TOIIONm Edwin Fllnl lmln mm NI I11 mm In my Ihrmlxh Ham and Irnlc um hm llmml luck ml vellum nu lhr Mlllnfl nruy Imllnl la ho lhvmlawn Inmlly mnmm Flmurn Inuml 1hr Imly parkway up he lulu In nnhmun why Mr Fllnl ullnnplrd lo nlurn In ll Immi tinny npmlmml Ohio River Floods Lowlands Dr Dymond Scnuhhimm tmml pmrlflioncr 1mm Port Perry Oni made the comment Mnndny whm he laid ID lolly Inlura ihnl Onlnrlnl Almimillm Ami Drug Addiction nrnrnnh Fnunrinilun in Iiudring lim pos nlhiilly ni mini diminishing dnm nnrcnilc dmiu In cure nddicll MINTIIHIIKFE Cnlll ollu My nmmna Inward IINHI and lulu enmlul Ill palmum 1an down mur no at mile an hour lull mm Mu lull mlulll chmlulu nu len dieell muhhl mull Hue tum lumped mm HI Ind Ile On hull In loan MM The lulu slowed wllhoul ouflumlnl only we lul 1mm mozmbouu WIIEFLING Va IAII Mull Ohio fllur fllin numrmm hwlwl mu Indy Inrclnl numlw yuml lmm hm ImmM steady uln ml mmnl mnw unl cmIn mll 1er 1an ml mum in Ohla mm will nll no an hour Train lumps Rails Misses Warehouse HAT CRIME uemm liw mum hm mm mum xlimur During dchnlo ol Ih dan mrnlA MHlufllll nr Dmunll mhl nn nmrmlmrnt In nlcml Mhlnllnn In mm hm been In rprï¬ul allowing dodml pmmhe nnrrollm In mo ml dlcll lhmugh Mlhdrnwal Irom drum lnumlallnn In Innkan nl lJI IYAIN In Me ll MI b0 made appllmhle lo Onmlo ha unld TORONTO CWllcnllh Mln hler Mnllhew Dynwnd My Um III mu doclnr he nave wllhdrnwn Imu to Inddlch wllhoul rmllzlng nznlnst lhc law Al lhc same time Scotland Yard dclcclivca on Arden 1mm Ihn hum nlflcc marched to discovnr whether Bldnnn wnnlrd In France nn Ireasan charms mu In Brilaln and if so where Immcdialo rmcllon mm Pa ris showed hurt surprise and Lama nnucr French ordxn nuke alnlcmcnl aald ll dll Icult In understand how the BBC um land ll Iupport by glvln puhllrily In mulled political movement whose Iola Father Dies In Burning Stairway LONDON CF New diplo mallc storm between Brilaln Ind France are predlclcd be cause lhc EEC Mundny nlrhl broadcast lelcvlslon Interview wllh Georges Bidaull sellstyled lender of underground force on posing France President do Gnulle Ancr walthinz the livemlm ule taped lnlewinw scvcrnl members ul Brilain Opposl llon Labor party said lhey will demand government uxnlnnn Inn 21 to how Bldaul nipped nln Erilnin Dymond Says As Young Doctor Gave Addicts Withdrawal Drugs Capt Harold Payne hold Ihc hawser rec as an and Arthur Grayling an an Ice cumng saw rclcasn one of ï¬ve commercial ï¬shing boats WIh Yur No 54 lsocurlly gnlnod by Ina solullon BBC Program Strains Relations vWith France 331131ng NEWS BRIEFS For Exuninot Want Ads Ta phom PA Mm Du telephone number to can or the Business or 2211qu Dept 13 PA 66537 Our Telephones FREED 223 ICEBOUND BOAT Dr Dymnnd nlm mld In um Iurr In nppnllllon qurn llnM Uml lhu hmllll nml lu cullnn depnflnwnln hm hm dinnlulnl Iha poulhlllly vlnlnx Iho uhnol health alum Inn prnzum In lurlmla lrrlurn on Ihr mmlo mm clgnrdlc unnllnl um um lunu OntMe mo Inulllnlurr ha 01 plnlncd Ihnl he luaud hm mm on whnm hnl nlnm med lmm nm In The hm almulx lhe other two were no knuwn In hlm Vhrn lhn loumlnflmu open Ill narcnllc cllnlc In annnlo nrnh nhly In April Dr Dymnnd Inld In nyllem might be Med 111 undnllnn wnuld nhn cnnllnnu menrrh Inlo dhrr mulbh lrgplmgnln lor nrldlm young doclor he lrcnled nddltll tu mu people pm WM no umfl ho mm In Tar onto that he learned he wu nul Ilde lhu lnw Now lhntv Hue lnw ulm lho doclm Io rlghl lo d0 ll can my IL while Cunndlnnl have Men Do prgno rcxnrgi it as mm thn lhe Mycnmld exile wan naked whether he really hclinves his councll national rcslslancc can topple Gaullc he rcplled making In English or he Immihe lnlnrvinw row break over El dunk is the headline In The Dally Skmh whlle The Bully guild says Slnrm over Bl an Whnevcr lha outcome will he It Isnt likely In Iweclen rela lam between Britaln and France nlrcady curdlcd after de Gaulle blocktd Bdlalnl an ry mm the Common Harm think our chance better lhan lh than Churchill In 1910 Im 13 lb assauiualiun of Pro Idnnl de Gaulle TIMES COMPARISON Bldaull premlcr France wuihl at one point In Ihe BBC lnlcrvlnw to make an abllque comparlsanbelwem his currch light and Winston Chur chilll battle against the Null early In the Second World War mm In Ice yesterday Part Stanley nhaul xeven mllu south 51 Thomas The Ilsh ernmy cared iuddan thaw mlth damage Rh boall 112 him uh hm your um 1m Alllfl my mow Ihnlflmvlly rlly lnlllc VIII he nwnllm Ivy lulu mnhllu anan vrnllnmru ImrryInl Ihrlr lvnrllc para rIIn Ih nmhy nmumml In land munlry ol lhe El Al nnro mm Munlll mm In In In dumpfli Inrhrn Inn leu wlnm llnrxly rrnldrnll Ihmurlvrn mil Mn hm du llnl la make mom lnr mm mm Minn he ncl mum mIIuI nhm 1anle you Inld Thur Im our 70 um lmllnd no lu lmll woman explained and lumhd on unpmurbed by he mrm wall Inch lull llnn lye urnl rile mm wnul wln lrru men you vahnln mwlplnumd tily Ila om ml ml Lulu Oulnrln trimming on mm ununl Tho mln on slriko Ilnco Frldny Do GnuHc luucd dccrm over ha wee rnd dmfllnn them mo gown mcnl mvlce and lhrenunlnl lhnm with final or prkon term HI Ihcy did not an back In he pls Monday H000 mlnm In lar rnlno and mum ln wulhcm mlnrl rejected tho buckrtowork nrdcr n95 Ilnyrd gul inihu Muller mrlhcrn who hnre Mnudnyl In Um dellnnro Indy Report rnm he ï¬nvernmcnk nwned minus and union niiici is said Kim bclwun 90 and as per cent he miner In the vm norlhnm Frnnco livid and in he Lorraine district oi ensl crn Frnncn sliii rciuud lo work PARIS AP The bulk Frnncen 200000 coal miner de llcd President dc Gnullel or dm lo return lo work and con tlnucd lodny Ihelr mm or higher wages if walflelusivernsv to whether his council wauld Approve ter rogigm gaym yam wan re garded Ill lcrrorlsl by he VI chy reglma and must my was much ougher and morn gltllsyll than the position or ay and London cancelled Princes Mggargtl Vim lorParla Several Hue ha referred In his proud record In the mm ance In the day Vlchy Puma and mmparcd hh prey nne light wllh lhal struggle lay lngll ll easier now snld In the Interview just one more He by he French government Hm mllllnry Irlhunnl hi council passed sentence at death on do Gnulle as lrnllor Miners In France Continue Strike 15 INCHES 0F SNOW WM Inn More than 100 ï¬shing basis are Ice locked alongthe 50th weslcrn Ontario share Lake Erie Tho shins mum open ed last Friday jvmmmwmnv AN Snowed Under Keep Digging HERES ONE jolnai llul ynu damnl lid nhnvrl handle moth rhlmnl In local lmrl alrnl nmmu Murry In zrll qutrr About wulhwnnl In In Plumb or Culllnmin Pry Hva Io lo minute on phnna Ill mm when anl glmyl gnulhem cllmu llun be nl Mué icmké lm p10 hue Annw lomlm an blown ml 15 1mm mi rl uml In ll ynun Imm lmr um lunuilnw mlA drul MM Mn Dlrlcnhnkrr II make up hlx mind nhnul nny lhlng Md rmyono cnn mnkc up Mr Iulrwnl mlnd for hlm About nnyllllnx Iar Inmmct the American grnrrnl Mhu can tanvlum Mr Pennon lo wit on In he rurnl am uhm llm Amunulullnn Im pd nanva lrrl Ihlnun relum um mrmnl mm Um mm lnwl nvrn Ilw IllrllmI In mur rl Nnrlhrm New Ymk II dnlr munlm In hll LuluIll Ipccch du llrrru In Frtnrh Mr Papa Inld Cnnndnl hm mnln prob lem nru Hhcrnl Lentilr Imr lo and lrlmn Mlnlalcr chl tnlmknr III In Iald Th clly an Inn Inn wny tn In hclnrn mm rm nrd lalnl Inuwlnll 101 nclwu In Iha wlnler or lammm lml In many at HA anal Him 1m mom or mm mm IT HOLIJ IIMK mle nu can ï¬le ll up nnly In hllh um lhrn ll ml huh down In tho mm mid IL nl lnwn ml 17 IE 5lm1rlmrlifl Thu NDP nlr eml mid he rtkmlnd lhnl unylhlnz mid should have rcllrclrd an the lnlellrrlunl cnpnrlly or Inleg Illly ol lendm Hm olhrr pnr lt OTTAWA CmHarry Papa cxocuflvc nsslslanl In Douglna New Democratic Purly leader cxprcssrd rcurct Mundny night orcrillml re mark he made nhaut nlhrr pnrly leader In an NDP Inal Inlmnl cllcI Que Sunglrly said Monday night he be lieve Canada must have he mos powerlul delenslve am available but stressed lho only reaily ellmlve defence the socurlly gnlnod by he solullon Inlenmllonal dlspulcs Llhcra Leader Pvarsgn says will visit the Unimd Nations tn lend Canadas light or peacclul scumnon wnrld pmblems If he becomes pflmu mlnlsler alter the April lnd ml election NDP Strategist Regrets Remarks Criticizing Leaders Integrity About 75 more mcm hm Ihe Soclely nr Inde cency Naked Anlmnla nd members lram Ihe New York chaplcr will march on tho White House to protest that the equine part Ike Ken ncdy Inmin appears only In shoe nnd saddles Cliflord Praut Jr my ldnnl New York said Man day his urgenltallon beliech we should clothe our mul malu comlslcnl with lalkwny and moral Pcoplawcar clothes and so Ihould nnlmuls he said BALTIMORE AP Mrs John Kennedy and her dnugh 101 Caroline will be asked day In drcu lhnlr hone bchre rldinanAnubIlc PearSon Will Fight At The UN For Peace pooxsylLLE pm cm rrlo Onllrlo Cumin Tuudny March I963 PM ASKS VOTERS FORPC MAJORITY III mm Mr lnnemld Monday nlnht that nfler hnvlnn rud vurlnus mm ports 01 his nddrm he dccldcd la lune Hm tollowlnl Ilnlcmrnl Having rend Iho English lrnnslnllon mmu nl my ro mnrlu mndo In French an he nuclcnr Manon luua In brlle yulmlay rrnlne ml exprcmd mylull Immndw nlcly run that nnylhlnx wllirh will mould hnvo Hund an llu Inlcllcclnnllcnnndly ar In lurlly lendtrl lhl olhcr pnrllu Ai unalhnr point He dumbed Mr Pnnrmn as mnn who lug piss mmplnjcly He um Pennant fmorl nu clear arms bccnuse he helicvcs Ihnl thin ulnnd ll opporlune pnl lllcnlly Tn Incrum hll cllnncu nl hcmmlnn rlma mlnlmr ha wllllnu In nmnsa flu inn dulrucllnn that uclghs an lho world and Cam ndnI he mld The bu wal complet ely submerged aint knew WI going In dia uld we four ILHVh an of Mondayl accident on Welfare Island In Ihe East Rlvcr his Nnbol Peace Prile wills Rowing the 130000 The mrvlvnr Eliuhalh New lnn 41 lilnrally clung lo lhe Nothing would prevent me from Conunuï¬ng that light or peace as prime mlnlster canllnuing it to the very end my days Mr Pearson drew his blggcs applause 1mm an audience more 1th 1500 when ha added that he would ho prepared per sonally lead delegations In the UN and he NATO council to try In settle some of the ten siuns lhe world CITES ACCUSATION He sald spokesman of the NEW YORK APlA haspllal bus plunged Into the East River whnn iLs driver was Ilrlckcn and seven the aboard an dead or misslnu Recalling lha ycm when he was Canadian external affairs mlnlsm and oak part In na gauaunns to preserve world peace he declared Lunurd mm mu in Mumm wur wuwwnm mum gumrm Tur mm 32 Jan mm fly flu amt In Bus Into River Six Known Dead The bu wcnl Inlo lha water And was cnmplrlcly Iuhmrrznd ll Wu hurrlhlo cxprrlcncc can Mm knnw was galnu ln div Only my nIUI In the al mlxhly God lhe mmm mu mml uh how he ullcd rm to rod The man mm nhyaln lhcrpary pumrd he 1er Jer In 19 rear nnd nlnrlul In climh Ino bu calapultcd sea wall and came to ml an xlde near lhe more Bul before no no could lhcrc udu map the vehitle 1ch out Into the river 2p hclgw 1h nurture law the driver bend dawn ha Iald When he dkdnl lit up llgurcd he had hrarl Mlntk Jumpcd up and lrlcd la lrnh the wheel but lho bun klddrd nnd was lhmwn all myml illiirhcwlnn wnrd clerk 51ml HI vmlnn We me loss than lwn miles long 15 narrow nlrlp in the East River belwccn Mnn human and Queen boroughs It accupicd by city haspilnl complex All thnse aboard the bus wnrktd or the VI de parlmcnl at hospitals which up erated the which Tlie drnmn Insldn lhe bus was dcscrlbcd by ans physlouw rapist mallalls another surviving passenger Richard Haas 36 wha broke lhraugh door and drygcg hex In hp nurlnce The bus mm of road when he drlver John Alhcrls an pnrcnuy suffered hurt al lark and Ilumped under lhe whcclu Slx pcriou Including Air beru are known dead and one II mini TlflES llll nus other parllcs have accused hlrn at being satellite he Amer can because nl lulu haliel Can adu should have nuclear delen slve weapons In deter those who would break the peace But Canada lira doesnt mean we hava to go around with chip on our shoulder and pick on our friends didnt have mpulallon durlax my day in Washington as Canadian ambassador New York helnz anybodyl salellil The Liberal chiei said some politician think it ashlon able to criticize ihe Uniied Siam niLy iniked of putting Canada first mi Am wlnl Mm an Mr Tlmmpsnm mnldmz his ï¬rst cnmpnlgn nmmnrnnrn In lhu Alhmllc mnvlnm pulnlul nlowlnn plllum Mm Sn clnl mhl mnnvlnry antkl mum In In rnMnu nld mac pm lllml nnd Inmlly nlluwnnrrl mu In linnnrilll II IW000W xlru rlnyuuenl proumm In lnmlc mm He old nn tlcclinn cnmpalzn mecllnu Munday nigh disagrro mull aver nucltar policy wasnt nl lhc mo of rrccnl mlnnm Iinns mm the mercsslve Con scrvnlive whlnu Mr Dickm policy Those pallllrlnns were Just like ho Homnru wiUmm nu tlcnr warheads nuy wouldnt wmk And they didnt wnnl lo be In RICHIHUCTOfNR CF Soda Credit Leader nmmvson myl Prime Mlnlslcr Dleim baker was split up the mid dle llccnusc he trial In ridu lwq harm on the nuclear Issue The only orgnnlzzd dcmum nlralion was by placard can lnx employees or TransCanada Alt Llncs protesting ho planned move all let nlrcrall oven haul work to Momma Mr chlenbakcr sald he named with lhcm fully In principle lhnl he did not believe In ccn Irnllmliun and lhnl he would VINNIPEG CF Prime Minister Dinicnbakcr has asked for clear majority in ihe April icdcrai election Io carry out madeAlnCnnada foreign ai iaira defence and domestic dc velopmenl pmxrami it include rejection oi nu clear arms on Canadian soil in peacetime continued striving iar disarmaman tax incentive to provide more Jobs Ihrough Increased nduslflnl expansinn jab retraining meet he an acts of animation vast ur ban redevelopment and proud vibrant and Iree Cana dinn nationalily Mr program Monday nlgm packed audience csllmalnd at 5500 in the Winnipeg Civic Au ditorium was he oIHcial kickofl of the Progresslve Carr schalivev clcctlon campaign The prim pp red lense when he began his 75min ule speech and spoke at rnpld There were frequent Interlac lions from scattered place in Hue huge hall but lor the most van he Ignored lhan Purl the crowd was In an udjoinln concert hall wulchlng he plat mm mm thu back andas previous appearances by Mr Dicfcubukcr nnd ha olher laud rrshc crowd rcucllon 1mm behind seemed unnerving AGRLES Wllll PICKEIS Thompson SaysPM Attempting T0 Bide Two Nuclear Horses EmphasiZes Arms Rejection MadeInCanada Policies Not Marl Thln Par CopyIII Plgu Sunny Indmild today and Io mormw Law lnnlm ngh marrow 35 For complain summary turn to page two Local Weather Ilh rlillrlsnu hcrr 1m nuvrrmmnln llundlllll nuclmr qlllflllflll lullmml xm runlmmc In MnnMnn II Mier he tunrrllnl llml he nml Drpuly Imly lander Hm Cmmcllr mrnl In Mm mrnl ml whrllnr nmuln Ahauld Acquire nuclrnr unpmu But he hix warmest mm Nnn mm Audience I59 whul he rccnllcd bayhrmd prndlce nl riding tum ponlu Ilamnu alylcone 00 on nch ln describe the uvcrnmlnln poslllnn lllI nuclrar pnllcy llc nhl lhe mime mhklrr ul mm In ride lhc nannuclear ham Hxlcrnnl Aflllrs Mln lshr Grcrn nnd Hun nuclear 1mm farmer deltnce mlnls lcr Harkncsu Tluy 5le him up he mid dlu IIan Iu llrnkc Inlo picct ll wnml pnlicy um mum ll wM Hm lurk mliry Ho cuuhlnl nmku In his mlml MSWERS ACCUSAHDNS To answer accusations lhal his government has been We cisch in dclcncc he asked Was iI being decisive Lor th Uniled States in say In Britain Ihai you cannot hnve the Sky holl but should lake lb 131157 MrDle1enhakcr uid Things have In mange to meet changlng condihnns The Bo marc bases at Nonh Bay on and La Macnza Que were built when he US and Canada thought the main snack lhml vzu mm manned hombcu Now Ihe Intercununcnlal halliy Hr missile is taking it place and the Bomarcs are no good see no injusllce was done ha Vang to 1009 laflccrlcd Iamilies want Canada In be In control on Canadian sml Now If thats an offence want pcpple pnnqdq to my same language In dealing with he nuclear arms question as wilh quesllnns or national de velopment such as lhe cash of arctic areas of oil and gas explanation was pm the reasun Canada look nvcr lhu manning northern radar warning lines he said ear arms he repealed much Ihc ama words he used Saturday nlgh his homelnwn or Prince Al bcrl Sask He said Monday night We do nu intend to use Canada as dumpi ground or nuclear warhead 0n Carindaa arm nu prim miniler said We make our policies In Canada not generated by sne cial pressure or visit zeros the burden