In returning to Mahovflch it should be pointed out that Frank had Just returned from games absence due to chnrley horse He showed little effect from the injury as he was constant threat and played one hls best games LEAFS BACK IN SECOND SMALL CHATTER The Inc that clnssy Dave Kean hasnt been xcorlng goals as Into doesnt seem to bother hlm Ho relnaed to accept the ï¬rst Len goal which went lo Mnhovllch after 11 napomd as he Ke on hml ll pad In While goa In John Bower plny ed Item game he looked terrible on Stun Mlkllnn ZDlh marker of lhu umpnlgn The risky Mlklln red II 11101 from out Iron and flower lulled lo movn muscle Now these guys were in real trouble Not only did they get hit on the beezer but the game misconduct which followed carried with it shot to the pocketbook tAnd to boot their names werent even mentioned at threestar lime Upon entering the penalty box Fleming turned to Douglas to ask his impression the blizzard of 1830 He barely got the words out or his mouth when Doug las let fly with shot to Regs rosy red nose Bingo they were at it again this time in the penalty box Sidestepping Frank Mahovollch Reg Fleming and Kent Douglas the selector Instead turned to Bob JPulford Erlc Nesterenco and Ron Stewart True Stew art had two goals and Pulford one for the Leafs whllo Nesterenco clicked once or the Hawks And each play ed strongly and was credit to the respective teams But neither came close to the accompflshments of the aforementioned trlot The win pushed the Lenin back into second piece one poini up on idle Montreal Canndlens and seven poinis buck oi the Hawks Vllh first place almost out oi reach Toronto i111 Its sights set on second This will make it much easier or ihem in the semiInnis when ihey will meet lourih place Detroit Red Wings In the mean time the Hawks will whack themselves out battling wiih Le liabs George Punch imlach llinple Leai mentor has robabl conceded the firstplace ilnish he so smiling pred cied or his crew nt the start oi the season At at time he didnt ioresee the unnecessary losses to osion Bmlns nnd New York llnn ers Possibly il ihe als would hnve saved hii oi Sundny punch ihey employed last night or the lower division team it mighi have been iirerent story Mldway through the flnal frame the cameraman swung his lenses ever to the llawk beach where the viewers were treated to neatly dressed Reg Flem lng looking so lama as he glared murderoust at each Leaf player The penalty box affalr brought each of the tass lets an automatic 10mtnute misconduct whereupon they wore sent to the dressing room 0n the way across the ice Reg decided to pursue the 1830 blizzard mat ter and the pair were at it ngutn few those left book would haVe put Sonny Llston to shame Whlle the haulers rolled around on the floor with Douglas on to Mahovllch suddenly climbed over the boards in amnllkemanner for chat with Jack Evans of the Hawks Actually Evans who had been serving minor at the time was merely checking Douglns chokehold The two were banished to the ug for liveminute rests and said TV viewers knew ey were in for treat It didnt take long before Douglas and Fleming were at it again taking turns slashing at each other Another brawl broke out but this time they were sent to the box for twominute minors Actually the pair were involved in two fights the Illst coming into view just after the man announced something about for the 27th year its Hockey Night in Canada and TV patrons were just settling down Fleming was attempting to get at Douglas while the latter was held tightly in headlock by the linesman Nary whisper of number 27 when the three stars were announced Now take the other two fellas the quiet shy Reg Fleming of Chicago and unammtng Kent Douglas the defenceman with the two firgt namesxlhese two should have been selected as stars for sheer determin atton they were determlned to kill eachthoother TWO SEPARATE BOUTS fake the big guy first the fellow called Frank who is better known as the Big and has surname which is quite difficult to ronounce All this chap did was score his 815t goal the season assist in three others notto mention dozen or so longlegged sweep ing rushes the left side and kept the attack going when his bu dies fell by the wayside THE THREE MOST likely candidates for threes selection were ignored alter Toronto Maple Leafs 63 victory over Chicago Black Hawks at Maple Leaf Gard ens last night BARBIE EXAMINER WAY FEBRUARY 6H WRONG THREE STARS Lan Mm wlxhen lo udvlw hll mnny Honda and cualomern In THE CITY CAFE wlll be closed or npproxlmnlely four weeks commendn Momlny Mnrrh or renovations lo accommodate hln furlhcmnlng DININ LOUNGE Meanwhile he will join hla Mm Ken nl Kennyn Gardens 70 Dunlop ï¬lm Went Ho lnvlm you lo Join hlm lllero or lho mm menu at the name poqulnr prime Mr 10m exlrndn nlncere apology or any Inconvnnlcnce 11m necessary renovnllons may cause you WATCHFOR THE GRAND momma or THE CITY CAFE Chow Mm wlxhcn lo udvlw Ill mnny VCVITY CAFE wlll bu cloud or nmmul spears CHATTER By JERRV GLADMAN Maanflma Sn You KENNYS GARDENS PUBLIC NOTICE IN EARLY APRIL Shun Mlkilu um Black llnwlu scored on ï¬nal Ind broke lie wilh own or Um scoring ltlld mum now hill 29 ï¬nal and wish or polnll uhllo llnwc has II nlsls lo En Mlh his will or polnu mm nhcnd ol MIIMVHIIL Mlklll Chicago lluwv Drlrall Malmvllth Tomnlo Hull Chmn llnllmnle New Ymk llucyk llonlon Ollm Milan Jch kllvonu of Manlnnl Cnnndlcnl who hnl lcauum lennlnu lulnl IN ulong wllh Will dropped to club nlncl He named one goal and helped set uu lhro olhcrl Loaf bout Ohlcuuo Black Hawk The goal was his ml lying hlm or be lead 0an wlm Delmlllrï¬ordln Hnwc Frank Mahnvllch Townlo anlu Loan surged from elghlh plum lo lhlrd In the Nullonnl Hockey Mazua Icaran nce ngintsdny Niagara Full Montreal Petcrhom hidf Glme Quebec at Cleveland Prnvldnncn at Rochester Hershey at Springfield Eulan Irnlenkmal Kingston 34 15 712174 75 HullOttawa 15 226162 Sudbury 21231113 23153 SLlauLs 1513 GZOOBSSQ Wednexdnyl Remit Flu Kingston Tuninil Glynn Sudbury at St Loni MIMI Kingston HullOttawa Sudhury St LouLs Western Division BUHEIO 3519 51951 75 Cleveland 24 27 206 51 Rachestcr 20 199 211 47 Pittsburgh 19 160 215 42 Wednudny lluulll Quebec Pillsburgh Clevalnnd Hershey Buflalo Cleveland Rachestcr leburlh Big Surges Up In Scoring Hershey Providence Quebec Sprlniflcld Baltimore By THE CANADIAN PRESS imam Lellue Cldcago 801614175l451 Toronto 29 21 0187156 57 Mnnlreal 2t 18 1318615 58 Detroit 151 159 61 New York I1 31 1117129145 Boston 13 3311517914141 Wedntsdayl Result Chicago anontn lonlxml Gama New York at Chicago Damn at Boston Chicago Toronto Montreal Detroit New York Boston Thu lendm CHICAGO BLACK MWKK Reg Fleming takua punch mm Wranlo Maple Leafs Bob Bwn in un By THE CANADIAN PRESS Onlnxla Amerlcn Luqu Eulem Dlvulon HOCKEY RECORD llmlnrA LT AN 1111719513565 261 91961661 201811 139111151 1013 813116645 LT AP 3020 62201696 3025 4138168 2525111701736 2825 3221ng 2421 716920155 315465 Jlllfll M5 185161 1117 213060 ANI Wllllc nn KM Drllhh open 101 cham pionship In um dlrd Wednu day Auclululanie mm nl ha mall lnmoul pln In In Irllhh Kn wan the pm mlonnl to the Hon nnd Auden Gull Club SK Amme Ior ymn Frank Mnhuvllch Tor ord Howe Detroit 11 um Jenn Htllvcuu Mont nnl Ptnlltlux llnwlu Young Dev roll no mInuIca Shukm Plnnlz Munlrcnl Glnnn Hull Chlcnxu By THE CANADIAN PRESS ank Mnhovllch Toronto Ion wlnger who scored RM and hm usisu In Tomnlo vlctmy over Chicano Ile Hawks sundlnnx Chlcnfo won 10 lost In llcd pant Sukllchawnn Junlar Estvan Melville Sasanoon Moose Jaw II Realm anklon tFlrstHï¬nvmo ol beszailhrcc termnan Oil and District Senior Ollyu Cornwall Calgary sturllaxjd Cenlnl Alberta Lacombe 01d 34 mum wmdsor lo maidseven mini11ml 33 Ontario Junior l1 Chalhum Windsor Rigs game besmIlhreu scnfllinali lï¬lr game afbcstoIseven semifinal Inlcrnallnnal Lezuo Omaha Muskegnn 10 Emern Lenxno Johnstown Cllnlon Philadde New Haven Knnxvlue Nashvlllo Greensboro Charlotte Hull Jnnlur nestotlkevedEerï¬Itmal lied xn Cups melon Scnlor sxdpey glue pay Syanei lead Siéuimma 11 ml 34 Non Scolh Senior qulclqn New Glasgpw St Catharines 2111 158 207 39 Guelph 34 150 25012 ougwa in Huï¬ ll 11 CANADIAN PRESS mamay nesnn St Catharine Montreal Tonighll Gnmel Guelph Hamlllun Niagnrn alls yelqborauzh Orith Senior Gag Chamam Palnlu sum Mikiln Chlcngo WM 60 CHAMP mKCALDY Scollnml MP ed mékr penaiilcs and Flem Hawk Hockey zumemal Tor mglo 19m nlahgu Boxhrrecelv ggileflulqd action in Leaf Vthslofzsevcn gemHinnl NHL LEADERS NHL STARS cmmuvxocmo At lollplmu socn ans Junk 50 Lem umm Em lUXUlV SIIVICI ICONOMY hymfllna Inddd Mun 0m In llm heart of downtown Toconlo faclng Allan Calcium Clmo lo flnm lvopplng and cnlovtulnmm comm maor lmpllull and Iubwuy Bocunlully appointd moms undlulm Dlnlng Room Tolcvhlon Chlldun FREE lied Med Moduololy two 5W Mud Onwmr 1850 Dle IOIIL ln llw nnly wny wed mnke mrmry ha mld NIIL mm mm nl anmrnunn pain Patrick Kcncru mnnngcr nnsflm Hnlinx he NHL HIM Vancouver cnuld In Ml out suth dlvlslnn unlrsx get mnjnr Inumm hulldlnfl Hm on smulinrl lriu Pul rltk snld nllrrnnllro lo NIH uxpnnshn would hn he 0mm llnn Ms must mnlnr lcauuu hill 41 pmunnlly liku lo up wmlrrn dlrislnn the Mill hvmmo It would give mlr lcnuun mum naunnal charm Icr Inlrick mm San antlxco nan In Anurlu rnmly lur nmlur mrkry um um Swamp uxul lnrllnml would lm IDRICJI Nhlillnlu mm NIH expansion would Mun on nnllnnal elclelnn anrnrl The second opencrs are slag nrud Columbus Is at home to lndlannpolis and Buffalo cnlcr lnins Ricllmand April 184 The three olhcr clubs make thclr ï¬rst home appearance Apr 24 wllh Lilllo Rock at Rochester Atlanta at Syracuso and Jack sonville at Toronto VANCOUVER iCl Lynn Pairlck says he Wu consi ls ready lnr major league hockry and in wnuid like in Um Nniimml Himch luxuo arm wulrrn division The opening day pairings are Toronto at Jacksonville Sym cusn Alizmla Rncimstur at Lillie Rnck Columbus nl Rich mond and Bullqu at lndlnn apolis the end or be regular sea son Ihe lenders in each dlvlsion men In hcslhbseven cham plnnship series The lwa second plnce ï¬nishers play each other with the winner lnking on the ï¬rstplace champlons or the Gnvrnlars Cup In hersoulhcm division are Jacksonville Suns Atlanta Crackcrs Columbus Jcls In dlannpolls Indians and Jule Rorckr Travelers Jacksonville unn the 1962 pen nnnl and Atlanta was me play off winner Indianapolis and Lllllu Ruck are Ihc new mom bars of he league NEW YORK AWThe 80 yearold International League which boomes 10 team league IhIs season rurylhe first lime slnce 1887 opens Its 1963 hnseball schedule April 16 lommy Richardson president of the league announced the schedule today with each lenm playing 152 games The league will be composud of two iivo clgh divlsions The nut nrn sccllon teams are Toronto Maple Leafs Bub lalu Blsons Rochester Red Wings Syracuse Chlcls and nichnfpnd Virgininng Patrick Favours Western Division Schedulé Begiï¬s Middle April Ing went on lnler in the sec Qnd period Io earn minar misconduct and game misconduct In brawl with Ken Douglas Mat and Hawks mum to restrain Douglas from entering fray CF Vimphom Cetuwa loo am Burrlo with Um Inynfll lo Hurt nul work In wlll be unreli llm mics nxc lucky Inn draw wlll lake plate at Iho Inst narrlo hams game The final 01 lhe Lake Simcoc Ladies llockny Lcnxuo play down wlll be delayed due to both learn being cutter In ha Allislun Lndics Hockey Tourna menl March 12 The Itllnglspl Um 19 Simon Kunpvlew Lndlex hmdny Emln Luau sundlngs A111 KM 17 Pen cllc Busy Bees SI Cnck lers 13 Night Hawks 32 Pirates ParmLs 27 Royal 23 Blue Jays 21 The Pros 20 511015 l9 Lirawircs Remus Cncklou Night Hawk Royal Shall Pirates Palml Blue Jays The Pro MIX Kala Vb wire Pencils Busy Bee my Bees Loss 359 Pal Mani i031 1655th high triple an and lap tingle Parrot 1015 Plralés Ifmg 1mg Alll Km world champlnn Yankees gathered In heir lwo highpriced star on the same day without any sign strqgglg Roger ans the other half of the and wrecking crew cum to term an hour later Wednesday or the same $71000 hojnrned last yqar Mintié signed special wmmuny mended by Joe Di no can afford to of course with his Chicago Black Hawk headed or what is almost can lain be thelr best National Hogsey Leanna sensnn mm mm MLmo 14159 Inns made me most noise over sccnnd period batlle between FORT LAUDERDALE Fla AWMickey Mantle lha New York Yankees star with the booming but and the malls legs has supped up to lhe $100000 class love he share only with Will Maya unanz acgva piglets Simcoe Finals Delayed Week Conch Rudy Pllou bikes 1°59 meicw Our guys had mshlnn and thwth they could sleep on It Pllnus shrugged alter Chlcalul 94 Ing by Tofonlo Maple Tho ï¬rst place Hawk have palms mvenpolnl edge over the leafs with 10 games remalnlnz inï¬he schedule Chl cagos but penalImam for lull season 75 points smred 1n bolh 196061 and 196162 when uugg hinged thlnj Wednesday encounter was triumph for Tomnma Frank Mahavllch who returned after oanmo Injury lays to scare one goal and assist on three others His Hnemnle Ran Slewm Scored twice BAIILEES EJECIED They need mmunltlnn like an tonwake tlgcm Taranto Drubs Hawks In Real Wild Affair By THE CANADIAN PRESS Yankee Bombers Sign For Bundle BOWLING You Still Cant Beat atural ln llm mud or Kingston chk Bentham Inlllcd on le Ihot In narrow the Horn but Don Illncklrurn wllh hll nu goal of no Manon scored the clincher curly In tho lhlnl bul lnz nlnrtnlle by Ilapnlnz In nwn rthound nllcr hrlnl Yul ln lho clear by Jennnol GlherL per ad Pele Pann gnbkn and ma rum Mnrcuuc nflcr lhc Salnu dclcnco lapsed and left Pnnagnbko nll alonu In 1mm ollhn 119ch Innllq Thny so goalie Jucquu Maxmun with 72 shot chnudny nlzhl In ono sided Interlockan game at Kingston with the lnlernuuonnl League dnb The Frontenac won and look lwopoinl irstluce lend over HullOl ann Canadians Mnrcolle allowcd goal In each perlod but pulled of nearly unbelievable 11ch lo Imp Klnxslnn mm Innkan ray of ï¬n lamc fly THE CANADIAN PRESS Klnastnn Frontenac have moved lnlo sole posxcsslon first place in the Eastern Pm csslunal Hockey Leagun by mum qlA sheer cflort flier KI and boy were he muly Xunkeggnof signed Kingston Rewarded For Sheer Effort The Yankee bmkc precedenl by shnwing Mantluu contract 10 lhe nuwspnper men 1112 switch hmJng outï¬elder made about $050001n 1961 at MS EXPECTED Maria was expected In get cut but the Yankees said their nnly War to him was the sam are as lax year IIanilo 53611 hopes lopr five more seasons at lap clip maybe more Torontos Kent Douglas and Chl cagos Reg Flemlng that in haul players thrown out at the game It started when Idem John Ashley sent them both all lelh mlnm penalties loa slush nfl There was much pushan and shovlng may headed or the penalty box Illen Douglas turned around as lhey entered the gala land punched Flemlnz In the face ma pennlflel carry aultr 159° tines oz sad Mord or most penalty minutes in single game came 1me close to matching his awn mark of 31 minutes He Ind Tomnlol Bob Faun were assessed ma jor penalties earlier in lbs and period or ï¬ghting Flem ings lalnl penalty lime or flu gums was 27 minus 1110 SCORES Magda he nnly other Yankee reach that plateau Ted Wil Ham nnd Stan Muslal are Iha only other players aver to earn $100000 for season Bnhe Ruths top salary was $80000 earned In the low lax years of 1930 and IBIL Tiny plied inlo each other behind the penaliy bench and were tagged with misconducu Whtn they movzd back hi the ice and continued the Hunt they wele given gyms misconducu Kahbvï¬ch started the scaring car In Ihe ï¬rst period while Chluxu was shadhanded and anlonll Assoclluan New York I07 Cincinnnll 119 Los Angeles 11 Syracuse l2 nub Chicaga Senior Intemllcmlo McMnsler 56 Western Nesgrgnko pad pug link dengnck gunï¬kï¬nfé ohmw we tel we Lea delenoemen Dick Duff lave Tomaw ludlwiih long slap shot be iore the period enduL 11m HonIon brake inio tho clear early in the second thlI Chicago had man advantage and inked Chicago goalie Glenn Hail to make it Munmy Bailout counted or Hawks mid yvay Ulmuxh the second Chicago at home New York Rangers tonight and De lroit vlsils Boston Toronto and Montreal Idle The third period was all 701 anloa with the exception 354001 goal by Chluxol Stan Mlklla who hit the corner on parï¬ally screened shot Stewart Bab Fulton and Stewart again scared or Leafs Mahovllch was credited wm assist on all three Plloux and he hopes to have he Injured Eobbyflull back in action or Chicagol Sunday game against Mnnlreal but banam sized defenceman Pierre Pllole was still ques Hon mark CANADIAN Puss DUNLOP BATSTIINES TIRE SERVICE 101 BAYFIELD ST PA 549 BASKETBALL SEE US TODAY BEST moan Imus BUY THE BUY