Ride Behind Steamer Is GreatllExperienCe An nmmlul Inclllcnl or lhu nnlmkm bcnmrd when uv ernl urnrllnnhll wllh mm Irepldnllnn mnnnnrd lo clnmhcr up lho mm the Iommnllvo pm Above Ihu cowlrnlrhrr ur lrlrndl phnmxrnph 5m denly hm hMcrlnl hlnxll from line whllllo Irnl lhn palm umplnl nml runnlnx mm In ocnmouw like My mm ll ml up lwrncln nut IMYI T0 CAMERA When some lhaunhl we must have been hull way to Oflllln wn wrre Mnnlahcd when he backward mm npplkd hrnku luunlcd Hm wl wuo In cnlerlnl Orlllln About hlnl ul dilem hnrhd la wnlch lho mmowhnl puzzllnx luman opcrnllan nnd rolurlinu and la mm phala mphx The writer Brlu him live In lmprmlonl an Ilamar rm IlIuInl lhl Bunl Whaler levll One or the most exclflnl event the xuccesslul Banla Wlmer Cnmlvnl or over 9m Barrio dislricl mldenu and Nronlunlans was the hip from Emle to Orlllln and back bonrd Ihe Izcu luln pulled by steam locomotive m1 mn Jorcd by the Upper Canada Hlv toglgal Saplely But you may wonder what was it really like to rid bl hlnd tell gleam 1900mm and even climb than the loco mollve Itself lur few prlvll ezed moments went along to llnd ant The trip was bit lumul anld Bill Ccrswell CNR Blnie sullen tlcke went and omn Izer the Hp or Banls dil ma The response lo the trip was beyond all axpecuuanl In 1nd we hnd to tum away over think the trlp really pleu ed thg young people he re marked It lot of mwnuos brought their children in give them tho sailsincilonY in year to come oi hclng able to say that they have ridden behlnd ml steam locomotive Besides you would be surprised at how many ol those same grownups had never known what It wn llkn to ride on trnlnr One 01 the last ol her kind mu ln worklng ordcr ln Eu ern Cand3 slum lacomotlve N0 8161 stood in the former Allandale slnlian proud and Im pallcnl like champlnn horse enter in be movinK From her suck cloud of Ileana rand Imaka thundered From her suck cloud of Ileana and Imaka thundered skyward lo thrill crowd VI llqrs hurrying award hen Eu four lnch hosts hllched lo lire hy drant Into Ihe 7000 gallon res crvoir lander Everymlnl Ibout the lire breaudnz monster was bold mum and werful un like tho unmmantc and chin adults diesel units Declared one speclalor le3 volcano on when or cry imm Casey Can nonbnll an intercom menu on lhla train told we were about to leave The spirited habbla oi voices ceased and we inward three blast mm the steam whlatle High In hlI much envied position at tho throttle Engineer Blll McGlnnlI Town in released air mm and let steam under Immendous pres sure lnio the two gigantic cyl inders that rcscmbla he should er at iootbnii player at the Iron oi the locomotive mul llrd Ihock uemcd to hit some where under our carriage We were moving lubilanl cheer ray hrouxh the train THREE BLAST Thou as over he jum com warned us that we wen an ddini that Super Con tinenlll lrnln wu going to meet and pass on he lcfl hind Ilde and that nobody wan to leap out of yeatlbulcs Crowd at vnl visitor slnndlnl on In Ice lumcd to wave Ind cheen while counlleu mmarll recorded our pnfllnl From up ahead now came um hnllering rnm than of ant nnartlng IM giant and we hundmd oul lnla the counlry under an evrr Itnnhtnlnl plume make To the surprise and dcllKhl man nhonrd lelephana poch llashrd by Faster and fnslcr lpcdnlorl Alandan nurhy nl madl hccnme mm hlurl Ihllo lho currinch nwnyul In dear Inn nlmnst nuld manner Smoke Ilreumlnl hehlnd rolled acres ho llelds and lhrnugh lhe hth lilkailow lying clmxds curlous Tn lhc mum movln phala rlphm In Mrlirulnr tnulnur lcfllnnh lull Ma drlvv Iml whlrlinu ml Iho ullmuory MIII wllwm untrer mole mu mun Am or me with Illll umrm he Inqurnlly mu clomlu nl nmnu km Ihyw rl lmm lhn Imklnu uhuu nlnr wulml Ilop nn hllo hm ur Iml lenlmd mm tolknl looking down plzlum nl 1h hmme Vlml Imlllvd mull II it huw Hm lulu mu now In turned all In mu plucQ on llu hlunzulnr lnymnl ul lmh all lhn Dunlle la ul ll mmlwl In fhlnm pullll 111 lrulu won larvumj lo ond lha rm nl nnu Ildo nl llu fllllllfll lull IAI mavrd Ind wllll an nuxllln horn III In lmm Ihe plathnn Al Ill and he lulu ll lulu lmlud Ilon mend Ilrle nl he lllnullr and hoynml Ilunlhrr lmk nllrh muml gnrllh lulu urns lrvrvunlI Inn mm mm um wrung guru awn MM WRITER REPORTS those who remained in heir seats were so baffled by the op eration that they did not know whether the locomodva was he Ilnd or In from on the return Thrte hlnsls sound all sent us dashan to our respect Ive carriages and rnlnule later we were rushing towardvnnrria mlle rnlnule Mose snow me from round by xuctlnn lashing red wags whlsllc and crossan slgn zipped by In nlmnsl invlsible lashes 1nd lhe growling roar of racing landem trucks over cold slcol ralls illcd each carriage wilh lulling sound that made one wish it were hundred miles Barrlc Abolrd were lurid number of studenl mm In verrlly ol Toronto One of lhcsn lln May nard ol Chalham remarked an ell nearly everybody that has come from Horde because they are somehow boner dressed Ihnn those mm Toronto ux peel most from Toronto came prepared for an all day rlp whereas most people from Don rle pmbnbly cnrnc slralxhl from church all dressed up Or do people up lhls way dress more carelully for going out MANY WAYS You know lhink we gel so used In gnlng everywhere by car lhn wo eventually urge that there In my nlher way to rav e1 remarked one pnucmzcr John White Rodney Strut nur rlc nccompanlcd by his wiic and Wu boys Paul md David was the boys ï¬rst train rid hat lhgy cln emcmbcn Alain wnvInK crowds unlcom ed us back lo lhn Cnrnivnl and you couldnt blame us for Ice lnx just Mule proud having been members of an historic excursion But lhe hlghllzht the cx turnlnn came when cnxlnonr Dlll McGlnnls lnvllcd number us aboard hi chum or lank lee TM lorwlrd porlinn ha cab mm floor 10 ml wllh Ila lunlnsllc synlcm hlnhmm Iure wnler slum Ind 511 plnes flutes vnlvcs lfl1l nnd awllchcs dlals clocks manure and lam pcrnlure mclurl morcdnmtlcr rednll mm trunk nnd wnl NW luscrlbcd Ixhlmnrz néulcm ml unlkie Ilkla whllo In cnnlrnsl nmonl Chrhllnn will know hem lhclr Illlll lodny nnd ncrlvu pclxnnnl mulndcr Uml ha prnllrnllnl lenmn lull Iml In mxmn Cnllmllc Orlhodox um um lipllcounllnn thurclm Mlshlonm will lwnr mu mm the mm mm up nml lawn lha nllnr ml mmklnu rnch hmw wllh cmunhnpcd dnub uh lumnnber mun llml mu Ill lull null null dull lhnu lhnll rclur Mml Chrhllln dvnnmlnnflmul In NM Amerer hnvu nhnn 110nm Ihu lrmlltlonnl Inh le nuvlny rrmmmy Int nll nl lhrm rum mw unlll lerr wHI Ilvm In lhrlr urvlm 1M MM or ununlnn ml Ir drnlnl vrvonlunn lur Hm IIIII munklnd Tl cmlom al mmllnl lam Mmll wuh ulvuwhlrh II unl mundnlury olvwvnnce KM Inl lmvru my Iltnmnlnnlinn dam bark In Maul mmh ml ENGINEER Bill McGlnnls Thronlo at the cont of steam lmmothe 6167 she TIMIHIIDN ANCIENT mum In truly rhuuh ponllrnll In Home wm mcmunlnxly ud mlllnd la luln Ihelr puhlln Mman IMI dny When Hm dlulpllnu MI lulu LHIMI Ilfll ml pammcu Ike whnlo mm mention umbullxod hy Um mi of look In In 11w uh In oMnlnld by bum Hm palm MI over mm mevlrm lnlm 5mm filmmlfl 11w Mum In nth hunch Iller In ml Amméd mm at erler Ashes Are Mark Of Lenten Period ny pm you shelf of Inslrumenll stood long spouted all can like ha one used to oil Clnnonball sound there was the roar of ï¬re the harsh his steam and gurgling of water The slow measured thump or bl pump lama the eytlre engine Yul at llmes wo wen dolnq better than mlles In hour conï¬nan hlrl McGlnnls Emp ty Ihls locomollvo welnh 250 tons loaded around 300 tons From Toronto to Orlllla and hack to Barrle we have used 16 lens coal The blu ilem ls water these are lhlrsly much lncsl Would steam locomnllve explode It just possible ona mlghl ll It ran out or waler but In that case all we hava lo do to open the llrebox floor and he Ire dmps lnto sneclal pan below and no more heat reach es the bollc On the opposite xlde llramln Ken Johnston Woodman wu constanlly upcnlm and dosing valves watching 315 and keen lnq wntchlul eye on half Hllerl tube dlpplng and rlslnz wmr Mr Jahnslon who last ï¬red steam Iacnmollve live year ago said You srmn val dalnz the Job ngnln me lo Mk Insidu firebox thn we mentioned he nb some of can shovels Mr John Ilon lrinncd lever camhln nIInn thnIng crushan sound drowned out other munds nnd cnnI cnscndcd Inla lhc Ilrtbox from he head or an auwer cam In up under our ch from Iha coal under Mr Johnston ex nInIncd hnl III same syslnm rrsullnd In the mlnlllum Iron mum now lnyInIIed In many household Iumncu la nulnmnt IcaIIy and In con Jusl Imnl Inc shnvclllnl In on MI ycmnrkedI SIIOVEI 16 TONS cllmbed down he verflrnl steps la the pInHorm must about om enllneer who yurl 1170 In Ml same Itnllon had lnId me nl hl Incnmallve She Is just likn hone Oncn you no In know her ways yau cum no nlom wim her lust line And knew Um lecrtlly he 10va hln locommlvc every 15 on ll mn rn 01min mauled In the door Hcv Hill amply lhu ub Ind mum all The word Len orlllnllly meant Iprlnx ll rndunlly umc la mun lhu mind Inuinu In pronnrnllon or Emlcr the ml wnml n14 ways on tiny uhn ulx Sundays mnl counted II II Iodny And the rigor Iho Ins ulna hnl vurltd am the cannula In mm mm In day Jud Mun All Wrdnmlny nu urvnl fur mm Ilnnl hum Mn um hlflllnfl More lhn lmlnl kilnI Mnnll Urn New 0h lrnm lmdluunnl prIlAnlen 11an IINMHy munl Tundnyl 11w wonl car mum lrmn Ihu Lulu nrnl vale munlnl lmwdl In nwnl stand In Mandale now Bar rio StnUon TUHTOMR VAIW Thu mxloml ma who um In In vary lmml dlr mmlnnlinm but tend know lhIl pnllcrn Only on lull maul ll nllawrd plus two llalxl collallom ulllch cmnlxlncd Ilmuldnl nmwunl In much the lull meal Them may bu nu lunch between mrall Ind mm run In ulun only ll lln prlnclpn mnl In he llvxl ll unludu Io lul mentin lldnl cum to hnuu bul It lnr marl mm Home Ilvict 0mm ll mthlnl at all from Good Friday Mltmwn null lulu Hundny mnrnlnl The um mmlon wdy mwutm wind mm II unnnl at In Count ol Nluu In Du an Ihmuh he omphuh will In an lul lnl lhan nn my vomllltllm ml Mher lonm ol allum IMUan BARBIE EXAMINERh WEDNESDAY FEB 21 TORONTO cmm RevP WlklnsnnAnxllcan Bishop ot Toronto sold Tuesday plnn lo unlle British Anglluns and Methodists wlll encournla lim ilar plan here Most of Canndnn Methodist were absorbed he United thde g1 an Blghup wguo tnxon salt talks about mernlnl tho Anglican Church or Canada and the United Church at Can nth have been going on since ma Tum belwen the Angli can and Presbyterian started ï¬ve year ago ExpectPlans For Merging To Begin Here 11 British pmposals to bring the Methodist back Into the Church of England which Ihey Ien 219 years ago were an nounced Monday NEW YORK CPLAmerican Ind British Iclenllsls Ira Icem lcnl Russian claim to have revived two salamander from 5000year SibelIan deep lreen sleep spoknman for the Natural History Museum In London said Nesday It Is more llkely he Inlmm had gone underground in cracks or creynsses yuccnly hxhemm and had been Viix 10mg salclwhcn lam Dr Ernest Long secretary of hhe zenenl muncll oi the United Church ledB laid Nesdny he too In emumed by the Haiflsh talks there In bmklhmugh In heir conversation at lhl point he laid it could poln the way for or the next mp or of the fuss section of he mu scum said If the Russian method of dallng he mung ol the animals accurate then It Is very xurprislng discgmy The human clalm the creatures were allve for ome Ume Ind yet did not lnvlm uny Reds Claim Lizards Revived After Sleeping 5000 Years ll ESSA ROAD If youvo bun walling for blagur Volks wauun km The VW l500 Slmlon Wagon vim all Ioull In pullllon In impugn gar 0710M davm lhu back no and you can no Inlo lha cunuqa bulnm 10k kmhon on Io lalm or mall lmkoy learn lo link you lik flgum Ohu acluul coma Ipau 42 whlc and th maxï¬mvm land It 705 pow you want In punk food 105 Iha stove or cquipmeni or IO Ieum fluenu unolhlr lvgquuo ompurlmnl under hunt hood Cupudlyl I25 HM On more conwnlenm IMI Ilullon wagon LaSt year wedddéé PIERCE MOTORS LTD one In to see them said Dr John Ostmm pnlecntolnglst Yale Unlvcnll in New Haven Conn Re ded that it wnuId he mos nmlrkahh II tho Soviet claim nra true Dr Francis Ryan zoologist New Yorks Columbia Unl verslly aid mo dcmtmen creatures suggest they got here recently REPORTS FIND Muscaw rndiu announced the rcsurrccllan of ha sullmlndm and said space travellers mlxht emulate them to mnke long journeys without 11an bur dened by hdge amnunll mp pllcs The Russlnn broadcast nald Some llmu Soviet £0014 mm lound somtlhlnx mom Sgt Bud OConnor mes slaward the Royal Canadian School of Inhnlry ll Camp Borden gets chmce to com Now weve added bit more hut no Oaflgavo flm VWA rear door um up win Ihg wqyj lglmlno jglho man Tako tho 1500 Sloilon Wagon ovor dully road WM load lambr Then olvo wmh and II roadyvo go unywhcro In Win III ï¬lm wavklmnu wilh lho Ilnu of Ibotoughbnd Any quolllom llko whoroa Iho onalnel Thu main In Iho badt lo give ballor Iranian And III cooled whh oh lmloud cl we la Illmlnull cooling YIm problumy The Volkswuuln luau no radiulor lo ham In win or ball tn mmmnr Padonnum nnd owmmy Thu cwhlng npaod and Ike lop cpnd of 10 VW I500 on the mm 80 mllu par La Minty9 bllnz llwrd at depth of about 25 eat In the men ground nl northern Slherln It revived aner btlnn kept at room lempentura for some time Sclentlst ï¬nally classed it laurtoed lriton one at the oldest and mast rimltlve nrders at tnlled nmph bla that Inhablted the earth in the Mesa xalc the dinosaur an Asnann mo mms AROUND THE WORLD IN HEBDGEAR udglng by the slnle or lho urlh which ll wu found blaloulau concluded lhut the him had been asleep or about 5000 years Triton are salamander or newts which In Ium super flclnlly resemble lizard but lack the Hzards scales and claw Dr 011mm Assistant curator nl vertebme pnleonlology at Ya Peabody Museum snld simple organlsms have been men and revived But he knew of no exnmple higher pan mm In military head gear as attaches and Adviser mm countries dropped In or lunch during visit to Lha 0n Canadian Bread No ILS Duty Yet WASHINGNN AP lne Hausa of Repmenmlvu has roamed ucllan on bm mpose mpepcent Import duty on Canadian bread member objected that the United Stale should beworh lnglo regupehnol raise tnriils The cc on cam Representative Henry neus Dem WILL Thu bill hnd been scheduled or acllnn under procedure reserved 101 new controverslal Icglflatlon The pmpased duly was marks anlmn web as verlnbrnle be revlvtd alter btlnz frozen Dr Ryan chairman of the do Enflmcnt of zoology 80 Colum ln um chances were 1000000 one nuns the Soviet aala mnndcn having been from for 5000 yurl camm Countries Msenled were Argentina lombll Dominicnn Republic Finland France West Germany Greece Italy New Zealmi hounyn own and couniry gm mmvmpllon uvoruqu 33 mllol por quilom Standard equipment on no VW l500 Slullon Wagon Include buck all Iha ï¬lm 90 49 dlflovonv poxlllom floor movnlod non Ill Mly Iyndlronlxod glur bond tlochu Ildl vluw mlnonwlndnhllid wmhum puddad dalhboord and Inn Vlwm lhm ml Imyu low mm min youv bun wulvlna or bigger Volktwaunn for lilllo morn manly yovr mum showroom ready or In dvlu And In prepared or on man prvlu mum wagon hold mad Ilka warn car TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAM malnLv In USCnnadlnn border clllres Cnnndn could rualhte ugalnst us hreadslum Reus snld and In any case It Import more bakery prodncl mm lhu 115 than export hem The Nethzrlandl Spun hr key and the United States SgL OCnnnar ls ram Guyy born M5 GP Winpholo mm Nannnl Delencn Dunlap PA um MUSIC TO Clnulu Gmll The Lulu llfll Allvllmo Ill Sheel Music See Us For All Your Musical Need KEENANS PLEASE YOU