Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 48

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IO Trinity Anglican Church Guild celebrated its 20m birthday at dinner celebrallun held in lrinfly Pnrlsh Hall on Oct 20 1962 From mall gruup with handful members to an or xnnimtlon which wns later all cldcd lulu five groups wom en describes lhc growth or the guild In the past years Mnre than 200 persons mm 2er to celebrate be special an niversary cvcnl which was com vcncd by Mrs Gonrge Scy mour asslslcd by cocnnvencr Mrsl Peter Sinclalr The history of the organle Han and the progress made dur lng lhc past 20 years was we scnlcd In review by Mrs Parka4 The guild was rounded by group or young women under lhc guldnncc 01 Mr Sher ring and nev II llowden who was rcclor cl Trlnlty Church Ihnl llme The first nwcllng was held in Oclohcr oi 1W hen Mrs lcl or Sinclair illicn Miss lliin Pinker lilLss Jane Slmpsnn and Mrs Parker met at the ham nl Mu shorting lnr lim purpose ol iormlnx such group The women loll that closer tonlncl wilh Hm church was headed Mrs shorting was in lrumcnlnl in its formation and has born lls guiding light ever since She is still rclrmd lo nllccllonnloly Mother by chnrlcr members ol Ihc Nnity Guild nra mother and dsughler Mm Amy Valr zen uni Mrs Parker scab 1119 first meeting mu hcld In the old parish hall and II was derided to can the group Trinity Juninr iutld Mrs Incson Ms chuscn lim prev ldtnl and prngram were hay ed on wrship work nnd IclIawship Mark Milestone Of Trinity Guild During lhc Hm ymr mum on recall chnnm nmund lhn old parish hull lunlr slylan and lmhlun show Hm Guildl Jul nulumnnl lrn hen mm had In bring lhcir nwn dishls lnblu qu lublo dccur IMons unrk IM 1m go in Hm hut ymr la rslnlvHAlk uniwulty lnr Hurrle nnrl llm limrulnn nay nnum run he lanllwl Prof luwnld rmlfly ll nnyum mu lm linglrv olxl In hrlnnlnu he Ilm In he mu ll muxl he Mimi unlrrmly prolrwur ulm InN In lnnklll Tnvuuhlp In Juhn mnn Mm Ml lu lllil muull Ml May In mhmvu llw NEW The puwnl um tlwu hmml nvrr mu Hy lkwrlvpmrnl CmnlnllIN AM Zrlnhl Hulk Cmnlnllirn Md Zrlnhl lulu fill mrmlm the mumll hill mm lhrn lnlvnlrwrd many mum mu nlmllrd he mnllrr lu muthlrr uhnl mm hm dnm Mun Lu lnulw MI Alw lnkrll hr InhlrIl In the uinmllm Push Proposal For University To Serve flrea Towlmll llm m4 at the war It wn mucommrm In hrnr mm uy erl uhy unl Mn un lvmlly lnr Ihl nrrn or cm In mw llllillllll 1h pmjnl rullu IN MI vnnny uni Icmt lhu mnln lnrllvr wing lumlu um InlrnIlNI lmHm Innry Ilme InnP uhrd Kvurumwnl Mn Idwlnri New mm Hamil mu mkm WkMn kn quot Mn III Mhd UM waver mutt Inn lowmh IM addMimi ol Imlmwn In Imaflerl tqmmunlllu Immwr Wllmunuuru Dmé ovlnlam Ill Mm nnb Hm lnlmllwl In pum Ihud with wnlecl ml vl In 1w rd In my hrm ml In lmlro DI pmmcm Eduullon CHARTER MEMBERS THE BARME EXMIWER TUESDAY FEB The organizaliun grew and as the year rolled by members were catering lor dinners and weddlngs During the fabulous Mlle because the large nllendaucc the guild was Asorganized and dividcd Into groups in February of 1955 The group were called Anne SL Hilda St Juan Margaret St Martin and St Mary Later St Maryl group Joined St Annes HUGE SUCCESS In 1957 under the leadership oi Miss Jam Simpson lhe only member in have held the presidency lwice the group were known as SL Annes St iiildns SL Joans and St Mnr lins nl Mrs Parker was responsi ble lnr llhe resume of he guilds history which was pre sented at he nnniversmy din mr Examiner Phntn The first maellng In the new ly built lrinlly Parish Hall was held In March at 1938 The first Inn was culled food ash Ivnl am was huge guctss The Ncnrly which Trlnily Guild member nre lumoul Is he most recent ad diion lo the list 19015 Presldcnls he Guiid from Jan la 1962 lncludcd Mrs Incson Mrs Seymour Mrs Elliott Mrs Polar Sinclair Mrs Parker Mrs Gray Mrs IL Chrisile Miss Julie Simpson Mrs Jack Bulinr Mrs nury Mrs Fisher Mrs Jack Miichinson Sr Mrs Jack Ducal Mrs Harry Charcllc Mrs Ollon Mrs Cnid cil Mrs Woilenden Mrs Hryligns and Mrs Hand Mrs Han Grcmu head he ox ccullru For I963 Illr tommil IN includes Mrs Firmrm Hrs Icqprcsldcnl Mrs nutklnnd xcrand vlccnrcxldcnl Mrs Corbett secretary Mn Son Irmsurer Mu Ken Glenn mumhorshlp srrw my Mm IL VcsL nuhllc Vcsl fiumli Yl 1968 Lawn Bowling HasSolid Lawn bowling like curling baseball wiiball hockey and tenniangou long way Into the history ai Banla lha anclubs both In ex lslence before Ihe lurn ol the century have remained pretty well on the same sites well Allandale Club founded the Canadian Nadnnal Railways As sociation started at lhefild Al landaXe YMCA In the 18901 with seven greens As the city of Barrie moves rapidly to take its place among the leading industrial cities of Ont ario we also are taking giant steps toward the future The confidence our patrons have placed in us since we began over six decades ago has by all means been the key to our success It is with thanks to our customers and faith and confidence in the future of Barrie that we look towards tomorrowl Visit us soon well be proud to serve you Around the mm the cur my the club moved ll pm ent locallnn one block away on CNN property new con sIsLs or fine cluhhonsc and 16 beautiful and wellkept bowl Ing surfaces District tournaments ére com monplace at the club today and lnnumerahle it rinks have won honor at competitions far afield Following 01 Young 01d iiembershlpls abuul 100 with mnla membefl maklng up the majority Four year ago the club In Things dont Iqok the same at Youngs Draperies either KEITH YOUNG Mnnuerflwncr OUNGS OPENING SOON AT 69 MAP Yes weve come long way slnee the old days Our new store shown below ls symbol of our progress After spending five years as manager of local department store opened my own businessat 26 Clapperton St where we stayed for three years Finding need for bigger better facilities we moved to 42 Dunlop St where we have done business for the past five years Now once more we are taking forward step We have purchased our awn facilities at 69 Maple Ave and are looking forward to seeing you ere PROGRESSTHROUGH PATONAGE vlled blind pmnns to try their hands at bowllnl This experi ment was so luccesslul that the local club lsmw the slle ol Ontlrlo Blind Bowlersflnnma menu Gemuy Plaxton ll presldenl and James Warlow secretary treasurer Barrie Lawn Bowling Club also started with dIHerent name was snarled as private venture and was known Bar rie Mhletle Society It lncluded the old curling club and tennis court Th curllnz club has long ilncu lelt the grounds The lennls courts have nlmyed just lew leek away The bowling club remains but under sllghlly dil lcrent clrgumslances Mrs Nell McBride presi dent Tom Pamnden viceprea ldenl and Miss Mary McLau nan secretarytrauma BhrrIe Lions Club awn the land and lease It to the bowl on We wish to take this opportunity to invite our friends and customers to stop by at our newshop whether it is to see our exciting coilcclions or just to look around Our capable siaii will be looking forward to serving you OUR NEW STORE AT 69 MAPLE AVE Mcurding lo the city maps lhe boundaries at the city of Barrie are vary clearly marked and beyond that lle the Town ships of 0m Vesprn and Innin HI anther afield are still other municipalities each ha In It own legislative hdmln slratlva leqting responsibilities While in these reapecls Ban rie and the surrounding munici palilics are largely independent olone another lhcra must still be considerable shnrinz many services ation health welfare clc We should have included recreation as shared service between city and country but at the moment the city oi Barrie ha blind spot in its municipal conscience EcOnomv Of Barrie Linked With Arec1 By STEWART PAGE AlrlcnltIuIl Reprelenlnllvn North 81mm In common with many nlher munlpnpalilies Insofar as recrca Hon Is concerned 74 Collier Slreet STEWART PAGE AMERICAN HOIEI Almost 100 Years Of Serving the people of BARRIE When It came to trade and commerce and the general ser vlclng at the needs of nur people lndependence ls replaced by ln terdependence We In the town or cities must have the cod and other supplies that can only be produced lrnrnhte land and country lolk are likewise de pendent on the town or city or most of their needs in hls mud ern use at speclnlizntlon when most of our servlces have be came concentrated In the larger comm and even larmer tends to produce only two or thrcu main products and must buy most of hls requlrements for malnlalhlng at la and home SHARE OF BUSINESS It would he an interchng survey lo find out he share of THE business in iood clothing fuel trunspart repairs services teed and iarm supplies etc that is bought in Barrie by iarmm und people4serviping arms or arm products am sure such 11 survey would be quite enlightening According in the i961 Canada Census then were 4831 arms in Simeon couniy but while it is prububio that most iarrners in the County would do some shopping in Ban rie during the year we estimate thnt some 2000 inrmers do substanliui part of limit trading in the City at Barrie CfllTlCS WERE WRONG When England first produced lickandsllck stamp in ma crllics clalmed the gum would cause tongue leslons and Ipread cholera PA 82646

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