lumunuw ynur Mrlhulay ullr lmumopo 1qu um mm llw nut luvlw munllu nur luhmln Ihmllll mmll nrrrly upm mnuru cunnrvlrul um um ulrllpnllnn aml Hun ulnhllimllun of mum llnnnrlnl pnmuun 11m prylmh Ivllwrun nnw mul mld Aw nml Um lflll rnur mnnmn Ill yrnr nbnw Iunmlw nt IlnJ lulm Mon llurr Han yml ml lmlh yrmr Irsl rllum nml mmalu um Iin plnnrlnry mm mnlLl uhmnunnrn mu Alwrulnflun In Nmrmlwr wwuvtr lnmnnl mnllm will In lm qlrr 10ml nlptcll during mm yrnr nlwnrl lvul In nlul lo gumIm hmlnn In domrmc ll llrl during lhs lallpr pm nl Au mul DI period lwlwun Junn ml Rammmor mum he llwly mm nodal pom cl vluv an Illmum mmr mhrr Innu mm mm urvnll mu you may um mm xllmlqmlnlmtnln Imd de lnyl Hul lnkn Ihuu In IllMl Fl IIIIITIIIMV Tluv llmm lvrfnu noon will In III lnyn huhlrnnl All nn LIr 1m ur good ruull In Ilnlmlnl rmlr urn Ian Inmily man In Ilm Inl nlrnmvm mm mlvrrn Innu Hill mumumw Inu nunr sh Marmlllnn bemle Hwa mm me my hmmrlnnl MM und he Koldllsh look Ilka mumllnnl Ildcrl um um figuring nn gcllinz mnnicd Iur quite while so made In mnpromlsu nlmon mm many out ul my nlluw mm at mm wrck and Muuhl nmllsh nlm paid 10 mm or NI lmd nnmtd nun uh tin fuln nml lhu ollur um ml Ann Landrn am ycnrs old My name is Hobby have always wantnd don but my mulhrr my dogs are loo much trouble nnd Ill have In mil Imlil not mnrried nnd htn my will have ll an even willing tn mule or ml hm mom wuulllnl go or llml rllhvr Nomiï¬uls mom unauracliw In lltrvzncd wklowcr lhnn prcdnlury owrmgcr female GOLUFISII Dtnr Yaung The imarlnsl advice can Hi you is put may your hunling and ishlnz rquipmcnl nnd relax youva known lhiw man for years he kn youre around no xcnllemnn have knan or many year last hll In weeks ago realm 11 lilllc early or him to be lone some but how um let him knaw Im around very desirale nnd Jusl Ail buck and wait someone else will surcly not In Mm Kim Plnnse give mo some smart ndvceYOUNG AT HEART Ive been alone for two years am ilnnnclally Independent and my chlldren are marriej Womens clubs teas and ear panlcs are coming out of my cars To ml ll bluntly hunger or male compeninnshlp Bu haw can decent woman let man know wilhnul nppenrlnz hmzcn and cheap Ihnl the muld like 1n spend some limu with him Dnr Ann Linden am wan 53 years of an but could pass far to your younger My pFumn In have krnl INQUIRING REPORTER How Important Is Role Women Play In Political Campaign Behinél theSCenes ANN LANDERS MR5 FRED ANDERTON Buni0 homemaker say the thinks that women play important roles behind the Icenes in all departments of campaigning First they are required to work as enumer nlors and also assist in the campaigning for the candi datnoi their choice by tele phoning mailing social iunc tiom ctcl Every citizen whe ther man or woman should ind out the qualifications of the candidate and the issues of an election before voting dayl Teas and social func tion provida way oi meet ing the candidates and be coming hatter acquainted The manning ol the polls is another function that is main ly left up to the women since election day always alls on week day and men are at work When Hes Lonesome Hell Start Looking WHAT THE STARS SAY lhu Detrmhrrdanunry period mul you can Ian at mun umul new II mmnnllc unlurr 111 In May or early In June Tun will be xnwrunl by rnunu umrlu betwucn June and Au ml Than In rrrnllsc rid Ilmuld mall unusual IIruhI lrmu rnlly Drrrmlwr Huoulll llu llul Ihm mnnlhn mm rhllzl Imm lhln qlny wlll mtlavxrd with Ihl lhllllin nrrrualy lo mm nu rxrcllml wmer phyllrlnn or mm THY EXAMINER WANT M15 Dont marry mum wllh rm unrrwlrcd drinklnu problmn or youll mm Tell hlm It an dry out with or ulmoul help and my In mucn Air mmle youll rnnndcr mur Inn Hul no unlll Dru moo Choc lwoHmn loser nhn nu knee wnlkluz drunk lwo nr 1hr llmc work could hardly be considcrcd Aprrmulnr candldnle lnr munlguc My xlrl rlznd kill me no mnrrlnze II puncl und lhnl Im too lunsy She any one day Ill mam il She passed up 11 chance marry your use and bcrn klcklnz hone cvnr sinc Ilulnm you Idviu me plum remvmhcr he bl lhmc um hrmanK dawn my neck nnd hm nobody else In nlxhl CIMITANOOGA CIIUD UIOO Ken attractive com pany and gcnlltmnnly The big vrahlnm Is he pals roaring drunk IM or three limos week and Ihcn hcl like dillcrcnl pmon lm Hula overweluhl Ind could not win my beauty cun lcsll To be honest never wns very popullr even In my ynungcr and dimmer days Thls Is Iha only man who has ever asked age to murry hlm Dur Ann Landau Im mm and have been keeplng company with man Ha ha hem married win but ntllhcr munInge worked out Fortun Ilcly he hypn children Dar Hob Break he new list No such disiinguishcd character Macmillan and da Gnuiio do nolbelong under lhe bed Pronilse morn youll take full rasponsibillly or he can of the fun The wnlcr mould bu changed and the how should be washed rugulnrly MARRIAGE he xoldlish In water pllchcr under my bed since Snlurday am nlnld mom will Ind lhem Please IelI me how to break the nwaBOD HEAIING FUELS Phone PA 66531 MRS JOAN GARRICK businesswnmnn coin thnt wo men behind the scenes In poi iticr bring out the friendly atmosphere which is often ocgiected or forgotten Thls irrendlinenr leads to boiler understanding and politi cal niiiiintion at the local provincial and federal ievel and very often makes more sense than the mnny ist paunding speedier conveyed through radio Ind television you look behind the suc cesslui men in politics you most often find loving und erstanding wife who in her own quiet way entertains and attends the mnny mini une tinns expected one in her role would like see more women take on active part in politics as eel wo men wauid acquire more to in government proced runer IM 2m BARRIE purchased nl locnl retail Ilorel wan dclcrmlncd 0t nlznmcnnl dlclary lnluml llu mlln ol Hnolrlc ncld comm In all nlher hilly MM In he vnrloul mm plu Sclenllslx mumo ï¬rm ally Ihnl II only We um IlnnIclc Iuld which drllnrl Hu rolullvr mcrll owl In nflcrllnz blml rlmlmcml Inv ch Mod nuumrlnu murder In prndurLs rnulnlnimz nl lrnll equal 11le unlnlurnltd lu Ialuralcd nun Lo munn um mlnhuum dulnhlr U10 15 mllo luv Unnlnlc mld In lhn mm of All Hm Inhlrnlml lnlblhll run be in nmwlo numrrlrnl qu In AM In Irlrrllon nl Inhln nnd rmklnl Thu lllthrr llm IAH Illa Mai An analysis commonly wld mnrgarlnu nnd other hula up near In he December Issue he American Jnurmnl Cllnl ml Nutrillnn The ally ndd million of quous brand By JEAN KMN The American curl Associa llon In rvwmmcndcd Um rcuonlble subsllluuon poly unmlurnled or mumed dlm my Ills my be possiblc menu prevenllnx nlllcrny clrmsh forerunner tomnnry hum disease For his rcamn ulcnlmc nnd mmumnr lnlcmt th unblock Lx at an all llmo DIAMOND Dr Delaney will on hand In answer all questions asked by Ina lam nudlnnco 01 WA mem bers and lriends Fullawinx the huslneu portion lbs meeting the Canadlnn Cun ccr Soclely showed their 11ml Time and Na ancn and Elem glrExamlnnllonf The Auxlllnry Coll Party will he held on May In St Gfles Parish Hall mm 930 to 30 Am featuring bake table and delicatessen able Ha box es mill he sold by tha Chanch Gu Th Spring Rummage sale will be held on April lrlnlty Parish Hall Mu Ferzuwn Ind Mn Veslgala In mom vcnm The regular mcellnz he Womans Auxiliary St Giles Annllcnn Church was held at the Church The meetlng opened with prayer followed by the Script ure minding by hln Vnnce were mnlnded ol the World Day of Prayer lo be held on March at the Flu Baptist Church phi KEEP IN THE TRIM Scientists Examine Cooking Fats For Clues To Heart Disease St Giles WA Plan Coflee Party MRS RON GREMO homemaker who active in many local service clubs feel that women are indeed very necessary in polittcs In this day and ages Since the threat of nuclear arm has reached us It has made many women morn aware at what kind at gomnment they want in Ottawa Then an Ihose who think it nntemtnlne or woman to try and ï¬nd out how why and what make our country tlck and smile condescending when they read about women attending poll lical lea parties and lunch ons But eel many good oplnions are alred over cup or tea coffee etc Refreshment were urved 7O Dunk lllnl Eul FA IIMI leh man SECURITY noND Our Knollnllal Thu Ic mum palnltd oul lhll consldcrnbln vnrlnllons laund In lha contenll of mur nled and unsnlurnlul Inlly nrldJ Tho clnlml made by man lmprovcd pmducu nro nut nlwyn borne nul lhcy unlcd ll WIII llleir Mxncsllnn Ulnl mmumm mad or ln lnrmllion wauld In hcllcr In II research nnnlysls whlch wu mnduclod by ncmleld PhD llomhurncr MD and Kelley lhDl Um ally ncid campaslllnn my three margarine and olhrr tdlble lnla wnx dclcr mlncd by my chmmalozmphy The mmplu mud were gnlh cred during he period Octo beL 1M Mnrth 1961 he more free llnolclc Add the product furnishes The amount Hquld oll icfl unchangcd he ï¬nished roduc ls lhc key Cumnt body llwa pravldu or flu lflbtl IIIUna lngred1 m1 In urdIr of predominance quuld all when sled ï¬rst the mider Ingredlcn Ilelxh xfldinl pmy wu pan of lhe eveningffunplln and or member ol the WI owdaln United clutch Couplal Club on Slumy Convener he pmy were Mr Ind Mn Wllllnm Ball Ind Mr and NH Mn Brym mum Ann Wu wcekend zuest at lhe home Mr Ind Mrs EL Helfmn Mulcuier Shel Mr and Mn Mlllory Bum Avon are holidaying in Florldl or law monflu ELEM RIDE in 511 BARBIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16 wgaxgnn amm lav complm Inlovmnllon Ibovl Implvlal SanImp Nam Ind how my can lom your god of living nll M135 KAY YASUNAKA Barrie travel consullant says that the pant women play during political nompalzn of course Important but no as important as laklnz kcener Interest and more act Ive part In politlcs Ilsall think there xhould be morn women represenllng Iha country In Ottawa The wom an we hava ln pollllns have exhibited excellent qualltm bul here should be larzer representatlon no reason probably lies In the fact Ihat women are usually busy rulr niag their homes and ralsing Inmllies woman consldcrs her home and lamlly ï¬rst and this la the reason women flflen eater palltlcs later in ms son or IE Stuum Moms 1r vou own tor um um to am mun non low 47 comm moron 12 mas IVA1 Inland at no In mu WHY COLLECT RENT RECEIPTS SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES WHEN YOU CAN OWN YOUR OWN HOME FUR THAN RENT an you can own now Impuhl SelfCID Home Ind you can help to lmlld nml mvo mumy you nm lot you may nml no dnwn payment Ind numth 1m monla uurprhlnfly mull nnd llu man you run lwlp in lllll In ynur Immu In cm may you win will lmllvl the bank homo will mmplvltli ï¬nished nlrrlur llll Rum can do llm ml wt wlll an Ipl awry Mug you med 11 gulpmnm fulum floolflng tc non abhwu And all llllllfhlll Unlll lnbellnu ukulauonl rr uulm clear and candid slate mcnl my ntld mm In word Ilquld all menuuntd llnl In the II pl lnlrcdhnu In our but gum mvcd by alnlement on tho 1ch the rallo ML and Mrs Vitlor Willls of Barrio have announced 10 onguemcnl lhclr dnuzhler 1m Lynda Maria WIIIII In El mom John Irwin son of Mr and Mn George lrwln Bar rle SL Gmr Anlllcnn Church Allnnd will be lhl Idlan for tho evenlna mm many March In ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mn Fred Wchh ol Sophln Strecl Wm tnlcrtalncd umily dinner pnrly hnnnr lhclr €50 wedding annhu nry on Sunday Guull Included Mr and Mn Gordon Knmhlw Grace Ohurchanlhrfllll To ronlo4 was Ihe than for lht rmnl wedding Min Sunn ery Wood Michael Gilbert Milne The bridt Ir thI daugh ltr of Mr and Mn Dlvld Wood summer mldenlr Shanty Bayr The bridegroom the son of Mrr nnd Mrs bcrt Milne Toronto ENGAGEMENT Gums Henry Dunlap St Em cum thn noan York Hotel in week uhlla he attending the Ontarln Good Road Convention Mr Henry is ulcs rqpresentalivo With ha Pedlar People Oahlwn Steel Oliver WEDDING chk Bouncy Following the mm ridan party mplel re turned to he drank Commun ky Hall at dancing Spot dnnce prim were won Ivy Mr and Mn Narmnn McEachern chk ICaldwell and Mn Noreen Mll er AEIEIYDS EONVENIION MISS FLORA McGREGOR nteacher at Johnson Street School says that women are very important behind the scenes but they shouldnt stop there Women should exer cise their rights hnd since women are very capable they shoukl take more lulu direct part in politia think that we teas and social lunc tlons planned by the women durinl an election campaign afford an opportunity or dis cussions and araure interest It makes women aware of what is going on and am sure helps them make deci sion as to Much way they should vote it is very im poxtant to study the platforms fndaimt of diiterent part el SilFNELP HOMES DOWN PAM MONIHLY PAYMENII A3 In 357 Mlu Mlnn Huddleslnn nl nay Held 51 utcunlpanlcd by 5n Ronald Gallupc and Mn Gnll upo Cum Harden vIslcd nl Inc home of Em Petcrl and Mn Mm nee Clarl Huddle Ilon 01 Euro on lho wank end 55 Mm wu rcctnfly vealed Clmp Bordrn mm mm Mnnliobn Onlyflnrnvhu um polln we repelled In Bulanrln In In ompnrcd wflh 1060 um Wayne and Sandra Flnnclll Camera Mr and Mn Emcrwn cbb Jlm Marla and Roger Sunnldaln and Mr nnd Mn Mlfld Harris mm and Lynn ML and Mn chk man all Tomnlo The chalr wan Iccnmpanlcd by Cm Van ï¬lmed and d1 ected by hlrl Jun Dobsan The choir competed wiu choirs ram Thronlo and Ham lllon Included In the adjudl calm5 commenls were ex ccllent gmup good balance and month texture In comfxtlllon held two week prav ans no and double trio placed Hm Lh unml um llll III any and dlltrlct WlfldInl II nlnmrlu hInhdyl b11613 ymlu mmlnx ulun pure lkl vhlkm and rnvellm Ire III lleml Inlerut lo men mam his page Your hr Iupplylnl Ihh am will be really upm clncd Pltllu phone 11 Harrie Enmlner ll PA 6517 and Ink or Ellun Dlxon or Audny Coulwn II lhe Wam rnl Deplrlmenl King Edward Ladies Choir flame placed second In two clauu the Kiwanis Music Festival held In Toronto Sat uxday The chair received 83 Ind marks In no more than 24 voIce class and as and 81 mam In no more than 75volca elm Mra Miller University womena Cluh ticket convenor ior Spring Thaw 63 announced today that there areaome tick et atiii available or iii March production in its is years Spring Thaw has Iound political aa lire to be the must popular among its audiences This year the Canadian political situation increases the interest or the nuditnca and the problems or the writer oi Illa topical revue Spring Thaw which opens in Brampton oh March and will bring with it cast of nine including favorites oi last Years rmduction Peter Mews Bill Coe and Betty Robertson Bill Cole and Betty Because of the increasing db mind for tickets each year the University Womens Club oi Barrie had hnped to sponsor Spring Thaw ior two night this year However because of other cammitmentri was impossible in arrange two night at North Collegian AudA horinm for this sprints pro duman King Edward Ladies Choir Place Second Tickéts Available For Popular Revue Nam Intended to rover CUT IOLIO CAM nrld Dny Pray er urvlce comes to lrom Korea specially proparcd un der lhc dlrccllon Mrs David Chung Roman who has sud led In Canada and he Unlled Serv lhll year will be held at lhe Pcnlecoltll Church Much pm mission Iry from Mrlca will be gum Ipegker on he cation The mmmlllee was pleased to have representative from tho newly dedicated Chrisllnn Heronm Church Allision pres ent And he wu welcomed by 019 chllrman For Ihe 196564 Kenn Mn hmbull 01 Knox Presbyltr Ian Church was elected nl chuinnan and Mn ancuan lecrelary treasurer of tha Ptgleeqslal Church ed that woman representatlvn the dirkrent churchu in Ihe community wuuld act as chairman or lhe yur Ihu the nrvlne would ho he in respqcllvechurm For new the chairman hu been Mm Newton Wilson St Johnl United Church wilh Mn Hllmn St Andrewl Anglican Church ench treyurer ALLISlON Special Allls an cnmmlue ol the Womenl InterChurch Council Can ada mel recently to arrange the World Day ol Prayer scr vlco lar lhla arta lhls cum mill was armed ln 1562 and wlll now eonllnua lo luncllon each year wilh change of World Day Of Prayer Service Will Originate From Korea 0M mm MO amt5130 pm In l1 Noon Plnk petals and mm hl Iighl Paris bull gown Pierre Bnlmain in nylon polm desprlt or turn af Tim walk up ur dilly In Tho Eumlmrl dmlllcd Idvulfllng onllon Comln Evonn nullco ha anemicI vny ndvftlng In Ibou on nvunll Ipomond Indlvldulll arglnlnllonl or oflur onluprlm TO PLACE VOUR COMING IVINTI NOTICE USE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 THE BARRIEEXAMINER PINK PETALS AND ROSES COMING EVENTS AD T0 INFORM PEOPLE OF YOUR GROUPS Meeting Social Event Fashion Show Entomlnmonn Dance lnmucï¬on Clmol Spam Evonn And Othor Occulom TUNISVtAP Tunisia and Bulgaria have signed an accord to plan construction of Tums iart sport and youth centre here at cost at about $5600 000 It would have 60000501 stadium three mimming pools and tieldhouxa seating 6000 States and is at present um um eral secrelnry nl lho Women Evnnxeilrllc Society in Korea The lheme his year is illor lhrm Conquerors and Can adian women will Join wiih their sister nmund the world as they lake pm in lhls beau lllui service it lhe from allmmrnllicu that every wo men will loci it her privilege and duly in be in church on this ï¬rst Friday of Lent and add her prayers in lhe many far world peace Ind nnily everywhere thecenlury look Haurglls ï¬gure Hares into full lwlrllnz 55m wjgih rou pm worked 1m rufllu McKINNON FURS Ltd Ill Duulop SIGN ACCORD LADIES You Mun FINE FURS Belt For 55 43 de