wï¬ Ah Vcckend mllou Hnyrs were Mr and Mr Lou Hnyu Ind Michael whilhy and Cecil Ham Barrie The second mccllnx cl Form an Flnlshu was well nflnndcd ll Edgar uth Drmca were lintd Scllinu In 3mm and in l3an xlppm were dlmumlrnt Very Inrvy In lrwvl II My mum lull Ibo minimum In Nu mu nlurmvl an vlnllln Ilnlor Mn Mimi Tvvunlo Wlmum lur curl me In MtQuurlr nml Mu Kn KMI mrnl Mnlrnm Mmlmm and Null all In luth llruw Mu Durln anzn nth wax lhe rlNlllr rlmk ml In My Grlwr Wyuulu lhe Ml norm To ml undwkhn mndmlnl Iho plrm uM Irenlnl rs ï¬rm fly MILK WILLIAM in The l0l mrmhm umnwr Id rmhn rm Frldny ulnhl In Hm Oran all plmmll in Ill llw hum nl our mn hm uhkh Inn jml lwn Minn lnd II Allhrr Inllmhurd mo lmmlnmlrr Mn nowr Dank wlm mm law kn in an Ilm mlvlllrn In ulmu Mrl lrophrt nml dmwhlrr 71ml hnw uuxnml mm her luck holiday In New Juumlland Thu Muml hlhlrrn Md nlmllnl mm Al zunula mrnl ly Hy Mllfl HANDV Drlno Jammy Wll Inunllrd Ill an rider of Andrown lrrv hylulan Church llnrrle Mrfnnd Mn Rnhuh Iï¬iyu nnd thildren 1pm Sunday at Cooks lawn Dnvld Hnyu mllrd his grnml pnrmll Mn and Mr MD Kcmlc Tnmnln or two wcrks rrlunnd home Sunday Mrrnnd Mr Lccll shcnrdamn Vlsllcd Mr nnd Mn Herb Slum rmn Knolclnn WONDER VALLEY Miss Belly Casnn of Toronto wt home or he weekend pleasant evenlng was spent in the Vnew basement of St Jahns Church when lrlends Irnm Ddlsmn and Craighurs gnlhch bid goodbye lo nd In awn Mn Benny ntcnmpnnlcd her leler Mm Eurm lo Toruno cggnHyL In are sorry lo rcporl that Alec McNabh Is patient In fnmnla theral Hospltal ngnln WI wish him Ipccdy recovery Mr and Mrs Dwell nnd haby and Mrs McLeod viy Cd In Llslowcl last week Mn MICLtOd rcmnlncd or cw Allan By MM HAYES Sorry to rcpnrt Mrs Mflhtl Evercll palicnl In ha lack wood Cllnlr Toronm Mm June In visillng lricnds In pm Vlnnarn at the weekly euchre yany were high Indies Mrs 11 Sale high man Hendry Van Velden door prize Vcndall Dow ney Mu Howard Smilh Ind bays Cooksvilla were Sunday guests of Mr and Mn Gordon Gillcnjnd bpys recenlly Miss Sandrn Giffin la hollday In Toronto with her cousin arnlyn Milne Jack Rowal of Williams Lake has been visiting Mn and Dan Luck Mr and Mn Em Ball and boys visited Mr and Mrs Howard of Burlington on the wggkeud lhe acramcnl of lhe Lurd Supper was observed Sunday with lhe supervising minister Rev Ruskln Thoma Dalston in charge Church services for the monlhl at March and April will be 10 am with Sunday sdloul ï¬lms in Mrfan am am McNahb mended the funeral of Norman Campbell 1r Barflg Satyflgy n4 Mr and Mr ubrey Gillan visilcd Sunday with Mr and Mn Er Kenqqu wdale By MRS MAW Congratulallnns Mr and Mn Graydnn Gillan on 1he arrival baby hp F921 21 The Dalslnn friend gave lug Kage The WA SI Johnl Church gave Mrs Grady quilt and the bay prayer books Ev eryone wishes he Grady hap plncss ln Iheir new home Rev Newman spending few days in Streeuviller Cralghursl young people join ed Dalslon munlly in rkallnz party lo Gulhrie Rink AROUNDSIMCOECOUNTY ens GFady andsanrsfnlr rndy has been moved to tha air base at Seven 15 Que slug song an vmllng were enjoyed by all and here were pr5enlfllpns Man Allst Spent the week en at his home In Sulnn av ï¬nsï¬gmnsw c451 Weekcnd visitors wilh Mr and Ernest Ellsmm werc Mr rs Bert Ellsmere North and Mr and Mrs Murray and lamily Streclsvillc Mr and Mrs Dnvld Youmnn Md boys or Sarnln are spend Irv cw days with Mr and Kendrick ELMVALE CBAIGHUHST EDENVALE EDGAR long lime rosldcnl Ulopla 5m llnc Missl Lily McMuslcr lll dled suddenly ln lhe Royal Vlclorla llnspilnl Barrie 54le day She was he lnsl nurviing member lhe Vlllinm Multis ler family and had lived with hrr nephew Raymond Mulr Pcnclung SL The lunml was held Mondny from tho Jcnncll funeral Home Mr and Mrs Bruce Millcr and boy splnl Salurday ln Tor onto wilh Mr and Mrs Eddy Rice Zero wealher siiii fail in chill the enlhusinsm of he euchre players Ten lahies participated Thursday night and these were prize winners Donnie liic Master in Orca Brown 88 Dick Grnlion lone hands Vera Miller and Louis Hawaii and Man McMaslcr 56 and 55 0n Saiurday aiicrnonn the Scout and Cub liiulhers Auxil iary held bazaar with spinn did assortment of homemade ariiclcs The bake labia looked tempting Mrs McLean and Mrs McKnight poured tea Laler Mrs Whlilieid officlaled 11m lea lnhiea ware cenired with lazy susans of sandwiches pick les and cakes The boy scam and cubs waited on he xucsla serving tea and did splendid lob Proceeds are for the boysi World Day of Prayer will he observed March In the United Church Elmvnle All he ladies of Ihe district nre lnviled Lo nllend The village has 105 good cit luns In the mum of Mr and Mrs Ollle Howard and lamlly who moved at the end the week In Preston all wish Ihem the best Your taste Kitchener Mannan or London spendlng law days wlm his parents Mr and Mrs Manning Cungralulnlinns are extended to Elmvalc we Cuuncil lor mak ing it possible or the aged And not so aid to pay their llydm and water bills at Ihe Toronla Dominion Bank This will clim lnnlc climbing long lllghl ol slap in the Community Hall MQERIED 76 YEARS Congratulallnns In Mr and Mrs Harry Lllcy who Feb 17 celebrated their 66th wedding anniversary Mrs Oscar Sngley and Belly Narlh Bay spent law day with the farmers parcnls Mr and Mrs Manning Belly lcflvlar vacation In Burbank Cnllfomia Mr and Mrs Errlnglun Tarunlu mm the wenkchd with the lallcrs parents Rev and Mrs Leckle fall In her lwmc Thursday and now is patient In Pcnelang GgqcraLllogllql Mr ac returned after visiting her slslerlnIaw also her brothpr Dr Arlhur Lower wlm underwent surgery In lhe Kingsley Genera Hospltql Calvert 01d Rye qunllly conlrol chocka boforo lonvlnz our dimllory Your Mlo In the 07th chock Try light smooth Cnlvort Old nyo By MRS ALLEN MILLER Evory drain of Culvofl Old Ryo mun pnlll no rigid is the 97 Check UTOPIA By Mns DAN NAsn Congralulallon lo Mrs Dan ald Couus who cclchmlcd her Bum blnhdny wlh lamin dinner Mr and Mrs Aer Suunn wnn the old Iashionnd dress and cullcr event at lhe Barrio Win at Camlval rch the Unllcd Church mvlcc will be held 10 am or lhc month of March and Aprll The Unlltd Church Wormn have rrdcmr mm the Sunday thool mom Mr and Mrs Emu Bell spent Snlurdny wilh their son llnbcrt Ball and amlly al Port Credil We exlcnd sympathy to Gard un Knccshaw and 1amin in the passlng or their aunt Miss Lue lln Kneeshnw last Thursday 1n Cookslown The World Jay PrVayer wrll he held In Ebenezer church this Erlï¬ay al We llnpc all chlllmn sick with flu and mumps wlll won bcbellgr Aand hack lo school Mlss Manna Wright he University of Western Onlnrlo London spending weak ma hgf stud STEELES CORNERS We are sorry In report Mn Russ Bell and Tommle Ball are bofll In Royal Vlclorla hospital Bnrrlc We wlsh them speedy KEPOVE Friends altendad he luneral from Edenvale Nollawasaga Meaford Orlllia Barrie Gorrie Toronto Oakville Uhlhofl and Slroud He conlrlbulcd much lo ca operative endenvaurs especially lhe Communlly Hall whlch he pnlnlcd when was hulll He leaves his wlfe Calhorlna Gllcllrls whom he manled March 23 1910 The cemetery at Guthrie was under hircare for many years and he arranged or perpetual cnlze by liuudlngyp lrut fund lie was an elder and clerk session In Gmhrlrflresby lnrlun Church at lhc Ilme of his death nnd was an or he lounding elder the Fresh terian Church In ms Services were carried on In his home belare lhe church was bulll hl I917 Mr Campbell llved on Lot 19 us he Can Oro TawnA shlp where he was born 92 years ago and where he Iarm rd all active life wilh much xuccess llo look great pleasure In his stock padlcularly hnrses which he shnwcd fall Inlrs or many years Thls cnmmunlly last very valued member In the dcnlh ul Nnrmnn McLeod Campbell at Royal Vlclorla llosplIaL Battle Fch 20 By MRS ERNEST DALES MIDHUHST GUTHRIE Mine Orland French and Graham Drlnkill Toronto spent the week end wilh their parents By ZETA IRETON lllrsr lrelon rnnlared la Vlrgil and Niagara Fall last werkend wilh Mr and lllrs Fred Rawc Mrs Osmond Rowe and Bllly ol Bnrrle They allcn dad he wuddlng Frlday even lnx of Beverly Rowe and Erna Dlrks In the Unllcd Mannanile Church Nlannrwnrlhelake then spent Saturday In Nlaxura Falls are the lee lormallon at the Falls Mrs lrclon accompan lcd Prof and Mrs Ire ton Toronto to P1th or Ihe weekend when they attended lhe uneral or Mr William Ire tun Saturday afternoon Mn Irclons husband predoceascd her mm vs weeks ago By MRS SAWYEII The north grnup was the hns less at he parly Fridny even lnx with In table of euchrn play ers at Gillan Hall Prize wln nor were Mrs Lacehy Mrs Balm and Jr Hughes men Mr Brawn Herhle Hughes and Brlan Sawyer There wns anulhr er party Feb 21 Congratulnlinns In St auls Anglican Church on he instal lation ni anelcciric organ On March ihc United Church Women will meet the home of Mrs Day Mrs Orser will conduct the dcvnilanai perlud The program will be an Missions Mrs Tillin will conduct Bible sludy Bring your Bibles rs nlc urch enn lmgallon cnlnyed lhe Mmean chain Th1 goodwill geslum nn exchange of chulrs once or twice year wauld be In for by congregations Sorry report Mrs Slorcy pnllcnt In the Raynl Vlc asylqu Enrrle Waller Drinkili ralurncd home and are making same allura ans In the chum kitchen MRS HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOD WAVERLEY Idn Taylar leiled ro wllh Mr and Mrs John GILFORD STROUD BARRIE REG DRINKILL FLOWING um 315 THY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAS2m Mr Wood and Mrs Jackson Midland vlsiMd Mr and Mrs John Miller Mr and Mrs Clnylun Adlm and boy Onkvlllc vlsllcd wlth lhe Snlders Mr and Mrs John cm of Nevmarket visllcd ML and Mrs Monl Darby Morris Darby aucndcd meet Inga or lwo dny In Guelph It was decided lo have lhe annunl St Patrick Ten and Baz aar March 15 In the Church Hall Lunch was served by Mrs Ellery and Mrs Luckharl us slseg by the hostesg 47 DUNlOP ST The rnnmhers In the Guild of St Johns Anglican Church held er February meellnu In Elm yalc at the home Mrs Earl Clule There was good nllcn dnnce The president Mrs Artie Whelhnm wan In charge The February meeting at the Unllcd Church Women was held the home of Mrs John Mll Ier and conducted by the pres denl Mrs Ellery The devollan was taken by Miss chma Drlnkl Mrs VlIlInm Cnrbcll rend loner rum Miss Mildred Culcs mlsslonnry lrnm Panctnng Gcncrnl Hospll all He was pallcm there for several dnys Up to 50 saving on childrens clothing bills Faster safer more conï¬Ã©nient clothesdrying JUST ARRIVED SEE NEW 1963 MODELS NOW AT YOUR DEALERS Thu Frigidaire Dryer gives you such fast efllciont turnover of laundry that you can actually save up to 50 on your outlayfor chlidrena clothes snowsuit can in dried in minutes and worn again where otherwise two suits would be necessary Only Frigidaire gives you Flowing Hem which means Breezefresh drying safer than aunahlnelho ï¬nest fabrics love it Colours atny bright Theres no riding from the sun Evon dryingno hot spots to injure fabrics Lower cost of oper ation than other makesbecause it uses less electricity Most models can be operated on 110 voltsno heavy wiring required Goa powered models available too nuNLornfwr Frlgluaire Appliances march Refrigeregmugn PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS BUILT av CANADIANaFOR CANADIANS Sea the Frigldnim Dryer in action at your Frigidaire Deniers No dryingMum umwnrk ho cnuw Auiomniic Dry Control mum um muiatum aiml oii dryer whon clnlixu um junlight dry Chain Timed Drying on every model Ill well flmcinlï¬oiiinxl foldullnan nhrlu nml Wnail Ami Won alvu you wundcrml Wrinklmnwny drying No plumbing or vunllnu com on models with exclmivo Iillmlor which removed moisture automatic ally mm Ilidooul Ipillguud pan ONE STOP SHOPPING FOR All EXCIIING NEW Frlgldaire Appliances For All Your Frigidaire Appliances FRIGIDAIRE Mr and Mn Lloyd Squire Barrie called on her parents Mr and Mn Jack Marlin Sunday mdhe number ol people in he r11 age have the speedy re coygry Iswlshcd all and Mrs Jail Murlln un companicd lhelr son Glen lo Owen Sound Saturday Glen played on the Barrie midch learn Miss new Bell ornns spent lhyyeckepdï¬ï¬‚h glallyes hm LO0K AT All YW GE FROM FRIGIDAIRF The Fchnmry meeting the Unltnd Church Women wins hard at the homo Mrs Gra hnm with link attendance and vlsllur ram Monlrcnl The war ship was taken by Mrs Bun am The study by Mrs Craw fnrd was On mm Asia Mrs IL Slrnchnn prcsldcnl was Sn the chair Miss Helen and Bemlca Seeds Taronla spent last week end here nnd attended the lun crnl thclr aunt Miss Irene Janus Vernnn Canning had his np pcndlx removed lhlx week HI schnol frlund wish him spheri dxgccovmf By MRS NA JOHNSTONE Thu World Day Prayer being held In In school Friday evenimz pm All ladies n1 1th vlllngenrc wclcome Mnand Mu Kn Gllchrlsk ORO STATION IARIII Jack Dolnn an employee Smllh Transpan lellcd reed himself alter lwo haulrand re erlcd Ihc men IBed Carpet Laid For Queens Visit nnd sonAllnn Mrs Garï¬eld Burton and daughter Audrey Mervin Richardson and Berlhn Bell penl Ihe weekend In Tn unlo wilh rtlallvca hey 031M an Lawrence Graham in St Josephs Hospital HOBART chulersbLTnsma nla today rolled out lhe tradi Ilonal red cnrpcl lece or Queen Ellzahtlh and Prince Fhlllp at the man lhelr luv dny our thls mountainous Island Th6 mynl came to rest MONTREAL CPI Six armed men wearing masks hmsdny night hljnckcd an dclmnlned amounl of lhe $75 000 cignreuc cargn banled by lrnlleraruek nnnr leavlnl the drlm handcuffed Pormlnln cmunol ï¬nish on the drum l80 nidoflpenin door mowed too Ipnco mum Iplll mud lop YOULL LIKE THESE HANDY FEATURES FOUND ON ALI FRIGIDAIRE DRYERS Six Men Hijack Cigarette qugo XAMINE THURSDAY FEBRUARY ynchl Britannia about out rum lClIlCCd No llnl problem over bermn nylon mesh lint semen in right up fmntonlha loonmninlout even the nut pmiclu of llnl on every Frlxldalre Dryer Clpnninu luke lmlhnnnminucewilh nautoopinl or Imuhin red carpet carefully rzlucd he wharl had to he taken up and mlnld run away The mlxup drew laughter from thousands ol Tasmnnlans nnlhercd the wharf to greet the Queen Th mnumnlns surrounding lhe Hard likel harbor worn xxxFund ln grey clouds as ho Brllnnnln escorted by scams 01 small cm enlercd Hobart Harbor Mlcr voyage from Melbourne lhn anliclpnlcd pasllinn whlch meant thnl25 brnwny Tasman lan had In move lhc elevated dais on which he Quncn was lohsleg as she dlscmbarkcd to st Vlncenl mu PA 60332 HOWEY ELECTRIC PA MOS In pull In nu me uur Ileclrlul pmhlomx quickly nlely cnuomluuy DONT Take Shocking Chants