99YEARS OLD Eh Tlaarrip Examinrr And Still Growing Willr Ontarios Mosl Progressive Area More PeoplePriniing More Newspapers With More News Phoies and Features The Barrle Examlner is major industry in aouihern Simone county Seven nlna people are employed in all departments clerlcal newa eirculatlon adver tising mechanical and commercial prlnllngl Nollncluded are 120 newspaper enn riers in host oi communliles Thls payroll and the goods and servlcos purchased in the oommunlly play slgnlilcani part ln the communilys economy Last year The Examiner printed 2710935 copiesr distributed throughout the soulhern Simcoe area covering scores of communities Trucks drove more than 300 miles daily delivering the areas own home newspaper The Examiner now provide much greater circulation eovera than at any time in its history and has twice much coverage in the area as largest ot the outside newspapers Enough pages were printed In 1932 to stretch from Newfoundland lo Vancouv er Island lwlce in 1002 The Examiners enlarged new rIaii prepared and published 417622 column inches at printed news and photographs During the ear several outstand ing features were introducedineluding columns Ann Len ere Dr hioiner nnd iini Boyle New wire hoio equipment instalie during the year made possible publication oi photogrnp taken only hour before All over the world More flrml than over belorn used ndvertluln The Examiner to Increase um Vnnl ml uum loo benefited Irom Exnmlncr worming multl They ulcd 62045 ciaulflld ndvortlucmanu during in your In 1884 three years before Canadian Confederation The Banla Examiner be gan publication In those days all ty was set by hand an Individual plece for each character each word Illustra lonl were rare and when used were often can ved out of wood Slxtyour county correspondents keg renders Informed of happening In morn than 50 Vlacnlllles gn southern Slmcoo air new reports average Almost 300 Col umn Inches week nccnuu Advertising ll newt Examiner rudm lurnud new products Ind lor vices new businesses lfllfl Ind clearances Thin nuwapapcru rogrm oxpandcd Icrvlcc lo Ha rudorl In Barrio and throughout Iouthorn lmcoo oonllnulnu om And ihll lo why more Iron pcopla than var beloro look to Iho homo daily 01 Ioulhorn Slmcon to latest now the world nation Ind munly with the grth of Banla and It surrounding area The Examiner oxpandad iron wcegrlly publication to twlcaaweek In 1952 The Examiner Iddad third Inna WEE The Examiner turned daily in 1959 Barrle grew to city liatul Banlo had been the largest community in Canada without its own dall newspaper new building was erected new modern tï¬peseitlng equipment an new lastspeed rot aryvpress installed other tacllltiea ad ad and the stat enlarged AND THE EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE THI HOMI DAILY NIWSFAPIR OI NUTHIRN IIMCOI