Raul 130 reople nllcnd 0d thu raffle olnlc Instructed by Cons Ralph Beny This cuum coasts of we nights lecture and Instrucllon Wu held In tlmcs during 1962 and attended by an average mfludenu Major ram accidenu more than $100 dnmagc or where charges an laid were on the Increasn In 1962 with total Dec 23 compared with 867101 transmitter Increased Ihe rnnge by about 40 miles over In old lowml equipman Previously the range was about 10 or 12 miles Bar rle on the some wave length as Gravcnhurst Orlllia Tiny Township Midland and lnnisï¬l Township so there 15 direct com municnllons between these points There was nhnut $6000 In pald tram llckels bringlng Ihe total revenue from both traffic 1ch exs and meters to about SSDMO The force acquired 1ve had 10 car and two radios receivers mug lransmflmrs Cmmlna code and llquar charges were on the Increase In 1962 up Irom 378 In 1961 to 477 in 1062 During 1962 lhe farm was In creased by three men bringing he overall strength mm 75 up to 28 motor patrol man cam on In Munch but meter palml men are no policemen DUNLOP 51 Chin of Pollce Tschir hurt sald You cant allrihulc hing llke lhal any one thing But Its nlce when It hep pnns Barrla City police department enjoyed Hrs Ialalileree year ram wise since 1955 last year Lauds Citizens For Achieving FatalityFree Year In Barrie CAR TRUCK lEASlNG CAR TRUCK RENTALS TRAVEL SERVICE IN OUR BUSINESS BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE SERVICE IS ESSENTIAL MN mu mlvnnlnm ur Ind lmrh lrminK To you lhll mum cnplul lnvrnlmml plunva mm lamina MM and gumm kcd uuumrlallnn ha ï¬nd 01 hrnnd new urn Ind Ituckl mam nt our Hnlrrllpl low rm you can ronl trnnlmrlullnn In any dullnnllnn on UM cun llnrnL Tell ul uhen you want In no hen you want to an and leave ml lo Well man or your lransporh nllon Mel ncmmmodnliom and lehmcinu Tncso Aur vlm an couruu uilhoul charm to ynu Im thinking pnfliculnrly ol young fellow weve seen ac Ing fool in cnr and werent aha to gel anything on them Then when lhcy dld get Into an accident and we gal them In lho cllnic we wcre nble to make friends with horn and help them correct their driving habits Con Berry sold about the mm clinlc would any It reduces lrnlllc accldenls More ollen than not people who have nllondnd the lrnlllc cllnlc were not Involved ln any vlolnlion nllerwnrds and many them became much holler drlvml Students may take the drlv lng lnslrucllon cnurse voluntar fly and many do Olhm Are rclcrmd la lhe ramc clinic nilcr lhcyrappoar In court on traffic vlnlallnn charges PA 66 The Gardens concert never dld mntcrlnlize It was wasth away In rain as was the Ed monlun concert But Ihe audl enca Penllclan and Ju pcr more than made up far these mislarlunes Loner Gum lhc director he Perlonning Arts for H1 Fnlr and ram the manager of he Highllg lnur was double cnnmt he Century 21 Exposlllnn Seams and brief and rainy appearance lhe Pnclflc anlonnl Expuslllnn at Vancouver and he Bul chgrl aardgn in Vittoria The 75 young musician with 11 adults added another page the iliuslrious history Ihcir Band by completing wwweek our of the Pacific Cans with ihrce concerls Jasper Lodge Very and Penliclon The Barrln Colleglnle Band continued In be dlsllncllve Canadian youth group In 1961 by reprnscnllng Eastern Canada al Illa Seattle Worlds Falr on Auz us 22 lenn ll Bunnldllo hrjnnl mumm Amity Md Dunlap Elmer lnnunoo Mew Com llunlan Ind Co HM Dunlap Mllcnmmu Imuunca Aunty ll Dunlap El Mlllory lnlunncl new CruIIelo Calm Band Brings Hondrs To Barrie At Seattle Formrly Flynn Inwnncl ll Comer Sl anier Adllr lnxnrlnce Henry Bern SI flenllq And Co YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT ImM humnu Anne MMMHI DIDTRICI nlnll lullnu Allilo llnm Drmllmfl Bnfllnrd SI Henry Elritk Ind erhlc ll HI Coulll lnulnnre Meaty Owen 5t Only Thu Agunh An Gulllï¬ld To Uu Thll Cm Raul flldwell Inlunnu Alcnty lfl Bophl Slim Eul Snwlng You 14 erl Day JOIN THE TEAM Ton BEST PROTECTION Tom Tlllmlll II hmldo Dvln Moon I1 leuelunl Illmpill BARBIE Where D9 You Have Your Insurance llmud In xpile growth of in slnlmental music and car respundlng compemlnn the band has retained ll excellence and has never lallcd to obtain lens ï¬rst second or lhird In every campellllon It has entered lo lhé school Onlnrlo and he Barrie Colleglale land was raged hip Iguthose ycprst And another Maple Leaf lhe neventh will be added lo the Band crest Each Ieal repres cnis an invitation appearancu somewhere beyond Canadas burden and an event in which the Band has been recngnixed as aCanndian unit This is an elusive at the Bands appear lance at the international Music Festivni in Montreal in 1947 with all expenses paid by the gninrlo Dcparimengoi Educa Ion Th9 Department was lhcn InA gmqgclnx gnsgmmpnlnl music In Jasper Lodgu are prltcd posses slonl lha Band These latter tallest 10 ha skill and duper mcnt ol the sump Pln opmlo wloly on commlulon bull on MI own mum Agann to qualify to um lho Big symbol In lndopondcnl win In good mndlng wrmnn conï¬rm wloh upllll flock com Or An with DIRECT WRITER INDEPENDENT AGENT Mr Fisher palnls out that sldo from he educnllnnnl value of the Hand to II members value prime concern the Band draws nllenllon lhe commth lly Barrie wherever and whenever It performs in an In Iernallunal sense Lnsl summer an title on Barrie uhd the Hand nppcnmd In lhu chkvEnd magazine The nrtlcle was reproduced by syndicale for publicnllnn across lhn nation It enlcmd for he ninctccnlh lime In the Kiwanis Fesllval mnlesls 1961 having record ol 53 Irsl awards in Festival compellllon since 19 The Band ls still dlrecled by Allen Fisher lhe history lonehcr who hull from neven players in 1937 In 1562 lha Band won two and at he Kiwanis Festival conlesls bowan lo the Dawn Technical School Band and Ialnlng Hrs in tho campullllon or Canndlnn composers Burl and DlIlrlc lmunnn Anodnlon mun box 111a xmw ln acceptance oi Ihe awareness oi Ii ncc essary place in lhe communliy Ind he Increasing number oi people committed in helping meet our responsthqu In all veg evident even mm dllï¬cult ln describe pmgres In ne mmpllshlnl our constitutional pumosa of hulldlng Chrlsunn The gymnlstlcs display last June North Colleglsle atlrlcl ed man than 600 spectators The Barrle YMYWCA Chrisb mas rally ll Oakley Park Pub llc School and Christmas uh lngelher and mespenlal holl day pmnram al Orlllln or gym onllnz were recent hllhA lighls The Judo Club held demon sl allonx at Barrie Shopping an The Ys Mens Club held in lflh anniversary In 1961 Cod Jun restaurant VOLUNTARY WORK Then an more um no vol unteer leader In the Ind Ibfllll so or them began In 1m They have mnlrlbuled more than 6000 hour voluntary work and those qualllied or en mlmenl In In YMCA NIllolul Lead owshIp Nine leader mended mm dillerent mining enhances ThirtyIva nudenu and our supervlsur toured New York at Easer professional lrh worker Mrs Ursula Hoehner was hired tn 1961 The dimivencu her work In an the must slm lllcunl mark prams ol the In 196 The Battle has been pro gramming 11m 1956 Ind In ï¬rst pmlesxlonal wnrker din eclor Dodds held nlllu unul 1059 when beumn din mar ï¬le YLcnja best yen since chirter In 1991 By RUSS DAVEY The Battle YMYWCA up perimctd mlrkgd progress In punk hom any Inlun In compmy pnmlm own M1 own nowII in boutdo mombcr In good Illndln manlxod lndapcndonl Agonlu Anoclal om mans Maia Building Fund land by hr the nce It received It This is becausu Illa whole phil osophy of the la gel pcopla working wllh people or their lhuJual selfMp Each time our heart In warmed by some preciallva comment we are dlu that the people at Bank hlva made such services pamblo hmugh halt enlhuslnstlc support me Ill th yyuuu Knowing lhls add even gm er meaning and pleasum to such Incident Each new nel lvlly we an able In otter adds mm opportunity or help lo he olfertd Hum clly but not so large that such Inlormallan might bring embarrassment to those Involved and decrean ef lcclvenesa or the because Drunk of conï¬dence IO THE HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB law The mus WM evident would ho to descrlhe some of the particular individual or nmlllu ur groups who hnvn ucknuwledgcd speciï¬c personal help through 2lech and urvlcu Ersanlllly and Chrlsllan 106 RUSS DAVEY huly they reach out In hm lherhood lo Its orlunale youth in olher pans of the world by he Iunds they raised lhmuxh their allsorls sale Early In 1962 the board arm nlly resolved to proceed force fully Iowan organizing inan clll campalzn lo raise the much needed luclllty Our junlm members no to be outdone have taken or lead In our World Service cum whereby we usslsl lin andally he ulmslon or groirvim lo underdavnloped as Thelr projects such as lha éhrislma Ire sale and mund nul sala have camcd money or the newAbullding fund and they have helped sponsor sum or our leaders In special training mnlcmnce lhl pas year FASHION SHOW The Menellcs Ind Lidia Auxiliary combined in highly sucussiul inshion show major mnney maiginz pruij The lirns Club our sen inr service club provide club leadership For exampie Gerri Wail servinn hi xith ya menior North Ouiieghll iiiY Ind Frank Kristo nah Wnimn and Ali Dick enrich our gym centre pmmmu thLough their help boy and girls mllllnerycour es brldxo lessons model alr planu chin mndgl car club and Wllh lhe many nlher pmllams which were previously open live we hm mend as dlt mm pmzram nnlu In and nunch aUnn hu Increased from 090 1961 more than 30 ooh In 196 Some groups In our program hnvn ervlce emphasis In Id rlltlon In up personal fleasure Ieflowshlp and sellmpmw man lhey ï¬nd In their activ CS suggested hu axpnndzd could 2W during at Some the Addition Ire mens volloybnll womtna VnI leyblll older boys um centre gunlor Igngegshlpmgmlres for ADJUSTER