Cl During 1961 the commission hsd the portunily tn reviaw the chanx nu industrial climate in nu mvincc The Ontario 1n dustrin Review 1960 shows that of nil companies moving into Ontarin 6i per cent played live pemns or loss 84 per cent it nr less and 91 per cent 24 or icss total of 159 new industries bought site or rented built or purchased in dustrial premises and over 100 immunities with Industrial Commission or spokesman Ic tivei ouuhi han This indicaics that Harrie not uniy has sliii competition but lhat the mnior market for in dusirini prospects is in small ermvthcompnny field Objective the Barrie Indust rlll Commission to nltnd new Indusuv Barrle and to boost Indualry which already uteblhhed hm Barrie 0in Council indicated durinl me that thought hat the mmmisslon wu ioiiowlnl course which is realistic and In lino with Counciil thinking IN 11115 IMPERIALEAST AN plant qnjohpï¬ujcog lgl iï¬i helm DiWBrlfllll influx Commission Sparks Work On Industries Tire loch rcnmmlsslon agree that Any mum on industrial development must start with iirm hm econnmic mu industrial zrowih can only oc cu in the dlraction indicated by iila existence of certain resour ces and economic advantage We cannot expect Industry ll we do not have reasonably priced land and when nlm of construction and finance do not exlsl uld May indust rlul commissioner The Commluian also agree that cannot mnrkul pmducl if relth rules are dlscrlmlnaA cry and If labm prices indus ry out the market mrlhuu more induslry can survive he lax rate Is loo high llre Barrie Industrial Omn mlaslon law good deal of competition Serviced lndustrl al land avallable ln Niagara Falls al from $500 an acre Oshawa mm $2500 nn am Cornwall $1100 an acre and nlher munclpalllla in the area ndvertlso serviced land mm 3200 an acre other munlclpal Mas oller hulldings or lease rlaI section lube and areas llltlngs Ire manulaclured or my nuke car pmducad BARRIE Your mu In our modern lhowroom In welcomad Over 1000 mm In deulgnul or lhn Illmllva why mldenlnl lighlin Hum Recommendlllanl Ind Informnllon lrnm 1nd unlo ilghllng comullnn wllhou obllgnllnn Thomas Electrical Supplies Ltd Growing with Barrie 950 955 962 Serving the Industrial Commercial Ind Construcllon Field wllh Cnmplelc UM of Qllnllly Elooulul Suppllu to icqulré nddlllnnal lands 01 lbs expnnslon of lhe city To complement Councils plum tho mmlsslon work closely with exktlnx Indmry In an el lort to reduce manufmuml com and has introduced an on lhejob millan program which seven ï¬rms have Initiated To further assist Industry the mmmlsxion conducts survey on product which It feels would assist operations it pmducl were ngllaigc locally Ind omen will build In amid palm of 5310 Durlnz me yenr In order to keep Banla progressive and competitiveycwndl Anthemhad the development another In duslrhl vpark gm Inup¢edplans casibliiiy studies on pmducu imporied into Canada it does lilo lnlilai Investigation Where volume warrants prlvnle enter prise is Inviied In lake om However the comm as an has mt that Barrie missing out on large polenual mnrkel In the small xmmh companiean 196 It Insulated slop Mulch ln Cnnuan Hydraulic hose sambllex valves lube work Wholmlo Eloclrlcal Distributors 16000 SQ FEET OF WAREHOUSE 28 Employee 2000 SQ FEET 0F WAREHOUSE Employees 7000 SQ FEET 0F WAREHOUSE 10 Emponce HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 128 BROCK STREET WEST OF ANNE ST BRANCH OFFICE AND SHOWROOM 385 WEST STREET SOUTH ORILLIA 111 Commlulun lee tha mull companion no oniy give 51mm to the community bu they In 1150 III training munch or lune corponle mun uemenl personnel and the source Ildlled Inbor pool The Commlaslon wllh lhc hlesslna ol councll look flaps to help organ the new Barrie comp whlch In 196 will he denlzn to supply capllnl for the constructlon lam bulld lnzs Its purpose and comb lned resource lmm the people of Barrle wlll have the strength and knowvhow to seek cheaper money rum hanks Insurance companies government depart ments and um lndustrlal Dave lopmen bunk Rmd wlll be lvallable not only or land Ind bulldlngs but or speclnl aim llons ml led to the mum 1h Bah go lndmrm Dnvalopment The future Ms clly resu not lightlyon the plrll and drive tho men who make up lhe Bani Industrlnl Commu slon In ooh Ill Um and all mm are also produced in mm EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB on The real estale business In Barrie had good average for lhe Int elx month 1962 but because of luck general ex pansion In the city business sag Eud durin the last six months of Ihe year according to Nor man Shelswell leadan real estate dealer The year we was truly year prom or West Band 01 Candi Md Stutan 1mm humble be llnnlnz In routed premises In 1951 the Company has grown steadily to Ioul of 65000 square ea or mmuractuxinz urea muted ï¬n Barrlaa new Induslrlnl Plrk lummer and aut umn 1062 the company can Ilrucled naw addition encom passing more than 20000 square leek The necessary equipmenï¬ was set up lo produce alumin um housewares Mr She Will mm 1963 pear la be slanlnl all more line with the ï¬rst hall of last year Busineu is more brlsk Nu boom ls lndlcaed but 1961 Is marlin all Just like an Iviednze year Mn Shalswell Ia He said The real estate one like other sales lame In Barrie ll geared or continuous ex pansion lbs citys burden and panglallan Cdniéquenlbb when lhlx ex panslon zlowx down It only nalural um ules would begin Hope For More Industrial Expansion Growth steady At Plant ORILLIA met la dmp all It my leellnz and believe me feeling of real male people In general In Ear ric that more Industrial expam slon wllhln Ihe cltys borders ls neede lhls lime to assum the steady growth our any has enjnyed in past years Mr Shclswell said Im sure that the city lathers are wnre ml necessity we are and that every eflon being In West flux of Guam 1R plat on John Slreel pm Support your Chamber of Commorco at every opporlunlly romombor It It iho WILL and CONSCIENCE of your community IPONSORS OF THl BARRII WINTIR CARNIVAL SPONSOR OF THE BUY IN BARRII CAMPAIGN FLUORIDATION STUDY FORT WILLOW RIITORATION PROGRAM LOCAL SALII DIVILOPMENT TOURIST DIVILOPMENT PUBLIC RELATIONS TAX STUDY MUNICIPAL PROVINCIAL Ind IEDBRAL CIVIC AFFAIRS STIMULATINO PUBLIC INTEREST IN CITY BUSINESS FRED GRAN ST I926 llSTED BELOW ARE FEW OF THE MANY PROJECTS IN WHICH YOUR CHAMBER IS TAKING AN ACTIVE PART Your Pmlclpnllon and Mombmhlp Au Wolcomod THE BARRIE CHAMBER 0E COMMERCE Growing With Our Community BARRIE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE made by lhcm has been dune in the past to assure lhnt this growth will be conï¬rmed and that BunXe will continue to he one Canndns progressive ox pandlng ClULl The Barrie and mum Real Estate Board was esknblhhcd In 1958 Primary function of the Board is to urzanlze pnnlclpa lion in phalHHpurnliv lhtlng houses or sale in the area duced line stalnles deal housewares Th1 line was slatted in 1962 Previously the BAIRIE We are Interested in tho promotion or lm rovement of all things tha could or should be done to make Barrie Lbetler plans in which to work or play community to be proud of community in which to enjoy living The BarrieChamber of Commerce volun organization of forwar looking dtlzens joined to Felher to promote the commercial Industrial and Igrlculmral progress of our community 2m CONTAINS POISON Spectroscnpic studies Mun show that Ms atmosphere larg ey nitrogen clonkains poisonous The Board also cwrdinule ll acllvitles wllh the Ontarlo Real Estate Board and um Can adian Real Estate Board Thu local body member ol both organizallons niirnzcn Beréxide campany praduood malnly on board molars PA 66573 I963