent cit irons la patient In the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Ily MR8 BERT MULIIOIJiAND Mr and Mrs Howard Con stable at Parry Sound spent Sunday with the lorrners par ents Mr and Mrs Russel Con stable Daun Webb and Dick Lowery at Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Hamid Wall ace Also on Saturday Mr and Mrs Dalton Irwin also at Tor onto vlsitod them Fit and Mrs Pike and iamlly oi Chicoutlml Quebec visited her aunt and uncle Mr BUSINESS MACHINES Dunlap St PA Mm Of March Is Eégï¬gï¬ï¬‚ousehddmwm March was the date oi the presentation at Spring new in Barrie North auditor ium This is presented by the University Womens Club at Thighs Esso pays lorannusl humor and furnace conditioning Isso pays ior mid season check at your heating equipment wa Essa pays tor emergency service anytime You payloriuatthe oill mlWill Home Iloai Serviceyou gal Iii lhr services you mad all ynr rouml including no quality turnu oil wsslhsrconlrollod driwery budget tormHll Ior lhaprkaol lhooull CAllzsso HOME HEAT SERVICE TODAY 82163 two oil but lsrighl wllh lbs Ilmuwvlit more IoryouU more Is CARL BRUNSON E550 FURNACE OIL DISTRIBUTOR 530 iNNiSFll 5T BARRIE IA M250 Wore VIIUII IMPERIAL SO AGINT IJ PENITANO ST IAIRII PA 4372 com lete are pm with plenty ot tan and amusement ior everyone notice to the people who take swimming at Edgar The lessons mm now until March the 16th have been cancelled use oi examinations Barrie Norths yearbook Poi arlswliibe gobigtupressnext week The yearbook stail under their editor Ron Gable have working very hard on ar ranging the material lobe in In eluded in the earbook They can look iorw this year to very informative and interesting year it some time in the next lew months Excellent inlormatlon regard ing work with General Motors may be obtained lrorn the gold ance oiiice it sarpllea iniorm atlon on the red red education and their apprenticeship pro gram Information on the Fac ulty of Food Sciences at the Ho lverslty oi Toronto can also be ableined lrom our guidance ot ee Plans are underway lor the organisation oi Horseshoe Val lay Sltl Club This will only hep pen ii enough interest is shown Barrie game last Friday we North 37 Orillla as North 27 Midland 21 For Commercial 0r industrial Photos Portraits Passport FHm Developing CALL ontozoo For mrther intormation contact Diane Huxtabls oi grade eleven Next week we will give report on Barrie THE IARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY Markham Best ol iuelr girls Barrie North Seniors Orlllla on March Results at thiskgsme willbe given next wee have less than two weeks he The qu ol the basketball Senior Junior The result oi the lunlor game March was Midland to North 28 bur Juniors will be competin the annual OBSSA basket ball iournament this Saturday In smrn aruolo 1i Olen St PA um MARCH IISS lore we are writing our Easter Exams Next week will be the last col umn until alter the exams We are loolrlng ior more lnlorma ilon lrom clubs In our school sites the exams played Exams are on the wayl We FREE to those with acne pimples or blemishes trialsize tube of teenclear hideawait This nawlsstacllno medication iorteen airln prob lema contains pharmaceutical ingredients which aid skin tissue repair and growth It actually hides as It worlta Cut out this special coupon lake It to your druoglstlor atrialsire tuba oi lastacting TeenClear HIdMAWay absoiuiely tree This oltar to good ior sixty days THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD IN THE MATTER OF Section 14 of The MunicipalAct I960 249 and IN THE MATTER OF an application by The Corporation of the City of Barrie for annexation to the city of parts of the Township of Vaspra In the County at Slmcoe as described In ByIaw No TON of the applicant corporation APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD hereby point Monday the 18th day at March 1963 at Committee Room in the County Administration Building on Worsiey Street in the City of Barrie lor the hearing of an application of the Corpor ation of the City of Borne for annexation to the city of those parts of the Township of Vcs ra in the County Sirncoe described in Schedue attached to the appointment for the hearing of this application dated the 8th day of January 1863 Let all persons interested in support of or in opposition to such application then and there at lend DATED at Toronto this 16th day of January 1063 VICKERS hour of Eleven oclock In the lorcnoon in the Sac sonson ALL AND SiNGULAit Those certain parcels or Trade of land and premises situate lying and being ilRSTLY in the Township oi Vcspra in the County oi Simcoe In the Province 01 Ontario being com posed oi Part oi the West Halves ol lots No to and It In Conccssion inrt al th East ilaives oi Iota No so and ti in Concession Part at the Road Allowance between the West Ilalvcs at this No 20 and II in Concession The Road Allowance between the East Halves ot Lois No 10 and 21 in Concession Part oi the Road Allowance between Conces sion and Said lands being more particularly dcscrlbcd as lollows Cammcnclng at the norihrweslcrly anglo al the East llali oi Lot No 21 in Concession THENCE northwesterly to lch to the southwesterly angle at the East iiall oi Lot No to in Concession THENCE Northrarlnrly alongl the southerly limit oi said East Iinll oi lot No 10 19437 cct TIIENCE Northwesterly parallel to ths wcsicrly limit ol said East llali $00 lccl THENCE Northeasterly paralch to tho southcrly lim it ol said East llali to the easterly limit at said East Hall and continuing NorthEasterly to tool to point in the westerly limit at the Wrst llali oi Lot No to in Concession distant Northwesterly ihcrcalong soo loci Irom the said West llali and continuing Narihcnstcrly parallel to tho southerly limit at said West southwesterly nnplc oi Hall 500 lcci THENCE Southcasicrly parallel in the westerly limit at said Wcst Hall at but No 20 in Conccsslon to the southerly limit at angle at said ntlnulng soulhcaslcrly arallcl to tho lo point the southerly hown on plan attached to westerly ilmlt oi said West it limit at lllghway No too Instrument No none Ior as Township THENCE Soulhwrslrrly along Ihc snulhrrly llmll of said Highway lo the limit bctwcon the East and West llal vrs oi lot No it In Concession THENCE Norlhwrstrrly along said limit in Use point nl rommrncemrnl RECONDIM In the Township nt Vospra In the County at Simone In the Province ot Ontario being composed oi Part of lots had all lots to it lnrlnslvc Iart it old Sunnldala load as shown on Heglslrrcvl Plan No I70 This to it lnrluslvr Part of lot to First Slrrri and Main Street as aIltiMH on iirglsicrcd ilnn No too IllII In It lnrllllllo sml Lane on shown on Registered Plan No 120 Iota to In Inrlnlvr lot and Lena or Street as shown on Ilrglstrrrd IInn Nu 23a lot in in inclusive Inn and as shown on iteglslrred Plan No ms 11in Earl nnd Wool Ilnlvra ni lot No so and part oi the West llnli of lot No ii in Cunrrxrlun Im oi the Earl rind Wcsl llnlvrs pl lot No ill an oi the East Ilalvrs ui lots No 211 21 and It Ihr Wrat llslvrs oi lots No II 11 And Part ol the Wall llslvrs nI Ints Nu 1t and In Cunrrasinn Part nl lim lTnsl llali oi Iart No to oil the Host Ilaivrl OI Illll No II II 11 III II III Ctvllrrasltul Part 01 linntl Allnwnnrn lxlwrrn rmrraalnn and IntI oi linnri Allowance between mcraslnna and Part III Iinnll Allowanto between COHTMIIIIIII and Part oi lined Allnwnnra helwrrn Inla No to and il In In rrlnrmlnn Part III iianxl Alluwanra holwcrn this No on and si la routonion The Hood Allowance holwron the East Halves oi lot No to and It in Concession Part at ilunlnp Sirrel West iiunnlng through lot No it Conreasloo llunbml IIoaiI nr lï¬tlrrhill Iirlva rrrnalnr through int all at lot No No as in Complain an in Concession Part oi iiunnldalo Hosil runnln oi lot No so In CmtfllIilI and lot No to In Concession lhrorrgh the East rough the Earl IIalI Vrspra and lnnlstll hold land help men particularly described as lollows Commencing the northwesterly angle at the West Hall at last No so In Concession THENCE Motheasterly along in westerly unit at through the West all at lart oi the lead Allowance bale lha Townehlpsot No the West Hall oi said Lot to the production easterly oi the centre line oi the Road Allowance between the east Halves at loin No to and 21 in Concession THENCE South 57 degrees and it minutes West to and along said centre line 215389 leet runner Scullswesterly on cum to the right having radius oi 83L tect an arc distance at mos leet THENCE South as degrees and 15 minutes and so are onds West 18213 ieet THENCE southwesterly an curve to the leit having radius at 395 Incl an arc distance at ram leet THENCE South to degrees and on minutes West along the centre line oi the Hood Allowance between the West Halves lots 20 and ii in Concession to the centre line at the Road Allowance between Concessions and THENCE Southwesterly to and along the centre llna the Road Allowance between the East Halves ol lots 20 and It In Concession to leet THENCE Soulheasieriy parallel to the wcsirrly llrnit ol the Hood Allowance between Conccsslnns and being along line dlstanl westerly 250 lcct measured perpen dlculurly thrrcirorn to the northwcslerly limit at lllghway No 400 as shown on plan attached to instrument No 14995 ior sold Township THENCE Soutlrwostcrly along said limit being along line parallel to and distant 150 lch measured north ucstcrly trom and perpendicular to the centre line at said Highway No 000 to point distant 150 ioct measured Iouih4 rriy and perpendicularly lrom the soulhcrly limit oi the cslcnslon oi Dunle Street wast tormcriy Elisabeth Sircrt THENCE Soulhrwcslcrly and parallel to said southerly limit to point distant 150 test measured casicrly and par ndlcularly mm the easterly limit oi the Road Allowance them hnccssion ti and THENCE Southeasterly parallel in said cosicrly limit in the northerly limit ot the ltond Allowance between the Townships ot innisiil and Vcspra THENCE Easterly nlong said northerly limit In the Inlcrsccilon thcrcol by the norlhrrly production the can in line oi the Hand Allowaura between lhn North Ilalvcs oi Iota No and in Conccsslon it at the Township oi Innis ill THENCE Soulhrrly along said production in the crnira line the load Allowance bctwrcn tho Townships oi in nislil and Vespra THENCE wcsirrly along sahl contra lion in the intrr arcllnn ihrrrnl by the sonihcnvlrrly production or the limit between the East and West llalvrs oi lot No 18 in Cons fusion at the Tawnrhlp ol Vrspra TliiINCIl Northwesterly in end along Ihe llmll bcturrn the East and Wrsl hnlvra oi iols Na In 10 in Concre sion to point distant zoo trot Norlhrwesirrly along said llmll lrom the aollIhwrsictly angle ot the East Hall at lot No to In Concession THENCE Nnrlhrartrrly parallel tn the southerly limit of said Errol IlalI ni lot No to In the easterly limit of said East llali and rnnllnuln Norihcaalrrly 60 tool In point In the urslrrly llmll all What llali AH No 10 In Concession ll distant NorthMains thrroalnna 00 lost Irom tho aonlluwrstrrly angle at salt West llali and run llnulng Nnrlhraslrrl parallel to the snulhcrly llmll nl aald iral llaII pl Int Ti 30 In Cnnrrsalon In IIII realrrly llmll Ihcrml 11IINCF Northwesterly al ng sshl easterly limit to vwrslrrly lhrroslang zoo tool oi the East llali nl Iahl THENCE Northeasterly sraill to the southerly llm II at said East llali la mat distant Irel measured Mlhmslrrl ndlrularly lrnrn the aaslrrl llmll ni said East Hall THENCE Norihlwnsicrly arallol In said easterly llmll to lhe northerly limit at salt East llali ot lot No so In Concession THENCE Northessloriy along said northerly limit In the norilrrcastorly angle oi said East Hall and continuing northeasterly so tent in the northwesterly angle oi the West Hall at ltd No 10 In Corlrossiun and continuing Norlhseallerly airing the northerly limit at aahl Went hall to the oorlhualeriy anais lherrol THENCE limitseasterly along the eaalrrll llmll at said West llali to the northwesterly angle at the East llali oi to Gumbo them llmll nt an orllaidltattllail eel Humid roar Norihonsterly IIMI Ih to the northeaflerl Md muoulnl Norihoartarly It mammal