Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Feb 1963, p. 13

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95m CFTO CHANNEL IHUIIIIAY nunmnv too mu Ur ID Pmllnor Ild my hunu mncn s=22 TE Pllltm de Marnlnl sums mm mm nompu Imam anu mm Noon 1mm mu mum or mm film Mnl Manna men11y Gllnl 14ml You nh mm mu lrlany Tdmbalnnt Tlnllnn held party al the hum of Mr and Mra Kennem 5m 1m Chris Church Ivy IEnIor choir Friday night mural CHINA 21 40a 5mm mu Pull bum IIlml In Spun no in on Th Dtlmdcn Pllydll no Th Unlouchlhlzl on cue TV Nun Wu spam Nam 30 Movln Two Thnuund anfll Our quotable noilhiel man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not ve herOscar Viide Snieiy editorial You have one chnncc In Ihrec oi being involved in an accident ii you the Mean highway had been aved Chrlslopher Cov lumhuz might havemado it faster In North America on loot He averaged about 18 milk an hour by null Luci rmmn Llh liner and molhm rccenlsurvcy showed lhnl ll 01 parenls smoke heavy ninjoruy at their children will aso IVY Julius Caesar pinnncrcd the idea of trniiic control by Dan ning the parking oi ail char lnis in Ramas ccniral busi css district 2000 years as in addition to putting out he nu parking sign Caesar went along with scnatnrlal edict revoking the driving ii cences oi Roman women But he lost that haillu The ladies enlisted the nrntor Cicero on their sid and he won them back lhcir right to drive Congratulations Io Mrs Georg llsnn who celebrated her 8591 lrlhday Feb All ha ladle n1 Ivy and £1154 are Invited tn take part In World Day Fruyer service on Friday March In Christ Churchzlvy at 230 pm ll mu unlu Bu In lulled by NEW YORK Arimun Columnlsl might never knew it he didnt open Ms mall And Copy Wlu narmrllrvrnd Hum THEREIS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICI MRS WILMER WILSON illlthal lme at year again AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY DRIVEYGURSEIJl CAM AND TRUCKS TELEVISION 930mm CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 THE LIGHT TOUCH Move That Chariot No Parking Here HIM mm min UTV In Hum no lllm IATIVInAV Lu Tm rum ha rm nu ma CTV New Inn Melm lml no mm amen llouv nun MAIcn NW 1044 llnmlno um um rm Ind 11 um Mada 833 llmn laollnl In You Km 333333288 Trot um m4 mmh Im Bum nu wmmm lArunuAv nuncu no mlmnrn Clnvon mm mm Mu Pruenll 1039 anl Mom In Th Iluuu luv Mm Around 17 noun 45 Smith 1200 Adelllru HM 1130 Klnl or Chlmvlcm chnml rnum All About but in Wnndulul World Gull mu no By HAL BOYLE 130 no yuur child urzlni you Io buy an elephant lam 11y pal you might point out um an average GMpound specimen cosl $10 day to out This or dlel of 100 pounds of hay 20 pounds of grain mix 20 pounds sarled Vegetables and Iix loaves ofA ml bread wumck ul lhe wed The human tongue nys nc Ior Oscar Homulka weigh pracllcally nothing yet In ew people are ablein m1 readcr asks Dld you know lhat the nth the month lull mare ohen on Friday than any other day the week No didnt Can other readers say this trueand If so why IVY TEAM WINS lha semi Ina playolll EssaInnis whoa hockey wokv place Feb 23 It Thornton Arenn Ivy plnyed Thornton Ind won High Icon for Ivy Elli Pancakeviupperulza to flu held the Orange Hull Ivy on hath All In Invited tn It en grid flowery wlihed Ar ur Cnxwarlh who put ient at Royal Viclorll Hamill Barrie where the Menl Club of Christ Church hone lo Ihuw up the womep by having lhelrlngup mum lesion Th term damynnkze employed sun will more or less ultecllnn south of the Mason and Dlxon Lina didnt originate there Cmndluns In the war of 1m culled men US opponents Damn Yankm BIG FOOD BUDGET drlva 12000 milu In year And the odds are an In 35 that someone wlll be hurt In that accident and one In 1300 someone will be killed or someone else in mm mm lurlvn Itou ll Cuvllrll gllnrm cmeI Con unny TIMI 11 Lucy In Ilmmnm MI um ml nu Inn um mm Wm nml rllL MI 3431 mm TORONTO To an rm nun Ounlmol Lurula um llrl Im Shh crv Nu Mum nml mm mm on Wllon Tuln muny Mr Iduny Ill10mm tum llrr Nun Wlul rndal Mum lel 5an Anmnnl lume CTV Nun Imnumu luvkl BARRIE nuan cnc Null Wumu mm Mavi mum Nev WIIUIH Spark Dr Kllflln fury Ilomu lam ulnnm Cnmlul For example look ll IMI hand when SauUI in live club and Wu land Ipada Ensl wlru and mnllnuu wllh muffin which Soulh rum Dcc rernowi uclellenl dunes of mnklnl contract illmtm Mn In nucv But some hundl lhll Ippcr In depend on luck can occulon ally be Inlvngcd by mod play The lurk demon can to ductd ll lha um um um he dunnch sums are In mused mm In Plum bird Think It In Ilfll Mon hmm IL nun mam mm ponym Into Openlnn lendlcn Ipndu The oulcamu max hands depend on how the oppanmu card In dlvldcd where can Inc depends Inler on the lavnrahle dinlrlbullon un nr the mom or Iinem all you cnn do In hope lhnl lhl Inlcs wlll baanAyaur Mb DAILY CROSSWOBD Arman sum llllnpd imlrumnlx mm I0 lmll Inn Home run darn mm OwlHm 21 mmmu wmmmn Dc Ind 11 Tom mun1n mu Actor pnmlmfii 11mm tor Fuckflu Hamld slum vlsiled over the eekend with his ulster In Tar onto Congratulallons an aim In or dcr or Mr and Mrs Stewart Calms who celebrafld their 80th weddlnl anniversary Feb 23 About 30 friends gathered at their home or the occlusion Ta 11 birthday come and 10 faster with the yum io Mn William Elliot very hnppy hirfllday Feb and many more Mrs Elliot no yearn young was honorad Saiurdny evening her home by friends mm Toronto Mn Jame Fry and Mr and Mn Geeve who cams with many good things including beautiful birthday cake They were Joined later by friends in lbwn and enjoyed iew round euchre Mr and Mrs Elliot were Ilsa cnlcnalntd at dLmer pmy II the home Mr Ind Mn Harry Potter Nil 103 Many Mend ananc OLeary were sorry to lelrn 01 his pass ing In St Josephl Hospital Tor onln Feb mm He had been hospitalized for short time The dgceued will be much mln ed on our streets where he wu so often seen To the Inmlly an sons and dunghlen our slu cert sympathy her husband one son John her mother lwn ulster Ind broth er all at Tottenhnm To Ihem exlend our sincere Iympathy By ETHEL WICE Veronch Sullivm wile of Polar Man glrly Saturday nwrnlng In 5L Mlc 3131 hiddln South wm Narlh Eu Pm Pn Pu Mmoss 1mm hm Illd bum MM nowu Scum dealer Bath 1ch vulnerable mum an AM un 03 Ivy Juvenile hockaytumwon the first game In total more to count contelt Thu lenmwllh the highest number of point in two lamu gun on to the null Ivy Lefmy Tha ncond fume will bu lhll Thuudny even Bmca McVnnell went lhl fim week villunl Infllbmnto spew Hub Hogarth am Ly Mr and Mrs Walker Spicker and TOTTENHAM CONTRACT BRIDGE um uxqmu mu bordn rutmd cum umnu qum 11 yaw nut ULKQH Klou 00 01 5y JAY BECKER mm mm mm ur hold 19 Dilllll so Auml urnn plan plan at run MINI 10 nuckol Tomorml1 Reuponfllnl lo nolnunn ma In dlnmond mm II no noctsury nven ll Wul hat the quun Ind Dunc would not be when The nmxlmum chance nuan he 1an nltalncd by dulan lm Hem Nola thll he rtlecllnn the dlnmand flnmu doc nol hum South on ML Suppose had held Illa dilmondl lmlend Qx Dulmr would all maka lha hand by ludln lawnrda In dummy Ind ulnbllahlng the Jack II lrlck onmwhlcq Iodhcnrd hurt er dcclnrcr hm bel lcr chance make lha caniluc he vnrlv MI play IHKMIY Mlcr drnwlnz lmmp ha lhould Hrs cash the ac and km of dlnmonds In lhe Ictunl can Ihil may play succeeds tlnce East WA dull lhe doublelon qugcn chnncu nether make Sath Ilronl hvnrile to makc lvo clubs Yet he EasLWcsl unis ha pen in He 50qu wnuld go own 11 he allowed lhls course of plly He would lose the diamond finesse and later the hem finesse and utter onrlrlck defeat man mm me klnl nnnlhar dlmand and finesse the Jack In flncue wins he home But even It loses his prospccls are Illll good The diamond my divided and Illan lhat Ihe he incssn may york AIL Ha can drawrlrumpa lead the Mr Ind Mn Bowden visited their grandson Kevln Bawden at the Royal Vlclorh Hospital Enrrle He had In op ernllan on his knee Kevin ex pmed to be home In low duyl vypmunx Vlskon Sunday It Mr and Mrs Jack Polleys home were Art Harlan Summervllle Mr and Mrs Young Dunedln and Mn Ind Mrs Pulley Toronto The next euchra will ha erch when the draw for flu mIJor prizes will In made Mr and Mn Don Blyl Ind Iwo dnunhtm warn recent vlun with Mr Ind Mn Run Del nney The Lady Bowler euchru held In the lawn lull nwnrded prize lollowl ladies Hazel Walk cm 0m Simpson men WI ter Hurlbert Hllnmond door prim Mrs Freeman Ind Clmpbellz cakes erl Ire Donnn Stewart Curlnl and Halon Sinclnlr llru Mr and Mn Sydney Hum Montreal went the weekmd with due farmers parent and Mr and Mn Jmph Bedlord Welcome inch I6 town from Stevenson Memorial Hmplm Alllntan Junk Warm Ind Born Ird Mccoy CnngrnlulIUonl Murru Bndleyzaonol Mr Ind Mu Bud Dudley for paslug 11 ex amination In Toronto for body Ind lender man Mumy lormer pupil of Blnflnl Mun nrlul High School Million HI 15 mph ed by Stan Melon It Ian and town Mr um Mrs uh mlAnéy Ipent Iha weekend wllh their lamlly in Toronto and Billy spent the put weekend In Oshnwn Philip emeyivho humming ldlDol II Dunkirk New York v19 homa duflnx Ihc weekcnd Mr Ind Mu JEhn Veils pent Sunday with Irlendx 11 Orunp ville Mr ind Mu Thomas Burnett Thronto Ipenl Sunday with Mend In town By Mus BOWDEN HOLLOWS luv Mamet WIWX Kiwi My A6 mm WICIIFOH 11 DAR EXAMINER flTUflMMY FEBRUARY IBMll mm Muwwm wt MY am Au m2 WWW mm meme

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