Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 4

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ggfielcrys In LegidljPdeCedurea Work Hardship To Public NA legal and judicial system inherited from the United Kingdom of much more than century ago is it would very de Initeiy seem inadequate to handle the court cases which today clamor for at tention and clamor vainly The courts are cluttered with new business even while they are raving in éfiequate to deal with cases at ehouid have been cleaned up long ago mm run Ilmdul Im and mu IM hen um puqu mm Alllhmlnll bl Mind All NI Ivl Ulllll tylllmvnl 0U um vnymml van nun lumhyl IM luhllmy IlnlMlyl um um runm nun Imam mm mm ll Mernnunu an mum moat mu mum 1mm um mun now ummm llvhflirflm nu mm mm um mu mm If llv In mum In mum ma hr Mull un mm 0qu mm mum pommm rm Ul lmll lot omg rmRu An mm m1 IIINLnflinlll II 3mm IllHL Vim mm 111 nuilnnMWina An la Limaum lilost of the huge backlog of cases es peclaliy in the Toronto area appearsio spring from motor accidents Apropos of this Chief Justice lilcRuer early in 1962 stated that moreclvll cas es were on the docket for York County than in all the rest of Canada and the United Kingdom combined only 63 casl es were heard of 99 listed for Jury trial at the 1961 winter and spring assizes which meant that 893 had to be put off to another assize Chief Justice McRuer also said never preside over an automobile accident case that have any real feel ing of administering justice according to law Witnessescannot be expected to re member details oi accidents months and fears after the event It is difficult en ough to give accurate evidence only hours after traffic mishap something that generally happens in few seconds of intense action Justice McRuer pointed out that presiding judges and juries can only gness at the accuracy of witnesses memories which may in well be nmnclusn here nlncc here are many llko ll hnn collected 310000 to send hi mhool hand lo much with 200 other ands In oolhnll Made In Mlnml Yol the hlgh school la Inngrr The time has come when the exact ions and sacrifices imposed by public service are too heavy to be continued said Justice Minister Donald Fleming in announcing that he wasretiring from publichie Public servide can he onerous partto ularly or man with searchln mind and one noted as tonaclous per onner on the floor of Commons Mr Fleming started his public career as trustee on the Toronto puhho schoolboard served up alderman for six years and had been member of Commons since 1945 as Eepreientqtlvo of Togonto Egllnton Barrie Examiner Feb 16 1933 Board at Education urged more economy in purchasing and maintenance costs of schools at minimum Sandwell editor of Saturday Night attacked the US ior gold hoarding In speech to Wo mens Canadian Club Fire brigade in 15 below wealher bnttled blaze at Maple Ave residence of DC Murchison retired barrister which caused much dama to basement llomilla oi Barrie ree yenrold black and white male cocker sraniel owned by Dick lie lesion won rree titles at Westminster ennel Clubs blg dog show in Madison Square Garden New York Leiroy livery stable own ed by George James together with team oi horses lost in fire ll Cnvana superintendent denied reports of ma or changes in CNN Allnndale division Fire Chief Jim Shmbsole asked town council ior new truck and olher nip meni Quinlan elected nir nmn Separate School Board Largo thlpment oi Simrthorn cattle to the west from arms oi Arilnir and William Wall lilldhnrst nnd Ii iiell llarrlc To TUMULT AND SHOUTING Chrisllnn Science Monllnr Ralph MCUHI columnist and publlahcr or Hm Allanln Conslllullon has ml hln finger on an Importnnl and urblng Index of Ihc mm In Amcrlcnnilflc ab YEARS AGO IN TOWN PublicService Can Be Hard Wm fir rFlrermlnrgrhad Vratheir ioughrrow The Barrie Examiner Walls Publisher flawi2 Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Béyfleid StreetBame Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Publisher man Slalght General Manager TUESDAY FEBRUARY 2a Puo held in high regard our system of juris prudence xs bmughi into disrepute and some people particulariypoor people are bemg forced to accept settlements which they consider inadequateu To most litigants this delny is in itself an injustice and to many it amounts to deniai quusiice Chief Justice McRuer had suggested that solution might be found in sort of tribunal with ayments arranged along the llnesof wprkmens com pensation fund without any attempt to estnhllsh gr 315595 thg guilty pagty The Canadian Bar Association was warned by itsrellrlng ftesident Fennell that becausé the dela in yegyipgcjvfl uclloqs lnstqad of ehgg 05 who tookpart in panel discussion at the Halifax meet ing agreed there is overcrowding ot the courts In at least some parts of the country but felt there were other ways ofrsolving it The most obvious solution of course Is to place more judges in more court rooms But this would be costly solution and not necessarily any better than that offered by Chief Justice Mciluer There is no reason why tri bunal could not handle the automobile damage cases particularly it schedule of awards could be worked outand it should be because damage awards in re cent years have become mater of guess work depending on the skill of la era and the whims of juries To ensure rust ice the decisions of the tribunal could be appealed to the Appeal Court OI Hm man hlg M1100 and cnl logo probath ovomnphnm on mom and hands as an adjuncl in mm wide ngrnml at tho hum nchool level When Illchllon pal lo amulemenl II at Iha um cdurallunnl alunrlardi American arent mm In mym Ire lullan lo eqqu elr hlldron or 111 world thud mlng nd his duparlmelrom publiq llle Lumhe 12 grelted Howeven as he has noteld there are exactions and sacrifices connected with public life and these In the case of Mr Fleming have proven too heavy Just what It In that American vnlue On one hand lwn hour of noise nnd col or on the other unlmughl book would lend the In at pllplln or yearn to hoe during his term as minister of finance He was plagued with success ion of budgetary deficits an unpreced ented public squabble with the former governor of the Bank of Canada James Coyne and financial crisis which iorced the governments austerity pm ram Then last August hewns transs erred to the post oi tusuce minister where he served with siinction help unemployed considerable extra street and road work was ordered by town council Pupils of Miss Ph 1155 Hancocks dancing class gave reclta on stage of Capllol Theatre Sololsts lnclud ed June Perkins Betty Perkins lane Dy ment Barbara Dyment Leah Lowe Adlne Seagram Eva Seadon Helen Gra ham Barbara Sulclllfe Dorls Hawkins and Florence llounsome Mrs Wllln Shruhsole Installed Worthy Matron of Easternh Ted pyment ln Ot lawn with RCMP received injuries when kicked horse Barrie Coils beat Midland lirsl round junior OllA lay olls Barrie curlers skipped by Dr Shoril and Sully Meredith easily won ihe Burden lrnplly in over Union vlllc lax Emms slarrinf for Detroit Red Vinigs rilclc in Dclro Free Press dcscrlhu him as owner of billiard par lor in home town llnrrlc Camp Borden Flycrs initrmcdinle OllA loam in ruckus nt Midland when Slnn Partridge rciallnlcd on home player or nlnxhing llycrs nllackcd by gang of hoodlum outside arcnn aiicr game lull more than illmklili after themselves before police an vol or loslnx Its necrcdllntlnn bccnmu lhl library below minimum Mala Illnd nrds thin or the lcnchern are un unll led or lho sunJucu they lunch IN the lawn shown no lnlcrcsl In ralslng lho lax levy to remedy these annatinna morn nllvnnccd level Amorlcan education college mlmlnlnlrnlorn accord lug In an arllclo In Furluno mngnxlno by former Illa Ton Foollmll player am Mklnfl wlmlhcr college loollyall lm nol become ln many cum lnslng lmnlnu Flmllnu that ll mm 11 ward at 34004 000 yrnr la chl Hum vurally tram Home unlversillu nulpccl lhnl Hill has become llnnnvlal Iraln rather than an aid to lhc rlnanclnu of other nporln Maser collouu says the nullwr are mm In back In amateur oolan and find Ina slIII Ialrly mmln game HI lwn arm llluh Ir mnl Ihll ml Dar Dr Mahler What would mwlh or lump hack in ma ml the mouth mean like bona or hardened um don know if It In growing but Just discovered am making myself lick kinking it tweenMRS mu Josan nome MD Dur Dodo LI Kl naturll to have Iomelhln In lhe ml of Ihe mouth like bone It isnt Ion but mm to mu humle ll were Innkan mynl tick thinkan It In near know whllld do to the doc tor met And In 0d lnlllnce could prelly well predlcl mm the Imvm wnnld hr Vhlll obviously canl Identify lump just from reading about it can point out um om occlslunally form In lhe mo of IQ moth and toward lhl hackIn lhe hlrd palm lo be precln Tho um quenflnn hu Come lrorn tanmgieu may emu Thll he poinl It whlch lwn bone 10ml lha palm hmo Jolned and wmrlimes an over growth bone occur lhert Il Isnl canctmus It just qulrk lrowlh lnrux ll Ihe palm hnl danluru cln ha nuiunce by lnlerlerln with proper Ihe upper plate ha lump Isnt loo lrze lha plnlu can bu filled Around IL nur Dr Milan My dnuxhltr Ellhl 130 Ind only leel Innl who loo huyy1 Whnlcgn gin bout lu Sh hnl Irlid eillnx In Ind culllnl down on Iwrell Noth In hnl helprd Ihlnk one mm or Mr wright II lhnl Iha douul moth umlu whtn Ina com homo mm uhml Ihl don htr hnmwnrl nnd lhrn Iiu Ind wntchu TV In ml lbs day Sho rully mm In my welzhl bul waftMM down on Iwrrll vloml nal lhl Inmcr 5m ahqu cllmlnm Ihrm tnllroly II nl huri hvr Sh Ihould Mu halnnud Illel hlxh an maleln vrulnhln lnm ml mlll llklm mIlk Id my and llmllnl In Illrrhr lwdn lull Ind nunr In nlnll And no MONTREAL lCN all 1m Prllr Tan nlImfl llklnchu llhmnn fan nllrllm II quwlnl In ramm hmum Communm Iunprruflon III an the mnlullml Ihnp Tum Inlervlowrrl on Ilmvrr mm home run lb mmwulrnl Munch In name uld Ihnl In lho lull ll ml the rumour mnulnlllm of mmnu hu mulllpmd llrnu In mo thgru wn Ilnlll nle wry munr llml nlulm lrnm Commw um Chin hn nemmltd or In mmndoua re1h III III In many muunll 01 Ml IM who rm III mmle mm million cl Ordinany nothing done IN lorul nllhauxh In mm mm ll be remnrcd lur Icllly ll If mml lo wnrrlnl Eh mu jml overwelth Slml oheu Ill TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH More Catholics In Formosa Now Worries About Lump In Roof Of Mouth JINPAMt SUPPORT HED LIKE TO GET RID OF belwzenmeal mack uncut it she wants to chew somelhlng cnfmt sglcks c9101 or such cc the amnion that she real want to lose weight unless she changes her any habits rqdica Nor does mum In mm or TV Indium any desire to lose wright Id make rule that the set 1311 la be lurncd on unlll the hll hnd at less an hour at brisk amiss every nflemoon Even an hour last walking not Just slmlllng every day will help Skallng rldlng bike bukubnj IwImminz or other mmmqulg hymn better One on corporation lax was mtnuontd hm lhe nlher day Anolhcr arm that came outrar hls keen mlnd comch civil MMI 111a NDP membtr propose that Illp paper Ihauld ho prepmi spelling out in haslc rlghu of tillzcn under arrest In every clue whfre pman was helm mauled ho would thI la be liven mm of lhu lllyl Ila undqublndly male my INMUM lulhg houu hw NDI number hll in uk In lrlflunen TORONN NDP stalwan Ken Brych come up wllh what at lens look like name excollml ldcnx Tn Anyone who ha been cnn tuned About lha muse In our ndmlnhlrnllon jusllce In In our general um 1n llmthln wnndedul Iden And lhln In mlnar hmm campmd lo lhq Impruvtmml It could flecl lho mfwcv mygll and Jualln 11m pollen olflrm lhtmulm Ind lhrlr lupcrlan wnuld hm lo rud Iho dacumenl Ind he mnllnunlly mum II no lhlnll ll annlnrd unduublrdly would bu new In mml Ihrm lho prepnmlinn nurh In nulllnI ol Hahn cl mum would In llull locun Illenllun Ind hnuuhl on Ihl jun Ian ol lhe lndlvldull Info In mllhl mm nl In ll Ilo then In rcuud lunly conIshtar and Imlodl ml lull uy ho nnocrnl unlll mm In In prnmlly prpbnbly hl BITTER MAN In or Mr Ilmlrn In AMI him hen mlnd ml on lflllylll lunar whim Ind niluufl Ia Ilmplclmm llufihhulviuulnnlmn II II up 71 bllxmfgul dry wnen Iu Ii Siam Jum llvply ho II plenum Io lhlcn lo nul when he not an ll lnrt you ml you It uh would my lhe Immcdlnlu pumme of lollan lune lroublc know Mu lhelr IMI an Inu VTxvo much In um Yn pmmhly llul hops II whal mum Ill wovld thud Aml i1 Vlnlmudly mvl and wullInlomnl QUEENS PARK lye logu Il up Wouldl Spell Qut Rights Of People holdlrh lIlmWIllfiaui By DON OllEMlN Ho hlu lhounh had dmer In his hind one are Mm pitched And ham They lound tour quick vhil In county To 1h wrller this Ipolln him And It loo bad For he hll gm clplclly EIIEEP FLEE DROUGHT TEL AVIV AP Hundrch lhnunndn IhMp an gm ln on ma men pulum ol nuI llrnl Iflcr balnu drivcn by lhelr ncdouln Lhtp herdl from he Nenv Dmrll cord dmulhl By THE CANADIAN PRESS The 22nd amendment to Ihe United States Cunslilu lion wan ratified 12 years ngu todayin lDSIlimlling the yresidenl lo two terms oi oilice or allowing him one all term ii he has served lwn year oi hi predeces mrl term The amendment was milled during lhe prea idency oi lilrry Truman Ihen lervlnx full term alter lucceedinx Franklin Delano Roosevelt who died durinl his immh term Fell 61 lmA Ire at Ichoo In Hochelul Qua clamed the lives ol xo nudenu and one Richer mi Japan lined Italy lriendshlp wjth Kg TODAY IN HISTORY You EStill l3an1 Beat Natural the next GAS You write that your local nawspaper blackwl In New York arm you to see all thlnzs Including the Canadlnn crigis lhroggh aulmh darkly PATRICK NICHOLSON WAWALener lo Unlled General Nomad you suggest publicly rebuked me Canadlan prlme mlnlster or welshan nu speclllcwomndlmenu to acept tactlcal nuclear warheads or NATO and NORAD fumes la lhlg true or false you ask silon opened can oi worms The first oi Canadas eight air squadrons with the NATO forces in Europe has re cently received its new aircraft The aecnnd oi the two Bomarc alte in Canada hns not yet been completed Canada could not use nuclear tip on aircrnit and mi siles nut yet In service There tips would have to be provided by the US who however lnslsta upon keeping control of them Their acceptance thereiore in valve delicate international agreement and our prime min Isier lold Parliament last month that these negotielians have been going on quite larcihly for two months or more New stud Improperly and undiploma tically lntericred in Canadian poiltlcs by publicly expressing his personal views nn this mat ter in Canada recently OTTAWA REPORT STATE GOOFED Esther that our state dc panmenl gaoled In either the wording lhe timing or Ihe re lease of 1L1 hate protest run or Jqlse you psk lnnhcr This note draith in your slate department and approved by top presidential aide in the White Hausa was released to the press in Washington it was in cliect diplomatic note ex pressing the US governments comment upon the Canadian prime ministers speech to the Canadian Parliameat Such note should oi came have been made til ro diplomatic namely private inler govern mental channels Diplomacy by press release is an unattractive and brash new practice cspe ciaiiy undesirable when its eliect is to interfere in the domestic politics pl iriendly nation and our Social Cleth leaderl leader ilob Them son recently so truly said Uac Sam our closest iriend whether we like it or null ANTIUS CAMPAIGN hear Um Prime Mlnlslcr Dicfcnhakcr will base hl elec llon campnign on Canadian na liomlism and anti Amnricam Lsm you ndd asking again mm or lnlsc It would be deplorable out panties cspcclnlly an elecllon cnmpulgn should aver fcnlure poxlllan of opposition In an ally especially our closest neighbor and best lrade cuflomer though of course we Are an Like Coltish Puppy 115 Spills Milk ll St Vlurenl HOWEY ELECTRIC even beuer customer to you and this act did no hamper Ihe Nomad ilale department hrashness All Canadian nnllonullstlc just as All loyal cillzens the US are To be meanadlanto have un nlllvlty about our national lov erelznly when Uncle Sam tread on Its nee still not being anllAmcrlcm have the lmpmxlon that In our three most recent oanA tmverslea with our three most Important allies Britain France and Canada we have been rim In principle anhaugh tackles in handlingtrue or lake you ask finally Your rlzhtness In principle can he no more than use ai righthess in your own mind There are vtry lenulnu con illcls ui opinion which should be frankly discussed in an amic able fashion The great my oi hope for your allies in that you are aware that like great big clumsy collish puppy whlle wagging your tail you may in advertently with it knock over the pitcher and spill the milk So lets mop it up together and not let lhat incident linger among our greater worries Good luck Ed and come up and lee sometime In um ha hlmull hllh nu lmd belnx tempted he IN to Incmur men um In tempted llehreu 213 He who walks with Jesus by him EVE walk alone into temptation Th VAustrillénilmte West ern Australia has Iron are de ils otnlllnl some B000000 BIBLE THOUGHT 51470 VICTORIA GREY TRUST COMPANY ORlLlIA TERM yr SURVEY RESOURCE AMOUNTS $100 to $50000 PAID ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES INTEREST

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