Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Mar 1963, p. 12

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lnrvl mm mu Inn IAIIIIIIH mum no llulrnu ulmm In Mum AROUND SIMCOE COUN TY Mnmlvn mun Tut nun Inn lmvvye Mun nu slum HX Wmulul 1m urllhl ermm Shlluu Chum loo llnullfll L171 mm no hm hm In Thr um Shaw vuly ImIIImu mull num Iinm mum we no 500 Mo Nut ell lllllll rrldy Imnd mo Tumbnona Tumury MA Nam Wulhu Spoil 1m IL Klldm um mmuy linednun no InlillrIC Ia Pmmquwl um Tummy Ambrou no mm 00 Inn Nun rnnuu Recon visitors with Mr and Mrs any Vhilcsldcs wore Mr and Mrs George Arthur and Mrs Ilnwkc Jlm Fltzslmmlns was In Aur ora on the weekend nltcndlng an Angllcnn conference and an AYPA leadership Iralning course Royal Victoria liospildl far 9st mmmm Mr and Mrs Fred Noble oi Don Mills Road cnicrininod at Irdinncr in honor oi the form crs mother Mrs Mervin Noble the occasion oi Mrs Nobles 915 birthday anniversary The guest oi hunor was the recipient oi many lovely gills iior mnny friends and neighbours cxicnd ligcir has wishes and hopes for good health as she begins on oihcr your other mvmhors or the family nllunding the dinner ware Mr and Mrs lloward Noble and ML and Mrs Nolllc ML and Mrs Den Cllanllcr New on Robinson Mrs Villlnm Rubin and Mrs llL Kenny Lclmy and ll Lucas Churchill Mr and Mrs mumn Fitz slmmlns and sun lormerly Olnwa spent the weekend hero yum lhc farmers pnrnqls Mr Filtslmmlm link recently been lrnnslerrnd Bellcvllle where he will be mnnngcr of Munroe Cnlculnunx Machines Olhur vis ltm the same home were Mr and Mrs Fred Fllzslmmlns mid daughter at Toronto and Mr and Mrs Mcrvn Booth and family Strand Mrs Thomas Fillslmmlns Sn cciebrntcd Mnhdny unlhc weekend CanA grfllulnlionsl an Mrs Ted Hillock cn Icrlmncd he cuchre club Sn urday evening High scores was held by Mrs Elmer Graham and Bob Dunnull and the can soljlionfiy Mrs Ilnrry Squibb flleflflrst Limiter slude group was held Sloans hms daAy ovqrging Mrs Normnn Wllsan ls hnme from Innlswoml prlvnlu llospllul nnd her daughter Nnrmn will be slnying wilh her mulher or month rank Fields has gnnu hnme wilh her son llnrold lo Winnlpug or low wceks Vlsilors with Mr and Mrs Harry Sloan were lllr and Mr Vllllnrn Sloan and girls of Gall Mr and lllrs Joe McLaughlin and sun Barrie who also cul ed on Sloans Slugdnyl Mr and Mrs Byurd Donnelly and family of Villnwdnle vlsilcd Sunday with lhe farmers hm ther luw and sislnr Mn and Mrs Jack Rain and fnmlly The many friends Reive be sorry In learn l1ulh IS pallqm In the 7m loo Surely will he llm spbjccl ny mus Pliossnn HEATING FUELS Phono PA 6653 ll our lulu lul Irrlm by pm plmn phm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE Khlvlu lmlrunrl llllluwly rum um lulmlly Mun mu mmun NM mm 5pm meI hum Hum Imu rv mun cm llumn Ilmu 1u nu 1th CHURCHILL COOD DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRAMS And apy Will III Minna Tl inur llumr BARRIE CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 mm In nu In l5 Inm 1an IN um um lrmnu luau Hulk unmplm nu Amund nm nun um Adunuun n1 fin nm 1an Km Uummn no Hunan nwuu um mm 11 hm Wnudunn Wand on nu mmn um Um nun wnl Tnvel Mo NHL Harley In Jullrul 1155th Unnmlled nan cm TV Nun nlu Wulhlr Nun 5pm I1 310le moiJr hninl mun MAI In 1015 Ten Imem non crunch smka um nounm Wm Ild 100 mm Ina Gnllllh numry lendu mm man not I1 Inn um Mr and lllrs Elpl and Mr and lllrsl Joe Zurnllo nl Toronto spent Saturday at lhclr home here Congrnlulalinns lo Mr nnd lllrs Alcldc Pcllcuonl on the mm ul their daughter Irene Allco Fchl 17 Taronln Sunday visitors with ML and Mrs Ernest Dale were Mr and Mrsl lZlmtr Dglcs Tamnla March al le5 nm roll call ls to he answered by naming common lrulllc vlolnllun Mem bers of the rug class are asked to hran thelr rugs or dlsplny wrdlnl lnvllullon la nll ladle at he mmmunlly IL Tmmblcycclcbmlcd hI 60m bmhdny March His mm ily were wnh hlm from he city They pruscnlnd hlm with watch STEELES CORNERS Mr and Jack humblu and lumlly 5pm Salurday wllh at he Vdmens Insllmle mcet There were nlno table of uuchro players ml the Home and School party held at the filth Llno school Cunvenlng lhu puny were Mr and Mrs Andy Grni hum vmnlng the who were Mrs Flower Mrs Burns Mrs lllslop Ken Gould Dnvla Taylor nnd Elmer Gralmm The sympathy of lho commun Ily extended lo Mrs Wntur son and daughter in the death 01 lholr son and brother Jnck By MRS QUANTZ The Womens lnslllulo met at the home of Mrs anler The preside Mrs Hlll upan ed Ihe meeting The convoncrs read lhclr rc porls Mrs lllggins gave pnpur on clHtcnshlp oducnlldn Mrs Hadley gave current evenls St Patricks pol luck supper was scrvcdr Much sympnlhy Is oxlendod in Mr and Mrs Vllllnm nuflcu and lumlly In the death or their oldest son Innold March Visitors with Mr and Mrs Chappcll last weekend were their daughlers Mr and Mrs Mulcnlf and family Mr and Mrs Rogers and family of Torv onto and nso Mrs Murinalh ms Flnssle RascrvIsIlcd her slspr Mrs Cole 01 Oro Confirnlulntloné Vin Mr and Mrs mnkcmzm on son born February 25 BIRTHDAY PARTY Leno Hands were wun by Mrs Flower and Murray Laughced There win he unnlher party the avgan March Mrsa Alma Tramway was taken to Turoma Hospflal on Thursday Mrs Thompson an Sunday Ily vlllS ERNEST DALES BELLE EWHRT Vlnn Tnln Mom Hum Arulrml Innmnu mme Mn run lwul Amnlnl nmlu Nu Anlwnln mun inm Im MI BARRIE thn 0H1 up Im 2MB nu Mu mn cumuy lunl rnmm nun odor In nemr rm Kunll llul ml Hmmm IIIun Show nannu 11 Up ImTV Nun Welth NVI Spofll Jlm Cu thwt mm um Hour TORONTO There man lo the pluy lhl hand than mom he ryn ltcullurly mounh Hm pmpcr play um Hum hunt on Soulhl our Tu play lhu qurcn nr klnu is prnlllcnlly sum to lend lo 101ml Lcll are why lhl no llnv Ink lull the um um ltlrkl Wulrcnsom Ihnl ho cannnl mnku lhc hum unlcs South hill lho king Ipndn He 111mm take lho npadc Incsw and hope 50th has ll klnm He You are declarcr wilh Ihc Wcsl hand at Six Dinmonds North lends lho quun of heart mud ronllnuc with lhe Jack Soulh pInying lho six and lhcn Hm our Haw would you My he hand OAKS U14 VKBOZ 951m can Mr nd Mrs Richmond Hlll Sunday and Monday guest with Mr and Mrs Jnck Rumble were Mr and Mrs Lloyd Palm er and family Maple and Mr and Mrs Ben Cook and family Edgely Mrs WaxIcy and Jo Anno spent the weekend In Tor onto wllh Mr and Mrs Vnrflny and Danny Vhlln thorn they nllcndcd the Toronto ohm or SPEDSQSA Inc 17th nn nual parade of barbershop quar lels was holdJn Enrl Ilnlg Collegiate In llllowdnlc Gordon You are declnrur wllh the West hand at Four Spndcs uqu an mm 9315 at 07 fiAKJlO 494 Mu Rllchlu and Mrs Phoenix worn Saturday vlsllor in tho cummunlly By MRS VORILEY Mr and Mrs Cecil Sutton lendcd lhc Iuneral of Ccclla cousin Mrs Vcnm Thompson In Mldlund Friday Mrs Thomp son was lhc dnughlcr of the late Mr and Mrs Joe Dnvls Barrie Connrnlulullnns to Mr and Mrs Sandy Bowman on he ur rlvnl of their sun Wednesday at Roynl Vlcorla Huspllul Bun1c Sunday vlsllars with Mr And Mrs Ilorwnrd Marlin were Mr and Mrs Vic Hart 01 name stone and Mr and Nu Hnnsnn Cookslown There Weio7 exht tables cuchre played In the mmmlmlly hull Vodnesdny night Prizes went to Indies Mrs Moore Mrs Lo Grnndc Mrs McDon nld men Jnck McGonugfll Ralph Mum and Mur dock Winners of Ihe mnnlhly prizes were Mrs Lila Simpson Mrs PM McCrnckcn Jack McGone an and Cecil Suunn Sundny momlnx the guides bmwnlo and scams paraded to 21011 United Church or the mornlng scrvlce Mr and Mrs Cecil Sullon on Iorlnlnnd lhelr family and few friends Sunday on Mrs Sullunx birthday IIILLL 110M EUCIIIIE 4mm DAILY CROSSWORD nlcknlmn Ii Mllllllu 40 Waodul min Document or mum yummy 15 lullflld occur 20 Mulc Hum donulUfl lmly Jim 54 man AIM Mlnl uym 11 Unit prlmm IN ltUnduwnllr mm lhnrlmod 19 20 lllmmrr uko at ACROSS 11ulp1l uny church of tho mm fihlke IORIIIIXI river ILTtnvdulllr nuuwr ltCuunlemIK luyTlnlllum hlllx ll 17 French SHANTY BAY CONTRACT BRIDE Allen Rumble up Dunnm1 11 Na om mlutomd oncm In um In Ilrhull Anmlml bmllhalu llll unnnk mulchInn gym mu 31le htlvy wulm nowN Lguy mv um vxau 0019 $91 By JAY BECKER HM mu ll lurnx out nflcr cushlnl Hm J47 lhnl lho diamonds are dlvldcd Il than II III chnncu ol mnklnx thu hand by cushlnl our club and alumni Ina Iwo spndns mm dummy all mm well lhll mnlhod plny will also succeed mm Mud up 21 Nuth lnlm The unly hope therefore Ihnl South was dun tho Jvlox or 140 hands In which use the mm heart will be creed ml withqu wnsung an honor Ta play Um king or queen sure la land to lwo mxrl lusm and uvcnlualde font The problem la nvnld wade loser The bcsl way plnylnx the hand In lry or dummy man Hui lhn hem hluh nml rush the J9 till mnnds both oppuncnls lolluw nuil ru um eight of heum cuter dummy wuh club and ml the klnu hurls an play club to lhu quccn cash he urnn cl dlnmunds dhcnrd Inn Ive of spades and the ml nru yours lurch Ally Ill Pleu un mp 1901rdm 10 mm llrld III II hrnllonu Once dnclnrcr mnkcs hls us sumpllon It allows that Nnrlh has the ace cl henna It Is In cnnccivnhle thnl Snuth was dcnll the dlnmonds whlch he has already played the klnn of shades which ha assumed to have and he an or heart well South cur lulnly would haw opcned lha bidding wllh all of hose cnrdl mu mduSoum with mm cnrd ficmuse he cunnulmexpcct In make the conlrnct nlhnrwlse Ind Worlley membur oi the Queen City Harmonize Mn II Flynn Toronto v1 flcd son and dnughlerInlnw luv and Mrs Flynn at the rectory Molnnio Glrnrd celebrated her third pngngay enzynnnlngJ Seviérnl hul Tm lrlenda Glad to son Murray Anderson homo and up and around nutr undargolng suracry in Toronto Cnngratulnllons to the Ivy School hockey lenm whlch won Ihc UDL No 451 Tmplly Sal urdny mornlng In the lnnlslll Esxn School Lnulue The More was Ivy 14 Holly II lllgh soonen or Ivy were Ellls II Clurksun Cochrnne mm III Ruby and LSpms The World ay of Prayer was held at Christ Church Ivy at 230 pm March wllh load lurnoul Mrs Henry Dnvla acted as lender and Mrs Cleve Pnllun as secretary Alter service short fixeellnn was held and the minutes or lut mcgllpg amt Mrsflrlohn Coiillrnnu wns np polmnd loader or next year and Mrs Kennth Smllh as secret Memhm at Zion United Church and St Thomas Angli cnn Church me Zion United Church lhu evening of March for thn worlds day of prayer nervicn Thu them was Moro than Cnnqucmrs Thl service was prepared under mu lenderehlr of Mrs Dnvld Chung In Seou Korea The address was Elven by Mrs Mm Hapr Barrie Speedy recovery wlshed lho 3ch and shuuns Thcm am quite number In the com munity sick wllh flu DAY OF PRAYER Mrs Gordon Cochrnne gave an address on mlsslon work In Seoul Korea and on prayer Several the Indie rend pray ers Mrs Lloyd Rachnr gang 5010 When Molhcr Pruych JOIN IN SERVICE Tomorrow The 505 ndnublh By MRS WILMEII WILSON Crum llll ymry no uqmm Comte Wm uvcr a1 rlrIlnu IVY alumma My 1an You answer on NICE for YHE ADULT GOING sway counscs KIDS um To 1ver ouurmh nimygfliwomv Jw mummu ilwlw WWW 9mm mm tmmmo In If NIONWIM MW gu 5m WIONI coan mamw gm mow ma 3mm EXAMINER min mm we 46 mm mm mmyou mmmn ms Nahumz

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