Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 Mar 1963, p. 2

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HIM rllnnlnlk Mlnu le IIM ulmmny dmlnml lht mun mummy dlvhlrml nl 15 mm plan In Him ul cm In vnynhlr nu Mnull um 71 nlmmmlylm 1mm rm An In at he luv wumml In nlm wch rm Um lumluun mmlrr Ha salt the Unllcd Slates trying lo encourage the West crn Allies and persuade Amer wean taxpayers lo spend more In Ihc arms race lmrulnl Tllmrrl nn mvm Ivrllmlxmy Ml ln rum or he Hm ym mind bummer 1061 amnunlul to $10161001 or 01 wt Illlt ll ummred wlm mmm at per than let Ahmllnlum umnm Pralimln my not Inmmc or Ihc scnl year ended Du 1962 mounted $375000m nr 13 per shun rnmpurcd Mlh 30 somo ur 3100 per share In 1061 Sale and npcrulina rcv mm mulled $33900001 nnnlnhl 16930 51 In lMl lllnlillm lhrmlul in Md Crumng xlrrluml nun Iuly xIIerml rmln my nlvlr nn Mnnh It mu ulmrn hold mm Fr Thu mn my lhllr ll hm hm Ir 1th In uluvr llle Illelrnd MI qnnllny IINIII rnllln lhnn uml nnmlnl Imln hrlrln Imr llu mm mlnl luymcnl III crnl Mann rm lnn ll HHLL Ilumn Aml lirlr Mnrlllln The nnmnny In nllnlnl mum Ahnldrrn nl rrcuul nl Hu rlmo lefilnml Km Fr Zll 1W millaht In Illurflhc Inr mm ndalllnnnl Ihm In much llru Ihurrl Md nl mlcr 01 Ilnre l1u mlnulplknn um rnnll wul lvr mmln nn nlmul Fclv 11 Ith Ill upllr ll 00 rm Hnnlun Slnmhurl Tlmn nu Avrll Ilmpbcll Immunqu MIMI Ltd Ml nrnlll Inr Hm le monllu mdrll 1m 061 nmnunled ln 11097 ur n1 ccnln Ihnm tnmplrnd MUI DNA or Null Almm Inr lhn rumy pondlnx prrlml ul mm mm mrmw lulullnl minnow gains mum In ML 101mm STOCK mm Bleep ark lrun Mlnu Ltd Nel Income lur he hcnl yznr rmed DEC 1062 amounted la mum nr 0J1 per xhnra rompnrtd with 010500 or N50 per dune ln lml nrlllsh Cnlumhll ant lrnd anI Nel pmlll or he Ils your mind Dre 1m Imonnlrdla mum 1le pbr shun rompuml wim 531300 or um xharc In 106 NM ulrx wcm 1011200 lulnsl 1585400 In 190 sunk Ymdx ll IMrmd Ind rommnn Inaunnu Mlnml The general said lhc mnin nr tumult In favor of American nacch suprcmncy Is the total number rockets possessed by the Unitrd Slates tnmparcd he number of Soviet rnrkcls LONDON emeryA scnlor Soviet rnckct commander said why In lhe Iclonce mlnlslry newspaper Red Star that Rus sian mckcls are armed win loomognlan warheads he Sn le news agency Tnss repelmt Cul Gen Vladimir Tuluhku first deputy commander chin pl 50le stralcgic rocket toms lold the newspaper In an inlcrvicw lhal US claims to rocket superiority nre morer lncndcd In complicale the In lbrnnlionul nllunlinn Tass Reports Soviet Rockets Carry IOUMegaton Warhead Gus llycurnld Velmar Incr awncd by Art Vlhnan ol suburban Richmond Helghls is an avid lelevlsiun fan But like anyone else he somcllmcs finds the Milan nul lo Cumpllcd by Flynn Dunlap PL Illrrlu sumum Summlry lor Ihc wick znmul leh Ema um WAKE ME WHEN THE ACTION STARTS BULLETIN BRIEFS slum lo mun lllmlon lune Illa ullul lnr mkmpllrm nl all Ihn Ollllxlfldlfll Primed mm pl ICE Ann no pl and dividend ma leun flululrl IJuIMOI 11w 2qu my drrhunl mum Irvly dlrnlrml 21 mm 1er lnu and nlum way th on IIIer 29 In ahnvrhnld rm can March Im vlnuny mu quarterly IIVMVN Wm puld plm rm tllrl lulrh IMyrnr nmgmnltd In lelln hrnllrll Md nnmllnn fllrmlcnl 11 MAI an nuunrcd ll Inkml l4 limit uhmr chunk uh In lmldm rmmmm Ihum of fnnndlvm Humw MIL 1m llw Hull III fnnmllnn 1wnlrnl mmmlm lhnrrn lnr rmh mnman mm nnndlnn cllmrlo AI mn IlHulrd nl muL In mm mnn IIIMN nl unmhnn clln mv nu ulllll llu nr Mr rcunmwmlnl IrHHHy hy lhe Inch nl nnmllnn Chm lrnl llwn llm luulq lyl urhnnlr III sh nmnum mm nl IIHAIHMI mum luv Null llvr mlnlhlllrd IIWM Fun mlCnu rlrmm nmunrmly IUI mul In nllrmnllvr lnr llw than than ullrr luw rr Cum nmuln LM nml frlImra lurp Amnlu IIII mnkv rmh on ln mmlmuy wmmnn mum ul nnmllnn UL MHI plum luul mum Almm prr will 91mm Jochy Iuh llmlrd Ncl In come lnr Hun ml yrnr rmlcd Numnlwr JO um nmuunlnl lo II7M9 hr um ahnre on mnm Illnru unmpnrcd wllh 51161075 ur 1011 mr mm on 3030A01 XIIMP In Ihu pm mllnl Hucnl yur lnclllc lrlmlrums lellnl Prcllmlnnry Ml Income for me llstnl ytnr ended Drcnmhor 19111 nmnnnlcd In 035117 at TM sham culnnnml wflh muse or cents sham for he 10 munlh pcrlud MINI Dccrmlmr 11m limnlngx lnr 1m Inlhnlr nunrecurran Inmmv 3mm Enmlmu xucr shun nro 1mm on Ihe 15919 167 slums oululnnzllnx the ml 1962 compared wllh ll mm uhnm um year end Vond Prosidvnl auld lhnl sales rose In 1962 but lhc increase mm more than nllsel by higher musing The Company declar ed Hm usual qunrlcrly dlvldcnd 15 crnls per wmmun share In In finnl dividcnd 15 cents rcspcrl ul ism 1962 both Ramble March 29 mm Io xhnrc uIdcrx from March thn is realized lha Amer lcnn Tilnn rackets have war heads seven magntunsoqunl la 7000000 tons TNTwhilu Savicl mckul curried warheads reaching power 100009 000 tons TNT commentaries uric superfluous the general su In cmmfing up rorhfls he 51M Vcslcrn experts cum slrucl lhe mos variegated lure cnsls showing in every way lhal what lhoy have Inn lasy Olhorwlsu lhnlr conjeclurcs nbnul American racket superior tly would burst like soap buhA But he charged Ihn Vcsmn experts delihnrnlcly Ignored Ihe rclallvc power 01 rocket war heads when igurlng the Ensl Vcs mlsslle gun and only cnunlcd the number or such wenpans run luslc Thls was apparently lho case the other nlghl so he Hopped une paw owr his eyes bluucd out he sllvcr serum and grabbed long mm on he livlng room so lerunun In uurlallun 1an Hum uh nrrln mm mm hun muvlu IIIUIIIIM Ilmw lhll will Ir ha mm Iurroulul ml mlhunlullc rnnmlllnn hr Cunmvnllv have 2m had In Nmm slmm Michael Mlv In Laban him nor by Im IM Hm will discuu Ll hum Thu Nulh mm Plumha nnwrvnllw Almclulilm rumm llun ulll luv lrrlnl at llnnlr Nuvlh alumni on Tunlay ul llrmnvnl 1m anr his inlet nl lllm snuw Mn um Mill hum MM mum mmln um 14 ruler Labor Minister Hddrosses PCs HMIIE No blacks Invnlml In Illa Main nlrccl mow rcmuvul mm the rnllwny lruckl lo Jubilee thylcrlnn Church Aouldnl rnll us any more than mo or urh mnuvnl Mr Culhnm ullnh nlcd Stnce Main 13 also prtr vlnclnl mummy IN 161 lho Dounruuvnl nl lllxnwnya my 10 per ccnl ma ml Ln Mum Mum he Immlnll hcrr MA ttmwldcmhly huwlcr Iu murllnm larmrd Mlnrr lhu TN mum xrl at line muunds 1n lhc system used this win lcr tractor wilh Ifianlrcnd lundnr and mo trucks went lo work nflor in par and usually were finished pm Thcy put up sign bclure supper lo kup lhe nlrocl clcur of limb ed curs Mr Culhnm said This rquipmcnl Im served me purpose bcuur lhnn he snow blower he nun lrlcd last wln Icr 11w hlnucr muldnl cnnc wilh nll lhc chunks Ice ll dww In rmu lnund Nrnr by Mmlmu look In bcnllng Thr mm lm plow or drumI STAYNER Slum Snow banks on Sluynbrs Mnin streak um rlnnrcd way about our imu this winlcr clerk Culhnm said Friday Vilh spring scnnl three weeks away It rcmulns In be such hclhcr film will be coded Keep Main Street Clear 01 Snow Donald Scott formerly an mm or In Onlnriu De panmcnl of Lands and For ests Angus has been num ed Park Superintendent ol Randan Provincial Park In soullmeslem Ontario on Like Erln near Challmml His new posillon also Includes the dullcs of zone lomslcr of his St Lauls hume AP Vlrnphoko BONDEBU PARK IIIW MlllMlil nmm an ann lllml all HI 0an ll um Inna hen Mr Cul lhh my iSimcoe County Beef Producers Hear Milling Company Executive qubre my Quml 75 hmhnnd mm Jnale Illnm Qunfl Nu YulIn Muulmnr mmpnprr mlumnlll mm luv lhnr ul lulu vl Cuvllllln llnl Mail Whrn make am In Jnmrn Trnlxl my yeslmlny on High My 000 hi Illdnl mm In Illlnk nbwl In mnu llh ur mum on Mr II nrnrrd Hlmlnn um ver pnm Human wu IMul um we on nnd nu lflhflkl Mr 3mm WM on hum In Urmln when In ddcnl murmL 1m stficmr Mulhlm Lnkc Hurun Luke lirle rcglunl wtndwr Landau Sunny cland lnx nvnr ngnln lhl lomnon Cluudy wflh Imervnlu no mow lanluhL timing or hr cnmhu pnllly dandy Sundny lqu dumzo In lnmprrnmre Wlndl llnht Nlnlnra mulhcrn Gmrulnn my norlhtm Lake Huron llnl lhurlnu Luke Onlnrlu rclinm llnmlllnn anonlo Clrnr Inn lhh murnlng Clnudy lnv new vcniun In club work he Iorminu ni HI Eiccirlcni CIth and Ihis year an nll be conducch In 50th 51mm Ontario Hydro Is co operating ln Ihis pmlrnm and will be looking aIIer lhe pm gram With the Increased use of nichrIcnI power on Inrm In the cnunly II more and mm ImporInnI Ihal one undersland he use nI hydro more Iuliy and ii an opporlunliy Ior Juniors In gel more InIormaIlon Ihrauzh 1H club projeci synoplllx alarm gelling up Mad alonm In Texas Is ex ptrltd to pass 10th HI 1mm lakes Sunday Artu just Iauth of IM lulus will be In prlnclpnl lnrnl Sum cloud nm and light mow wlll cnn tlnue In erlhun Onlnrlo With the interest in corn as iced the Simone County Beer Producers at their annual meet ing in Gulhric on Mnrch it will have guest speaker on this subject Don Meltipinr Assistant On tario Sales Manager or the Ma ple Lea Milling Company will discuss successiul beef produb tion 119 has had considerable experience in this iicld in the Essex and Kent County area where corn is an important part oi the nation NEW CLUB Smoke Gets In His Eyes The Bank oi Nova Stalins suhabranch at Ann is now arming an daily basis Th branch which serve the liabil ants oi Camp Borden and resid enls ol Angus was iormerly open only on part time basis Duo lo greally increased ac tivity Scollabank decided in oi Ier complete banking incllilie mm 10 am In pm Monday In Friday and also 430 lo pm on Fridays is am local wag commented theres no longer lhe need in have good run for your mone These are no final gum by any means school unle lnl said Funnies wlll be mov lng In and out win in he months ahead never know or sure how many will be In each grade until the lire day school year 15 children were registered in the winter survey move in the army that year was Actor in this tnmue since lather at many of these children were stationed at Camp Borden Purpose the February my Islraflon Is to provide he board of Public Schml Tmsleu wllh Ilgum or their 1961 enumnlcs Angus Gets Daily Bank STAYNER sum Ncnly eight children who will be start ing school next all registered recently at Byng Public Schmi here These children have in be six ycara old by the end ai this year zma nAgigmEXAmNEn sATUEDAY mam Children Régister for Public School Complete Appliance Serviéu Depot TONYS APPLIANCE and 1V SIRVICE PA um DEATHS WEATHER FORECAST Mupkukn Nuflh lny Sudlmry Enrllun Knxuukninz wmu llvrr Moumnre TImInInn Mmml roml Hm 51 Maria Nonhern Whlle lllm ML crn Jumu My regions Clnudy lodny xunny wilh low clnudy Interval and Ill mlcr Sun day Period of man mow lhl mornlnflr Wlnds lllhl Fancu Ttmverum lmv Ianlghl llllh Mudy Windwr 20 15 SI mmnn an 11 anlnn 70 32 Kllchrner 10 Wlnulmm In 30 Hamilton 20 SI SK Cnlhnfl 20 31 anunln lcmlmmngh 15 ll Tunlon J0 KHIIIIM 15 nluht Ind early Sunday hen clunring nznln Some line mow Inlo Ionlzhl Little change in cmperalurc Wlnds Iixhl Northern Gmrulun nay Tim ngnmi Alfiuma oulhcm White River Cochrano rcnlonl North Bay Sudbury Mostly cloudy with manlonll lnlervah Hum maw today and Sunday Llule chum In lcmpnrllurc Wlndn RM Ten years ago the South Slm can Juntor had gettugcther and booklets mmmcmornlln 40 years at prams In luntor ttvlllcs In th counlyt year under the direction president Bob Drybruugh pragrnm is being llned up to rrmxnltc 50 yum of junior actlvitles In the county This recognius the work of Junlnr Farmm In rur al Stmcue County and manna ot rmordln the history 01 lholr ncllvitles Km up the good wnrk Juniors bacon growers will be held In the Agricultural office In All on on March Kl With ma pros pect 40 pet can ml in acreage Ihls ycnr ll ls mom and more lmpurlam lo gel the lakes lnformallnn on prodnclng crap as wlll be lurnlshed here by olllclals from he Dclhl Tobacco Subslnllon Also rowers should be lhlnklng ol alternate crops lo How on lhcseunused acres Unlik whlch Mr Gruhhs waters to any me many counlrle he has known he recalls only one night when the temperature hrlclly drop JUNIOR FARMERS or re4 lalnlng health and actlvlly was he replled Ever since was Day In Kentucky have been walking man stlll enjoy walking evan go Walklng In the wlnler just lo get In candl tlon for summer Pcople have forgotten what It ls like walk and they dont know what they are mlsslng People would llve longer ll they walked more Some people wonder why dont lake the bus down to be lmy bull feel more llke work lnz after walklnl In KENTUCKY BORN bhs has re sldcd In Canlda or lhe Inst 55 years where until retire ment eight year ago he had been employed boiler mak er or locomotives and lndus lrlnl unil In Mannell Tnmnlo and Wllldsor he was born at Liberty Kentucky where hls arms armed In lhls day of modern lransa polntan It In lurprlslng lo lind anyon who walks more lhun hall mlle lo work but Claude OHIth ol Churchfll It I32 sllll prelm lo walk lha two mllu lo summer job ll Lelroy bulldlng team lrlmmlng lag and brush and keeplng lhlngs lldyalpund Illa harbor 82 DUNLOP IL The annual mcellnz or hr Mr lnllnn ludlu nunl hm InIn ML III will In ul Unln Mmh 14 In Illumn nuly and III an IM um um MI m1 mlu lhll Mm In on In Mlllnll ML nm In IllII Illllllll an Itpl In It II II ml In Iwvlunlly II BATES PAINTS Kentuckiqni Still Frisky At 82 II 0flTES 0H PAINTINGS 1y BRIAN BAKER ORIGINAL OIL PAINYINOS BY lEADINO ARIISYS Will 80 For Sill Educnllun there at that llme was not taken snriouslyA child could hm cducnllon he wnnlcd am nobody cured 11 chic lhlng was could buy lnku lhe head squir rel ullh llngle mm or land lhe size 01 matble rummcd These selllm made haskcls at 5pm onk shoals and pedallcd Ihem among the larmcr 01 more favorable terrain And they said furs as well to cover Iheir meager monelnry require mcnu One sclllm 70 had young Inmlly elghl Mr Gmhhs nhservcd that comrary to what one would expect these seulm were always cheerful and wnlenl with what mug thy had lle recalls how settlers and established larmers as well as teemed the great wealth of wlld trail which nhounded In the bush and clearing Bcsldes the wlld lrnpos struwberrlbs rnsp berries blackcaps and beech nut that grow nntlvc to Can ada Kentucky mods yielded large type pl grape pawpnwx perelmmons gmscbnrrlns blue up or dew berries which are like creeping blackberries plums sweet chestnuts and many others Then there were dozen Iypbs at fish to he had lurs loi cinthlnu wild plan in meat SOLD BASKETS pad to zero VInter weather conslalnd chiefly 01 rain and wet snuw In mum to precipi tation The only horse drawn cuuer tar winter travel In the region was awncd by farmer When came to Canada every body had cutlets and they were not curioslues he remarks lhal time in the hits 1500 when In Canada newcamers Were no ianger naught of as settlers In Kentucky as Mr Ombhs remembers newcomers were stlll though of as settlers becausm with all Ihe good land having been taken possession long helmn they were obliged to go up lntu the mountains the Blue mm and the Great Smokies and wllh few be hangings hsnlgd In by ggenupr muTes start 1mm somtch like early Canadinn sullen think lheso settlers had it easier than Canadian Rulers though he remarks because lilo weather was nnt an cnid in winter and inns oi what Ken ucky selller conid not grow In his garden and Wu llvu acre 01 land he could find In he bush irca for carrying homr Jurk Taylor has armed nurrlrl new car In It 171 flradfnrd 5L nu In lhu Drlvelln luslnurnnl Mr Tayl or rcildenl lhlx dlnlrlrl lur ncnrly 20 ycnrn Mel knrmn car Inluumn He WM unnloyul nur yen ulln lay Clly Mulurs th In hll curly llny In lhr dlxlrltl he armed In hr Shnnly nny nrcn lvrlr VMYWKA Owrn Kl For lnlnuunuon 7161 BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY IIMIJHIIMTION MIME OPENS LOT 00 Im Pnlnl Svoro via mm Tho urmnlnllon we made by Mn llnrrlenlhcn mtclnry lhe World Day Prayer commlllm One ol the rural Iludcnu Jnn Ice all was presented with lhrl prlu or the but puller In compellllon nmonl mud and Her enlry wax judged bell Among the II plnmd In Ikare window around own an nounclnl lho World Day Pryor scrvlm nlcrdnnomlnnllonal pm mm nllrnclcd nbaul I50 adult at the 130 Iervlcc Allendlnu STAYNER sum For he first time school children from Siayner and dlslricl Illundcd special Warid Dny ol Prayer services They were held Fridny uhcmoon in Coniennlnl Uniled Church one at 230 pm inr ndulls and the chlldrena sar vice similng pm lynx Publlc School pu II were accompanied by prlnc pal Clnrcnre Cluke and other leach crs An estimated 200 chlldrcn nllundcd with Connolan unlhs of that period hunting or anim ols pmvlded him and hls com ponlons with adventure and pocket money Curlomln while coon pelt brought no curb and possum 40 cenlr good black skunk pzlu brought dollar llllla Iortune than or boyx Once he and three pals hiked hundred miles to Cumberland Fnlls and at the base flu biz water run continuously or week laadtd lish onto mah lng wagons as they were caught Into the muzzle louder cunld he hunt down furhearing nnlrn als could he chop down trees lake hnnuy mm wild heu nut high In whit oak ride horse catch mm Huh milk cow hoe com llck the nelghborl boy In flatMm lghtklhn same In It must have hnen In Canada hundred ytm nun What learnbd had to learn myself he am And lurned In In my luvell and In taking notice everythlnl nmund me learned mo llcallthlnu One his earliest boyhood experience is making mm mm ml augm cnne mm by his lather on mlllng 400 devoted to corn been plan and mules Ono oi our iavorite ioba as teenage was to go out and let wild honey Once widow neigh bor and her son called meater to get them wild honey irom beetree in their hush Bee nearly always nested in hollow oak treea So cut down 10 oi theae lreoei and each one we filled with sheet niler sheet oi honey comb We loaded load aix bushel basket with comb Like everybody nt that ilme she used npcrial roller to ex tract the honey and got twelve gnllonn of pure honey Funny thing wu bee were crawl ing all over us and we hid to brush them all but we never had ntlng But Inn was sick tram eating too much honeyu mums summ Stayner Pupils Are Participating In Day Of Prayer ACCOUNTANT GENERAL OWKN EUUNIL Olnlltrrd IE tounlnnl prmlrrml but will want an ILLA uml or nur l0 ImllluIa lrnrl In Icrounllnl HOSPITAL AIJMININTIMTOR MUflKlmA $6000 In 000 prr par dunmun on uhlllly IVIL ENGINEER Munher lmlmmnul Enllnrfll pl Unlnlln fiewrul yrm npulrm ellmallnl nml nupmlnlnl uumvuxllnn ul runmlu and llmMr umrluru mm mm hllhwnyn 1mm mmmm mm mun mm mm mm wlm humus cmnpanlu mum vennunrnl rlnpluynmfl In llmlc ma mmmm ImlIIlrlnl llnnl uulz nrnlrnu In lluhl munulmlunnl Mllllrl Iu malr 11mm MECHANICAL ENGINEER Elpfllfllle IIHI provmlna mulpmrnl med In mm mlnlnl or pulp and paper Inausl nu Sum luvcl rtqulrod Allrcllvn ulnry IIHHIUN IRMTHMAN 1W SOUND Fully lxpcritnlfl lb complclc dclnlln mum unlo duwlnn mm mun Ikrlch Tahu chum drum rmm Salary lwrnx $6000 yur MECHANICAL IlflMTRMAN MINE HILL OWEN NUUNIL Vulmu vrnncln llequlre uvtrlmu In moot maul tul Irnn or heavy mulpmenl ACCOUNTANT HINFJML IL Mll umlouml In Mlllll Imenth CJA or unllnl lml ludlllnn EXECUTIVE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THROUGH NES BARRIE APPLICANTS AVAILABLE NAflUH Illfl mllllll VA lul Mullc wan provlded nu lunlnr cholr Cenlcnnln Unil ed Church Mn Donald French old llory hand an lha 0ch Marc Thnn Canqueron Guest speaker Mrl Blam bury Slnyncr developed the home More Than Conquernrl In her talk znlllled nn Church Mrl nllchlu ltd the vlco or he children ll allow cd much lhe um pullem In In me with pnym Ind mllxslcnl numbeu Mn Proust II has been improving each year fur the put Ihm yearn nld Mn Pruner Centen nll United Church Plrticipntlnl In in program were ludm mm in United Minionlry Church Centennill United Church the Aniiicln Church oi the Good Shepherd Jubilee Presbyterian Church ung Staynzr Faults Chgrcjli trilocil duck from Illa Unltld Mlulcnnry Church also pulle WW Two pesos once the Splnlsh plecewhelght wnuld bu man native malrlmuny wle period one monlh during whlch the wife would keep home do he Ihopplnrlnd pre pare the mesh and do the washnm Some the wldlm In Mr Gmbba unlt hired these wives to wnltan them ll bal men will on lumen 01 the army flmwn Into the wwpeso attain wax lumhhed house we In luau sweep net by shar men who shlpped them lo lawn along the rlver never have mm mlny ah mu hu uyn mm mm Munth he has travelled all over America he hm remem hen his day In the Phlllwlnea member the Amerlun army ln Ihe SpnnlahAmeflcIn war Hm hay were manned several miles mm bl volca no Mont Mnonn whch had spread the region or mlle Around wllh blocks of non as large In lummer collars And constantly ave lha ll Ind lhe qulvm 0n hi most memorable experlencrs occurred me duly while he war vlelilhu the local nore which nlwayr aluecled marry maker barrel enum era Alier while when olher neighbor rode lip 6n irom buck bne oi the men inside picked up his rhuimm ulmly walked outside and blurted his neighbor all his hone In typi cal wlldwen nyle Dns dark ninhl while eoon hunting with isnlems he Ind some fish were surprised when their ounds flushed cuts muuni wiidcsl as big as snl average dog We Chled Ihsi thing ram lree lo me Ill night lhraugh lhe bi woods nun suddenly it decided it ind ind enough sad sprang lorwsrd in wilhln In rm oi us We were scared lo death so were the dogs All can remember was he snarling sud those big yeL low eyes sisrinx si us reflected In ins lsrnpiigh he ssig

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