rmE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEBRUAiY Another mniier that might eu ier inia the suggestion would be the disposal ol innisiil Park to ihe Provincial Park systems ni iowing that body lo provide in cilitia lo the public nhlch now enjoys Innisiil Park It would mean that anyone desiring to make use oi the park would not have to have township slicker or iree admission but would buy Provincial Park sticker which would admit them to any oi the many parks operated across Ihe Province That ardehl mlï¬ht be made has been rumoured from time to Mme Jus what vnlu might By RGS One or the proposals that calm out of the hearing before the Ontario Municipal Board about the extension of the Stroud area to Include the Luke land district on the nth line was that townshlpwidc community centre be established in Innis tii Pork This of course would be an ideal setup for the resi dents in and around 25 side road it would mean they would have top utilities available without transmutation it might also be very acceptable to sum mor residents in that area But as service to the whole town ship which would include mm Totlendat and Painswick Churchill and Giltord on the east side and mm Cookstovn to Thornton and Holly on the west the site should be in the exact centre at Innisfll asnear as highway taciiilios would per mit This point has been said to be about the top oi the 7th line on 11 highway INNISPIL NOTES $2295 Township Needs Community Centre DOWN FOR JUST SEE AS l0W AS he had mm the township hold ings in their Park would be matter tar thought but that the iunds realized should be invest ed in Communin Centre would no doubt meet the ap proval ol all ratepayers Year After year It has been iouhd that the uperalinn oi the Park is becoman more and more costly and with Cann all which has so much business to attend tor the park opera tions receive secondary consid eration Lnst year when the park was thrown open for day and the ratepayers invited ta come and enjoy day of fun and entertainment only small portion oi our residents came out Perhaps it might be apprec EVERY WEDNESDAY Jackpot $240 NUMBERS 15 REGULAR ROUNDS SHARE 111E WEALTH DO0RPRIZE lEGION HALL 7l COLLIER ST LEGION BINGO The coveted MotorTrend maga zineCarolthéYearawardwas wonthisyearbytheentlreline of 1963 Ramblers The popular Classic 6the powerlui Am bassador V8 and the compact American The award was given to Rambler tor outstand ing design achievement and en gineeringleadershipThe panel of automotive experts took 26 pages In the February issue of MeierTrend magazinetooutllne the reasons lortheircheice ol RamblerThe follow Ing are excerpts from their remarks to show you why Rambler ls Car at the Year lor 1963 Unilido Conltruction thls latest design represents real advancem and the biggest single reason we chose Rambler Carol the Year Not only does this new construction method save approximately 150 pounds over the older design but it results In unit so strong itll take punish ment longer and naturally hold Its resale value Here are the reasons Why Motor Trend Magazine chose the 1963 Rambler as the Bar of the Year l7 GOWAN SIREEI ialéd lhnre ll wehad nlnce lllling similar 10 that done in Sprlnxumier and some of ihe oiher Provincial Parks li Ihzre is possibility oi as yearmnnd communiiy service in change or the short season sum mer park at least Ihl should he woth linding out This would eliminate the Strand ar ea addingnnoiher two mill to their already high laxailnn over he next weny years would also nmyeni such énmmunllica as Lakeland and Syroud whv had VIAU MOTORS CONVENIENTLY lOCATED IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE Reg 33 always been on such friendly terms irom balm n1 logger heuds It would give 11 year ruund us or our holdings and would encourage greater devel oumeni lhrouqhoul tho mum ship People who are looking or place in seille out ih big melmpnllian centres wnuld wgl some in district where plenlv of year round recreation vnlluhlel In addltlan we would suuhnve lhe Park gynglnble with all the amenities lhal gn with In new PA 66458 Economy Thorn Wont be many cuts of this slzo delivering more tuol economy lhan the basic ongincd Classic Ininrlornoom and ComlonTho icngihunod whooibaso has given more room inside and this means increased driverpassenger comiori The interior oiiors plonly oi Icg loom Reclining bucket seats with headrests are options wcll wurih the extra expenditure Styllng Progress In design Is the theme of Motor Trends Car of the Year award American Motors Ramblers are this years best examples of outstanding design achlovomant Now styling ls based on loan clean lines that are apparent tram almostanyanglo Handling and Drlvlngpleaslngly lightand responsiveunderallcorneringconditionsagood boulevard and highway ride There Isnt any pitch or choppiness noticeable oven on rough roads DEJAIE ELECTION Candidates nspmng fur elec llon should attend the debate to be held In Norlll Collcslnlc next Friday 5qu sourn Turn lo page lhlrtenpleasc Provincln Parks We hope our MPP whoread ml qalumn on deal nfle lo act an ambassador for us In MM come out evca IMPERIAL munWWW Wynsun mamn mu suvm mm in mm mm mungummnnmsmmnmussm mu Hauntsmm BEIGHIKE umuwu lbuuutnlwstzmv HHhflJI an mu Fullaor MulflMllllon BLITr Spacmlel PM PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT Mull We Slndcnh 75c Chlldren 35c Thats what the experts say They are echoing what Ramblcrowners have been proudly claiming loryoarsToprovotoyoursulRamblersoxcopllon nl value see your Ramblor doalor soon Take test drive in thoCar the Yoarthu 1963 Rambler Ask your Rambler dealer tor your free Ioprin of tho ZGpagu Motor Trend article In summing up allwc can add ls thalitlooks like the now Ramblerwill be an even butler buy than it has been In previousyoars Value and Feature Qualityhas always been one of American Motors largest selling points and continues to be on the new models In addition to the longrecognized owner appreciation features Inherent In all Ramblers the factory has doubled the newcarwarrantyt024 monthsor24000milcs mun WWMmlmnuuxmm comm WIMUHVUINIIW ANIDDUCV MENU HOIUHS CANADA lINIIID BAHAMA NOW SHOWING FEATURE SHOWN If 5nd 9lo 15m NOW SHOWING HOLLANDS GAME iTAYNER IJHDER YflllR TICKETS NEW Pulormnnux mu Imp Sundln 215 11 NIL Mm mum gnu suumy lllunounxs dllwmblnllhllllckm Rn Sill 75 Ball 3715 Indufl Ila Iman In lh hugldlun In pl smuan Ins Sell Hulk 15 CMI In 15 Flu Admlxyan to build mlxslcn no hmldlnu um um Mull 75é0hildml $9 mm open my map 5mm mm 11 In In an DID VOUI VICKI NOW nnxaumuqvmn nmlmnu rummom um Intlin may SEE IWITH AIEIIEIT FINE IMMIME Ellllllllfll DIN INB MM IDAIINI AVE CAIPHIG WINE All All numn WM mxlnhunnl flmn lump Am Mullins nmldmu Inlmlllnhu 16m ANNUAL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMENSSHOW DIRECTIIOM MIAMI HM lealurerl al the sensational min In lhl hbulou