3ng 333 Nutm Huh umr mm mm In um 1sz un lrmllcnmlln rm INI ml Du mi mum uilll Vlltmblldll um Mun M11 ml cm In Dom 174014 NEW lMuIlvllI WWI III Mill In IMM Am In In III nm In IllVIN Ill Iman Im mmlrll ny lmur 71 III II Arr Nil Mul Mnnl Nu lllll rI mumn 1M nu All Ilnl Ahmhl Alluuu Ilu Mumlnlum Alhnll UII TL VISITING MILITARY III IMth nml HIVIHH nllcndrd llm upenan 01 he Cnmp Hor dcn Hemnflannl InsHlum yr dun Aruonllnn Flnlnnd Target Rnugc they all had an apparlunily ln Iry out the Can ndiun soldiers newest rifle he Fajrquc Nationnle That antmom they louer he nnynl Canadian School or In nnlryl There they saw film entitled ch Canadian lufnnl ryman watched Irnincd sold demonstrate mndcm ï¬eld rescue techniques at lhe Schuols Pioneer anéï¬eguc Division uuuwu The attaches first functiun at tcr arrival was attendance at an Informal luncheon at the Royal Canadian Schoo ot Infantry 01L iccrs Moss Brig Wtle Moogk ODE CD Commander nl Army Camp Borden ring luncheon welcomed the vislturs tn the camp and unve brief inu at the ggncral role at the schools and units situated there TOUR The highest ranking member at the group Is Rear Admiral Loxcnm Garrahan reprcs enling Argentina and serving as rima Attach in Ottawa Wm IE nCAF CCIDJ Cosmopolitan aircraft nxcsday morning Thero they were met by Camp Bur den Army officials and trans ported by bus to Ihe mimary CQEIP mm hesdï¬y evening they dlncd Thefldrigrn s$sm1ng In Washington and other in 0H wa arrived Downsvicw CAMP BORDEN Argcnllnn Finland and Israel are Ihrce of he 15 counIric rcprcscnlnd by siting military Attaches and advisers horcAlhis wck lug CB nbbon opening the Cunndlan Armys ï¬rst combined Curling and Golf Club named the Camp Borden Recreational Instilulc The cost Ike bulld lng is borne by the member TOCK PRICES 15 Military Attaches Visiting Army Borden 393333 ï¬ffnifx nu EV hm hm Anny mun Ilum Tnun Hum mm 1mm In ml mm um um mm mm on Iqu my Inn up ruImu Im In Arum Inl ml Nu lnm mm mm Imm mm 1mm lnh hmu hwy nutM Iv mu mu run Mill MING Elï¬n mu cruqu mm 53m can my on mnrlnul Dunloy Imam Frnncc Grmo um Spain Jim low munlrlu rrnrrscnml hy he nnnchn he an tnurlnu Camp Dordrn Anny lrnlnlng school IhII mm uu club They went Io former Gun cm Ofï¬cer Commanding Cen lml Command retired General Sparlinx DSOI CD Brim adicr Purm DSD CD lormcr Commander 01 Army Camp Borden and Gcorzo uuuuug addressrlg crowded room lull members he presented three lif cmbgrsflip in lhe The new club bordering the 1811012 gal coursn provides bar and lounge facilities and our sheets of Ice or curlers Followipg Gemml Kluhinns CAMP BORDEN Major General George Kiiching CBE DSO CD Genera Oiiieer Cam manding Ccniral Command cut the ribbon yesterday officially opening he Camp Borden Rec rentionai Insiiiuie combined golf and curling cluh iar service members and Iheir inmilins my 1m may Ap rcntlces dunng lessons In nlluwcd by soldierAp prentice hockey game at Andy Anderson Arena Wednesday saw the dignitaries visil the armys youngest sold lcrs th RCASC School Image the Royal Canadian Army Ser vice Coprs Schunl Officers Mess wlh Camp Borden senior ofï¬cer and lhclr wives Major General Kitching Opens Recreation Institute Wednesday to the nltachcs ves D50 er Comm ander Army Camp Bordm and who yesterday was one of Ihrce granted life member ships In the new club Cnp lain Goodman Presid ship and all activities are In ancinlly sellsupporting From ii ngndier Pur In Alum Ihum ft mu wmmy Inn Nu our unmh mmI um npmm Nnnmll Nov nm mu Man rm lulllr lrln IIn lluu 0m llnnl nunInn mm Al Tu Nu mum on wIm MW lull Haul up llnllmul Flgchings l1 in WI Inn 9m am In ml HymnIn CnMrr nlr drnrlnl akin have mulhwmd lo Genrulun Ilny mtlhrrn Lake llurnn and runllmm In mam mull Thlu nuld nuner nnl vrrlrxl In lw uwrro um Imrn lnlr Soulhrrn Erumlnn Nay Iunl Clrnrlnx um Mlnm DIAMOND RINGS mu The officialdpening look place in wnjuncllon wilh lhe Camp ArmyRCAF bonspIrI The aller noon program also consisth the presentation of many gall awards by Gemml Kilehimz Among the many In nuendnnca were the 15 foreign mlllmry at lnches and advisers Brigadier Mmgk ODE CD Com mander Cump Borden Group Caplain Hilton CO RCAF Camp Borden Col San mark CD Chlcl of Staff Cen ml Command and Col IL Milmy from Army Hendqunrtcrl Ottawa General Kitching also threw IhLl ï¬rst rock opening the curl ing naivity This was followed by two ends curling by son 10 dlgnilnries With IOYEAR SECURITY BOND Chrlslapher Works Coy Royal Canadian Engineers Camp Bordon The vslors left the army slde the Camp early Thursday morning or tour of RCAF Sulion Camp Borden was day touring the min ir squudmns the Royal Can adian Armouer Corps School rilendance at the opening of the Camp Borden Recrcullonnl In stitute and visit to the Ir service Canadlan Forces Medi cal Service Training Centre ent of the Qnllng Activky Maj Gen Kitching General pllicer Commanding Central Command Captain Foxgrave DCM CD Camp Commandant and Captain Johnston Secreury the Camp Borden Recreational Institute Man WEATHER VI nunm Hrnrulun nnymul llurnn and will mam mulbml havq nlmM Mlnhmn nlr and mu lxllchvnclll Vlnnhnm Hmnlllun Clear and coldnr lunlxhl and lrldlly Wind MM lorrrul lrmprrnlurrl AW lanllhl llllh Friday Windsor 91 Klrkcaldy Scollnnd Willlc Auchlcrlonic 90 winner ma British open go chumplonship in 1893 Silt Lulu Clly UtahCharles Sum 81 former larcnn cur rcspondcnl and adventurer who laugh under five flags in seven wars sherbrookr one Msgr Emile Chnnlcr as vlccvrcclor and dean of lullcr at the Unl Vtrslly Munlrval 7m 1918 lo Durlng the Seminar times Fleming president at the On tnrlo Association addressed the secretaries Mr Fleming strcse ed the importance ol the role of secretary in the successful operation at heart Richardson Registrar the Real Estate and Business Brokers Act spoke during the afternoon session He answered several questions regarding the pmceduro in hls Department Secretaries re in boards from Windsor Sudbury South Peel Toronto Hamilton St Catharines llrrrttordv Slm toe Greater Ntngnrn and Bnrrle attended By THE CANADIAN PRESS The semlnar was held in com Junction wilh the Ontario Asso clnllan or Real Estate Board Cajvention Mrs Verna Wilson were my the Hume and District Real Estate Bamjd has hm re turned from Ihe Secretarial Se minar of the Board of Secretar Ies Council held at tho Chateau Laurler Hotel In Ottawa recent Secretéryis Role Termed Important MAJon GENERALG Kn lng CHE DSO CD General Olflcer Commnnding Central Command lhmw the ï¬rst stone lonlflclally open Ihe Curling Activin ol the Camp DEATHS ILAKI Mler the brrukhul In flu Knlflfl Ill cermmny 20 cu moved up lo Itll Me THE The Barrie Boy Seoul Troop and Cu Park at St Marys and St Manlcnl Wm hosts lo hair lnlhm at mm munlon hrcukmsl In Sunday in SL Jusoflla Parish IlnH Over hundrrd Imus tubs and lhrlr Mhm nllendcd Wells wns chalrmnn and Fu mcr mixde and Dr IL Grassland who Fnlhtr nnckwell unld wu urullfylna we so many thm lulu nn nrllve Intern In muting lln remindM llm ln hm lhnl Ihcy would nlwnyl remembrr um lhclr min mum meant ml Ihcy would nlm hr Ihclr Ionl rlvnd and wunullar Dr Crmnlnnd nlkul ho album In lnlo pm In Um group rammllm and lo Ibo nru mlunmn whm um wmmz vnlunlcm whm ulna lwln wnl requlml or Um Icuuls or rubs MR PERSONALITY From lhk polnl on up In lho Individual school boards whether my Muld accept this booklcls The lmklcl hnva been made nvnllable In unar Mo xdmoIL Inrshnll director he Kempcnfcldl Credit Union said We firs had to obtain pcrmlsslan from lhe Depart ment of Transport and Um was done cl wax ariainnfly cream and prtpilfbd by he Sherflla DepartmnnL Les An gem Coqnly CnliL Mr Babéockusald he only adA verllslng Ls on the rover Fro rented you publlc vke by he Kcmpcnrcldz Cmdil my Limited mm gm from my ldmn lo the book let has been good dnnl think Its ever come befarc the board We may have mcclved In the mail Mr Lachanoo said may be possible that legallyhcra An objection here In ad vertising In it Cubs And 860th Entertain Dads The booklet was offered to schools by the Kempenreldt Cm dit Union Ltd and £115 In poetry that children should not play lndark aiieys and empty buildings or talk or ride with Mrangerm Earl Babcock manager of me Kcmpenfeldt Cred Union said the bwklcls have been ac cepted by the separate schools Reg Lachance on the Separ au deol Board said that thereacllan Ive got MARTELLS Then considerable con troversy today aver booklel aimed to lower grade Banla school chlldren the tlme the dlsappearanceol Thomas lnn Baker last tell he booklet called The Cnu tluua Nlns warns chlldren ol he dangers of assoclallnz wllh suqngegs BOBBY CURTOLA Cautious Twins Causes Fuss Pram en are Brig Purm DSO CD farmer Com mander Army Camp Bar den Gen latching Erlz Borden Recreational lnslltule yeiterdqy 4311p EMBASSY HAll BARRIE TEEN TOWN Admhllon 100 Per Pmon Thlt Salwdny Mmh ALSO APPEARING Im goi yw leg lunch Ind Warmflan on how knuw cod Inn hn been plnnned nw Mmhcu Auxiliary my plunnlng hzr Fuhlan Show and Display ol Onlnrln Tanned Wlld Fun for Friday Mam oclock In rnln money lo 1pr lend Smut Mid MI onmm to the Seoul Jun ham In In held In Green In Ausz The Onlnna Tumm Amrlllan IN In chnm in hxr mmth And an Inm tulnu evrninxlo lIJhIOHI prlc ML The mm or Um excellent brcnklusl goes lo the mutth or boy who includad Mu onmm Mu Wlnlem Mn 11mm Mm Omhulr Mrl Wells Mu McKennn And Mr Comm Glrl mm SI Mary Gulde Company nrvcd he breaklnsl nw Mmhcu Mullian In MncKclnun on helm of he pubs prcsonlod out Don Gold wllh blmr msl appreci nllnn his work with me cubs Trampart Mlnlsler Jamel Auld Ioday remlndcd all corn mtrclnl molar vehicle and nil cr owner Ihnl the 1m nnmnl commercil plates went on Mlo today or me new commercial Ilccnsing your Plnlcs or those wishlnz to purchase or the flu quannr unly wlll be nvnlhhlo Much Is 31k tn stranger that you meet dont let hcm give you lays nr mylhlng to eat xomeone that you do no know should otter yau mat remember how he looks and talks but run ail up the siren Commercial Licence Plates Go On Sale Today In Ontario Excel from The Claullous Nlns lollnw Most people love llllla child Somebggawn ups thoum The had was look like and ones like any Mom or Dad 50 Iha Ls why you must not Mr Bnbcock aaid the book Icl wlll be made available to all school children In 019 low er grades wflMn 10mIlI din of Barrie EXCEREI FEOM BOOK Startan this yzar the Human We underetnnd that ex ea Barrle publlc echoole are concerned ll up to Constable Roy Lacey end we ere wellan to hear from hlme Const LI cey was not evellable for com menl to Moozk OBEL cp FA 667 ww Prev on was only pom blu durlnz tho year In lncrcnse the am welxhl vchlclo by paylnx an additional In 2n DUNLOP 51 yml nrll Mn Auld sald has Nan done Io enable lhe lmmducllon ol quanerly licensing for mm mmlal vchlclcs which would become ellccllw on Aprll lhls year He sald lhls new quarterly urrannmml wwld bandit those owner who did no need Io use lhclr vchlcles or lull year hey mum purchase plum lar any one or more qunrlm carer lhe pcrlod when the ve hlclcs would be used was also Yossihlu now lo rcduro the xlcrcd Eros welth of ve hlclc nucessnry or dcslrahlc or any quamr llconslnz quarterly Mr Ilud added LOCATIONS year or all commucial motor vehlclcs and trailers ha been changed to run from Apr Ihls yeaIla lï¬larghgl nggll yeah has done cxlenslve work In this lleld here and In Britain After the meetlng the member ship was served mlreshmenls by members of the IODE Tha club will stage Euchre puny or II next mealan March 27 MEN TAKE ADVANTAGE nl mm Mr Bell told the gathering Illa peoplz wuh sight Im pairment were usually much mom Bled and that many of th best persons he had taught were bllmt One nl hlzhllghls of lb meeting was prucnlallon of St John Ambulance Hrs Aid certi flcale In 10 members the club by John Bell Camp Bar den Sea The sound of muslcfllled the IOOF hall last night as the Caldwell Singersfundcr Die d1 recuan of Rosa Caldwell enter tained Club 60 Barrie The gmup performed number of selections from shows Including My Fair Lady and Beyond The cm Smllh rwxfeTBm Mr Browne charged that he PC cant call themselves Con Iervauves any more because theyve lost the vision of 1057 To this Mr Smith replied dont know what standard he use In Judglng Conservative ha wasnt active in mi riding before 1557 and hasnt been ac uve nines 1358 CHARGES VMIUE 11 Emma charge that Die enbaker In the pegplg down cm Blind Persons Pass Course In First Aid Helm Smith Progressive Conservaiive MP for Simone Nanh since 1957 has struck back charge mad ihis week by an independent Conservative who will oppose him in the April 9icciion Arthur Browne Calling wood earlier lhla wzek described himself true Conservative and announced Una he would run an Independent He has already launched an attack on My Srnllh smith Repliéis To Allegations OfJ Browne SPECIAL OFFER FOR YOUR CONVENIENCI DRIVEIN AND DEIOSKTS In mm SUIT CLEANED AND PRESSED PLUS SHIRT LAUNDERED ONLY SLJS CLEANERS LTD OF OUR ally womwonms nowmowu mm HERES AN OFFER To thls Mr Smith rapllzd am neither proAmerican nor AnnAmerican am just pm Canadian Mr Bmwne ls alleged to hlvn said lhal he is proAmerican mg puck amu He hasnt lled In the ridin far know for some Um dont know how he can Jud Dial the people in the riding are through with me Dlefuk baker cmwd continued Mr Smith WELL wonm Looxmc INTO Mn Smllh mentioned an ho be Mr Bmwm by 14 vale during the 1957 nominadon meeting and by more than 00 vote in 1953 nmuv cu mm am always upset hy un employment but It wunt prim ary the term that hn used the decline of business said Mr Smith oygsmga mommy Brown complaints In rand the lax1 mnuer In of ma rem Io me Donald Fleming and John Hamilton In when riding West Yoxk Mr BNWIII livcs because we was nhln Io provide mflclent mm con cession as required by Ill com pany Iald Mr Smith who will suck the PC nomination at oolnyenllon Barrie next week Mr Bmwne was I150 mmded to have said um because of Government allun to Introduce tariff board nppmved culs ln duties on good used by buiy eha been lama lo In any event mnrlbnwry social murky system minim amendments to Lha British North America Act and up until now Quebec lm reï¬ned to oomdder the pmposall ho conUnuad EVERY FRIDAY 510 pm 00 pm Mr Smith In 1958 ha Federal Government mada walled study of the American plan and reported that it does no help thasa in low Income bracket and was not Is elledlva welfare measure II our old an wagons PHONE PA 60259 Hewcnllcd Browne plan of Ed xchrlly Igbsm ally the hum In Mr Smlhh mu ma with snylng that with Mr Smith for not boosllnz Browne plan or social lec lhougm the charges Vugnlnxl Dielenbaker were so vagua that they werent worthy of an an wer HONKY TONK ENTERTAINMENT SATURDAY pm 30 pm GRUB STAKE 75 Brpwngwa also credited CLUB 20 THE WELLINGTON HOTEL Tn