KW ft Hm am ulnlou lulvunl no of hnvlnl wmmlulnn mvw Mt Thou Mnlnl In wmmlulnn ml nno ml hmlm Ill ml TM lnbllc Schml mud mmm lhmnl llmpml Ilnml mh In lholr lurn ML nhlcr well ho hum nllmnl In lhrm In rm llm hmpllnl Imud Khan ll nuuln rv Inln mlllnl vl tlly uml hllhlmlnl hmmhlpq on he lmnl 11m nnmnumm mum um wlulmn at In mm Mlvlnn nwnihnm rm lhl rlly wrll In It Hnll lo pmvldu lhr but in nlmnlhm or liming mmlnflqqnl llmlrntl 11w luykn llnnrd l1 xlnlnu hondnlul job an wry llm llrd lmvlnrl Mrmurlnl 511mm ll an rncllrnl unmplo Ila hnmllmuk nml ll hnl tlunu much In pmer hlmmvrd plny In lnclllllm for Hm ymmm Wren In Hm Villkl Nullhrr lhr wulrr l0 lmr Iho nlrrlvlclly mic run he cumhlrr hlgh PNI IIIFUI JO For rxnnuvlo lhu Iuhllc Ut Ilnlu Cummlulnn do man lanune In Ihe pm vimr In prmllllnfl wnur And mm In rrlllrnlm 11w rom mlulnu ll drhl lrcr nml yr mn yrnr uluuh nu ch nnd hilll rqullvnwnl up ludnltn nurrir run Ive mom HA numunm board and mumm Mnnl 11m mm and women on In mm and cmnmlulunl do 5chth Jul mImIinx the rllyl hmlmu Personal wnnl Uml Ihould describe your hobby good hoby should cmcrlnln complucly Aprclnlor or an nbacncr but pm klpnnl lIMcrlulnlnz aspccls on In leisure llme nnd pmvldn nlcrcsl nnd cnlcrlnlnmcnl For olhcn good hohby nhnuld be by lnmlly nnd friends Sallslflmi mime must an bly your dmirc for mlncnlhm and your nccd lo mnlribulo The ï¬rst lollcrs in he Iowim eight paragraphs spell oul SPEBSQSA and give some Indication the 50cm n04 turn and purpom Seriousness ls desirable In hobby um perxun parlic lpuling should be serious ur nolhinu worlhuhlln um be ac compllahcd The Uarrh Chaplcr sent chur us director Ray Atkinson to he chorus dhnclora Harmony qucnllun HEP wheel in Niagara Falls or two days During 1962 the chapter mL opled lhe name of Humnln Hurnwnizm nnd nlso ndoplcd dwaipllun its meaning Ind purpose based on he let ler SPEHSQSA When The Music Man show based on burbershopplnz Play ed at lhe Roxy Theatre In Nov ember chorus of Barrie bah bershoppcrs onlmalncd an stage during Ihe nlermlsslom Olficer In SPEBSQSA are Ray Blair president Ruy klnson chums dirccmr Jlmmy Veilch Ilrleiceprcsidcm and Frank Minus recording secto lary Many PublicSpirited Citizens Serving On Local Commissions One the years highlight in horbcrshopping was the Au nuai Parade of Harmony held in North Collegiate in April it featured the iiiwihm Counts Qumteita Ihe Barrie Chorus and ih Georgian Airs Quar teile iram the Barrie Chapter The twohour program draw near capacity crowd in North Collegiate audliorium The following Week the Bar riu Gwrus competed with the Ontario District Chorus cam pctillnn In Kllchcner and took second against 12 other chm usps rum variuus parts of Out arm SANG AT THEATRE Tho year 1962 was good for the Barrie Chapm Ihe far the Preservation and En couragement at Barbershop Quorum Singing In America Barrie Dislrlcl Hunter and 1963 executive and directors Bradley treasurer Morley Angfers Conservation Club Front row from left Wllllam Hollman past prcsldem Interest Up In District In Singing Of Quartets mm mwn why public wmh wmmlulou lhnuM ml Mhnlnltlrr llu IlrullMM nwnzllnl wllhln ha llmllnllnm Iry munnl bonnl hr rnmmlulnn wn mm mum rmlllmllly mm muncll Nmmlll ll ghe mm In mm who am Mull lnlpmird In lhnl pmlmlnr phm ol clvlc wmh nud Ihelr are II MI mulled hy pullllcnl dlcndn 1983 CONSERVATION CLUB EXECUTIVE prmlrnl want whh nnd lhla IIM lmvn Hm nun lumi ed drhnlle In lhn was llnwrver lmlu llunnl with In II my llmllml Imdflrl IIIIMIVI lIy nnlulr HIII III my llunnl hm In rkvlh In mwl lhe pallrm uponmllnx nlmd Ivy nundl pon ylo llmlvnnlue IIIIRM Iw ml ll rnlumlulnn or Inner could mending wllbmll In In llw wlllw ul round lI Mann can It hudan lulla Yol Um nulllcr In Icrlnul wounh nnyonr rim lnko lllu lmublc In llml um lurme lhr Achwl bonnl Anyuno um dlmvnr who ha clunlnmm lhu lilirnry Imnl hut It unllkrly Hm rlmlnnnn or mrlu hrr wlll he wnnlrd by pub lic wllh lrhlalillm RIITII nmmm nublm In he mmo publlc pm Inru Ill MI nldmnnn or coun rlllar Everynnc hmwl Ibo mnn lnr hII or Mr wn nnl Nrryuno hnnwl mvlnu on 10 when he mum mmmluinn in lyqnnl All mnmhm he Earrlo Ilmbushoppm hme um lhlng in common and that mum lnsm Wiltm lhcy dccldo lo do somclhlng ll gala dun bccnum every member pllchc In and logclhcr they gcncrnlo enthus lnsm lhfll mushrooms Occasionnlly ml work hat they ï¬nd lhcmsclvm lil llcory he nlmrl tldm In the ins stages of he pm Jccl workm and ofllcluls me Childrens Md Soclcly Joln ed forces wiLh tho barbershop pm and compiled Ianor lo lay and llsu name of needy lnmlllu In the end there were more lhnn cnouxh lays la xn around Ind nobody ncnl shun ENIHUSMSTIC Quality ily are at prime Impomnce In hobby would not be worth your Mme if the end result was no quality and you wnuld mm or room or expgnsn must for your hobby must be scrvlc to you and your community In this way you reap the beneï¬t your labor by giving This adds the ï¬nal touch re Mbyt broken toys and mum Item don collect bmken my and unsnlb able ems donated by individ uals merchants and compan lcs At Iirsl they used barbershopper noly Mnthans service stallon for repair shop But the toys came In so fast time just wasnt room so lhcy had la expand At this point they obtained the use the old registry at licc In the County building and set up mrkshop Mom or two nlghta weak and n1 tcn on wcekcnds the harborsth per practised thnir slnxing whilo rcpaIrlnx and paintin lays to someone at snmclhlng They must ofler mines opporlunl lyufgr dvancqmgnl Acllve should describe ymu hobby An active hobby provides conllnulng outlet and calls for hobby ceascs lo make de mands on yaur time likely it has also mascd lo llll ywr need as hobby PRbJEcr IN 1962 guest and most successful project the Barrie Barbershoppers underloak In 19132 was this tollccung rcpnlr Ing and dislrihullng my lot needynchlldrcn ng Chrlslmns Thin Was lho cnsu vhcn they WI he nldrr hur mm but uh 11 board or llm decldcd to help Newmnrkct get local chapter Marni We can repalr any lype of motor model If you run into trouble with your Washer Dryer Refrigeration Irons elc give us call we can fix it day or night Our shop the largest Repalr Depot in Simcoo County is prepared lo handle all types of re winds Including Class and Rowinds and lncapsul olions ALWAYS ON THE 60 WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU Since our business was born years ago we have taken giant steps on the road to progress Pictured to the left are few photos of the results of our recent renovation program We realize that without the faith and confidence placed in Us by our customers our dreams would have never come true we thank you ON OUR OWN SINCE I955 Bill Stewart president James Harris first viceprul dent and Allan McPherson second vice president Dlr eclorr In the back row are from lefl Albert Parrish two year term PA Perri ï¬nal year Gerald Bohhuuc Innl year Howard Morris twoyear term Jahn Harradlne ï¬nal year and Gcorgu Llllinglnn twaycnr termr Examiner Photo By KRAEMER Mutant Nlliunl Employ men Servlca In retrospect the emplay men lItualIon In Ihu area nerv ud by ï¬le anIonaI Employment oIIIce In Banle mean ren annnbly hrlghl picture Ilectlnn healthy economy In manufacturing trade com mgrcund aervlcel In 1931 Employment oppnrlunltles ln creased durlng the year the number 01 Jobs nl which tho local nfllce we nolllled In any lndlcellon There were 1940 or der placed by employer re presenflnx 4471 vacancies an increase 1331 over 1W these 3012 were ï¬lled by appli cants reulslered and referred byrgEs also represunu an Increase of 713 over 1961 Many Jobs could no he llled due lo lack of applicant wllh Ihe necessary skills 1n do the Job This candlllan ll one which not localized but In part 01 nallnnwlde problem about whlch more pnsltlve acllon ls helng taken to me lhoslluallon WORK FORCE In ï¬eanni locnl ofllce aren here an 116 rexlskered em Employment Picture Redsonablv Bright rlnym with an lmured work nx me 01 npproximltely 9009 la estimated that ha total working lam in the Burris rea ts nppmxgmmly moo Inorder to maxJlhe Iervlca loe NES more readlly aVlH able to outlying areas The peak period hlrlnl nel lvlly occurred In June when 502 were placed Into jobs this coincided with the lnviesl num ber clnlmanln or unemplnih men lnmrnnca In any month 1562 The number clnlmnnln generally was lower monlh after mgnlh than In 1961 The period imm March to MIKE 51 in xenenliy Ipeok In the period oi peak activity in Industry The most striking diiierenco briween 1m and and 1961 or these months is shown by mimic oi hiring by employer with in or more employees total oi 2710 hiring took place in thou six months oi im as compared with 1906 in lira some period of 1961 Overall In thin rerléd the NES ofï¬ce In Barrie need 2190 per anns and was Instrumental In transferring into thin area into Jobs mu would not have hepn med olherwlae IO Ross St Shown above Is an exterior vlew of our building at 10 Ross St Th II plfluro our ï¬lm bake oven used In our Jpnth lmlmunl of rowaund melon ELECTRIC morons Through this service interm allan concerning mnny execut ive and prolcsslonel type vacant positions in Canada available to those interested in changing labs to improve their status er unemployed to ind in opening they are seeking it willbe oi particular Interest in employer with openings in the executive and proiesslonel calibre special NES oiiicer in the person of James Kellyhu been appointed in thin lunctlun lempomr ofï¬ce was cslnhilsh ed In stun In use or about alx month This proved to be of areal assistance to the tobac co growers of Simcoe County The response by employer has encouraged he authorities to froylde tho same aervlco nxaln 963 DEVELOPMENT An important develnpmen In Ihe NES nnt only nflecung Barrie but the entire surround Inz Iran Is the extension and Intenslflcnunn an execnklvu and professions service for which Hun1e Is the key nr new trnl omce ni lhc nuns cover ed by Owen Snund Colllnxwond Midland Par Sound Brace hrldie and Orllle MR JIM CHILD Shop Farlmm MR BILL DASH OwnorMIn or Banlo PA 5307 Each wlnler the Department Labour through the National Employment Sexvies conducts campaign to promote wlnler emï¬ ploYmenL program to register and screen the applicant for the courses provided Under this scheme daily livinl niiawance is paid Malia the student is tending courses Through this program it expected that lhu problem of lindan adequaiely truilml worktrl or job will be alleviated somewhat Applicants are Invited to real er with the National Employ ment aflIcet Another davelnpmenl 01 lm parlnca In the Barrie Bren which wu motivated In 1961 and became renlilyeaxly In 1963 training mger for halllgthplnyed un er Prop15m Thls an arrangement he tween the Federal and Pm vlncla government In draper ntton with the Department of Educatlun to better eqqu the unemployed with the UM lion and lralnlnz required to them back into gnlnlul employ ment Euily msyunse In this pro gram has been most ncourng lug The gel Nag 1n