By GRAY nm Guides and Brownlcsnl Anderson Pnrk hold Illc annual Mulhlr and Daughter banquck This year it mu held on tho birUulalc the tandem Scnuling andGuIdmx Lord and Mdy Rayon Powell Miss llnsrmnry Gray he only rmlfl nrcclod the gums and escorted them lo the head table Mm Nnrmn Archer as mistress nI ccmnnnir Scam nl Ihn hrurl lnhle wcrr Mrs Archer Guide Commissioner Mrs Hilton wife of lhe Commnudmz omror lhe may or of Anderson Inrk mud his He FL mid Mrs Flor cncc lhe Padre Pm and Mn Mthgl Mrs iilIrspit MrLMd iilIrspit chairman 11 he Iamils Com miilce nnd daughters Lyn and Donna Mn Liimlnmzm nsid cm ul the Womens Auxiliary ilii imr dimiziilrr Linda lrsi Dnurrile MM award lmd Mrs Demm and min Mix Humant Doucrlle flmunie pmwwd he hum in he Qurcn mm Min Guiln Dc wnu the 015 lo the mnlhcm 53mm ull lrlml upon flnr an I1mmlny noninl uhrn Ihr nmmnl musical mm Surlnu 1111M play Inn 11 lfh nliHcm Canada In mnu mum mvl Inmnnunn Ally limit will play mm mm gland nl llama Null The rpll call Somclhing we should know from the VI and Book was well ansuer td by members The resolutions commiucc convened by Mrs Kcuh Bunny chose qucslions mm Ihc WL Hand Hank lo carry out ha game whit had many in nurs among whom was Mrs Black Take hip and Mrs Schnndlon Spots Cart Nursery rhymes were sum by Na Icams led by Mrs McQuay The molla was man nlm canxml lend uml will no follow Invarianth ob slmcls Tnkc Chance popular TV program was enacted by 19 Thomlnn Womens lnsilulu nl their regular meeting held in the United Church Selma Room with Mr Bluck n5 hostess RCAF Guides And Brownies Honor Founder And Mothers Education wetk being ccl week To mark the occasion chmwd across Ihc cily lhis rm open house was held at POPULAR REVUE TO PLAY HERE Take Chance Conducted By WI SERVICE WITH SMILE The various Imkl prurmlrd In cnlmnln uilh man and nkiu mul cvcrynne JuInKd In special Thinking Day Long Mrs Doumfle responded lo the tons lo the mmhcrs Commlssionor Mm Ardlcr mu low words thanking ha radars or their llmc and elb arm and he various cum mmvcs ho have rendered hcln She aim mm the plrls lo carry on their gnnd vmrk and lo lr to live as lhoir founder would wunl lhcm lo Thrw Guides were prcxcnlcd annrds by Mrs Archer Thou were her granddaumlcr MLss Nnrma Archer who was nwardcd her All Round Cmd and Ftrsl Class nudge Miss GniIn Dcrcnu rmiwd he same nwardsund Miss Nancy Hollm valved her Link Home Emblem nnd Fi Class Man iiL McLeod was lilo weaker and he capiumi his audience wilh cry Inspiring nik iindl liliio Iimunic could civnriy un immqu his meanings while the ohirr iconic no ranyod cnch word Mrs Alili ur umnl iirown 0M law DIE oi thanks in lho mer Mm Ralph Schnndlm first viccApmidunl assislcd by Mrs Carr assismnt secretary conducted the business hand some of which was donation Ihe Mcnlnl chllh AssncinA Ion marli9 Much Trainor wedding March 11 Jack Hnnd Lunch Booth bylaw passed Chncr Comminces thankyous and Irmsurers report by Mrs Olaskuy Thu cuchrc panics will con linuu until he and of March when draw will be made tom nll llIL winlers tally cards fnHruiMo unit mummy muml hm mrmlm ma rim nunnmmm mun Wanner ulm nu grnup Mm Ilrlly llnlmhun AXI In MINI mm Illm ANION Inu Anna nnmu um Mo Iy Mllel W1 ma au hnu mmlo up nur mm In mlurc uhnl mum of ntllml II mml PHNIIHT wll lmlnlllld mu hlnh In nmlrln and llmllnl In Influrm LW Mul mo calnllry Is mlr lml ML lmlrln wnh rarh Imnl wlll Imp yuu mm lrellnl humy Hy heplnl cmml ul lha rm ml you have In uml mm mu lhe ml lulnk lbal In dum urlzhl luu la pound uch Hi lurrnlly mm In buy mw ylrrn um lmxml Imkul duumlshl mannIyul Hm mm 2m 11ml xlhl Imulu up my mlan In follow Irlrnllllc mlurlng Iqu and cluun to Annual wrlchl and aluy Him Am and wrlgh Ira mumln hmr lnur Immr mu er my hm punmlu poll my pruzvyu hde lhrnlluylllm hip nut bu 1h needed NL l1ll1 ymmu wmmm nnw Immnlm llml II up In hrr Am lhnl nu um um mlurr for hrr hllr mum and dtlrrmlnrd In ral Ia Imll llm mum KEEP IN THE TRIM Once you mnka up your mind to mime nnd lhll declshm ls xclnfnrccd luy he dltp lmur tonvernn lhnl ynu mm luc wd you an wtll an your wny htnlthy narmnl wtluhl Why umuso you hnre come to Mp wllh ynur pmblcm um All um lorcu of your pcrwnlny urn hmuxm lo bear on wtan Al lhmuxlh ncfm nachlnl MI conrlu nan you unully lhu course at lml mislnncu and try All he mmlmzly cmy wnyl to don wtlh poundnne Doc llm onmln lelltr him llmlllnr rlmu lrlul or our yen In mhuc lve MM pllll Ilquhl dim Ilurvnllun cllrln Iml ul wnr 5m hmk lu uvrrrntln nml rm up gnlnlnu all Iml nml II lrw mom poumh Imam In nlurrl tony ulmul my men uqlghl lhe mm Uni Mrs Saucy Innch the mem bers to her home or March gurgling Mrs West will marlin the Angus Unl rd Church Womcn was hold at lhgrhmnu of Mrs dengs Dcvohons were lakcn by Mrs Rosa Roll Call was answer ed by membcr and three visitors Mlnmc last meeting Wm read and Bdopltd Treas urers upon was given and various cnmmluecs ycporlcd was nnnouncnd that bake sale and afternoon lea wlll be hcld March 151mm pm In basement of church he in March was hostess he Unimd Twcnlyflve or were The presidenl mccling Mrs Mrs Jack warship service Angus UCW Plan March Meeting Delegates Report To Giliord Guam Mrs llillcrcsk Public School Ins cvenlng from 730 lo oclock when teachers received par ents lnlhe classrooms Above cmlre is Nancy Woods grade seven student serves cookles to visiting parents Mn and Mrs Ross Rolls Ex nmlncr Phnlol Follow Your Decision To Diet With Scientiï¬c Reducing Plan By JEAN KMN Hostess Unimd Emma 01 devotion or Giliord UCW ilcss or mad Church ï¬ve members re present pgesidegl op was lakcn by and dedicatedby an opened the Paul Russell and conduclcd the flag the Prcs ingwood were Irs Weaver Miss Code and Sawyer mccllng Mrs Elwood Jumle rend nn nnlclc called Ladle please como to order The made plum to hold rumman sale on April 26 in Trinlly Ana can llnll Rnrrla The March held at lhe chme Dmll ll most helpful lo nllnmla more than hnl Ihu calorch lo he MUN par lho day200 In 20 or brcnkruxl 300 or lunch loo culorlu or lull nrlcrnmm plclbup and 00 lo 450 mlnrlu or dlnncr are your menu at rrguhlr mm only don Ihlu plan aha purpose In 0m dny hul vexulnrily In mcnl llme lrnlna your nnprllk And Icnrn lo cal mom xlowly and you wlIL flrl unexprcud rnjoymrnl lrnm your mull nu xlvu ynumll ll thumb lo wally Hull and Imm and lur lu doliclaul In In Dont overlmk the VII lllllu Mnrrllu You Win In wlml up your mhklnn mm tllmeI Hinpcly mum mm nmsrlu relnlfl at our rlw II lmlhmmnhh to drum IIIIIIIL Careful planning or the spend ing the Income was suggest ed by the speaker Housewives were advised to use carefully prepared shopping list inslcnd i1 resonlng to impulse buy mel allhe home Mrs Vll liam Parr with 11 prescnl lllss Grace Dunnill read the Bible sludyl Llluny and prayer were rend by me president Mrs Wilmer Vllsun The secrc tary Mrs Elwood Jenncn read the mlnulcs last meeting and H19 correspondcnce whlcll ln eluded lcller written by Rev Howard Mlss Dunnill gave the treasurer report Dorcas sec rotary Mrs Ken Smith Asked all mcmlma brin am or halo and urn ln before and cl month ns bale 1m to bu sent by April Mrs Henry Davis cad aboul the lite of Bishop Fleming apex at he Eskimos Mr Egan Dav told about man eye doctors lmugle lhe north county and with the Esklmos The February mccllnz of he United Church Women at Collie St Unllcd Church was held In tho Fellowshlp Hull with tho pmldonl Mrs Bruce Johnslon prcsldlng Mrs Mklnsnnlcd the devoUonal senks Ken Conk reported on Youth Cunlcrence held at Five mks near Paris Ontario He expressed his appreciation lo Collier Slrenl church for spon wrlng him as delcgnle Miss Holly Armstrong wnm ens consultant at the anonlu Dominion Dank Toronto was lntmdnbbd by Mrs Ed munds Mlss Armstmng spoke on Personnl Money Manage mom ln huylng clothing women should watch the label In pur chasing household appliances Thornton Womens Instltme hold another weekly euchre with 55 player panlclpal lng 1n spilt of Ihe falling snaw and blushry wenlher which prcvnilcd that anonnoon and evening Mrs Elwaud Bone Mrs Vea Cochran and Mrs Leonard Vunderpflsh llllliard Jamleson John Shcnrdown and Jen ncu Next week the names of the high Indy and high man for the February series wll ho un he rcbrunry nounccd WI Euchre Party Held At Thornton Mrs Parr Hosts Christ Church WA Personal Spending Topic Of Speaker Those lhml mlu MI chum In an ll nllllnll oIL nmo hun um ulnllllll In nol hpl In Ilan TM In pm only lypullullly II BATES PRINTS 82 DUNLOP 51 Mr Influm ludlnl ml mil Imnln Cunndlnn uu um he on Mluh In In mum ml ml all he no Iml nu Christ Church ens Auxiliary me the home Mr Parr with 11 prose Grace Dunnill rea BATES se winnlnx Elwaud Bone 0H PAINTINGS ORIGINAL OIL PAINIINGS BY LEADING ARTISTS mucï¬ng will he home Mrs prim Mrs Will Bu For Sula zcs were Mrs Vea Leonard Jamlesan Jen xrch IVY member Last month alal Ill 179 women mud unnmciany 1m lho Slmhl mlarm program llmlr voles wcru dcsrrimd nu symbolic mu 0ch nu ln cludod In lho mulln vnlc mm 0000000 or the proposal And only HIS onnlnsl TEHRAN intmars Irnn Inn women haw wnn he nuhl lo wlc undnr government dc crcc which also gives lmm lhn right In run as candidnlc fnr panIamrm In the next erlclfll election expected or three months governmcnl dccrrc Snlur dny uivln he cloclurnl rights will have to be rulificd hy par llnmcnl ll was nmmunccd Shnh Rem Pahlevl will Vul ncsdny that lrnnlun womm would he ghcn the vale reward or wuxklnu ahuuldrhlu Ihnuldcr wilh mon in wclnl nlfulrl Mrs Clark lhankcd Miss Armstrong or her talk and pre sented her with gift on he half of the UCW Com was served by the Gertrude Brooks Unit The elm lrlc coma um recently pm senled he organllalion by the Phllathuas proving tu ha great convcnlcnca for the so clal mnvcnerx they should ask If they really need It and lhcywill really use it before huylnz ll Iranian Women Age Given Right To Vote Or Run Purple violels handsewn lo chmon make up varlnblb brlmmod slclson right MISS HOLLY ARMSTRONG Bunk Consullnt Olmncrl In Irnn 521d lhe McKINNON FURS Ltd ll Dull If LADIES Palm Storo PA 83270 HATS WITH DICKIES TO MATCH You Muyl no murr FINE FURS For was announced lhai an in viiallon had been received by in group to niiend the Midland graduation exercise this spring Mme lhe decision In How wmlrn lo vulc the blunt blow by Hm government at rt ducinx lhc rumor or the Mns cm mullahs prints who opposed lam rvlarm and Icipullon by women In no In nHulra The reguiar meeting the Registered Nurslng Assistants Alumnae was held at the Lald lnw Residence at Royal Vlmr ln lluspltul Fresldenl Mrs Fun Beer chaired the session Due tn the reslgnaflan of Mrs 11 VnnKaolen Mrs Rene Pink wns elected to act as sun rmryrensurer temporallb In relalion the forthcoming study gran and posk gradunla course or RNAs article wrille hyDr Brown Super nlcndunt Medical 01 he IODE Memarinl Hospilal and Essex Counly Sannlorium Wind sor were read to mcmhem Plans were discussed or members to mend perfor mnuce OKeelc centre Tor onla MODEL NATIVE CLMHES MONTREAL CF Iur and feathers ushlnu shnw sponsored by the McGill Uni vcrxiiy Museum auxiliary len iured early Indian and Eskimo costumes in Montreals Rcdpuih Museum Modcis wore oulllis irnm buslc deerskin dresses and duncing jacket to Eskimo rain wenrmndc seal intestines Prenatal classes sponsored by Simme County Health unit In gan early in Februaryl Classes are now In progress In various parts of ho munly and will commence ln Allislon and Col lllrgunod lnlcr In llle monlh In Barrio classes are con ducuvd by public hnnllll nurse Mu Nam Chulancr nnd Me held at Court House In Illa Mrs Marla McKay made mollon lo Ihe ellecl that all quesllonnnlm should be xcnl nul lo nll RNA groups In lhls dislrlct lo create more Inlerest ln alumnne ncllvlllcs Simeon mm mm Urul al Classes For Expectant Mothers Conducted County Health Unit RN15 Alumnae Hold Meeting comes with matching dlckoy and mu he wnrn profile dora ur colche Hylcs Dime siled don arc sprinkled on You Still Cant Beat Natural GAS BAH EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH In met iols oi older mm and not oi the highest typei Im sorry lo any did some thlnzl Im very much ashamed When was working wait ress Iiell or trucker who was separated from his wile lived with him or twoyears Then met Dave He was the first decent man ever went with Dave asked me to marry him even though he knew all about my rotten past Weve been married 11 years have iour children and Im thelhnp plest and most sraieiui woman alive came within an inch of being rum bucket and lrnmp Dent Ann came from family of nine children My father was adnmk and mom had terrible lime leading us kids When was 15 quit school and left home Lucky Lee ll mnkc her feel more case and climlnalc car and worry For some young moth vrslubu ll lhclr ï¬rst lrlp mu hospital and to know he ndmlnlslrnllvu pmccdure helps grant dcnl Iald Min Jcnn null Gillespie Nunlng Direc tor Um llcnllh Unit Last night Dave brought an ouLaHawn customer home to dinner almost died when saw Ihe guest Hes the man lived with know he recoi nizcd me at once but he lave na hlnl Shall V1 loll Dave or should contact my uld lame and beg flim lnkcep his mouth shut llcns 11m one whom class week or club thkl One of Ihceinhl classes In cIudcs visit la the 11an Vlc lorin Hospflal where he expec lam menur given the appor lunlly la bcrome Icquninled with hospilfll procedure lrerrxlslrnllon he or the ml of the uni III limp tics planning at clnsm Phone PA 967 or lnlarmullon Ind nppllcallon arms ANN LANDERS Iew versinn sallor ha lem whlch nlsn nu dickey to match flats are by Irene Mammal CF Vimpholo Dont Fan The Flame With Your Tongue Deu Luclty Keep your mouth shut Unless the man Is miserable hue hell do the lam TOMBOY Dear Ann Id like to nnswer Daddykhu thelnlher who wanted to know what to do about teenage daughter who wore his ariackels shins socks everything xha could pg hands Ann You Iuld him he wasnt doomed or lireins until his daughter go married Well can ell him that marriage In end lhe prnblem hr Mm hut Hs gust beaming or hla ionluv My lmpeccably dressed son marrled girl who larger umn he la She was tomboy who loved Io wear her fathers clothes ller lalher was large man and his clothe it her line From the day she married my run she he been wearing his clothes and has wrecked almost artery arllcle In his wardrobe His swealcrs are srcc ed an shape he Alccve in hl Jacket an popping at the seams She nuns hersell Into his jeans and slacks even though they In her like uusau cagingg hr who misty VreQeélln realize lhl habit was Iransler able air you liglcning papa SEPARATE DISHES On Ihe way home my hm band nld he ddn lhink he wnuld car In cal hm again led the name my Whal Is your oplnlon7Yonken Dur Ann Linden band and had dlnner home friends last Dur Ana unden My hus band and had dlaner at the home friends last evenlng when lha hostess cleared the Iabla ahe Kalhcred all the meal maps on her own plate and placed on the floor thought was hearing thlngs when she shouted Here Prince cam and gel ll Much to my astonishment ha mull came prancing Into the dialng room and ale lhe lot over right off the wedxw lemmas nollced the ex lain arms that dogl moulh ls cleaner than humanl 5hr lurlher stnlcd that he wnle and soap kill every klnd 01 em and that aller flue dish name out the dish water mallet even In baby Yanhn Irolfl an cslhclic point view it would be boner In krep dogs dishes separate You lrlendl xlnlcmcnl how cvcr were correct So ahnd be dolng he do or by no subjecting him human germs over right off the wt flwhoslem nomad presxlon aslonishmnnl lace and old In in min arms that dogl ls cleaner than human lurlher 51nch lha he and soap kill every germ ant 0y allflj In St Vincent km HOWEY ELECTRIC Thgnl yog shmcnl he Into the lhe lot Wed for didnt