simllar program called Unlfixls in Its second year Gordon McGregor school In Vlndsnr Instead of slicks Unl le use block wood that can be red together The principle 15 Ihe sumo In each case AIM AT UNDERSTANDING Bnih program re act the grnwlnz trend in mathematics teaching in give pupils Ilmn to understand what mean In this way when chiid adds iwo and three and set He he is not merely reciting memorized iarmuln he known what the number stand 101 Progress may be Huh alowcr at ï¬rst wllh the modern approach but educntlanlsu are or the oplnlon um methods wlll eventually ylcld much bellm rc sulls than lcnchlnxby rote The Cuisenulrc method 1mm duced to school In Vancouver and several other wmmunllias in Canada In the lust ew years ergloyg l0 gllcks Thals haw pnplls in sub urhnn Sandwich Ens annshlp elementary sehonl nro gelling acqunlnled wllh nddlllan sub slrncllon dIvlsInn and multipli cation The sucks in 10 dilfcrcnl length and colorsare belng used In Grade clbss loan of Arc scpnmm school us an experiment They are employed In mulhod of leaching devel oplcd by Belginn accrues Guise na re And It quite thgyaug sluqenla 11m nAimnz EXAR NEH FMURDAY mmcu WINDSOR Ont ICP TD marmwa mathematician may go hls prellmlnary trnlnlng in ï¬gures and equnduns from flows colored nick of vary ns lcmzlha Coloured Sticks For Arithihetic The ï¬rst II on centimelrn in and The nmlr liumlmr Church Announcommls the Time limit and llellglnu Acllvllleg THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED T0 THECAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWINGINTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS DERTIMM ROB LlD HILL BARRY COOKE nUILDINu MATERIALS ï¬lillVTUPihfTATION chTAur ml STOHMIC LTD IA um DEN BIIEMID LTD LUMIlEll ANI BUILDEIIS ï¬UPlLIFA mm mm Phony slrnudu Bmlo lulmwkl IA com 71 mm Dw pww Mm m1Huxmmmumm lrrnmllmxl rililrwlxlp inn147w hm pinv1m wmmx Ilmru mum mum Ilarmnncy rMhmlhm on mvviw IMm mm mm mm why my mm dunle nllrul mm mm Luly and mm rhmmw 11 mm rm datummun Purim1h um mmnllmilv ml mm Im mm mm uuu ml 111 um ml mmth rm Imuh mu ml m1 ymlr mu daily TME CHUlCfl FOR All ALL FOR THE CHURCH quill pnlnloss for BANDERBON MONUMENT CO flurlon Au I29 Dlnh 5L PA lllll Throughout the entire pro gram um same emphasis placed on ï¬nding he reasons underlylng Ihc various mathe matical calculations Mathematics then become mare lhan memorizing and alan Io make sense TM name ol the processes are not used unlll later The main he lnlllal alone the program to help the chlldrcn understand the size relationship the sticks Ln ler the understanding Irans erred lo the number values the pu Ls bcgln uslng numbers to re resent the stlcks they come to sac that one plus nne equals two Instead cl pum lng two while besldc rcd Al the beginning oi the term the students am given the sticks and allowed to play with them with direction or explanation irgn lhu teacher Sticks of the some color are the same length one orange stick as long as two yellow stlcks The teacher encourage those dlscavcrles nnd gradually channels lhu chlldrena nullvlly They find out for example that while and while are as long as one red addition that it white is taken from red white remains substruc lionl that two white make It red multiplication that red divided Into twa purl gives whit division and that hill red is while fractions TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA um length the second two centlmc rcs and on up to In centime res Vlllen the child begins lo make lllllu dscnvurlcsfor himself cqmpts 1m KEY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Tunuly mum Whats Inside Thu why In no imporlnnl lo Inetlll within our chllvlrnn mac right And wrong at ml rnrly nxo 0f mum by xnmplv ynu can mu mcmlwa lnllmm But you new the My your churchhe window hrlatn rarhhw Wllh Hum yuu mm yuur hum with the csucntlnl 1n xmllcnu or hnppy nml IruIUul to WHAT MAGIC INGREDIENTS D0 THESE BOTTLES CONTAIN Do any hold harmful lnjurlouu poisons Or are they llllod will honl lug medicinnu and vltnmlns Wlll tlwy lnfllct min or wlll they cure Illunml 11mth dam it matter II the conlum me had we run pour moment Ilul be mlndn of clllldrcn In nn cullmly dmcrvut mutter mxmll hu mml lxlng run he Illlml wllh velllnlmm nml lmtn or he am he Iillul wllh ulncrrily uml low Unfurtunxucly 0le In more qulcklydlnpcllnl mm nxlnm lmlllo Hum mm the mill clxlldl For In Ilw llumun mlml lxul lhouuhu mm grow nml nn umv mm on II in morn tllnlcult to replace than with truth Md low RIO20 PA Ill HM IL JOHNBON 86 EON MACHINE SHOP Mr thklo Prom HOWEY ELECTRIC way may Mmmy llumlnl 23 Duan 55 II Bi Vlmnl WASHINGTON AWCoun sel for Pennsylvania laid the LS Supreme Coun Thursday thnt decisionjgainst Bibio reading in public schools would being expression oi hostility in rJahn Kiilinn deputy attorngy nc stale contended such decision would vlolnke the requirement of lhe US con alllutlona first nmendment lhnl government rcmuln neutral to ellgiop No Bible Readiï¬g Sï¬om Hostility Kuuan ulster the reading The Vocabulary Of Faith SPECIAL lENTEN SERVICES iNCARNATION 00 La COLLIER ST UNITED CHURCH Sludlu In Thaaloglcnl Term Baby Smlng Faclmln 1100 am ThurAny Rpm1 SUNDAY cmvw m1 Irqu Advnlun IdG hr nun0 VI THEME YOU ARE INVITED acukNDLma Flu mvlu sullen IA Mill Cat Am Ind John BL ï¬lECKLIIY FUNERAL HOME Isau Wanw Frldny JAmrn 50c Lunth Will he lcrverl In Inllovuhlp llnll rum 1200 130 exclpt during urvlce no religious prnnllce hul an mummy LUTHERAN CHURCH Steel 5x on Hwy 11 Rev Joseph Molltorll Church Phonn PA 81022 Plilarl flesldence PA WM smu School 94 mm Worshlp um mmr MIDWEEK LENTEN snnvxcz wan 730 pm OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD FEAR AND COURAGE Contrasts Al Calvary 1230 pm TUESDAY anlq 5L nu Hold Theme mum Jlmrn leflll 2nd 4m Frldly Mcnlhly lelu Mlulonlry Group SI quccnl Slrul Pastor Rev he Geuzehraek Phony PA 89376 157 Shanty my Road 030 IJmSuudly School 1030 ImElllllshv Service 300 pm Dnlch Benin in Sign Everqup Both 945 mm Sundly School for all agu mm Thu Lordl Suppor pm Gmle FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Service In Eufllh Tho Church ol IN 11ch to God Hour ldln pmlnm DXII ClDfl mul unry sun In III 3rd Frldly Monthly Young Plcplo 730 pm 20 950 am Sunday School mm In progrou 00 mil Worship Scrvlcc Slh In nrles on RIVIIaIlan Church IB Mulcamr HEAVEN Thur 2ND chant aflar death Ara BABIES who dlu SAVED or LOST PLANTO ATTEND Rev TUIIkI Pular RUTH ruNKs ANSWERS Wlll Wn KNOW our Iovad one In Gun Omani Ind Spulur Mr Juan ACC0 Rllmhmnnll Oumlon Pulod allowing HullD Clumh khool Ind IMAM Cm AI Ulual chnudny pm Puylr Blblo Sjudy ALL ARE WELCOME NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Earrip Ollwrrh Eiferturg 0v Duvld Run um um ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE 10M Sundny School 00 Am Ind 100 pm Srnltu PENTECOSTAL 700 pm PUBLIC WORSHIP AND ORGAN RECITAI BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH REV WELDON BULL PA 53737 MEETING IN lllLLCflEST SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TURONID ST AT DALTON Tl Riv Dn Comllud MC MA 00 Prlnzlpll Emmmval NAZARENE Sundny Sunk Gunn 5m CHURCH WELCOME EXTENDED TO ALL BETHEL OF THE DEDICATION 0F 1H5 ORGAN REOPENING SERVICES Pulor SUN pm WHEN THE DEAD ARE RAISED 00 mm DD Mlnllllr Dwain Gurumy Free Methodist Church zoo Bnyfleld sc Guinean Plato mm mm hme mm scan 1100 lmMnmlnx Worship no pm Evening Senlca THE EARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Rev Cornell Bonn 1100 mm DIVINE WORSHIP 1100 huhSUNDAY SCHOOL To be bald 11 Mlnhler Phone PA 61024 II Crown Inn YOU ARE MOST WELCOME mmmw CIIUIICII acuuol SUNDAY Sllmm Ind am no um 1H lid of am 1mm and mu U9 In ye ILoo 1100 WALTER ALA ADMISSION OI ELDEIIS AND INSTALLATION OF STIIWAIIDS DUTIES AND IIIISIONSI BILITIES 0F ELDEIIB AND BTEWAIIIIS lnlnnl And Toddlm Nmuy 700 pm EVANGELISHC MEETING lloflnen Meellnx 1100 mm 95 Cool Strut Ru John Rlddel 000 Im Holy Communion 1100 ImuMomlnl Service 700 wn Evenln Payer mm Senior School 1050 Jnnlur School Humble And Conlrlla an 100 1111 menuLory Senlce Com And Erlnx The Family To Church THE UNITED CHURCH of CANADA ST GILES CHURCH Sunday School 945 ST ANDREWS REV ll ADAMS ILA Mlnlllu Run Ind Tamale Smell II IRELAND MI omnlI Ind Lholnnulu Owen and Wonley st The Salvation Army Citadel so come sueI mien AND Mas mmer Carp Olliccn You Are Welcome hrold Dempley nlnclnr Pulse CENTRAL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 1100 mm VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS CORDIALlY INVITED Orulnln VISITORS AND NEW RESibENrs WELCOME Clapponon 51 Wonloy Sundny Scrvluu II II ATVEND THE CHURCH OF VOUR CHOICE Burton Ave Car In AIInndale REV BELL MA Mn Walker mums ILW mm The Use 604 lloun Baby And Chlm Cue CHURCH SCHOOL In New Buildlnx with Renewed Emphasis mm mm to udulll mm yum and undcr FIRST Baptist Church ALLANDALE Burton Avenue Granville Slnel Rev Wllter Dyer Holy Communion Mornlng Service 700 Mn Evenlnl Pnyzr Luna mrronl muml Am Lhulrmuur Mlnhttr flu Gnrdlnrr 5h MA fllEClM LENHiN SERVICES Blind7 00 Mu TUHHIMYS AT ll Nu Sprclnl Ad Wesley Jones Minister Maeilng Tampumlly Cadrlngron St Publlc Sthoél 1030 mm Ammu HIMt luv lllddnlh COLLIER ST ESSA ROAD Above And Beyond BARRIE CHURCH OF CHREST LENT ST GEORGES EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH SPECIAL IN CANADA CHRIST FOR THE WORLD ORDINATION SERVICE 0F MR FRED CAMPBELL am TUESDAY MARCH 5m at mo pm THE PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED SERVICES SUNDAY MARCH an pm CFORg 1570 530 pm SUNDAYS PRESENTED BY Fllrn SPEAKER MR FREO CAMPBELL BTh uvlnl Much um For slutpore Flmlda Sunday 830 pm Fllm of tho work of Oh CJMJ MISSIONARY WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 73mm mm 600 pm JOHNSON ST SCHOOL Sunday pm chnudny 730 Our mum ol Parpolvnl Holp Novlm REV SUMMERS BA 130 IJII Divine Wonhly Suman Taylor CONCEIVBD AND BORN 93a mm Church School Nnmry Tn Senlor Devil Um Ynnr Prlvllete To Worlhlp Gad mm IOJS mm 10 Im my hm SUNDAY CllUllCll BCIIOOL IJII Junior and Innmumm IIM mur Dcpulmrnlu Ind Nuncry WESTMINSTER Slul Glued Public School MIL ALLEN TOMLINSON ILA Mlnhlrr Mn lqu Cholrludrr Ind pllnhl Collier Street Next to PM The Vcn new 1100 nmMnmln1 Prayer 700 MILEVHIIOII ALLIANCE CHURCH APDSELES CnEED Roman Catholic EVENING DEVOTIONS Director at Pnlu Mn McKinnon TRINITY CHURCH HT MAIWK TIIUMII ll MllllMinm IT PA SUNDAY MASSES You An Welcome ST VINCENT ST BARRIK Mlnlslcr 00 MORNING WORSHIP E15