Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Mar 1963, p. 4

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um In Mun mu Nmnm lihu Ammum mm rm nu Auan II Idmmuon El It lfifllilvll MINI II uhlltllllm Cl III II II lwl in TM 1mm mun nu 0w hen mu yum lhonln AnlnovlvM mm rim mu Toll cm In mum on IM In turn runn la mu awn m1 Human and mum mun vuu runlhm Mint ILAIHHT nu mum ll mullmm mm rum mung InInn mm nun mun mum 1mm mwu In mm mm filly um mm mm MN In on no IM hm mm not do um mlnu yuv III IM Ion Ill ll An Tnmm Iu mum dmm llnoh Vlleew lh luslllulu study that nnmllnnn have rmlly cxnmzornlml Idea both nnm cnnlrnmlinn to he Unllml aninns and lho UN budget so It surprised must for ilwlnncr In knnw HIM nnly nbnnl 2000 fnnmllnm are serving on he UN term 1110 WANT PEACE BUT DONT PAY Owen Snund SunTimex The Cnnmlhm Itcscnrch lnstilule mnk very flnu point In In recent release when It polnts nut Ihal nnr out of Ilvo rcrsnns qucsllonul think stronger Un lctl Nalluns army would prolm roc dom but only one In Ihrcc would want nnmla lo Increase lls 51mm of Hm mlnx share In nnw nbnnl onn ourficrcncgbudget Barrie Examiner March 1018 Garrett warned Town Council he would take legal proceedings to quash proposed bylaw re new collegiate site Capt Dr Percy Sarjeant of British Army lie dieai Corps took first ambulance Into Jer usalem with General Allenbys victor his forces in Palestine Grand Trunk railway station in Barrie had automatic parcel lockers installed Memorial service in St Andrews Church for thoso from congregation who have paid su remo saerlneo Arden lllllne ll aldlaw John bongman Don Jeffrey John Warner eers llliller John ston Morgan Lawrence Extracts of letters lrom Cpl Alpine Cause Cookstown showed he had not lost sense of humor even after long time in trenches of France Barrie Colts heat Toronto Aura Leo club 05 in pro vincial junior hocke semifinal At the Grand Opera louse Douglas Fair banks ln movie lieachlni For The Moon Li lllpwel admitted to Base Hospital in France with in uries Pte Charles King son of Palm Chlel King arrived in llalllax from overseas wen pAys 45 YEARS AGO Mr Pearsons descri tlon of Southern Ontario as one large aclory was prob ably voiced as form of overemphasis to make point and for this Mr Pearson can be excused The fact is Southern Ontario has number of pockets of in tense industrial development but it also embraces many communities which are no better off than the eastern seaboard towns and cities of which he speaks This newspaper however is interested In this proposal and that of any other In the course of an election speech at Sydney Nova Scotia last week Liberal Leader Lester Pearson described his longrange lans to assist havenot areas of Canada aka Southern Ontario as one large actory and said there was need to deeentralize industry deve lopment where possible This could be done he held only with federal intervention and such measures as tax incentives and area development grants The Canadian Press the cooperative news agency serving up roximateiy 100 daily newswera and arge number of radio and stations leans backwards in Erowding sturer objective reports 01 natonal is rs Some news apermen feel that CP is much too color ass in re porting and often ignores flare in favor of full reporting Mr Ham go challenged The facts are entirely at var iance with his general contention At no time in Canadas history in fact has here been such complete and unbiased coggrage of the political cane Some lllble people in Canada my believe ederal Agriculture Minister Vin Hamilton when he says cynical newspapermen are brainwashing the country The inference is that certain sections of the Press are coloring and distorting the political news and giving 31s pigture of theistate oi the nation Decentralization Of Industry Wons mm TOMMY Refuse To Plead Guilty To BrainWashing Charge The Barrie Examiner Earth Examitwr Walls Publisher OTHER EDITORS VIEWSV DOWN MEMORY LANE Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street name ommo blisher Brian sIaIght General Manager TUESDAY MARCH 1m 4m nurnu The new of MI lppolnlmwnl must have been hlllor loss medlclnu for the Toronto Ilrlllu In In hem Irfllnu capluro he leadmhlp III my party THE MAN FOR TRADE Vlnnlpog Tribune Ammlnhnunl of Senator Valllce Mr Culrhoon mlnlnlcr of Irma and cum mcrco was an rxccllonl mnvc Ha In tho klml of man newler In Important post No romplolcly at Immu In lluldn whlrh he will give dlrocllon nml hlx nutwanlrlnokmi lrmleox anxlnnlsl vlown mould help cop Cumn on lho rlghl road In month ahead lease also states that most were amazed to learn that the current United Nations hudgct nhont stilt millions is im thnn New ank city aponti on police ml the protection The hope continued world peace hangs Vcry largely on tiny United Nations despite the tact most nro inclined to ivn little thought in achievements Var has hccn talkoti around at its council tabics Anti though from time to timo the task at establishing iaating can ap punrn iiiifliossihiu it is this one rope that such vil haipon Unioriuna ciy whiic tho great major ity thonuh wanting pence Ire unwiliin to pay for M1 acctnnplishmwt the taa li most tiiiiicuit out it In quitn within Iiit nnlm nl possibility Ihlt we could have pcntc it we were but willing to iincrltlto at lraat norm at the many inxurics my take tor urnntcdi mm sonlcr polnlcd express messenger be tween Alfindalolomnto 0m Town smr was loading In groducllon of cattle am hogs lo supplfi rltaln with man needs you ave had trouble wilh your corsets visit George Vlckurs Ills corsctlcrcs are experts for cnsurlng comfort and correct model glow mung front lacing 500 to 37 ummqm rrlor to departure for new home In Col lngwood Garretts muslc store of fered best In frhonog Chlldrcn Cry for Flute Icrs Grow lng Boys Need Frys Cocoa Daylight saving llme soon to bo 1111 In effect all Ihrou Canada Sons of England at Allan nlo concluded Iholr Carpet Bowl Inglournnm Albert Jay returned where he was wounded and shell shock ed Lt Ernest Laldlaw awarded the Military Cross His brother Har was among first Barrio soldiers to be kl led Mrs Eliza Mason of the touring Peg My Heart sta show from New York fell on steps of eVWelllngton Ho tel and suffered broken ankle Walker had legsbadly bruised in accid ent at Orillia Farewell party in For tersllall for Mr and lilrs Guilfoyle The factthat men like Mr Pearson are recognizing the need for positive action is healthy sign of the times Wishful thinking does not bring industry nor does it stem the tide towards Centraliz ation at both business and industry in metropolitan areas Decentralization can and Will come through combined munici pal provincial and federal efforts Tax Incentives and area development grants as proposed by Mr Pearson may be on of the answers to complex problem roliticai leader who recognizes the grow ng need for some form of decentraliza tion of indust One does not have to go beyond Sout em Ontario to recognize the problem Communities like Banie Alliston Stayner and Collingwood need more industry They are making their own efforts with some success to en tice capital or plant construction but they cannot hope to reach their full pot ential without specific action by both the federalang provinciei gonernments The average Canadian newspaper worth iLs salt will not acce Mr Hamil tons charge There is no rainwashing in Canadian journalism today There is criticism of course and this is as it should be But this criticism is balanced by fair and accurate news report on which the people can base their own opinions pages This is riviiege in Democracy which men like it Hamilton should sup port to the hilt Without this right to dis agree wlih government or the Opposi tion newspapers would be mere tools without the right to reveal weaknesses and shortcomings in the government Basically Canadians are gettlng much better reporting of Ottawa happenings man they ever got before Comment L9 another matter entirely ofcourse Every news aper reserves the right to comment or tlclze as it see it on its editorial CHURCHILL Mn CF 111m mllu out in harbor hm Ilvnndlnx pallrnlly nu lbouxh rrndy lo uhlp nul lnr wnnntr cllnm In no flmk vrml llhukn Zlnmped 1n the kn or Inn lnnl lhm wlnlcru no 170010 nhlp hard around an land and rock 1M And lard Ihlll doll In from cry evll work and VIII pruena ma unlo hll huvtnly IlnldnmPll Tlmolhy Then cnn be no Kunnmlm ngllml trouble but lhcm IM murnnce Godl llnnl vlrmry Du nlbumln can he danger nIgn In child us well as In an ndull For example In kldnzy dlscase or cangcnilal defects at ha organ which however would be delcclcd by way or tysloscoplc examinallon nIhuA mln wIIl usually be prescnl It more kldncy InIcclIun Ihem wlll usually be prlm IIIsIury nl ll such ham Ionsllills disordnr wuslng bleeding In lho urinary lrucl will also Greek Vessel Locked In Ice There am what called orthmtnllc albumi nuria Briefly this means that albumin in not present on wak In the morning but appears alter lhe individual has been up and about or um um For purple In normal health albumin can appear without he lng danger slxnnL Many alh law have ll allcr slrcnuous games only for It to dlsappcar readily BIBLE THOUGHT Probably not Albumin is not too unusual in children espe cially durlng adolescence Deu Dr Mnlncr My lsycar old son who seems to be in good condition has had albu mln In his urine for more than yent 11 this anything to be alarmed about He hns been checked by two physicians Mn fly JOSEPH MOLNER MD TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Eh my b0 drywlncked or wlnler Hubert oh be but that wont 40p our dock pun will Presence 0i Albumin Not To Be Ignored HUBERT an nll phynlclnnl me In cnmplllu ummcnl In helmr Ihhl method In lullbl or cvrryone no muul ma you your dudorl opinlon More mnklnl up your mlml They Ihould b0 lakm only under phylldnnl Iupmlllon lh rloulxa hnn In he cnlcu lnlcd prmrlptlon 11¢ch wry Such pllll nm béei 18m lung nppcqr lnbo Dear Dr Molnm Whnl llxml llw mulled birth caanI pills Do lhcy mlly work Am lhcy Mlle In phyllclnnn prescrip Unn oqulrchMn Tho crm nomad ulmr ls ullcn loosely med or llhtr nmlrlc or dundcnnl ulcer but hero nro dillcrcnccs Symp lums lhnl pa promptly nllcr onllnu usually August nnslrlc ulcer lymnloms um come an hour or we lnlcr In usually rclnlcd lo duodenul ulcer le nurlc ulcer ll ollcn lhc mom mlous to heed your doclarl lnxlrucllam Pcpllc return In lhe dlxoslinn Therelnra peptic ulcer could he emur the stomach 1a nuslrlc ulcer or or In arm Immediately heyand ho Ilom nch the duodenum Ind henca njluodcnnl ulcerJ It would be wlu tn have lho boy chcckcd mm lime to time say once year as precau llan but nxpccl lhnl the Id olcsccnl nlhumln will disappear cvcnlualIy nur Dr Mnlner Is pcpllc IllNr the same as gastric ul cer The doclar says have the hitchJ Yet umm can be present wilhout meaninl any Illness Since the boy described has been uhncked by two phyllclnns who have not aunt any other Indicatinn of nnythlng wrong doubl that there cause In be upscl Thus you see the presence of albumin can be clue to number of widely dmerin problnms and It Isnt Idgn to be lxuumdu cause nlbumln and no un usual to ind albumin In the came high lever or soclnled with diarrhea Bath of thus conditions lend dehy drate the Individual and there nohsuflidcnt fluid to carry away the proper anmmt ofyll bumln illflull mi are hand In mammal mun Mam lrrvun lmm Ill InrIlom Mm mutt mm In unlar MudII Id lhll Ian and an In rounth hy an palmI shuni lhll lo mod ymmlnlnl hm or on nnlurnl depoIIl In 1h Unll Od VKllIldum Amlmt dar Ca rL lun Illlclnll on mm Idml lhl mm nllnmrlnl mull will Il uplnrlllom The rvmcrulnn lnrludrl ulna lhu oHIlmu IIIMI Ind II II Illu ly lhnl norm prolredlnl wlll In done In mum III In North sun II II lmlunnlu tlmnmlnm lhnl lha mnnulcn ml lm uholly lnxldn UM Mam1 Nnnhom mlon or whim lard 1le MI rmlly mu Ipoclnl nmmlblllly cqyrmy royrmmr Thu cnmpnny Xnnl to mm INIfl on walldrlllnx In lha All 17 Ill fur 11m Ilnl uplnu cry uconllnl Ill plum will ring on he mm mm 1mm ll mllu nnnh nl Nwml The IT fallt 00 mxlan nnltd In on mmplny Ilmchu nom 10 mllu Inland IIOM um 51 mllu conlllnc 1mm Alnwlck In Wall Hnflh goal Wllhln II In mm he nrdnl hll Induxlrm unlm EMIIM lncludlnl anmlle NI Wm Guluhml llrmw Dur ham Ind Sunderlnnd LONDON new hnpe tar return at prosperity to the dls Iresud northeast IocltAn at En lnnd now one at the muck nrcns nt the country with an show the nvmgc crcentnxc un employment upendl on the Inc cm at new project or pm ectlnx tar oil and nllurll la tint part at the country Th1l mlntxlry at power had let ll be known thnl ll hnl grnnltd to all Itmcrtmn company the pranpec llnl and dzvtlopmflll cnncmtnn tar In turn torulnl Iamu I500 uqunro mtltn In Northumhcrlnnd nnd Durham The Amerlcnn com um knuwn the Ambunndar Otl Corpontlon plan In Ipmd Inythtnl up to lhrce mllllon doll nrl In lurnllnn or tnmmtr clll lunplru at all and nntunl nl 11mm rxnlorntlonl nlnna wlll pravlde lame muchnttded cmptuymcnt tn the northmt INCLUDEA COME LINE REPORT FROM ILK By THE CANADIAN PRESS Much 65 ma Prince Edward II land Leglslalure opened Ill first session ta pawn ma Adel Hitler and bl Natl Party were voted Jone Stalin the most poweriul dictator oi modcrn ilmcsdicd lo your 50 todayin ismin Moscow Slalin who started an Communist in his naiivo province oi Georgia souih ern Russia beat bloody path Io power in the Soviet Union Ten thousand died in purges as Stalin consolidated hin powerM his deailn his preserved body was placed in honor next In that of Lenin in Leninn tomb in Moscows Red Square The corpse has since been removed and placed in an inconspicuous zravo mark oi dishonor Oil May Hold Key To Better Times fly MdNTYflE DOD TODAY IN HISTORY Th mIn prohkm lured hy pollen lad1 he uld It um momsy ll becomlnl loo my mlnl lmpmvemmlu In phiAlt ollm ulnllnl had hul tllm llinlni hp mm or cunnvinl man fiiinlomu comIon to mind In ml Cfilrmv lumlllnlu IWM mm mntultll Ila Id counterlrlung In hu Mn prnctlully rllml nahd by wmhinallnn mmll IN lhln metl Ilflp In Hg new Iii lho cunnlulrller would Illll Ah fa dupulo II walnrmmk hul inald mun In much urn won lhnl mumritqu would Ily unprqllthle mum on nnrr yummy pl Fr HumN Vnnmu vrr Imam Inmvliw lhnl lhu bun Ihuuld hear uulrrmuk Illnllur In hon ml nulluh round nolu whlch umw when up In IImn Ilum VANCOUVHR CPI An RCMP pm nyl rounmkll In could In ulmanl wl ed an Ad by the mu mm Th nm hm nowr nrcvlnuu 1y been pmnpedrd with madam melhod nml equlpmrnL nnd Ihrrc um mull harm In In dlxlrlrl um lhll vtnlun will pmvu IurmAIul Thu Ambnm or Oll Corporal lon rrccnlly mndc lame Import nnl oll find In Inland In In norlhml Enuhmd pmjcd ll wlll he wnrklnz lhrnuxh Brllllh nub Ildlnry vny 0lle1ltd 0m Mher nllrntllve nature lhnt he wlInIe npcullon wlll bu llnnnccd 100 per cent by Amu icnn dnllnrl lo lusllly dcvclnpmcnl lhl could lmnslnrm lho wholn lnduxlrlnl plclure he norlhcnll Thu wells lhemlclves wuuld provlda lame volume at employment The chum energy whlch wnuld thus be made nvallnhle locally could nllrncl other Industries lo the am mlghl alsn be pou lbla Lhul Assoclnlcd Induslrlu cuuld Iprlnx up la ulrncl Ind price byprndpcu Watermark Stops Counterfeiting The female masqullne Ir Ihe mm mat bite animals and vaca loner but the lhcary that when they die of old age or broken heart without having laund man It will mull In lewcr young mosqultou lo an up he Icknexl Henson Mr Whitaker wants to with female tapomord her son and than use It In lnvelxla tnwn Valley male mosqullau lapMecmdcr where he will be walling with that flameL thrower Residen alne cllm They have bacome Accuslamcd to Mr Whilakcrl unorthoan anflycsl campaigns umurcd officiall most famous battle ugalnn mosquiloca He believes th fe males lure males by llnging In expeclnllyvlender lav gonlx PEMBROKE Onl CF Flles New In Ierrnr when Health Inspector Whitaker slrollad dawn Main Slrec spraying lnsccllcldes mm an old Np flachlhrowcr Hé Im the Impresslon per hapl being awed by ha enor mity the problems ha ha ace But again one has in admit the queslinns in practically ev ery iaccl oi agrlcullura loday are terribly involvedr Vertical Integration it appears that bolero the rion is over the government may have some further legislm inn on the key problem ver iical inlezrrlinn This wu In expression used ollun by lha minister of agricul ture Hun Stewart durc in lenmhy dllcuulon call male RALLY TERRIFYING 0n can perhaps Inca en llrcly that the mlnlsler In press lng or solutions perhaps viz nryuslylul he mightx From the dairy Induxlry lu venlcal Integration to market Ingorlght dawn to colored mur larlne there mnt my my answers Anion has to um hlm By DON OHEARN TORONmThe mnIn run use mlcullur debates thla ylar hasybeen to dim iust how complex lhg problem of the in dullry an Olhcrrwhllnker rich are 1m Mosquitoes Lured By Love Song QUEENS PARK This would ba lunher lo somu Answers Not EaSy In Agriculture with thnrdoclorl were Him to on znnlu unllpolio wuch tlln kn In orunlxcd hll awn In me Mr Whilnkzr unlcl lhl lonnl ccncnnlnl plum by or dcrlnl he dcslructlon mall at the crockery In church CflllNUp kllchcq Pcmbrokc culzcm also Member dclzhluily Mr WhIV nkcrn Calder Garbage Can an lcrl which he hnulowllc with lha butdream garbage can an the rather plrndoxlcnl prlz romaan cundlelhhl dlnncr or lwa The content hII bemmo an Annual event Ind hu Ipfllld to olhtr Cnnndlan com mnnltlur In prul rel minute daily radio program Mr Whllnkcr delights In deull In the alrnng uus people llndlng for the ban They hnv¢ he Aflyl mn service In laundry buns Chrlslmns wrapping pa Ker and rnlnconu Occasional remind llslcnm they In garbage 09 Mr Whllnk subtle lelllnll Job for the bag which hls da parlmcnl tell Ive ccnu Nth ha In unusual morn lest Ho muku people into rnglcd by lnyghlnz alike by bans Introduced In Wm ulna 0nL lwn yuan nan an designed to mm In the has men with lhe lop loosely knolled until full Then the housewife llxhtcns ha knal nnd wrestle the bulging Hack to ma Ildzwnlk Uggu ran LAUNDRY Green plastic ban are Mr Whilakera latent weapon against disease carryan flies Hel trying to persuade hauao wivcs to wrap their garbage In lhcm rejecllng he oldrfnah med laghag canals fly63km macabre After three year at tattlng to tape the Insect Itren song ha ha managed nonethul lm tn reduce the Pembroke mnnqultn population by coating he stagnant pools where they breed with oil Amotherlng ttn em Mus uilae never travel In lrom cir blrlhplaze new when windhome lays 1w triers wllh on life cycle Ind ynu destroy tho lucal mosqth populnlla VICTORIA GREY IRUST COMPANY ORllllA probably lhal unless some pm 913 begin to realy look the question in cool pmvecflve 1can we and do we really want lo lth integratinnh and basic lr all lhclrndelplh we wont Bulrihere much more than jeilDUSY Then ar Inslance the fact that Quebec Is our next door neighbor Ind ll rural Alandnrd nllivlnn are lower praduceru can unducu ours If my be as tome think Ind lay that the dairy Induury shguld he prqtcctgd evénflbuln la lmd lnswerl They go back or yearn Then are leulnuxlu Involved even between those lavorlnz finerv en tprchs cowsl mnrkellng Imendmenh broulhli anqst yeah It agreed evan by the gov mment Ihal than amend ment dld pncllcally nothing In Item the trend or cannm and Tucker to ahblu up the arm nl Industry And lltlle more obviously Expected for Mt yearl leflnla Daep Answer are required or any brand mlullon MILK 100 Thelame of count lppucl the dal Held 111 lroulgulre dup IERM yr AMOUNTS $00 lo $50000 PAID 0N GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES INTEREST

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