Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 51

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Large Sky Show Of Year At The An uncxpccltd nnruclion was htllmmrr Andmw Hudson nI Taranln passan with his hull copier lloppld In at nnrrle alr port In refuel and lhon Ilnycd IaLparl 91 In nlr show Al limes lhe big nllder Just serum In hmcr ln lhc nlr like hnwk preparing to descend on ll prey Then he would shoal dnwn sharply and war up nxnln complrlc loop ho lorc levelling all and more mulls VThrne pfnncs ore an hnnd In 1an prop up or l$m1null After being lowrd up by plane Mr Inw rilh hl glider did nearly every stunt that can be dune wilh powered plane bul it wax muth more grace lul weather was perfect or thaw whlch drew record crowd and headlined AI Paw Enrrle In glider Mr Paw nprescnled Canada in he lyrpplcst Hg year was largest air show in Barrie his tory 0n hand or the sixqur Show Iasi all ware 115 planes rum Ontario cum5 BanIa Mrme made enHie In 1961 Allhaugh the study still hasnt been undertaken the govern ment has indicated Lhal it w1ll soon ba ready to move There wan some opposition aflcr lhn city announced late last year that would permit the hnuy in branch or the Department of Economics and Devclnpmcnt to conduct survey to New has then nbed for ma Overcoming objections from 50m bulldcr and mnlraclar 1n the city council decided to proceed wllh plans to allow lhe pmvlnclnl government lo unA demke study lo delermlna if lhere la need or low rental hm 2r Housing major problem in any small gmwing community such nsBarrle was again an Issue In 1962 but the Barrie city council took some action In investigaie just how lha situation standII Th1 plclure wlnler residanualmlhninlha norlh In my Baby cold out Irene on Vine Street newer wm pm the city mm ilda Expect Cdxft ZIogMove On City Housing Survey NEW RESIDENTIAL SECTION 01 BARBIE FOLLOW THE MARKET DAILY CRAWFORD CO LTD IN THE COLUMNS OF THE UARRIE EXAMINER STOCK PRICES COMPILED DAILY BY OUR OFFICE MEMBERS TOIIONTO STOCK EXCHANGE INVESTMENT DEALERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA 220 BAY STREET TORONTO ONT Then Bmll Mrw lup plled Ilrly or he clubl use pcrmlllnd member In use all Ihu Ilrpartl lmrlemnnla nnd machineranclud flu owe llwn mnwm and tlootr clL The Alrplnne Club had rough gain In lhe pau Don Nur puhllc remlom 0mm or lho club nhl when UM club lrlcd lo gel going once he on some members Mcnma dil cournged htcnuxc hty hid no place In Hy lhglr plAnnu Vhlle snvcral hunder poop lined the air field In with he demnnsualinns and comes Almost an equal number wnlch ed lho made Airplane demon Ilrlllom ll corner at lleld anond In lhe Modtl Airplan Flying Club rldts and lwo of lhe planes operated almost continuouslyi limes In mm were In he airl Nearly 100 people went up or ride during the allemoon lie scheduled program includ ml acrobatics by llnrvards gliding evenls spul landing and bombing conlesu model airplane display home hullder display flypnsl by oldm alr cralll llypaxl by home built nl fl and draw or prim Thedihe daplrtment must Mike deltrmlmllon the effective demlnd or Inch hour Firstly then in discussion wlth IDCII leaderl In the lnduy trial locil Ind weflua fields to chain their aplnlan and pm Vida Decalle background In ormalian on hauling Ind wuxa Ilrucmres When the Imay la complet ed In Barrie lha depanmlnt wlll Indicate units are needA ad Ind how many The cost would be undertaken on div Nan basis The federal ov emmcnk would pay 75 per cenl the provlndnl 175i Ind Bugle hi sliivey ll conducted In lwgphgsel the as 10 surveys made by the depanment In ll differ ent municipalities five have shown need for units Five dId not require joint pmvinciab laden hglp unit to accommodate lowIn come amines Show Feature At The Airport SUITE 101 as DUNLOP mm um MANAGER FLYNN BARRIE BRANCH ESTABLISHED lDlD Thu Pull Spcclll an ac ull lirplnnu and Mr Lmquel bellersd bu thc only an crcr built In Canada look hlm mm years In MI Ipm Limo La bulld But Iucmllul ho Mr Shaw was wu merely the cllmux lo luccmlul mum at he name Mrport Every Sundy when wulher perde mm wm demon Annlher nllrntllun Ihe show was the home buxldm xiiplay Guy Lnroque nude Mrwnys had his Im Special nn display or this purl he Ihow Mr Nelson can do lhlnu wlth the model alrplancs Ihnl III nclual nlrplane cant dn We can do In oulslda loop lhal ls loop wllh Ille bollam ol the plane on the Inside nl lhe luapl An actual airplane canl du ll becum It would lea llge win all Men at Enrrle Airways whose lnlcrest and help sparde new In mm the club are Guy Lnr nque Jim Pclky and Murray Pm You name it and they gave to us sald Ron Mul sun VICEpresiden In 11 Mad dflnghuge Clubu No minimum lncama require ment is set hut Ill tenant um um should be able to pay minimum ram 01 $3750 per month Housing units Are Allocated to Applicant an point lyilem Paint Ir Riven or the condi lion Ind ndzquncy oi In Appli clnlx present accommodllion tha rent ha in paying It pre ant number of dependent emergency condiiionx Inch imminent eviniun And the ism iiy invoinntnrlly divided ihlt il unable ucura accommo dlllan or ill memhm in on dwgilinz mg by advertising In the local pry forpersogu need ll on Ihe ba urvay the municipality conslders Iho rental accommodation need ed resolution required asking the lederalpmvinclal pmomhip Io comlder tho con tructlon of prolecl of the type and llze they deem lull nhlvev on lhe ITlllllldplllw PA 431 INCREASING VALUE VICTORIA CPD Pnlmlnfl Ior erh lhu IIID Emlly Cnrr liked mm 75 now would tell lnr 510000 Culln Graham V10 lorII Ar Gullzry tumor Iald in In addrm htrc FINDS CHESS EASY MEDICINE AT CPIMrs Joyce Slurm only woman pllytr In lhe local chess club 11 nM necessary lo he mcnlnl glam lo play chm Sh say her llrbyeand Ion Ruler who lurnnd the game rem htr pllyl Just Ill well do Guy Laroque vice prnsldenl BanIa Amway mld It was truly year 01 progress and can only be termed tremend nu success But we are loak Inn larwnrd lo inll bigger and better things In mm straflons nu airport Then Included modzl alrplan llylng hum builders displays and Vnying and gliding demonstrat ham The Sunday show began wilh relatively small crowds hul word qulckly spread and more and more people cums lo 19 airpon or Sunday nlLemoqns uuling Alt me blue and army khaki are umlliar and we come schl on the slreels lbs city Many 01 the men llvp In the city and spend large portion of Ihelr pay here ur good and services other com requenlly 1n shop and enter laln themselves Camp Burden Itself llsts lociI ornnizatlonx various types nuglnx mm nklndiv my club In leanlawn howling club Ind many hem are npen to membership from pear Is In Emit in addition in lhe economic mior Camp Borden pinyl major role in in social lliu oi iho city and here is constant social interchange be iween lho cillmns oi Barrie Ind the perinnnei oi Camp Borden Imyurlance of Rh huge Camp Burden AmunAlr Force base to the lclly Barrie and district cannot be averestimated The cunlribullon cum Bor 1th from all econam and social standpnlnt such that the city wuuld suller tavern netback In base wen to be cloged doiwnt Cnrnp Burden In combln ed annual payroll 01 man than $13000000 This Includes army and air me personnel Ind the lame cIlean contingant EmploY ed at Bordpnjy bnlgservlces On the other side the min clvllllnl from the Barrie area are frequently guest at mean dlnnen Ind dances and other army Ind Ilr force social fun cllom Barren attainment at the city status would have been delayed or number at years It not for the economic shot In the arm pmvtded by the mil ttary Installation and recent ex panslnn at tnctllttc and pen sonnet at Borden Camp en has resident population €500 servicem and dependent and 700 service men and their lamllies live In lhe surrnundjng communities of Barri Allllnn qndjpgu callmated that 15 per can ha Camp Borden pay roll or ammo spent an nually In Barrie and the sur Borden Is Vitall To Cifvl BATSTONES TIRE SERVICE UN03 preliminary reporini iraiiic sludy suricd during 1962 in Barrie he lndicalcd that Bnr rio will progress in lhn point ui having populalian oi 45000 by 1981 The same lure lndlcalcd ln Ihc Cilyx olliclal plan whlch ln lhc master blueprint future developmcnl or he hex 25 years Foreéee Sharp Increase Here In Population mi BAVHELD 51 According to the plan lhe Ever Changing To Keep Up With Burries Progress JMK llAllIDNl land that wlll ha used or ML dlllnnal urban development wlll camc malnly lram nzrlcullural areas although certllled an dhlslnn plans whlch hnvc al ready received pmvlnclnl ap proval wlll be dnvclopul first The basis ha plan in Iha shaping an or several months ruycals that small puo knls of land not bull upon will be given priority or develop men ralher than opening up large new area at present in dcx uricullurai use II is also expected that population of 23767 will be reached by 1970 The plan was hompllcd bflhe Barrie nlnnnlng board and though it doesnt stand as an onarch Rcfmflergpgn Due to the knowledge and axpen hence have gathered over the yam you may feel quite confident when you deal with confident that our service work meets every tnnd ard confident that wean Id vise you correctly on your purchu es confident that weknow our business 118 DUNLOP 5T EAST associated with RCA Vietor for nu wlll Ilwnyl llml gnml ultcllon of qunllly DUN ml llllm lu lll your car and mun you ol plow am nlo drlvlnw We nro om thflnflifll lo glvl you ho hul mviro Ilcn you come hm for nnylhlna lrom Hrs chmth to llro vulunlzml We have lhn aclllllu lo mlIy Ind quckly change and rcpnlr an llro mm mall car to lrlnsport Alan we no mo cqulpmonl and mllullnll lo ropflr and Ill lrlrlor llm ONE OF ONTARIOS OLDEST RCA VICTOR DEALERS have been associated with the RCA Victor organization and RCA pro ducts since 1927 Instrument lo rcslrlul the un land thn mum of the 20mm bylaw no public work shall he undemch which dnu nul comply with the deslsns he plgm The sum based on people per acre show hit the lnnlsm mu Just nrnuud the head oi Illezpaywlll likely hnvc ahnul Zlpwplo per ncre vhllc III nlher end my nmund SIN Sincl nnly In to the more are AXECVIESL lnnlslll ls expound lo Imve he hemlcst popullllon ralln In theCity MBmle lh Ol Halal Plan disclascy 36 IIIE MARINE EXAMNER TUESDAY FEBJI 63 mc led firms pvpulalloan ex IAIIII yrs peckd lo be just nurlh Mng way 400 in he Sunnldale Mou Here mnxlmum ncoplq arr expound on each we of land RESTORES HOME MONTREAL xCllDcslgnc MarloPlule Nolln one lhq citys best drnsscd much has buughl hrccslnruy lwyenr nld Vlcmlan hulldlnl whlch sh plan to umodel ham an lrand salon Her rcslnrnlln will be In keeping wllh Mum ml plans In preserve historld sullen ol hc oily or flu MI worlds lair BARRII uc

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