Rosburg Likes Tricky Winds annwut olhrr nnmlhm4 um VnI Muvi Qulh Jvum luv Imanl Numhmlllr Que 11 my Mum mum 79 mm Ilon Tulonlo IL NIIW OHHIANH 1Al1llnb mlmru lumul lhr lviqky wlmlu nl Lnkmmd Ilunlry Ilull any lilan lIIIl lmulrlunnm nml llml maul llrnunIIr mu or llw Hm mum lvml In llu mln wr mum an 0an by Ilnn Mn III In My Mayor of 54th AL vim rnnlwl ml Arnold lnlmfl mu lmHn NllHrllll lunml In Nu Ilnlling Tmnnlu mnllo mlublc Itpuly lender nl lhc vSnlll Lnllil lmrly has lnlrmlurrd um uwn hrnnd of prrmqul molilm ink the rum pulnn lur Hm April In rdmll cherL Ix wrilking rnmuncxnrnh Imc lwrn NI nrrnnml he says Ihnl lllry uiu llve lmprrulun Mr mvmlh 15 all plnm NIIIIK llll Fur lmlnmv lul Wonk In llull lullluhl mu Sunday will In unclwc any nml Hrnuprt Iln Mill wrml Munduy nml lumlny In rmlvm mlmlu nml thllwuluy In ll MIIllviI mm lhm lw uill uu Inlu lhe qurr SI IAmmuc nrm OTTAWA 1CPScnnlor Gruunn Them of Ouawa say him is only an Issue In he April hdcml ulccliun Vlwm can we lms Sen llvr UImry said lhc Cun mvmirc nowrnmum dumc lhc lrlnl 01 hr clcclurmc he uum 1r ils rucurd In slimulub Imz mmumlu uruuUI ml in lcuisluliw urcumplhhnwnls VANIOUVIIH 1UP David 14w druuly pmllnmcnlmy Mr Canuclle said the em playcr Equipman Lngu leucc nearby Farnhnm dismissed Mr flucl from his DOMyear posl when In was chosen Social Crcdil candidate here These are he same people he said wha lcll us that Satin Credit Is in diclnlnrshlp and lhnl me would he no more ree dom under Social Crcdflcrs He was spmkiug Friduy night the Carlclnn Progressive Cunevrvmivu numlnnllng can vrnuon whch unanimome nnmiuulcd Illlmilllallon Mlnls lrr Illchxlrd Hcll He said in an inlervicw Fri day lhal he was shocked to read that mm not Income had up 50 per ccnlAin 196 This ls Gary mislcading the minlsler said while our ing his conslilucncy Deputy Leader Real Caouclle 01 lbs Social Credit pnrly says lhc Sacia Credit Candidate In Missisqual constitu ency Normand Ruel was ï¬red earlier lhis week because his palilicnlc0nvipllonsi By RGS In resolutlan lnnlsfil Coun cil put on record this month they suggested that In View of the highway accident they would suggest that compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurnuce be inst ituted covering Publlc Linhillty and Property Damage with minimum coverage of sroomo Reference was not made tothu township and upparentlythe resolution was expressive of the feeling of the council in mut tcrs Provincial Many States have such law and in En land it is required before licence to drive vehicle can be obtained APPRMSE STREET Fairway Avenue which cut across properties in plan in Big Cedar Point has been up pralscd muiian by council Wars in sell lhe rightutway rate of $2 per out on corn diiion that cithnr all or none of the lands involved are said with the property owners hnving ï¬rst opporlnniiy to purchase Agriculture Minister Alvin llnmillon says people should not pay too much allcnlion to use of arm no income he causc It gives the wrong im pressiun Dirty Laundry 10 IIIE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 1563 Question Trust Plays Leaphog Figures Mislead Says Candidate INNISFIL NOTES ON THE ELECTION TRAIL This rightofway was on the caWQNSyILILE qugpmsyyg ask CF Gar Insurance Needs To Be Compulsory Says Candidate Lost His Job Cites Demagoguery lXul Cnnnda ICICIIHIHP Ill Mn ddtmu mum um un we lhn Mr Dirlcnlmkcr in nu lnlrrvlcw Frldny lrnln blown hm 0n Ill uny lu Snsknloou luliclvn tn he ndnplnl Ivy Cnn lulu mml he bendlrlnl Io ml cuunlry In MIN OTTAWA CWkc llnhrr mm mm ml In Hm lhmuandl We cumin Ihu lrnul su mn In rzltlrm nulmln FIlIlny lull ml mumer rrpnrh wrrn nvpllnhfu nme Hm mulls Hurry Amlrunn nyrrnlor of All llnwn lmkln my hnll mv hr mm mil nll lml clrmml III ml nl sumvlim ï¬lm In Molllmull mm nul an lho Inkru he Inlll WINNITEG CF Social Cred Louder Thompson say he wnuld reach into uihcr par ties it necessary nr cabinet material if elcclcd minority primu minister He told an alrport press can crcncc Friday he would no lo any ends find the best brains to bring into the cab incl If his means reaching lnlo other panics and even aulxldc Parliament he said then his would be done HULL Que CWTransport Mlnlslcr Halter has on on Soclnl Credit leaders accuslng lhcm of nbnnduninz mmmon unsc nnd preaching ccunomic nnnrzhy nnd lhinlyvcllcd up nrallsnL Do not be nlmid In cxpnsu that man he old Pro arcssivn Camcrvnllve nnmlnnl In mmvnllnn Frlduy nlght lhuy are bringing dcmanug nary evcrywhcro MlILVIIJJC 5k 10 lrlmu Mlnhlnr Ulclcnbnkcr mlyn he doesnt lhink llxc de lrnce mue Hmuld lmrm Unllcd SIM nmliun vrlnllons WHEN ul llm ulnrln mull mu mull ltpmluwll mu lumhm whim mm lulu llmk um hul mum In pr IWIIN lo Im hath Min Mow day nu mmm lnr nerklml ml lrnwn Imul mu upflINI lwa munUn mly In Onlnviol Im ml cmmllu an uwhmnl Ilmxlar upman In lhe lul Island Aprll mm or ulnlmw JIan lumlmvu Imul open um buy Canadian when and other products should be al lowed In pay for them in helr own currencies He tnld Sock Credit rally Frlduy niuhl that foreign cx change difï¬culties are przvcnl mg Canada from soiling more products abrud and that mere sales pmmoxmn not enough Out In Thousands kw Ottawa Illrllll lmncvl all nwm 1th wllh null rnlrhu hm mall llw tlummm wrnl nmmml lo Fprml Hm wrrlrnd In lulu IIIU land previous to the subdivision being registered and it was years until the cloud was dis covered when an the oWn er endeavored la dcpd pm perty to relative PER CAPITA GRANTS Now that rullng judge has allowed that partllme res ldenls may be candldalcs or municipal ullices nmollon by Deputy Reeve Campbell second ed by Counclllor Todd asks that the departments grants based on the number permancm resldents in the Iownshlp be changed lo include all resldenk part ll or penmam Innis grants which are based on populadon 11an 6000 would if this basis calculation were adhered give per cupila grank nearly equal In that of Earth It would considerably reduc the schml load whim is he big por tion at lhese grants and would add to the Iawnship income leader of the New Demncrnllc Party says Canada has 00 myph ica dirty laupdry old press conference Friday that some it may have been hung up in lhe BC provincial legislalurc Tuesday by afï¬davits alleging irregular ilics in Ihe 11C highway dc4 parlmcnl CARMAN Man CWSocial Credit Loader Thompson says lhap forcin gunning wishing Fishermen Tum WOULD ASSESS CENTRES resolution moved by Coun Pay For Wheat Any Ends No Harm cllIor Todd andaeconded by Deputy ReeveCnmpbeIl suggest ed Ihnl there should be provl sinus in the Assessment Act to allowrlor the naming of cum munny tankes on yestenklaI propertlgs only 1th would leave the farm and commemlal properlies tree 01 the huwlen ol supporting thesL genius Council apparently eel mu dendal propgnies only 5benem from such centreq We learned this momlng that owingtn Illness he swearingvln ol the Honorhhle Earl Rowe as Lleulennnt Governor has been postponed We are theproud reclplent ol letter lrom Mr Rnwo 1mm Ottawa ln whlch he writes Dear RG May ll thank you for your hlnd mn zratulallons on my appolntment to the posillon as representative Her Majesty In the Prnvlnce of Ontarlo As look back on the years of my llla that have been filled with adventures and responsllrllilles of considerable varlety reallza that slendlast lrlendships estubllshod must7 hole the gnenlesl recompense Hopan to successfully meet this new challenge as Her Majestys representatlve ln lheProvlnce Ontario Mrs Rowa and are happy In know we shall have the sympathy and cooper ation of so many good lrlcnds We eel sum the our readers will Join us In hoping that the Illness whlch has delayed his taking ofï¬ce only temporary and that by the time this In print ha leI have been duly sworn Into office LETTER FROM ROWE COLLEGIATE CAPERS One at Lhe best pages lhnt aepeau In our paper is that which mnlaim he collegiate Insmulcs writeups and we eel these writers should have spe cial mentlon Week In and Ym DEFINITELY Iucocuflil Onlnrio dec Ciumdc will mum mom opportunilics for pro molions and rniscs and in nddilion conllnuou cmploymcnl for hose in cxisllng jobs ll will also litlp lo cmle lhc 60000 new Join llml will be needed for those comlng onlo lhc lnbour rum tach your The Cmuulc can bring this about by incmulng upon from Onluio and encouraging the mnnufncluve in Onlnrio olmoro ol the good wc conlumc More is wlme your help Is nmlcd Your pm in II onum Tmlo Cmudo livery time you make purchase or Influence in money Ipcnding decide you can cmuw llml job and opportunities wlil be mnlcd for Canldlanl Howllook for the producl in II Made In Canada Camdhn Ihoppm Are the woddl grates impoumWeuchlpendlnlvumolswmry date on the happenings among the school population Wu feel that one special mention should be made and recogniiion given in Rosemary Asquith oi Control Collegiate who in ille week of 15m February lold of sludent Slave Crane winning the Thin Canada Tca Clipper competi ilnn This smievement brings renown not only to his school but to our district ind had worked on his model or am year and won the top prise across the country cash award of thousand dollars and trip in Ceylon and lndini We congratulate Steve on his win which was Ihe result oi rgsi pcrsonui ellort We also con gratulnie tho Coilogloie corre spondent who interviewed him and wrote it up so well wzekJmVunley 55an us up to With the schools at the Coun Iy having their own page and Worship And WorkIn Iesus we ILLusTnmn 51mm scriqu you By mixed nuéséhé Mmaux am Chrlsl look H15 three may lavored dlgclï¬le Peter James amigohnup to the top nl 10000 ML Heifmon in northern Falesune There in the company of Moses and If each one of in Onlnno would divul just $2 each wcck SIOO each ycnr from lmporln lo the purrhm of compnmbIc Canadian goods the mull would be drumnllc 0000000 vlml dollar wulrl be nrulublt In Ural hm mrmu MIMIan and lo pmvlrlr 600 nm lulu and oppollunlllc or all live mp nf Onlmlo You can Ill In My néw Vilh cvcry dollar you Ipmd 11w Gnmnmcnl of Onlnvio mognlm Ilml some lhlnp have to be Imported Dul It Iuggcsu lhnlwllcnmrlhmis Cnnndhm product cqunl in quality and win In an impelled out your dccislon should favour the Canadian product ycnr on import mnnulncmrcd good 11mll mom lhnn ï¬ve time In much In our neighbour In Ihc Unltcd Slate and considerably more than lhc Impon tpcndlng of the pcoplc of Urilnin or Wu Gcrmuny Egllah who mymrlously aw and Chris was transng Ilqfed dnullna by Gods glary ngmm me When they wqame down lb 00 of lhe ountnln they oundlhe ath ycr disciplc trying In vain 81f belng so well written The Exnminer will be even mom Worth reading We know that harem and others will agree n90 CONTROLLERS smuw Last month we mentioned that tho do calchero salary had been set at $900 annually plus monthly allowance of $50 lo oover mllonge and ex penses However we have now been informed hnl Ihls was an error and ulllwugh be ls Io be known as Anlmal Controller he will be recelvlnz olnl ol $50 month out ol whlch he will provide dog food and other ex penscs JOINT PLANNING BOARD The Joint Planning Bumd sci up to include innlsiil nnd nd joining munigipaiitics will have ha Iowrisï¬fp repruenlallve Charles Wilson who also Ihc township solicitor The purpose nl this overall board is to help synchronize all planning on land and roads which are like 1y to be Jalnlly used in Mum mm We have In mlmi the proposal of In City of Bards exlcnd Ihelr show road soulherly and cast mm It mu Ihe westerly boundaries of Innlslil which heal dcmonpossused boy The lather begged Chris help and when He demanded and got the mans mm Christ was able when ma boy thmugh prayer unly Mark 29 On lha way and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 800000 to 950000 on lhave tread lots near schools from $50000 down No salary require ments Served by NaturalGas PA 654 After p111 Ind Holldlyl PA 151 YOUR CHANCE OF LIFETIKM CARSON REAL ESTATE 0th VIM ml Immaculth Y0 mm mm ill 0le It hum mammal WM on NI Ilm mm IMrI Huh ulflkll mam mm In mum mom mm Mamaomn Innmum WUIJMcpvmm Irammmulm muM mamm um mu Il loll luflWm Dunn olnlv hm ovum uumm hum numnwmw nut mum Mbl IN om mu Dm umhuman mm 11qu 0mm ulnamug 35 as 23555 is 3251 315 Egssatl at link II Voumlummmnmm Cum mm In Mun In nudqupr roadway apenhlotho lake and is part lhemurth end 10 aldemad flxiwquld enable road to pmcmd from the citys hnyxlde rand eulerly Imo Tol Iendnl and eventually pick up mm Her to Caper naurn the secretly amnd with other about their own an Ca ernaum Chri anther and mu om who them that be Emu GOVERNMENT OF ONTARIO TRADE CRUSADE must bu the 15 md thl servant ol all Mark mm lhcn He placed child Ihelr midst and gathered In HI arms He explained that whoever recelved ch23 in mm really melv Chrlsl Hlmsell and whoev received Christ also recelv God who sent Him Mnrk M1 GOLDEN TEXT Join 434 555$