Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Mar 1963, p. 3

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Last your 11 girls and mm boy wcnl mm llnrrlc lo Que Me Somo won SL Fellcicn on north sham the SL Lawrence mm Roberan nor lhcm Qucbcc Mntnne mm lcnlmuln CnMeJuMndclclnu locmlon thrlne mud holl fllvicrcs about no miles east of Montreal DRILLIA sum Drr Rynard personal physician to Prime Minister Dleienbaker was unanimously seiecied Progressive Conservative can didale or Simme Easi at ngrrrinating convention here last Arthur Needle made the Inominallon and Marchild on seconded the mollonln an almosr packed huuse of more than 300 people Dr Rynnrd asked or aHout Nippon and sald Ta hrlng this country he greatest nmount or soot II 15 necessary to return Progressive Conservative gov ernment He said here are no eaiy wins The easy wins are dead ducks you believe all you have mad In the paper ynu wnuld believe lhe community was in bad shape BRAVE ACT One the bravest act was when the Progressive Conserw mlve government devalunled the Canadlan dollar during an Elecllnn When Mr Dielenbaker did take that brave acllon In the ace an electinn they refer ring In th Liberals wan The visiLs um primarily spon tond by the Canadian Cvuncil of Christians and Jews pmtrdlnn plm III IMII Ihnl bulk Ihnm Imd loam nu Ills Inumi ml lhnl lanm an 2d nuglnxgmrmnnm 1l campalgn will slur shortly or the 1961 shudan exchange visits by the Barrie Jnyucs Erlc Penman smdcnl visit mmmillce chalrmnn said last nlghl Ihnt within manor of wcck or lwo we wlll be con lncllng all hlgh schml students In the vlclnlly Mlnlmum requirements or an xclmngu vlsil are buslrally rude 10 um 11 least nne lo lwu your secondary school Frcnch Appllmllans will be dlslributcd nnd rent In re CCCJ ln Toronlo whlch will lnler mud learn lo Inlcrvlew the applicants Credit Union Shows Increase Thu nnnunl mmlnu Mnryl IIIXNI lell Unlnn WM Ilrld III In IMth HnlL Dclnlled mmln mm mlllrel mrnlrd lhnl lho shuns hnlnnre umllvldul mrnlnu and number of mrmhm hml In flowd um um yrnr Thll Ihownl lhnl llle rulil Unlon MII nm by rnpnhlo llnmh nc mrdlmz In Hm Incmherl WWI and he lell Unkm Ml luur er can dlvldrml on Mumn nm 15 per cent nlmlu nn humu pnymcnlu wm do dared lfilrcllunl umhclxl 11wlxmnl of dimlme ll now mmmml Comm prulllcnl Han vlrrpmldvnl No men Hrlhnne uvlm Cnllpr Quill Comm In Cunhlnx 11m Mlpmlwry mmmlum II nlrmnu Kmmnv ml condom 0n the unlit our HUM an Wlhnn llcy li nml MMer Thu um sneaker wan Mr Alunmlrr Hrll Mlpvfllwf nr lh Unlulu lMil Union Inn lrmlmmugh Ihlll mm in Cum Unlan II Me Inlnnl In tho mrmMu th lhe lmlil UMan hm Wm flu Hnlvlllminn Fuml whldl luunnlml mmplvlu prnlmlnn hrlr ulna In Du evtnl Ilml ho unhm Ilwuhl him In claw Choose Rvnard PC Candidate In East SimCoe SHOWN AT LAST nights PC nominating convention in Oriilia are ram lcii Dr Rynnrd candidate or SimA avcees Discuss Student Exchange arnund he supermankm In Toronto trying Io frighten the housewife They preached doom and gloom If you llslencd to all the 1ar gon 1n the papers you wouid wonder if we wen livlng in Canada wouldnt ynu he ask Dr flynard said 1956 we were buying $900 million in this country In 1951 or the first lime in 10 ycnrs we sold more than we baughk and that is what lhe Frogrefisive Conservnuve government has done for you people in Canada He said We hear slorles about Mr Pearson having blueprint for Induslry We dnnl have Io wait to Mr Pearspp lo come and bluepnnt his induslry We werent allowed la bring down that budget because lhu nudge would have revealed whnk his gnvemmenl was pre pared to Referring to Ihe Prime Mini me he said You remember when they asked the Common Market wouidnl work And on recent rosignnlinns in parliament Defence Is very emotional lhlng but it 11 good lhing to get the slate clear Mr Penman said last years visfls wcro very successful and Every film will be made Io give them as much good ll this ycar Amongsomo Ms summnr fincludc trip Champlain Monument in 0H lia Wasnga Hench and Schoon cnown ready isll to he Mldlnnd Shrine and un othcr Imk lo Sprlngwnlcr Park In MldhursL rd sald Mr Penman In spko 01 IMS nppllcnllon mm lmvn been revlscd lu Include question nsklng whal Iypc of parsnnnlity Ihe Ontnrlo sludcm would prom and the From udcnls will be 05de for H1 sumo lnformnllon According to last years chnirman Hill Caim evcrybody 519pr bgrlairlry well mulch Ono or the many nspecl of Slmmu County hlfiorlcnl background will he cmplnycd lo ullcsl Exllnl lhll hummer Mr Icnmun said that lhu lrzmfl bludcnls Him In hair can rlxhl um and with rich lolklnm him sludlnd about lhll me East Minister or Health and Welfare Waldo Manleilh nnd Haber Smllh PC candi date or Simcoe Norm 1101 Wu Ampllmn Id Mnl Al Nur firm mu Wlwn the walk1 Inln he hm Mun am mumln WHAT SURPRISE He sald Mr Dielenbaker ls Iheanly man who ennxlvu Canadaslabe upvpm Ha We all regret Mr Flemings réslgnatlon and the others is running ahead by eight per cent and Is tho only mnn that can get clear majority We an golng to wln Ihls uums RYNAHD recently nnmln Med cnndldatc for Slmcoo North said Dr Rynnrd is am the hnrdest wnrklng mem bers parllnmcnt any gavcm men has ever had can tell you you dont know how lucky you are Relaxring to former Progres sive Consnrvnllve Prime Minis crs Macdanald Borden and Bennett Mr Smith said If it werent or Ihe policins of nose lhree men there wouldnt be Canada loday nnd more wouldnt he prosperous Sim cou County Mr Smith polnlcd to fire wln er works programs and mun Inipal ald from the federal gov ernman Twentyseven hundred mu nlclpalitics huvehen¢liltod by winter works If had lime could lake ynu throughout the riding and show you several ex nmplcu He said Direct payment Irom lhn ledcral government In crenscd from $10 million In 1955 la $50 million in 1951 As you go around these day people say this should be done and that should be done Waldo Monlcim Minister at Health and Welfare since 1957 and guest speaker mngmlu Med Dr Hynard He sald Dr Rynard is sponsiblu for some $20 mlllinn being spent an the Trent Canal In Um next ew years He sol up commile on drugs Ila work was cut all am convinced they did no topple flu governmcnt hccnuso of It Inncllvfly but because Hwy were afraid Io see what the government measures mlghl ccnlaln 0F DESTRUCTION lrumpcdrup nuclear Issue was used but it was merely ab slrucllon shameful obslmctlonl 11on nm draining the life blood pnrllnmcnl The opposillun lrlod have us cake and cut it too with the result lhal there are only ciw crumbs let for the par Dont let nnynne convlnco We am on he ms or the and the Me is movlng our 1h snld all Canadians are paying less than they would have under lhv previous gov crnmcnl Ile rclcrrcd lo lhe government aid hospilals and he blind Them In nol been any mmimcnl made by Canada that has not been lived up to ho said One set Incl exist MI in 1959 To mo It In only common sense that Canndn min In NATO should be rcvlcw cd and developed In Ollnwn ncxt lull Noxollnllans hnve been going on and there some hope lhnl some pmnrcss run he made lo wnrd disarmament helievn In In In lhe most lmporlnnl clccuon can ever remember ho nnld To provide llnlsnn behwrn sludy nnd vlsil the ntlunl slln muld pmvo very imcmh Ing he mid hm In their Canndlnn Msmry bunks uu nth II was mnnlnlwxl In liwl mm um um lalvl by In sum kn Humlntr mm What good or an area ls gond for real eslnte and vice versa Snndcrsnn or Part Credit newlyelected presldent the Ontnrlo Assoclallon Real Esme Boards said here yisferdfyu Mr Sanderson spoke to about 40 real estaic brokers and sales men at luncheon meeting oi ihe Barrie nnd District Rea Es tate Board in Community House Barrie was his first stop on tour at 40 real estate boards throughout Ontario MUST BE VERSATILE The right of ownership and to own property is one of our greatest lnhcrilanccs lhlnk human rlghls are secondary be causo they do not exist wlihoul the right In privalu enterprise What Is Good For An Area Said Good For Real Estate Mr Safldcrson said The real estate mnn must be versatile grcnlar humus builder n1 The spcnkcr snld Thu gav nrnment Is nnw In the renl es Inle development business has been provcn that private cnerprlse can do any the lhlngs the government can do nnquq thgm morp clllclpnglx Nullannl Housing Adminis lrnlIon orlginally was conceived to provide low cast housing and have no quarrel wigh hat sald In he east end of Toronto about ZS or 30 per an of the horns bought are bought by speculalan no gavernmcn takes av er what happens lo the people who mange this financing and make their llvlng by he asked cope come In us as real eslme dealtrs or he know ledge and skills we um suppos ed to have Vulll ihinirlhnl nnylhlnx wt 10 urcslall lhv novcmmumn mum lnln Hui business Is slap toward prcvcnllnz suclnl lsm PREVENT SOCIALISM MontrealLeonard Town arm 52 former Assistant unn crul murmur he Bank Mnnlrcnl struck by car lnril our Lnlond 68 rrrsldunl he llnnquo do Unlan Parishlane shot as he lcfl his home Sunrhury Dnnlcl antrncn Lorne llcnneuy 76 Onlnrhl provlnclnl erInrc ndmlnlilrn lor or 15 mm hm Vnmuvrr Emml Jame llnnl one 01 um launder llw Iloynl Cnnmllnn AuInn wha mumml Mn urlulnnl numo nnd hold Halon card No RALPH SNELGROVE hopes hes pnlnllng his in vIclory as he chm By THE CANADIAN PRESS In Imim In Murry mum LI lla quvn Imlvl lIndhnrhld null land 1111 dunn nnd llullhl yllltle lu muldlll My mmhnnlu ulna la Iuhuflbo on Illnll Ibmlu Imlrn and all In wsmummumnwul FIIHH lelvku DMM ed by Ian lllllllll Hnnl whu lupan 1hr rmmlxn man I11 Hm hnw lm ml livmmurp DEATHS Shopping Service FOUND WI luulld Ellyn MI In lel vmm hm IMII Iluhu m1 mm In mm Imp lo ulny Ihnmm mun Inlo thlldllll mu WANTED way with Ton many of us are specta tors am ulrnld And we are to prilical 9I sneculnlprs Im afrnld lhnt we don re ccive credit In the minds the public or the work we have done In development Mr Sanderson sald Toronto Iownship Is an exampln of me tremendous public relations Jab that has been done or tho peo plejy calfslalq men People have been said the advantages living In me su hurhnn mm and we were d1 recfly responsible or bringing them in neal cslntn gel no credit or all this and yet we were dlrect lyrespgrsib1e iie said compnlillon had never bun kecnur ior industry than it Is today We have done in or these municipniiiles Iownships and areas We can do more and it is up In us in do it Never In the hlslory the real estate hnvewe had such an educated huslness public to deal with KNOW BUSINESS We read Articles In tho per lodicals magazines and news papery when you Inks mm out In show hlm piece land loday you want to know what you are mkan about ORILLIA SlumDr nynnrd unanimously nomina 1od Progresslvc Consnrvntive candidmc or Slmrou East hero Inst nlghk prncUsM medicine In Orllllu hr 35 yam He nucndcd Uxbridxo High School and gradunml from pug Unlvcrsfly In Kngslon Dr llynnrd Inld Inn nlnhl thn wcnl lo OHnwn one ha lhlng lhn alarmed me wnl lhn were buying 5900 ml lion mum Hum wo um ulllnz In 1901 or ha Int lmo In dcrndc wn wcm Iclllnx mom Hum wu boqu Mlchell Sharpo at pm confluence Mr Snelgrove the ham candidale or Sim coc Noflh in tha April led llm Hum might We um pnyinx lnlerm lo Iny on money the bowl bor rowed In New York mm 1050 wed Paying Interest 0n Liberal Loan Claims Rynard Wlllloul whom nu hnlnnm llynnnl Inl ml wom 51M do is hnl nur huducl TM ynnr Wt 100 mllllon and In 10m 511 balance ll WENDY IIICKI narililini InkL ll mm land away our feel that we are In the finest business In the world and there ls mat opportunity or all at us Mr Sanderson snldt Mu Verna Wilson secretary or the Barrie and District Real Estate Board presented Mr Sanderson with gilt on behalf the banrd ml electlnn ML Sharpe oxmar deputy mlnislcr of trade and commerce Ex aminer Photo M035 T0 mm MUM T0 ENJOY If mule looking for more taste join the many canallens win have discovered theres more to tosto more to enjoy it Buckingham Kings Get tile roe taste of real cigarette ucltingham mm now we mun fllE BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY MARCH 1868 Mitchell Sharre formér 111 and deputy mnlsm Imde and commerce snld In press conference yestcniny the first lhlng Liberal government shnuld do reduce tuxms and co operate with the United Slalom Mr Shnrpe suld 1t In Cann dus Interest to rude with Com munlst munlrles tn food and manufactured goods other than those for wstrategteal purposes Cuundu should be prepared In go ahead he suld Mn Shnme sald the armer Liberal government Inaugurated credit and the present govern men has continued thesepoL cos The government should an courage and not oppoSe Ihe 01 arts nI Britain to cnlm lhu Common Market The iormer deputy minister of trade and mmmcrce said Liberal gavernmcnt wnuid nisn continue ciioris oi George lice who allowed ihe tradition at Howe It Is only lhal if Europe 15 united that this can by suc cessful Nalinnhl uin Ihc main Issue this clcczlon Its not nuclear arms Mr Sharpe said wnuld be great Iragcdy one of the splinter pnrlies go In In dam serous to have names hat re present regiunal grouglngs Thu spllnler parllcs gained foothold because the people hnd the feeling Vcve been ig Prédlcllng the government would be defeated 1n the com Need Clooperate With The US if ygulg looking for more taste join tho many canalIons who hm disoovorod heros more to tosto morn to onlay in Buckingham Kings Got lim ml mm of ran cigarette r1 Ing election ha said my not be by majority but It will be dclcnlodfl specuve statement he made in Barrlc Inst June about 1mm Minister Dlelenbnker Mr Shnpo said dont wax oz dead horse The recon spppks Jar R5211 er Sharpe was defeated in ghe rldng TprongoEguntqq Invlhe In accilon by Donnld Flumlng CLOUGHER Sinii Tomb oniio Tawnshl Council petition ed the Outar Department oi Highways for the statutory grant an expenditures made in 19610 township madsi Total expenditures for the year ware in lire Dalton McCrackcn and Keith Elder were reappointed wlr blc fly Inspnctor in lhetuwnahlp or 196i Need lnspcclnr for 1963 will again he Vllllnm Peacock Thornton Account passed or payment were 521237alor roads and $85 75 or wclme Councillor Stanley Bulley Ev nrcll mlsscd the meellng be cause he was lll than on nm day clerk George Jackson look slck However the flu outbreak ln lhn uwnshlp ls nu as wlde spread as ln nearby cammunlo lies Mr Jackson snld iTossoronfio Seeks Grant

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